Episode 47: Mindful Marketing: Breaking Free from the Salesy Stigma with Dr. Lauryn Brunclik

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Have you ever wondered how to sell without being salesy?
In episode 47 of the Holistic Marketing Simplified podcast, I chatted with Dr. Lauren Brunclick from the “She Slays The Day” podcast to help you reframe your mindset around sales.
We’ve collaborated several (I’ve been on her podcast 3 times!), so I was thrilled to have her on my podcast this week.
This is a two-part episode. In this episode, we covered how to shift your mindset around sales.
Meet Lauryn
Dr. Lauryn Brunclik has 13 years of experience as a chiropractor in Northern Wisconsin.
She operates a high-volume family practice and faces unique challenges thanks to her town’s low median income and high Medicaid reliance.
In 2019, Lauryn started the “She Slays the Day” podcast, where she offers advice and coaching for female chiropractors.
How to Sell Without Being Salesy: Shift Your Sales Mindset
Lauryn said that many chiropractors feel “icky” about selling their services, but she believes a simple mindset shift can help solve that problem.
She drew an analogy between a stereotypically negative image of a used car salesman and the positive perception of a Porsche salesman.
“When have you ever heard a Porsche salesman being the butt of a joke? You haven’t. And why? It’s because the product that the person is selling is not a scam. There’s incredible value there,” she said.
The point? Porsche salesmen don’t feel “icky” about the products they sell, and neither should chiropractors.
“Do you feel icky about selling because you don’t believe in chiropractic? You don’t have to feel that way,” she said. “Chiropractic is a Porsche.”
When you recognize and believe in the value of what you do, it’s much easier to promote and sell your services.
Related: A Proven Sales Strategy for Wellness Practitioners with Joanna Sapir
Don’t Take it Personally
Lauryn also noted that many chiropractors don’t want to sell because they are afraid of hearing “no” from potential patients. They worry the rejection is a reflection of them or their business.
To combat this fear, she suggested not taking it personally.
“It shouldn’t be a personal experience at all,” she said. “The sales process of this is what you need, yes or not, should not be a personal attack on your or your clinic in any way.”
The approach should center on your patient’s needs and the benefits of chiropractic care.
On Meeting Patients Where They Are
In the past, Lauryn implemented a non-negotiable care plan (three times a week) to ensure her patients received optimal results.
However, after conversations with trusted chiropractors who prioritize meeting patients where they are, Lauryn has become more flexible in her approach.
While the initial care plan recommendation remains consistent for the best results, she now makes adjustments based on a patient’s circumstances, which allows them to be more truthful and provides them with a tailored care plan.
However, Lauryn emphasized the importance of communicating expectations and potential limitations when patients can’t commit to the recommended plan.
To Sum It Up
Here’s how to sell without being salesy:
- Believe in what you do –and what you sell. You’re not selling used cars. You’re selling Porsches.
- Don’t let the fear of hearing “no” keep you from selling. If a potential patient or client says “no,” it’s not a reflection of you or your business.
- Meet your patients or clients where they are, but always communicate expectations and limitations if they can’t commit to your recommended plan.
To learn more about Dr. Lauryn Brunclick, find her on Instagram and check out her podcast, She Slays the Day.
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Molly Cahill 0:00
this two part podcast series has been a long time coming. I can't believe I'm just now interviewing Dr. Lauren Brent XLIX from she slays, the day podcast, Lauren and I actually got to meet in person back in October at the women chiropractors conference in Scottsdale. And it was so awesome, we totally hit it off. And I've had the pleasure of being on her podcast three times, and we've done a lot of collabs. And now, I'm actually going to be working on her clinics, Instagram, which is really exciting. So, of course, a typical Lauren and Molly fashion, we chatted for a really long time. So decided to break this long episode up into two. Part one, we're going to talk a lot about training your algorithm. And we're gonna talk about sales and talk about like, if you feel like icky when you're like, Oh, I feel salesy or anything like that, we're gonna talk about reframing your mindset around sales. And then in part two, we're going to talk about decision fatigue and delegation. And there's just a lot of really good nuggets in here that I think you're really going to enjoy. So without further ado, here is part one of my interview with Dr. Lauren from the she slays, the day podcast. Welcome to holistic marketing simplified a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill. And this podcast is brought to you by my marketing roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that's kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public when you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram or my blogs, or whatever, is that yes, you will learn a lot but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for. This five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order. That's why it's called a roadmap. If you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey, or if you already are started and you just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information. This is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just $27. So all you have to do is head to Molly cahill.com/private training, and based on the reviews I've had so far, I know you won't be disappointed.
Dr. Nick Belden 2:27
My name is Dr. Nick Belden. I'm a functional medicine practitioner and chiropractor living in a beautiful sunny Phoenix, Arizona, and I listen to the holistic marketing simplified podcast, and you should do.
Molly Cahill 2:41
Dr. Lauren, I cannot believe that I'm almost 50 Something episodes in my podcast and you're just now on like this. Wow, this
Lauryn Brunclik 2:49
is crazy. I dodge and weave from being on other people's podcasts like you. It's not that I don't want to be on other people's podcasts. But I am just really busy.
Molly Cahill 3:04
So I know I'm just like you will be on it and you will be on Oh,
Lauryn Brunclik 3:08
it was like I can't tell you why Kelly can't say no. And
Molly Cahill 3:12
we actually finally got to meet in person in October in Scottsdale at the woman chiropractors conference and hang out and we got to know each other really quickly as I sat on your lap in the back of a Dodge Charger.
Lauryn Brunclik 3:24
Like oh, my cheerleading skills. I'm like, how did they teach you in cheerleading to make yourself not weigh as much like, No, I'm
Molly Cahill 3:31
like, I'm a feather. I'm a feather. Yeah, so fun fact I was sitting on Dr. Lorenz laughs we'd all gone to dinner was like Cindy shaft. It was Elise Rigney to marry Dr. Tomorrow. Yeah,
Lauryn Brunclik 3:40
this is star cast. I
Molly Cahill 3:42
was about to say I was with like the Cairo celebs. And Dr. Cindy shaft for most people know her, had her friend who was local to Scottsdale and the whole time I was calling her the wrong name. You're calling her Beth. Right going out there. Oh, Beth, can you open the trunk? And I'm like, Well, my name is Marie. Her name was Kate and I was going. And so Beth Kate, Kate, Kate Beth. Um, instead of taking an Uber back from the restaurant, or a hotel, which was only like, what a mile from where our hotel was like, Oh, I've got room for everyone. Well, she miscounted by one. So I ended up on Lauren's lap and like the backseat of his two door Dodge Charger. I'm like, don't worry. I was a cheerleader. I know how to hold my weight. She's like what and like, Z Do you ever feel me like you're like a wave of
Lauryn Brunclik 4:37
a person in the first place? Yeah, no, I just can't believe that was the first time we've met in person. It doesn't feel like it.
Molly Cahill 4:47
Now that was fun. No. Yeah, we have a lot of similar similarities in our personality and see, I think I think the back the fact is if Dr. Lauren and I can make it happen anyone can.
Lauryn Brunclik 4:59
There's some Many parts of my life that are just so not glamorous that I'm just like, gosh, people, I wonder what people think. What they think like my day to day is or my reality of just like what my podcast studio or you know does like me. I
Molly Cahill 5:18
feel like it's an probably in stark contrast to like Dr. Elise Rigney. She's like very I feel like she's very like, she has she's like, on it. Well,
Lauryn Brunclik 5:25
yeah, yeah. I don't like her to be an Enneagram. Three in my brain. Because then it's direct comparison to me. And I'm like, No, you are way more organized. Like, I believe she's a three because holy cow, she's going to make condo
Molly Cahill 5:40
worlds move.
Lauryn Brunclik 5:43
But she's just got so much more organization, and like attention to detail than I do. And so this is for
Molly Cahill 5:50
right now. It's a wing ADHD. Bye. It's a it's a Yeah. Okay, so today, I'm very excited. So for those of you everyone knows Dr. Loren, but if you don't, and I've already done your, your intro, but give us a brief overview of who you are, for me, my non chiropractic world.
Lauryn Brunclik 6:11
So I am a chiropractor of 13 years, I, I have a different perspective on practice growth, because I'm in a very, very tiny town, like 9000 people in like Northern Wisconsin. And so we run a cash flow, cash family practice high volume, but like, it's a different perspective, because like, my struggles are just a little different than like, Oh, I'm in Dallas, or I always pick on Dallas, that's like the city that always comes to mind. But like, it was just a different perspective to grow a high volume cash practice, when the median income for a family is like $70,000. And 60% of the kids are on Medicaid, and we don't take Medicaid. And so don't have done that for a long time have multiple practices, multiple Doc's, multiple babies, I've got a nine and 11 year old daughters, and I started coaching for a chiropractic, like a big chiropractic company. That was an 18, maybe, I don't know, like 2017 to 2019. And felt like it was time like I really loved coaching, I love problem solving. like I am, like, I've my super strength is that I will take action before a lot of the things are figured out. Because I just want I want the feedback like well, if it's not working, then I'll find that out. And then I'll immediately change. And so one of the things that I loved about the coaching was just like helping people solve these issues, this chiropractor solving the issues, but it was just time for me to kind of leave and do my own thing, even though I didn't really know what that was going to be. And so then in 2019, I started this, she says that a podcast, really with no idea what why I was doing it except for like, I just I don't know, people write in and then I'll like, solve their things. And then I found out that the app after I'd committed to doing this, that the average podcast gets like 30 to 40 downloads in the first week. And like 150 ish, 180 130 Within the first 30 days. And I was like, Oh, hell no, I'm not doing that. I am not going to do a podcast if that is what because it's so much work. Yeah, it is. And so, you know, I'm a, I'm a three. So like, I'm like, no, no, this has to be more than that. Otherwise, I'm quitting. And so we just like launched that beast, and it has been a whirlwind ever since it is. It's a funny reality
Molly Cahill 8:48
of urine. If you how many episodes have you done now? Like 237 38?
Lauryn Brunclik 8:52
Something like that? Yeah, I had to go back. Somebody wrote in? Yeah, yeah, we get like six to 10,000 downloads a month. So like, I had somebody send me a DM on Instagram, asking what my advice for starting a podcast is. And I said, Oh, I actually have a podcast episode on that. Let me go find it for you. And I'm like scrolling, scrolling scrolling. I don't like it was like episode 106. And I'm like, Damn, that was three, three years ago, pretty much. So
Molly Cahill 9:25
it's crazy. Yeah. And then so on top of that, you've got the you've got the shoe size today podcast, which is like another stream of income for you now. And then you've got,
Lauryn Brunclik 9:36
oh, the multi passionate entrepreneur. Oh, yeah. That was kind of multiple years in the making of like, what the podcast is fun, and I get to cover I get to do whatever I want on the podcast and can be a solo. I can do this. We can talk about sex. We can talk about religion, we can talk, but the more chiropractors that got to know me and I got to know I just started seeing a trend with a lot of and I don't want to say female chiropractors because it started as like, this is a female Cairo issue, but I don't think it is anymore. I think that as a millennial, I'm seeing just like I came into the profession with a very poor retirement plan, let's just say that. And the debt to income ratio with chiropractors is, you know, can be astronomically not equal, like, you know, the average chiropractor is coming out with like, $250,000 of debt right now, and saying,
Molly Cahill 10:38
it's really insane bananas.
Lauryn Brunclik 10:41
And so it was through conversations with people on the podcast, you know, talking to Student Loan Experts, and hearing how like, that's like, has to be like this game, to pay it off, because you're really not ever going to pay off that kind of debt and, and like talking to people about like, having guests on about like real estate syndicates and investments, and just started realizing that chiropractors are gate kept so much from running a business and how to create massive wealth, if that's what they want, like wealth and whatever that looks like abundance for them. Because they have to, like if you're $250,000 in debt, you have to do well, I'm sorry, like, people get all like, Oh, I didn't go in this for the money of no shit. You didn't. Nobody goes into chiropractic for the money. Like, I think there's a courthouse job that in my town that is probably pays more than an associate does, you know, like, there are easier ways to make money. So nobody went into this to make money. But then you realize, oh, it's important, because like, this isn't fun. It's not fun to wonder how you're going to pay your bills. How you know, like, that's not fun. So you can love chiropractic. But if you're not having fun in the profession, then the burnout rate is astronomical.
Molly Cahill 12:07
Yeah, well, then just the emotional load of knowing, like, having no end in sight of like, Oh, I'm never gonna be able to pay off this one. Like, what's the point type thing? Like I just like, yeah, and
Lauryn Brunclik 12:17
I just learned, I just learned 17% of practices. So that's it. So like, a lot of chiropractors. Like I said, I came into this and like the future generation was like, yeah, so we applaud chiropractors who will do emergency calls on a Sunday at 6pm. And like, you know, they're seeing 1000 a week, and they're 80 years old, and they're still adjusting. And like, I just remember being like, you. Is that? Is that what I'm supposed to want? I don't want that. No. Yeah. So then what? So then what, what plan? Do you have that? And so that's kind of where that where that course came out of is like, how do we give chiropractors a different plan?
Molly Cahill 13:00
Yeah. And I would say, like, it feels so much more like like that mastermind vibe to like, it's really just like, so personal. It doesn't feel just from what I've seen, important, multi passionate entrepreneur. And then also, I would say, if you're not a chiropractor listening to this, it's not unique. It means it's your it's where your point of view lives, but it's not unique to what you do. I mean, there's so many any anybody in the health and wellness space, unless you're like a, you know, heart surgeon or something, right, which is not my audience yet. And then that's just like a whole other conversation that we could probably have. Actually, I'd like to go here first before we dive into the topic with Yeah, I know, because I know it won't, it won't. Our neurodiverse divergent brains won't get off track sales. And I don't think it's just women again, either. I do find it a little more prevalent in women. But this whole thought that like, Oh, if I'm selling I'm being salesy or icky. And I think that just drives me crazy. Considering my background was an outside sales, I only want to sell something that's like you actually need. And I think that's a lot of the problem with this is it goes back to oh shoot, if you don't believe that what you have to offer is something someone needs to you don't need my course you need to go back a few steps. To help you with that.
Lauryn Brunclik 14:18
I have an episode that may or may not be it's like right around the time that this episode is going to air with Roberto Monaco. Do you know who he is? Oh, he's really he's got a very thick Brazilian accent. And you've heard him speak at a couple of conferences. And we talked a lot about this topic and like selling and why so many chiropractors really struggle with like, I'm not selling and it's like, Yes, you are, but it's okay, because you're selling something amazing, which I thought, you know, kind of give the analogy with him like, you know, so let's take the most quintessential icky sell thing which is like a used car salesman. Right, like they get the worst reputation. And we're like ill, but like, When have you ever heard like a Porsche salesman being the butt of a joke you haven't. And why? It's because the product that the person is selling is not a scam. There's incredible value there. So like a poor salesman doesn't like walk around being like, Oh, I sell Porsches, or like, I work at the Porsche dealership. And I was like, well, that's cool. And so I think a lot of chiropractors whether they realize it or not, they're dealing with their own mindset issues, that like, what do you think you're selling? Like? Do you feel icky about selling? Because you don't believe in chiropractic? Are you? You know, basically feeling like you're a used car salesman, which, as somebody who has been in practice for 13 years and has seen amazing things happen? You don't have to feel that way. Like chiropractic is a Porsche. It's incredible. It's incredible. Yeah,
Molly Cahill 15:56
I love that analogy. And it was the reason we got rid of, and this, again, applies to all businesses, it's the reason we got rid of, we used to have this like content creation only package, where we would be like, hey, we'll just create bulk create, like three months worth of Instagram posts for you. And here you go. But anyway, so we got rid of this content creation creation only package because yes, there is a type of business owner who could benefit from that, who already understands it has great back in marketing and systems. But I found I was only attracting the people who just wanted my quote, cheapest option. And I'm like, this content alone is not going to move the needle for you. And now I'm doing you a disservice by even giving you an option to pick my cheapest thing, because it's not even going to work. Right? Whereas I feel like the same thing applies to any type of health and wellness professional, if you're like, oh, come in, and then come in again, see how you feel. I'm like, I get what you're trying to do for people in your mind. You feel like it's giving them a choice or
Lauryn Brunclik 16:57
something. I guess we could pretend that it's about the the doctor thinks it's about them. Like I'm trying to give them freedom. But I think most of the time, it's the doctor avoiding rejection.
Molly Cahill 17:11
And you're just like, I'm not saying that like, hey, what adjustments better than zero, right? But also, I'm like, You're not doing anybody any good by just saying, Oh, come back, see how you feel? Well, coming from the patient's point of view, like I'm being me being the patient, like, I don't want that. I'm like, No, I have a problem. And I'm leaning on you as the expert to give me a plan. And I'm not talking saying it has to be like these old school. Like, literally, I've been shown a presentation by a chiropractor before that was made on PowerPoint of, okay, I'm not saying sorry, that's something you all still do. I don't know. But
Lauryn Brunclik 17:50
um, I'm just always thought a PowerPoint presentation.
Molly Cahill 17:53
You know what I mean? It was like, a bit of, like, I don't need that I just need your professional recommendation. Like, look, we don't get ahead of this, and we don't do this, and here's what's gonna happen, and then you're gonna end up wasting your money. And it's like, let's just get this taken care of. And I think it's like the same thing with my mom. The whole family was just here for Thanksgiving for the whole week, which was a whole nother story. My health and life coach I've worked with for three years has this like one off service where you can do a GI MAP test with her, which I'm sure you're familiar. It's like the stool test thing where you like, yeah. And I told my mom, I was like, what when I did, I did six months worth of coaching with her around that she goes, Well, do you need six months of coaching? Can't you just like, get the results and like get one month coaching. I'm like, and I just laughed, because I'm like, that just goes back to our like, quick fix mentality of like, oh, I'll just get the results to this test. So even if you're not a chiropractor, or you do functional medicine, or your health coach or your life coach or whatever, it's like, you're not doing people favors by being like, oh, let's have this one off thing. Yeah. Oh, yeah. People are just going to be left disappointed. And
Lauryn Brunclik 19:00
then they are like, Well, I tried that. That didn't
Molly Cahill 19:02
didn't work. Yes.
Lauryn Brunclik 19:05
You didn't work Gina. Yeah.
Molly Cahill 19:06
So what tips do you have then like if you're in practice, and you're presenting something to like, let's say it's a new patient, and they've never been to a chiropractor before? How do you train your staff? Or like how do you go about presenting like the bigger longer option?
Lauryn Brunclik 19:23
So one of the most simple things is if you have multiple doctors, anybody who's got a conflict of interest should tap out Now not everybody has that obviously. But like if you if this is one of your friends, or you know somebody that you honestly feel like there's going to be awkwardness of you selling to them and then feeling awkward of like making a personal decision what's best for them, then like you need to have so a different doctor do it now, like I said, if that's an option, but what So assuming this is somebody that I don't know have like a conflict of interest with you have to realize that like, you have to go inward and figure out what is it inside of you that is so afraid of them saying no. So like, that's the reason that we're afraid to tell the truth is because like, there's lots of there's not, this isn't overly simple. Like, this is like, people get therapy for this shit. But like, you're afraid of them. So no. Okay, so like go deeper than that. What are you afraid of them saying no to. So like different options might be that you're not a good chiropractor. So you may believe so like, you may not believe that chiropractic is as good. So like, if somebody like some people, I know I've been in practice a long time. I know what three months or three times a week can do for somebody. I know that to my being. But if you're new, you may not you may just go like I am. faking it till I make it which is great. That's what you're supposed to do in the beginning. Just rely on people who say like, No, this is like Heidi Hawick is doing research that we are under, we're under delivering in number of adjustments that we're giving patients. And so, yeah, yeah, we are as a profession, not recommending enough chiropractic, what we're finding out with the brain. And so but if you don't know that from your own personal experience, you may if they say no, you may be taking that personal as like, oh, chiropractic, I shouldn't have recommended that. I shouldn't have given them that much. A lot of people they just want to be liked. And so them saying, yeah, like a patient saying no to you? Isn't. I don't like chiropractic. It's, I don't like you enough to say yes to you. And so there's just so many different layers that people should go through of like before going in and going like, Okay, if this patient says no, because really, it shouldn't be a personal experience at all. The sales process of this is what you need, yes or no, should not be a personal attack on you or your clinic in any way. And so, once you can get to that point where this is about chiropractic, this isn't the Lauren show. This isn't. Did you say yes to Dr. Lauren, did you say yes to my clinic? It's they said yes. To chiropractic and what chiropractic can do for their life, when it becomes about that kind of just becomes telling the truth like that. It's not you don't have to, like, figure out like, do I use different personalities to communicate? Like when I have a different person personality across to me? Of course I do. But like you, when it just becomes, this is what the patient needs.
Molly Cahill 23:02
What you need. It's what you need. Right? And that's how that's I completely agree with you. And so for me, it doesn't ever feel like selling. Yeah. Because again, like you said, I'm feel so strongly that I'm like, Oh, I know, this is what you need. And I just don't have a doubt like you said, like, I just so it doesn't feel weird. I don't feel awkward. I don't feel shy. Because I have that 100% strong belief and knowing like, yeah, like this morning, I had someone say, Hey, can you give me a better price for like, can you give me a custom package for fewer posts a week? I'm like, no, because that's just gonna be a waste of your money. If I put you two posts a week on Instagram randomly, like that look pretty. Like, what is that going to do for you your waste? Yeah, I'm not saying you're wasting your money depends on your goals. There are times that could work. But I'm just for this particular person. I'm like, No, it's not about the money for me what you're giving me not that you're not going to get a result. And then what happens? Your patients don't get results, they don't tell their friends and then they become lifelong patients. And, you know, in this applies to any business.
Lauryn Brunclik 24:03
And so I do want to add something to that, though, because our clinic so I will, I've often said that, like I'm a recovering alpha male, which is a joke, it's a joke. So the alpha males out there, calm down. But like, so I learned through a different like through a system of selling, that basically, it is three times a week like it is the plan I recommended or Thou shall not pass like you do not start care at this clinic. And because of like, I'd be doing you a disservice, like you're not going to get great results if you don't do this and so therefore, I don't want you to waste your money. And like I truly do kind of believe that. But in this past year, I've had a couple incredible, incredible chiropractors on the pod Hass, Simon floriani Do you know oh my gosh, just a legend. And also Amy Spoelstra, her Celestron are not pronounce her last name. And so my podcasts I get to kind of use people as my own therapist. And so like, these are people who are getting fantastic results with their patience, but they're talking about love and meeting them where they're at. And so I got to be like, Okay, well, what does that look like? What does that look like on a day to where you're saying, This is what you need? Like, honestly, there's no emotions around it, this is what you need. And anything less isn't going to get you the results. And they both were like, I need the patient where they're at? And I'm like, Yeah, but like, what if they're like, Well, I can only do once a week, and then go like, well, then I do once a week, but I make sure I communicate the expectations to them. Yeah, communicate, like the expectations, like you're coming for this, my my game plan or my care plan doesn't change. If you want your kiddo to, you know, just really excel in second grade, and not go on ADHD medications, my recommendation is still three times a week for four months. But if you can only do once a week, then I don't know, then I don't know what the body is going to do with those. I do know that a brain with chiropractic is better than nothing. But I don't know, if six months of once a week, if you're going to notice anything. I know the body is cool. And it can do great things. But I can't guarantee those results. But I do know it's Joe. And so like that just gave me the freedom to be like, honestly, it allowed me to be more truthful. Because knowing I previously thought, well, I'm going to tell them three times a week for three months or four months. Oh my gosh. And then if they say no, then it's lost. Because I'm not gonna I'm not gonna negotiate with them. Because then that makes my recommendation look like, you know, flimsy.
Molly Cahill 27:11
Yeah, like, Right.
Lauryn Brunclik 27:12
but I'm not selling a car. Like I'm, I'm selling hope to a person who maybe has their own things were like, okay, you know what, it's not a car, they can start at once a week and dip their toe into the water. And, you know, we've all had that patient that you tell them, Okay, we can do this, but like, don't expect the results, and then a couple of weeks, and they totally are still expecting the results. And they're an asshole. And you're like I told you.
Molly Cahill 27:41
Yeah, I told you. So
Lauryn Brunclik 27:43
we're not talking about them. But you know, like, We've had patients who have, you know, kind of was like, I'm gonna try a visit or two. And then we're like, Alright, let's do this. And then they sent out for care, or, you know, so it's, it's allowing yourself just that, that feminine flow to to, like, meet them where they're at?
Molly Cahill 28:03
Do you? I know you you're super an Enneagram. If you've ever studied, like the DISC assessment much. Yeah, I had someone on the podcast about disc two. And just everyone has different personalities, too, right? Like some people need to like, really get in there and try it and some people don't. So I'm like, I'm such an emotional, I'm like, reviving? Yeah, let's do it. Like, get what I mean, like I have zero. I'm a fast decision maker like you aren't. But then some people don't. Some people aren't like that. And they need. And so I love that you brought that up and made that distinction, like meet people where they are because I do still have a lower tier option. It's just very clearly written out. And the reason I guess bringing this back to my business success, I don't want anyone listening to think that this is unique to the chiropractic profession. This This spans any business is I still have that lower tier option. But I'm like you said I'm very clear of my expectations. And your stats are looking good and look great for a couple months, and then you're gonna plateau. And that's fine. You know,
Lauryn Brunclik 28:56
there's awareness for growth. Yeah,
Molly Cahill 28:58
I'm like, like, just need it for brand awareness. Like Kroger puts their logo on the middle of the University of Kentucky football field, like you don't I mean, it's just like, you're there. And it's consistent. And you know, and that's, that's the expectation. So I'm really glad that you because that came up for me, I'm like, well, but it's not an all or nothing. Approach, right. Like I wrote
Lauryn Brunclik 29:20
a certain point, you have to have boundaries for your business. Yeah. And like that's the thing that when you said that I actually heard that seems like more of a you having boundaries appropriately for like, I don't have the bandwidth to take on someone in the small capacity because I have so many people that need me at the larger capacity. Yes. Because you know, just
Molly Cahill 29:44
as much work in same with a patient. It's just as much work to get you in our system and to get to know you and yeah, you know what I mean, rather than just to have someone who's going to be consistent, so, yeah, it's not that you don't want to help or that you know, it's not an all or nothing approach. It's just like you said, and then And what ends up happening. And I'm sure you've seen this too. You talked about removing yourself, if you were have any type of conflict of interest, it's like, oh, you're my sister, I'll give you a discount, and then you start resenting it, and you're like, Oh, why did I do that? Now? I don't want to give her care. And now she's not getting the best. It's just so funny. How that all? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Okay, well, I'm really glad we like said, we talked about that. And I just like I said, I always think the sales piece is so funny, because I'm like, I do want a one on one coaching every once in a while. And one of the exercises we do is the seven levels of why I've ever done that. No, yeah, just Google. It's either seven layers or seven levels of why. And it's, it's a very, it can be a very redundant, like, obvious quote, exercise. But once you get to like, why number four, you're like, Oh, this is getting deep, fast. Yeah. It's like, why am I a chiropractor? Well, because I want to do this. Well, why? It's like, well, because this why and you're like, same answer, because this will why and then it's like, once you get to why number seven, you're like, oh, and so I always tell people to think about that when they're creating content. I'm like, It's not that I should be posting four times a week, because that's what I'm supposed to be doing. It's like, why I love them. Because there's a mom out there who's had migraines and can't function, you know, three days out of the month. And you know what I mean? And then you just get you're like, oh, like my sister in law learn to breastfeed by watching reels. So I'm oh my gosh, that's amazing, right? So it's not like you're just putting out content, like, Oh, I gotta do my real today. It's like, you never know. Like, you know, you might just be teaching somebody to breastfeed. So you
Lauryn Brunclik 31:38
might just be teaching someone to breastfeed. I mean, I just thought that was so cool. Like, she's
Molly Cahill 31:42
like, oh, yeah, I learned. I just watched a bunch of reels. And she did great, figured it out. Everything was great. I mean, she had a lactation consultant in the hospital and stuff, but not like, you know,
Lauryn Brunclik 31:53
what can't you learn on rails now?
Molly Cahill 31:56
So I'm like, Look, guys, what we're doing here. It's not just like fluff, like, I have to be doing this thing. So and I think if you look at things from that lens, whether you're selling a care plan or creating content or whatever, and you just go back to like you said, Lauren, like, getting deep of like, Okay, why don't you believe
Lauryn Brunclik 32:11
what are you scared of? Yeah.
Molly Cahill 32:15
So we're going to completely shift gears, which was our original topic we were going to talk about, which is decision fatigue.
Lauryn Brunclik 32:20
Yeah. decision fatigue.
Molly Cahill 32:23
Talk to me about this. I think people have heard this term before, but what does it what does that Yeah,
Lauryn Brunclik 32:26
have you because I hadn't heard of it. This little like y'all are watching more reels than I am. I know. That's weird on our algorithms, right? Oh my god. Okay, can we can we come back to this? Can we talk about how effed my algorithm is from iron flame? Oh,
Molly Cahill 32:42
well, now I'm tagging you and you know, I won't I'm like why haven't we talked about my
Lauryn Brunclik 32:47
entire algorithm is in So here's what's our Okay,
Molly Cahill 32:52
so I arrived or not just tell me? Yeah,
Lauryn Brunclik 32:55
you gotta read it. You gotta read it. You know, you gotta read it. It's just don't expect it to like pull you in like fourth wing does. Okay.
Molly Cahill 33:01
Is Shara told me? Yeah. Oh, her
Lauryn Brunclik 33:05
and I actually talked about this. I know, you did talked about this other series that she was starting I that I'm not going to get her on. And I was like, Ooh, that's dark shit. And she's like, really? What do you mean, I'm like, you'll know. You'll know when you get there. It's weird. So I have she slays podcast, which is where I'm on 99% of the time. And I really love fiction books, this romance, fantasy novel thing, whatever. And so
Molly Cahill 33:30
Instagram has figured this out me into with him. So sorry. Instagram
Lauryn Brunclik 33:34
has figured out that like, I will, that's how I figure out my next book. Because I don't want to like waste my time on like a bad book. And so I do a lot of like, okay, so this person loves this book, this book, this book, I trust them. So Instagram is just like, look at all the time she's spending on this algorithm. Well, now my account though, I don't see any chiropractors. Like entrepreneurs financial growth, because Instagrams like No, she doesn't care about any of that anymore. She just wants fairy deck.
Molly Cahill 34:07
So okay, mines is it so mine is either fantasy books Taylor Swift are home renovations these days because we have not to 1987 bathrooms at our house and we've been like just starting to like think about what we want to do with them. And oh my gosh, I have a whole it's written down in my content ideas log to be like, Guys, do you want to know why I don't have a toxic relationship with Instagram. It's because I am logged into as of today, thankfully not anymore because we just hired two new people. But usually I'm logged into eight different Instagram accounts on any given day. I'm so excited for you to just take ours over the day when you go look at someone else's Explore page you're like, wow, my world just got so much bigger. Yeah, I have a whole podcast episode planned around algorithms.
Lauryn Brunclik 34:52
But anyway, I'm trying to train my that algorithms like so I met because for a while I was like just stop looking at it. Well, I can't stop looking at it. You cuz I'm very fascinated. This is an obsession of mine. So now I'm reprising I have like Lauren loves plants, which I haven't posted on in over a year. And so now I'm like, Okay, go over there and look at your book stuff. So I'm like having to tell her she says, I'm not interested in Instagrams like you sure you are. Yeah, yeah, you are, you're lying. So I like go log into Lauren loves plants. And I'm like, Okay, now I can do all that. So look, though,
Molly Cahill 35:23
I would say that's actually a good thing. I have a whole episode on how to not have a toxic relationship with Instagram. And that's where I tell people like, I don't follow other. When I find that my Explore page starts getting lots of Instagram tips from other Instagram coaches. It just gives me massive anxiety because I'm like, yeah, what am I not doing? Why
Lauryn Brunclik 35:41
would I $10,000 sitting here drinking this cup of coffee and I'm like, I
Molly Cahill 35:46
just can't so then I like retrain, I do the opposite. I'm like, No, show me more fairy Smash. Show me more tireless, Taylor Swift and show me more home renovations because it actually makes me more creative. I in looking for these bathroom, Reno things. I found this account. She's like, here's my $450 bathroom. And I was like, oh, so then I went to her page and started watching all her reels. Do you know was the same exact video, like every fifth real, but just with slightly different texts over the real? Really, every one of them had like hundreds of 1000s of views. And I'm like, why am I not doing that? Okay,
Lauryn Brunclik 36:21
so I have been. So there's two things that I've been seeing. I don't know if we're ever gonna get to their topic, but it's fine. We're having fun. Yeah. So one thing that I've seen a lot of advice on is like, if you're comfortable going live in stories now start turning that into reels. So I've started doing that. I did that, because they don't perform as well. But like, my average story might get like 700 or 800 views. A low performing reel is gonna get like 1500 to 2000. So like, that's still a win. For me, that's still more than the win. So like, I've been doing that. So I was in a slump for like, we talked about this where I'm just like, I should be promoting this course coming up, but I just don't have any inspiration. So what I did is I went back to last year, where I was making reels to promote, like the course. And I found one that did really well. It had like 16,000 views. And so I couldn't figure out how to save it. I don't know why, like I'm good on Instagram, but like bite for some reason Instagram that I was like, I can tell you it was the button was missing. Oh,
Molly Cahill 37:29
no. So it's changed website. No, just go to the website, snap, Insta. Okay, you put in the URL of the reel, and it'll remove the watermark.
Lauryn Brunclik 37:39
Well, I don't even care about the watermark. I just used to be able to download my own.
Molly Cahill 37:43
I know he may get more views when they don't have a watermark. So that's what we use for clients is instead.
Lauryn Brunclik 37:49
So anyway, so it was a really super lip sync that I was like, Alright, fine. I can't figure out how to save this. I'm just going to quick make it. So I remade it, copied and pasted the caption and posted it and the thing did crazy. Well again, and here I was. So like I came home that night to my husband. And I'm like, Did you see my reel today? And he's like, yeah, that was cute. And it was like, Did you recognize it? Because it's an exact replica of what? I've been wearing different clothes, but like, and he's like, No, and I was like, I was so worried that I was going to be like, ousted that somebody was going to remember isn't that I did this exact real?
Molly Cahill 38:28
Uh, you know, logically that that's not isn't that funny because I preach, preach, preach, preach, preach, reuse, reuse, reuse, because we know, just from a it takes so many times for someone to take action, and be the majority of your audiences and even see your content when you do it. And see, it was a year ago. Some people learn different ways, right? So like, I'll take reels and make them into carousels and take care of cells and make it into a real
Lauryn Brunclik 38:53
cool see that I wouldn't feel quite as bad about this was just like literal. And I had had multiple, I had multiple Instagram people telling me like this is going to be okay. Take a real that went that performed well. And do it again. And I'm just like, huh, and so like back to your bathroom thing like,
Molly Cahill 39:11
yeah, yeah, I literally I kept going, Wait, did I just wait. I'm scrolling through all her reels. I kept thinking maybe it was showing me the same one again. And I'm like, No, there's different text overlay. And I've noticed that I follow her house and follow this furniture flipper account where not that I would ever I have an old antique dining table sitting in my garage and I love I love that in my heart. I really feel like I'm going to refinish it. It'll probably be there in two years. But in my heart of hearts, I'm going to refinish this thing table and so I'm following this furniture flipper and like I get so much inspiration from her account because she'll have like a longer form video of the whole project from start to finish. And then she'll have the same exact video but only focusing on one step of the process. And then a same exact video only on the next step of the process and I'm like, why? This isn't what I teach my clients yet And yet too dumb to implement.
Lauryn Brunclik 40:12
We just need inspiration. We need inspiration. Okay? I can tell you the very smart doesn't give me the inspiration for content so I love it but it's gotta go on a different account.
Molly Cahill 40:21
I get that. Did you start following Sarah the book fairy though I tagged you on one of her things and you have to probably okay, because she she introduced me to the invisible life of Addy LaRue. And I'm like, like, it's not fairies, but it's good
thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified. This podcast is brought to you by my marketing roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training. That's kind of like this podcast, we're gonna wrap that part because it's not available to the general public. This week, Windham clarity in your podcast where the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram, or my blogs, or whatever, is that yes, you will learn a lot, but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly, you're looking for. This five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order. That's why it's called a roadmap. So you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey. Or if you already are started and you're just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information. This is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just $27. So all you have to do is head to Molly cahill.com/private. Training. And based on the reviews I've had so far, I know you won't be disappointed. I'm really proud of this training. And I know personally, I've bought 2737 $17 products before and felt like I really didn't get that much out of it. I guarantee you, you will learn something from this five episode, private audio feed. So again, it's just Molly K hill.com/private training. And it'll also be linked below in the show notes. I cannot wait to hear what you think. And hey, you know, every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast. Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly a Cahill. That's c h i ll I would greatly greatly appreciate your support. I truly appreciate you so much. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.
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