Episode 51: The Wealthy Practitioner’s Tips for “Having It All” with Chiropractor and Business Mentor Dr. Stephanie Wigner

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If you’ve ever wanted to have it all, but felt like it’s just not possible… you’re going to love the conversation I had with Dr. Stephanie Wigner.
Episode 51 of the The Holistic Marketing Simplified podcast is full of brilliant gems and actionable advice from Dr. Steph, a chiropractor who runs 4 clinics on the East Coast with her husband and mentors wellness professionals who are ready to live a life that feels richly fulfilling without burning out.
We cover everything from abundance and manifesting dream hires to the two biggest problems she sees wellness practitioners facing (and how to solve them!).
What are you waiting for? Let’s learn how to have it all!
Meet Dr. Stephanie, The Wealthy Practitioner
Dr. Stephanie didn’t start out mentoring and coaching chiropractors and wellness practitioners – she began with a chiropractic practice she ran with her husband. They quickly found that collaborating on their marketing plans and bouncing ideas off of each other worked really well!
But Dr. Stephanie realized other solopreneurs didn’t have the same ability to connect, brainstorm, and get feedback from a trusted professional. So in 2020, when it became apparent that everyone was going to have to get more flexible to stay afloat, she started mentoring and coaching other wellness professionals.
The Wealthy Practitioner – her coaching business – was born out of a desire to help other women and moms build sustainable, seven-figure businesses. And that’s exactly what she does today.
How to Grow Your Business
Dr. Steph shares my love for putting yourself out there through social media and in-person networking, and that’s how she built her own very successful chiropractic and coaching businesses.
Some of the marketing techniques she recommends (and I second!):
- Share the testimonials/case studies you have of how you’ve helped clients (even if you’ve only worked with one person)
- Use the following you already have – there’s no need to create a new account right away – and tap into your warm leads (aka the people who know and love you)
- Get clear on your ideal clients’ pain and pleasure points and talk about them in your content
- Reach out to people on social media (remember, a cold DM doesn’t feel cold if you find a connection point and give them a reason to connect with you)
- Do market research to find out what people actually want
- Go to coffee or invite potential clients or connections to a virtual coffee chat
You can’t sit in your little box and wait for people to come find you. You’ve got to put yourself out there, show your people why they need you, and proactively connect with others.
To Niche or Not to Niche
We did not hold back when it comes to our opinions on niching. Spoiler alert: we both highly recommend getting serious about your niche if you want to scale your business and stand out online!
As Dr. Steph says, “The more niched we get, the more we grow!”
I added in my best advice for finding your niche- ruthlessly divide your clients into three buckets – the ones who light you up, the neutral ones, and the ones you cross your fingers and hope cancel anytime they’re on your schedule. (See more on that here.)
The clients who light you up? That’s the key to identifying your niche!
You shouldn’t feel trapped by choosing a niche – it’s actually the key to loving your work and growing your revenue!
There are so many different types of niches and yours may look something like:
- Specific demographic: children, prenatal women, senior citizens
- Area of the body: shoulder injuries, lower back problems, mobility issues
- Values: patients who appreciate and want to build relationships, patients who are dedicated to following through on their protocol, etc.
There’s no “right” way to niche. The only wrong way is not choosing a niche and trying to serve everyone who can access your office!
So What Does “Having it All” Actually Look Like?
Once you’ve put yourself out there, chosen your niche, and started effectively marketing your business… what’s next?
Dr. Steph says that’s completely dependent on what you want!
Her whole MO is having it all, and for her that looks like spending her time however she wants and having the financial resources to do, be, or have whatever she wants – from making a dream hire to driving her dream car.
That message society tries to send us – “You can be a mother or you can be a badass business person”? That’s garbage. And Dr. Steph believes in breaking that entire narrative.
Having it all means living the life you want without sacrificing your values.
It’s important to point out that “having it all” does not mean you have to do it all. Dr. Stephanie hires a house cleaner, child care, and awesome team members to bring her dreams to life. She has a wildly supportive partner who is co-building their vision for life with her.
Having it all isn’t easy… but it is possible. You just have to move past the excuses and be willing to do what it takes.
Are You Into Having it All?
The most important takeaway from this conversation is the reminder that to have it all, you have to focus on creating your own dream life.
Building someone else’s dream – because you saw it on Instagram or Pinterest or someone told you it’s what you should want – never works. That’s when you end up burnt out and ready to quit.
And once you’ve clearly defined what “having it all” means to you, Dr. Steph has some super helpful advice for overcoming two of the most common problems she sees nearly all wellness practitioners face.
- Needing new clients
There are so many things you can do to attract new clients, but Dr. Steph actually recommends focusing on retaining the clients you already have. (Bonus: this is much more cost effective than finding new clients!)
Some of her favorite ways to keep great clients coming back? Celebrate them! Whether you shout them out on social media, give thoughtful gifts, or throw one heck of a party for them at the end of the year – make sure your best clients feel seen and appreciated.
- Not tracking stats and numbers
Always know your numbers! Some of the key metrics for chiropractors to track include:
- Average + outlier overhead
- Office Visit Average or Conversion Rate (for online only businesses)
- Patient Visit Average
- Month-to-Month trends
When you have this information at your fingertips, you can make smart decisions based on data instead of how you’re feeling at the moment!
Connect with Dr. Steph
If you loved what you learned here today, you’re going to want to follow Dr. Steph over on Instagram at @thewealthypractitioner. You can also check out her website to learn more about how she helps wellness practitioners have it all!
Connect with Molly
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Hi, and welcome back. Hopefully today's episode won't feel too disjointed. It's actually really funny story, which I talk about on the episodes of what happened with this recording and how it ended up getting confused. And mostly me getting confused, which is like, you know, no shocker. I always say, look, if I can do this guys, and anybody, if I can do this, anybody can do it. Someone with ADHD and who's all over the place can can run a successful business you can, too. So anyway, today, my episode is with the very brilliant Dr. Stephanie Wigner. She goes by Dr. Staff, she has multiple clinics in the New Jersey area, her husband's also a chiropractor, too. But she's actually scaled, let's see, yes, scale two of her clinics to over a million in revenue in less than seven years. She really embodies the spirit of a multi passionate entrepreneur, investor and mentor. Um, she has a two year old. And she really just has this really cool refreshing philosophy on having it all. That's Don't worry, roll your eyes, like just listen to what she has to say. We talk a lot about manifesting and like that type of woowoo stuff. But we also talk like brass tacks more like tactical, tactical stuff in this episode. So I think you're really going to enjoy it. And I'm super excited to announce that I'm actually going to be one of the vendors for her scale up event in Nashville in April. So this event aims to bring together highly motivated entrepreneurs and ultra successful practitioners, so that we can network and collaborate of course, have fun while doing it. So like I said, I'll be there, I'll have a booth. And if you use the code, Molly at checkout, then you get to save $50. It's at this really cool, cute boutique hotel in Nashville, April 19, and 20th, the Thompson hotel, and there's some amazing guest speakers as well. And I really think you would like learn a ton by coming to this. And selfishly I just want to meet you in real life wouldn't meet you in person. So come to the event and come say hi at my spot. Yeah, I'd love to see you there. So we'll we'll put the link in the show notes to learn more about this scale up event in Nashville. It's being hosted by Dr. Staff. And again, use the code Molly for $50. Off, I will be there. So without further ado, I hope you enjoy this conversation with Dr. Steph. Welcome to holistic marketing simplified a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill. And this podcast is brought to you by my marketing roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that's kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public when you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram or my blogs or whatever is that yes, you will learn a lot but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for. This five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order. That's why it's called a roadmap. If you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey, or if you already are started and you're just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information. This is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just $27. So all you have to do is head to Molly cahill.com/private training. And based on the reviews I've had so far, I know you won't be disappointed.
Hi, I'm Caitlin Ross, a virtual counselor based in Rock Hill, South Carolina. And I love listening to the holistic marketing simplified podcast.
All right, Dr. Stephanie, thank you so much for being on the show. I have a funny story. Because after she says hi. Hi, everyone. I thought so I'd reached out somehow the algorithm showed me your profile, the wealthy practitioner, you work with chi women, chiropractors, mostly you're this amazing coach, and I'm like, Oh my gosh, how do we not know each other? I like just DM you. Normally I don't do like a cold DM because I'm like, Oh, they're gonna think I'm trying you know, but I had so many people in common that I was like, okay, surely she'll see like, I'm not trying to sell her anything. Like Hi. I feel we chatted back and forth. We tried to find a podcast malinke Time to book this podcast. My link wasn't working. So Dr. Stephanie says here just use my link. And at this point somehow my brain now thinks that we're just doing like a virtual coffee. So I show up to this with like what my sweatshirt on and not my mic plugged in and I just did a real quick quick change added some hoop earrings and a shirt and you're ready for ready Go.
That's what it takes to run a business and 2020 almost four I think is you just have to be adaptable, right? You're
like you would get me on like, now we got the time we've got it blocked off. Like, let's go because I'm sure you have to get well. How old is your kiddo?
He's two. Okay, so
you still have a little one? Yeah. He's
little, little loud, rambunctious all the fun things.
I love it into everything. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So I've already done your more like formal bio introduction. But tell us like how, obviously, you are a chiropractor and your husband as well. But how is the wealthy practitioner born? How did this happen? Yeah. So
my husband and I are both Chiropractors, we own and operate for clinics on the east coast. So we're located in New Jersey. And really what happened for us is we always had stuff that we could spit ball back and forth, like, hey, what about this idea, we should try this for marketing, we need to increase our fees, we needed to do this. And like, it just, I think was almost I don't want to say easier for us. But we just had that companionship and that ability to have a sounding board and run things by somebody who knew what we were doing and what we were talking about. And then the longer we were out of school, I was like, wow, other people don't really have this, you know, especially if their spouse maybe isn't in the same profession, which is really common, they don't really get what it is that you're facing. And so I had some friends really starting to reach out. And then in 2020, when kind of the world went crazy, it really was evident that people were like, Oh, my gosh, I don't know what I'm gonna do, my brick and mortar might close all of you know, just kind of like spiraling and not really having a game plan. And so that's really when I dove into consulting, and I was just doing one to one. And it was like, okay, as I started to really develop a process, and I realized practitioners were coming to me with multiple different scenarios, but they were all kind of similar. And it was like, Okay, I'm having a hard time managing my time, I'm having a hard time getting new patients in the door. I'm having a hard time managing entrepreneurship and the rest of my life, right. And so people were coming in and just having these similar problems. And so over the years, I just kind of gathered that Intel, like we were talking about a little bit earlier, some of that market research. And I was like, Okay, how can I put together programs that can impact more people and just kind of be a roadmap for others to build these seven figure health and wellness practices. So that's how the wealthy practitioner was born is because I'm a big fan, you'll hear me talk a lot about like abundance and manifesting and all of this. So I want other people to be able to tap into that wealth that they possess, and whatever wealth is to you. Maybe we have similar ideas of what wealth is, and maybe we have different ideas, but whatever it means to you, I want more practitioners, specifically, parents, specifically women who are building these businesses to know that they really can have it all. And so I was like, I just want to create a platform that really alludes that message and helps get my message out there. Essentially,
I have 57 follow up questions. I'm like looking around, I was like, Wait, where did my pen my daughter stole everything off my stick one day last week, she really wasn't sick. She was just having girl drama with one of her friends. I think she but she set up this whole desk like right next to mine. So I'm like, she stole all my stuff. Okay, so the first question I want to ask is like a very obvious not so deep question. But it's kind of something again, you and I were chatting about? And it's you said you started off with one to one, how did you even go about getting clients when you first became like, Oh, I'm going to do coaching consulting? Yeah,
so I originally was an independent contractor for another coaching company. And so I was exposed to a lot of different people during that. And, but I really just promoted myself, you know, on Instagram. So if anybody needs to know how to do that, they can ask you, right?
Not tell her to say that.
But really just throwing stuff on my stories, and then taking the few case studies that I had to start within the first couple months and being like, wow, here's what is possible. If you have the right mentorship and somebody who understands your business model, you can really have amazing results in you know, 90 days. And so that's really it was kind of like a grassroots effort. Like, yes, I was meeting people through this other company, but also it was like, Well, I had an idea of who I really wanted to work with. So it was like, what is the languaging that I can use? That's gonna get across to them. Like, I know what their pain points are. I know that they're strapped for time. I know that they're wondering, is it going to be this hard for ever, you know, or is like, is there a light at the end of the tunnel? And what is my strategy to get there and so I really just started picking some of that apart and then more people started reaching out and following along and it kind of just grew from there.
Yeah, I would say that's almost identical to how mine was grown, obviously, like, like my background was in sales and marketing. So but it was very, I think one of the biggest things I teach and I'd love to hear your take on this because People are probably sick of hearing it for me is one of the biggest things I teach is people get on social media, or they get online with their blog, or their, you know, whatever, any type of marketing, right? And they think it's like this passive thing where they put out this thing and all these people are gonna come. And yes, there is a part of like, kind of manifest. Like, I love that you said that because I'm also very woowoo. But so much about social media marketing and like social networking, like not much changes, like it's still that relationship building networking. DMing like I DM you randomly right now. Like, I'm like, wait a minute, like, this is too. I don't know. I don't know if you want to speak on that any?
Yeah, well, I think, for any business, whether it's online, or you have a local brick and mortar, right, I think one of the things that I try to get across and like my teaching is, you have to meet people. And so whether it's a cold DM and it's like, if you go about it the right way, like I didn't even view that as a cold DM I was like, Oh, hey, girl, what's up? You know, how do we not know each other. But I think there's this fear of rejection. And there's this fear of like perception and judgment, and so many other things. And it's like, just put yourself out there and see what happens. And so when you're building a business, sure, you have to put yourself out there over and over again. But I think we just like stay in our little boxes. And we're like, hey, sure, people will find me, people can't find you if they don't know who you are. And so it doesn't matter what kind of business you're building. I totally am a fan of that, like, get out and meet people shake hands, go to coffee, whether it's virtual, whether it's at your local coffee shop, the more people that know who you are, the better your business is going to do. Yeah,
and we also talked about this before we hit record as well, talking about the whole boom of like one to many verses one to one. And yes, one to many is more scalable, it is more I hate the word passive, because there's nothing passive about it. Like, right, when I get a client and the Instagram Management Agency, my profit margin is way different than when totally enrolls in the holistic marketing. Like that's what I mean by like, more quote, passive, but without that one to one, how would I know what to put in the hub? Totally. Yeah, and that was boatloads of market research.
Right? And that was the thing is, you know, doing it for you know, almost four years now I'm like, Okay, I know, the top 10 problems that most practitioners face, right? And they're the same, it doesn't matter where you're located. It doesn't matter what technique you practice. A lot of them also struggle with social media or marketing in general. Right. And so it's like, okay, if we can devise a plan for that. That's helpful. And then how do they put themselves out there? What's their unique marketing message? What is their unique selling point, but so often, they just, I think, have a fear of being seen a little bit, but that that one to one, even the work we do within our clinics, you know, that one to one is what really helps shift your message so that you can get lots of eyeballs on you and your business?
Yeah, I've met with several chiropractors, specifically over the years who have started like, actually can think of one off top my head, she just started no two, who just got their functional medicine certification, like and we're going to start a brand new Instagram or we're gonna be on like, wait, wait, wait, why are we starting a brand new?
I would I get Adam not always say I'm not a lawyer. I don't know. Like, I know, it's weird with licensing and like being a chiropractor, and then saying, you're like, that part I can't speak to from a marketing standpoint, I'm like, these are all your warmest leads who trust you and know you. So I don't know if that's kind of how like when you said you used Instagram? Was it just like a personal page?
Yeah, it was originally a personal page. And it's funny how my consulting has morphed over the years. Like when I first started, I was like, I'm gonna consult any small business owner, that's female. Cool, you know how hard it is to market that message. Any business owner in the US and I quickly realized, like, oh, and then I realized startups who haven't even left their W two position yet and want to start a business, I'm probably not the best coach for them. Because I'm kind of an all or nothing personality, like, you want to go full throttle, I'm your girl, I will help you do it. And we will get super hype, and I will be your number one cheerleader. But if you're just dabbling with starting a business, like don't waste my time, in a sense, like just because, you know, our like we talked about earlier, like, if you're gonna go into a business, you have to be ready to go you have to be ready to attack all the different hurdles and obstacles that are going to get brought up. But just being so general in the beginning, I was using my personal social media to do that. And I was like, Cool, I can help you do this and that and guess what, I got clients doing everything under the sun, like I, I now have really honed in on practitioners and I still have some clients that like I coach, other consultants and I have like a couple stylist and things like that. All in the service based industry though, like if you own a service based industry, I can help you however, in the beginning, I wasn't that clear. And so I had clients that were selling products online, and I was like, Cool, I can do this business. his business and then I quickly realized I did not want to do that.
Because you've run a team, I've done the same, it's hard. It's a different well, like we wouldn't know
had we not started working with everybody one to one and was like, Cool, I actually don't want to do this, or this isn't where my genius comes through, right? My genius really comes through over here on this. And so, but I originally to your point, I originally use my personal Instagram, which was nice, because my personal Instagram had a wide variety of following from like people from my hometown. So I also am originally from the Midwest, moved to the East Coast, people from college people from chiropractic school. Patients, like some of my patients follow me, right. And they were starting businesses. And they were like, Oh, my gosh, who better than Dr. SAFTA to help me with this. And so my first group coaching offer ever was a smaller group of women who own small businesses. And so that was so difficult, but it taught me so much about what I was really good at. And it also taught me like, Okay, I want to niche down just a little bit more to serve as beast need to be at this kind of revenue level and have these goals that I'm really good at helping you achieve.
So yeah, we have such similar stories in so many ways. Yeah, I used to have like a hairstylist and a realtor. And I found with marketing, like Yeah, the principles of marketing at the same no matter what, you know, especially we'd like you said, your service base, but it was also like, I couldn't charge enough to make it make sense to be creating all of this brand new bespoke content for all these different fields. And like, yeah, and finally, I had one of my mentors actually goes, she goes, Why don't you just niche down to serving? Like health and wellness professionals? That seems to be where you enjoy it anyway, it was like,
seem so scary, right? Like, what? And then
I had another coach go, why not? Why don't even why not just chiropractor and so I stayed at the like, I felt comfortable with the health and wellness. Because y'all know each other, I've ended up mostly being. But chiropractors are also multi passionate when it comes to like modalities, right? Like some of you do conscious works. And some do, like you do use a log of attraction stuff and functional medicine, like all of this, so I like to kind of dabble in all of it. But um, let's get back to Oh, one other thing I was gonna say I also started with my personal Instagram, one of the things I teach people always is, even if I'm just getting on a discovery call with them. I'm like, Wait, why are we starting a new account?
Well, and it's funny that you even asked that, because I have so many clients that like we talked about before, maybe want to get into consulting, or they want to diversify and just start selling courses or products. And I'm like, cool, don't do that until you have enough interest on your personal page. Because it is so much work for somebody to go follow you on an entire new page. And now is somebody who manages like a personal the wealthy practitioner or Circle of Life Cairo like our business page, I'm like, This is exhausting. But it's okay. And now that I have the podcast, I feel much better about having the wealthy practitioner page. But in the in the beginning, like, the reason I even brought it up to is like there was so much information just about business. And now it's been easier to tailor the content when I'm like, Cool. Now I have a podcast, but also now we're talking about getting new patients in the door. Now we're talking about like, the fact that I don't want any of you charging $39 for an initial exam, no matter what your Facebook ads company says, like, you know, and so, but I can have all of that content in one place. That doesn't have to be on my personal social. But yeah, I think it makes the most sense. Just starting out to really use the following you already have right?
Yeah, and tap just tapping into that warm network. My very first client was my college roommates, sister's friends. Colleagues, Doctor, I'm not kidding you. I'm like talking about like, the like, you know? And if I hadn't put it on my personal page, you know, you were the people who are cheering you on. Right? Oh, good for you, girl. Um, so yeah, anyway, so let's I wanted to not really pivot, but a little bit talking about niche. I go back and forth. I don't teach a lot about niching. Down, I do some, I would say in like the very first classroom of the holistic marketing hub. But I think there's, there's kind of two schools of thought there's like, you need to pick your niche right away. Or you can kind of figure it out as you go. If you have clients struggling with this, how do you usually talk them through that? I've gotten chiropractors that are like, Well, you were family, we can see money in our community, as long as they can drive to our office. They're a fit for our clinic.
Yes, totally. So my point of view on that is sure we can serve anybody, but should we serve everybody? Usually the answer is no. But also, I think it's really confusing from like, a marketing perspective. And so people have asked us because we are a PD, pediatric prenatal there. They'll be like, can you see my dad? Can you see my brother? And we're like, yeah, of course. And they're like, Oh, okay. I think that's when you've really done a good job of communicating your niche when they don't even know that you see men because you're so peed prenatal focused, right? And then it's like, yeah, we will see them but you're not going to catch them on our Instagram maybe once a year, because we're gonna say Hey, Joe. So, you know, we do see men, maybe our annual public service announcement. But other than that, it's like women, children pregnancy, postpartum preconception, all of that. I do think that you're able to accelerate your growth if you niche down, because nobody goes to your page and is just wondering, like, what could they see me? Could they not? If they go to your page, and they're like, oh, my gosh, they're speaking right to me that they can help me they know what my problems are. That's what I believe is gonna grow your clinic much faster. Yeah. So I'm a big fan of niching down, however, I think I think like you said, so like our situations with consulting, maybe like, the niches found us, right, we just kind of, we were like, Hey, we're really good at this. We'd like this. And then it just so happened, most of our business started going in a further niche direction. Like we were both sharing, we have a lot of prenatal chiropractors that we work with, right? Like that's almost as niche down as you can get. But I think probably for both of us who like operate on weightless businesses. That just goes to show the more niche we got the more hiring demand, we were right. We
like if people come to my Instagram profile, they're like, Oh, this is for me, like you said, yeah, yeah. And I agree. And I think the one thing that scares some people about niching is they might feel like trapped. And I'm like, No, I've actually started to be honest, and this isn't knocking functional medicine. This isn't. I'm not passionate about functional medicine anymore. Like I used to be a more in energetics. Now. I'm more into like, subconscious healing. And I've started shifting that a little just all it took was me like shifting that in my energy. And literally the next day, I got someone who called DM me was like, Hey, would you want to come teach in my class? I work with life coaches, who I'm like, yet? That's
awesome. Yeah. So sometimes I think we have to embody it ourselves. And then we naturally attract it, right? Yeah,
I don't if your functional medicine, you're listening to this, it's not that I don't love it. It's just, I feel like that's the next iteration of health. Sometimes it's like, we leave allopathic care. Then we kind of come to functional medicine. And we're kind of like, well, there's another layer, and it's in between my ears.
Right? I have to I have to fix things. Yeah. In my head first.
Yeah, like, there's no supplement. And it's going to help me with this, like, I need to do the deep work to fix this thing. So yeah, and then like, when you when you're passionate about that particular topic, then you get to do a better job for your, your patients or your clients or whatever.
I totally Yeah, you can just go so much deeper to write which is like, where true healing happens, like the deeper you go, not just superficial. And so I think, if you can find, and maybe I think sometimes too, I get practitioners that just don't know what they're passionate about yet. And so sure, start Super General, take anybody in everybody. But you should constantly be asking yourself that people on my schedule, do they light me up? Or do they drain my energy, and if they light you up, I will look at who's lighting you up the most. And then you probably have a niche within that. And maybe it's not peds, prenatal, but maybe it's like shoulder injuries or immediates. Um, you know, preconception, like I have some clients that only work with fertility patients, because that's where they get the most lit up. And it's like, great, I think that you'll constantly reflect and look back and see like, okay, which clients are giving me energy, and then you've likely found your niche through that.
I have to tag you in a post. I did. It's like, literally that exact exercise. It's more from like, a marketing messaging standpoint, but it's like, divide everybody into three buckets ruthlessly, like, one is like, yes, lights me up. And then like, two is like, man, whatever neutral and three is like, oh, please cancel, please cancel. Like, let's just use the word use the exact words of category one, from their intake forms, like use their words in your market, you know, and then you Yeah, kind of know. And it's not saying you still won't get some of the two and threes, but I love that. It definitely helps you attract, you know, more of these people. But speaking of attract, so let's talk more about like the whole manifesting thing. Let's use a specific example though if you're okay with that, because what I hear a lot, so part of holistic marketing hub is I've really started gearing it now towards Yes, I do have a lot of solopreneurs I have some associates who like maybe have some time on their hands and like they're, you know, want to learn how to do this for themselves. But I also have a lot of bigger clinics who are like outsourcing this to their ca or whatever. Like I just can't find a good CA I can't find any good help. I just keep having all of this turnover. I think you I don't want to steer you and I want you to say but I think you can you can use law of attraction when attracting get help. Totally.
And I have so just for like specific examples. I manifested my clinic director, she's been with me for five years she is a chiropractor. But she started out as a regular associate and like grew with the company to become a clinic director and so she handles majority of our patient care. And two weeks before she sent me a cold email Um, I had this like, inner knowing that I needed to post on my website. And I was like, There's no way I wasn't at capacity by no means was I like busting at the seams and with my own volume, but I needed to bring on somebody else to help me. And I think that's also the misconception within chiropractic that, like, if you could see more people yourself, don't hire anybody. I think that's just a scarcity driven mentality. But I just knew that I had some other goals that I wanted to achieve. And I'm like, You know what, I'm just gonna put this little tab on my website that says, join our team. And at any point, whether you're a CAA, back then I used to have massage therapist, I don't anymore. So it was like, if you wanted to be a CA massage therapist or an associate, you could apply. And I was like, a Friday night and right, I'm working on the business. And so I email my web developer, and I'm like, Hey, here's the tab that I want added. I kid you not two weeks after that being Finally she applied on my website, and I got my email. And I was like, white. And not only that, like, all of my doctors that work with me are CCCP certified through the icpa. So what are the chances that I'm not even really in a position to where I have to or I'm not even sure I want to this. I'm just listening to my inner voice on a Friday night, I had no plan, I just put it she applies CCCP certified is moving to my areas, like oh, my gosh, torture stuff. I went to your website, it's a breath of fresh air. I'm sick of being in this pain based model that I work in up north. She was working in New York. And she was like, can we just meet for coffee. And so like, we even laugh now, especially because she'll listen to my podcast. And I'm like, walking through, like, here's how you should hire, here's some interview questions, that sort of thing. And she looks up podcasts. And she texted me, she was like, just so you know, you didn't do any of that. And I was like, I know, I wasn't prepared for your interview, nothing that I did with you wit right. But like it was the universe just brought us together. We were meant to be together, you know. And so it's like, I definitely think I manifested her not even really meaning to. But since then, like complete opposite. We were looking to replace a CA since June. And now it's December, I just hired somebody. My office manager was like putting the ad out doing interviews, I'd come in and do the final interview, we'd have somebody started, they'd be there a week, then it was like not a good fit. And it was just like this jumbled mess. And I do think hiring right now is a little tricky. But I finally was like, it's me. I'm the problem. I'm not sitting down and getting crystal clear about the type of person that I want to hire. And so I have to manifest this person, my office manager cannot do it for me. She's looking for specific things that I've always been the one to find the good hires, because I think I put my little like magic dust in there about who I want, you know. And so I put it down and I was like, You know what, okay, I'll take back over all of the applications indeed. And we just hired somebody in here's Okay, here's crazy to like, because you're into the Whoo. She's an artist. And so during her interview process, she said to me, she was like, art is my passion. I don't want to become an entrepreneur, I don't want to monetize art, because I think it'll lose my passion. And I was like, I love that self reflection that you're even that self aware to know you don't want to be an entrepreneur, because she's younger. And so we went through the interview process, I offered her the job she accepted. And then literally, after we like, completed her onboarding, she was like, I just have to send you this. She sends me a picture. She had been working on this beautiful piece of art that was a spine like so intricate and detailed. And I was like, What are the chances that for two months, you've been painting a spine, and now you're working for a chiropractor. She was like, I don't know, I'm, she's like, I don't know, if I manifested you or you manifested me. And I was like, I think it was both. So but like, that's why I couldn't find anybody. Like I was waiting for her. Right? And so it's crazy. And I was like, Can I buy this? And she was like, honestly, I don't know that I can part with it. It took me so long. And I'm like, I understand that. If you ever sell it, you have to sell it to me, please. I
just got. So one of my daughter's nannies. When we lived in Florida, like we were I only I was like I need to find somebody. And again, same story. I know. We don't have much time. But she literally came in. She's like, Yeah, I'm about to graduate. And then I'm going to chiropractic school. I was like, wait, what do you do?
Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, I think I think the opportunities are out there and like the synchronicities if we just look for them, but sometimes with business, I feel like we tried to remove any of the magical side that can come with it or any of that, whoo. We're like, no, it's numbers, it's stats, it's logic. And it's like, well, if you want to have a quantum leap, or you want to truly have this crazy amount of growth, like you have to be willing to kind of step into the unknown.
Ah, love it. You said, Having it All that's kind of like your whole like the wealthy practitioner Mo, let's, what is your version of having it all? What does that mean? Having
it All means spending my time how I want being able to have the financial resources to do be or have anything that I want. So whether that's experiences, whether it's my dream car, whether it's making a hire for my team that maybe is a really good hire, but comes with a big investment, having the mentors that I want, right? I want to have the financial resources to do all of that and I want to have loving relationships in my life. And so, for me growing Not, not necessarily by my family, but I just think society as a whole was like, you could be a mother or you could be a badass businesswoman. You can be a supportive wife, or you can own your own business. And I just really believe in breaking that entire narrative. I really want both. And so for me, it's been like, How can I have it all without sacrificing my values? And by still being able to make a big impact? Yeah,
absolutely. All right. So it's funny. You say the thing about having it all like you don't want to be like this or that or that or that. And it? I need to hear this. I'm kind of like, okay, I was about to say fair pies. Is that a word? Therapy? Take Me To Church. I honestly, so I was in this mastermind not too long ago. And one of the biggest hurdles I saw was women trying to get their businesses off the ground, but not willing to get child care.
Oh, girl started on this topic. Well,
we might not we might not agree but on your baby to like your kids demeanor, because my kid didn't nap. Like she I had to hold her it was contact nap only if I tried to even dare put her in a crib. Oh, like Jenna. Yeah, I'm personally offended. Yeah, like, what? You're gonna be stuck here. Um, so like, the whole naptime hustle thing, just to be honest, I don't know if it pisses me off. Because it's like a trigger, because I didn't have that
opportunity to do.
So like, I probably need to do some self reflection. They're so angry. But I also like, kept beating my head against the wall going like, why on earth do you not have child care? And I realized that comes from a place of privilege. I don't mean it. But when I first started, we just I just did a swap with another mom in the neighborhood like, oh, boy, he'd watch. She was also freelance. So it worked out great. So like, she'd watched the kids for four hours, I'd watch the kids for four hours. So I think there are creative ways to make it work. But exactly
what you said like creative ways, and I think that women, and I want to say this, so it's not offensive. But I think there are women that toe the line with allowing their children to be an excuse, rather than their motivator. And so my son either not a good sleeper, first three months, I was like, What did I get myself into it? Like, he's just screaming his head off? 24/7 You know, breastfeeding around the clock all these things, right. And so yeah, I probably really wasn't that focused on my businesses three months postpartum. But after, you know, you kind of get the hang of it. And like now, there's so many moving parts to life. And I think, for me, he's one of my biggest motivators. And so instead of being like, I can't do that. Because I have a kid, it's like, I'm going to figure out how to do this because I have a kid. And I think that's a huge distinguishing factor. And similar to you, like, where there's a will, there's a way you will figure it out. There was a lot of days, even when he was 678 months, that I was waking up super early. That's not the right fit for everybody. But that's what my brain would work the best. So I knew if my brain was mush by noon, I better work at five o'clock in the morning, right? And I do think and here's the thing, people think having it all is easy. It is not easy. It requires strategy. It requires paying people to help me have it all like, by no means do I ever want to come across like yeah, I just have a clean house and home cooked meals and my child's well taken care of in these businesses that make a lot of money. It's like, no, guess what, I have a nanny, I have a very, very supportive spouse. I don't think that everybody is in that scenario. I feel like that's a huge privilege to have a supportive spouse, but like, we have this life vision that we're working towards together, and he plays a crucial role in that. And so when hey, I need to do things, he's making dinner, you know, or he does drop off because a lot of my meetings start right at like 830 or nine o'clock in the morning. So it's like, great, you do drop off, I take over evenings. And so, you know, I have a housecleaner I have these things, because they're crucial to me being able to work on the businesses. And so I think everybody wants to have it all. Not everybody's willing to do what it takes. Well,
yeah, and that's okay, too. Like, maybe you don't want. I'll never forget, I read this article in a magazine ages ago. It's like, I don't want to lean in. I don't want to I just want to have a simple. Yeah. And I just like, Cool. That's great, too. I just don't have there's been a couple times where I have said to my team, Alright, that's it. We're not taking on any more people putting in scrim Management Agency. Like, we're, we're full, full capacity, and then someone will inquire and I'm like, Oh, I'm like, Okay. Like, I don't have it in me. I don't have I don't have it in me to not expand and grow because then I feel like I'm like if you feel more
constricted, right, and that's how I am. If I'm not expanding, growing learning, I feel like I'm dying. And
I don't think there's right or wrong like there are some people who are like, No, my part my profit margins. poppin I've got my 10 clients and I'm happy like, I kind of envy them sometimes because I'm slowly
It's funny because me and my little sister couldn't be like, more different. She lives in the middle of like, nowhere in Kansas and like, she's like, if I don't have neighbors, that's better, like she likes. She's a little homebody. And me, I live in New Jersey, like, there's some, like, I could throw a rock and hit like 12 neighbors, you know. But it's just so funny because like, for her, my life is very stressful. It's very busy. It's very moving. And she is that person. She's like, I want to wake up and see my chickens and be with my babies. And she's a, she's a massage therapist, she's like, booked out months in advance. She's phenomenal. She's like, I will take my clients, I will provide for my family as well. But I, the simpler my life is the better and I can totally respect that. But it also takes a level of self awareness to where she's like, Yeah, I might not have some of the experiences you ever have. Because I'm not willing to, you know, do the things sometimes that it's required. I'd rather have this simple life as long as we're all taken care of. And that's a beautiful thing, too. But for me, like I I personally would feel like I was dying. Yeah,
I can't, I can't do it either. I even when I was in medical sales, I remember telling my husband I was like when we we got transferred from Pensacola, Florida to San Diego. It's right. We were getting married. And it's like, there's a chance there's a small chance that a manager job might come open. And I might like interview for it. But I was like, No, I don't want to be a manager that would suck. Like, I want to do all that travel. And I was like, No way. Well, then they didn't basically they didn't even interview anyone else. And they were like, hey, like this job? Like, you know, do and I was like, dammit, yes.
I can't not do it. Like, it's hard to say no. Yeah, yeah.
So I am working on because I don't think that's always the right answer, either. I had a coach reflect back to me recently. She's like, Why do you think you're always getting to this? Oh, my gosh, my hair's on fire stage like and then I'll, I'll go crazy. And I'll mark my Calendly where I'm like, not available. Yeah. And then I get sick. Like, I get like a cold for like two weeks. And then I'm like, Okay, I'm reset. And then like, I'm like,
Yeah, I can 100% relate to that. Like, earlier this month. I told my team I was like, I'm not committing to anything else. Do not let me take any on any new projects in 2024. And they both just, like rolled their eyes at me. Like my husband was here. Our executive assistant was here. And he was like, Why do you even say that? Like, it's not gonna happen? And I'm like, No, I really want you guys they're like, We physically cannot stop.
And that's why I have my OB, my OB, um, are you Myers Briggs fan? Um,
I haven't dived super deep into that. I'm more into like human design, Enneagram DISC assessment, that sort of thing. I had
a disc person on the podcasts, you'll have to go back and listen. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah, I like both. Because it's like, I don't know with Myers Briggs. Anyway, my OB Him and I are complete opposite. Like, we're like the exact mirror. And so I call her my mom. I'm like, Mom, tell me. No.
That's awesome.
I'm glad we can understand that there. But yeah, so like, going back to the whole like, quote, having it all. If you were to give someone a tip for like, oh, well, that sounds like how I want my life to be like, right now. I'm barely surviving. I've got my clinic and my kid and my I'm trying to, you know, we're getting takeout every night. Like, I think sometimes you get so far down in that doing it all. Yeah, the hamster wheel that you can't see an exit. You're so tired physically and emotionally, you're like, I don't even have the brainpower to think about hopping off the wheel.
Totally. Well, one to what you mentioned. And like to your point, I also just want to be clear that like, each of our versions, even of having it all look different, right? So up at 5am. Right. So some of some of the work that I do with clients too. Like even just thinking of one client, she was on the hamster wheel and they were growing this clinic, and they have two locations and all this. She was like, but I really just want to homestead I want to homeschool my kids. And I'm like, that's great. If that's what your dream life looks like, like, let's create that stop doing all this other stuff that's not getting you closer to that goal then, because you're just like doing what you think you should, but it's not getting you to where you actually want to be. And so I think that it's really important to have people like that in our life that can be like, is this what you really want? And even when I have clients that are like, cool, I want to do consulting, I'm like, are you doing consulting? Because I make consulting look fun. And you want to do it? Are you doing consulting because you're actually truly passionate about it? Because there's a difference. It's work. It's building from the ground up all over again. It's not easy, you know? And so it's like, we have to be very careful, I think in the day of social media to not just see things online and be like, Okay, I want that unless it's truly what you want to work towards. Because it's also when you're building a dream that's not yours, everything's feels harder. And so it's like you have to make sure you're building your own dream but whatever that having it all looks like to you. One of the best things that I think can help you get there and figure it out is by literally cutting your hours of patient care or servicing clients, whatever it is that you do, so that you have time to work on the business instead of in the business. And that's not like, Okay, I'm gonna take off an evening and be at home and try and get things done. Because as moms, we both know, that doesn't happen. Like, if my son's around, I'm not getting any work done. And so I think that, you know, it's very much during the week, during normal office hours, close a three or four hour shift, and just work on the business. So you can find maybe the bottlenecks in the business that you need to fix, maybe you can really focus on manifesting that next, hire whatever it is, but so often, people aren't feeling like they're working towards their dream scenario, because they don't have any time to actually work on it. They're just so busy doing.
Yeah, that's couldn't be further from the truth. That's why like, I only have usually calls on Tuesdays and Thursdays because it's like, my calendar is getting full of calls. And I was like, well, when do I have time to work because they don't, you know, then you're toast. Like, even if you're super, you're like your brains just,
Oh, totally. And I'm a projector, I don't know how much you know about human design. But so like, I have a battery life. And I try and keep up with all these manifesting generators and generators, because your guys's energy is just like, endless. But I have a battery life. And when that is gone, I really have to be able to decompress and in similar to you. My calendar is stacked right now. And that's like, why I'm telling my team, don't let me take on anything new because I really have no, not a lot of wiggle room, even for us to record part two of this, you know, like, I'm like, Oh my gosh, I really don't have as much time as I wish that I had. So that's something that I'm trying to figure out to like, How can I maintain, but maybe not be so committed to so many things? Because I also say yes to a lot of opportunities. But getting really crystal clear and practicing that discernment on the things that I really should say yes to? Yeah,
absolutely. So I kind of wanted to switch gears a little more tactical before we hop off. And it's about you said there's like, way back in the beginning of the episode, you said, there's like 10 issues, mostly that you kind of see every practice owner has in common, whether they no matter what technique, whatever. Obviously, we don't have time to go over all 10 issues. But if you were to pick like one or two and how you typically like coach people through that, and I like this podcast to be very tangible, not just like totally around issues. I don't know, put you on the spot. But ya
know. So I think that every single person I talked to whether they're doing, you know, $2,000 a month or $60,000 a month, they're like I want more new patients. Great. We can come up with marketing strategies to do that we can get you networking, like we talked about earlier, go meet more people get involved in your community, hire social media company to get you in front of more eyes, whatever it takes. But also, where's your retention at? Because what if you've never lost a client before? How can you focus on retention and keeping them so that you don't have this brand new slate every month where you're starting over? And with a lot of the companies that I work with that are already at the million dollars, their retention is so insanely good, they've really perfected their systems, they have a great team on board. And so I think I think that the low hanging fruit, like why just need more new people? Sure you do. But you're also missing a huge aspect of your business on the retention side. Which is cheaper, so much cheaper. Yeah, I think there's like stats out there, say it's like seven to 10 times more expensive to acquire a new, new patient, new client, whatever it is, compared to just keeping one. And so that's a lot of the effort that I do with clients to it's like, hey, let's look at your systems. Let's look at your retention. Are you celebrating any of your people that are already invested with you that you know, are have committed to you being their practitioner? What are you doing for those people? Because I know we're doing all these other things to try and get new people. But let's take care of the people you already have.
What are some ideas for things people can do to help their return?
Oh, so Well, last night, we just hosted our VIP Christmas party. So it is a huge party, I've spent $10,000 I run out the whole restaurant, they get really fancy drinks, everybody gets dressed up, we invite our top patients, it's so much fun. And people are like feel so blessed because we send them a fancy invite in the mail. So it's like a legit party they get invited to they love it every year. And and so that's just us taking care of them, we raffle off different things, different prizes for them, just really spoil them. And we do that once a year. That's like our biggest probably retention thinking or VIP years. But then also we do a lot of gifting. I love gifting. It really makes me happy. And so we do a lot of gifting. We also are celebrating them, you know we're forging those deeper connections and then we're just making sure that our staff is a culminating as they possibly can be. So that it's as easy as possible to remain a patient. Yeah,
absolutely. That how many people do invite to this party? 100 That's why I love that idea. Yeah, do you think you're taught patients is basically I guess, like people who have had like the most visits? Well,
it's not even that it's just people that really get what we do. They tell their family and friends about okay, okay, so like for a while I only invited patients that had been with the clinic for so long. But then I realized I was like all these new patients that we are getting that we're becoming raving fans that we really loved. And so this year, we invited more of our newer patients. So this last night, it was like a lot of their first time invited to the VIP Christmas party and they were just raving about it. They were so stoked. But yeah, it's just people that really get it. They tell people, they shout us out on social, they're there in the Facebook groups posting about us. You know what, whatever it is like, it doesn't mean they have to have the like highest PVA to get invited. But it's definitely like, they've been around, they love us. And they're huge influencers for us, too.
So that's actually if you go back a couple episodes ago, I did like how to increase engagement. That's one of my top tips for increasing engagement and has nothing to do with any Instagram strategy. I'm like, Nick, some patient ambassadors people are how do I do that? I'm like, not a formal letter, literally. Hey, Stephanie, would you mind today after you leave? Would you like, first of all, could you go comment on a couple of our Instagram posts? And then could you maybe put it on your? Yep, sure. Like, yep. That yeah, I would totally do it all the time. For my part. Well, that's a whole other story. But yes. You said the Facebook groups like the local moms being a military spouse, I can tell you, like, I know, there's a lot of people who listening could probably like always been in the same hometown or whatever. But like, for me moving a lot. The local moms Facebook groups, I hate Facebook. I don't open Facebook for anything except for that. That's how I find everything here. You know, cleaning person, chiropractor, whatever is through the local mom space. Yep, absolutely.
Yeah, that's where they're at. And so it's just fun to and people because there's not enough people that do it. Like, that's what I tell my team. I'm like, you guys, I want to be the happiest, most positive place that celebrates these people, because they might not be getting celebrated elsewhere. I could tell you like the providers, I go to like my hairstylist who's also a coaching client. But she she's got it on lock she celebrates as she brings us gifts, she does all this stuff, because I'm like, there's nobody really going above and beyond you know how easy it is to stand out from a crowd, if you just put a little bit more effort into the people that you're serving.
That's so true. That is so true. Okay, so we talked about retention, we only about five minutes left. Let's do one more. One more like,
um, so where are people face, they also do not track their stats, it's painfully obvious when I get on a call, I'm gonna like stuff. Everything's on fire. I don't know what to do. We lost a person we're hiring, we don't know who we can afford to hire. And like, I know every stat like, if you were to ask me something like, I could tell you off the top of my head, because that's how often I look at my spreadsheets and my numbers and things like that. Because that's truly how I feel you have the best pulse on your business. And so my first thing is, you know, just as an example, it's like, okay, well, what's your ova? What's your PVA? What's your overhead? How many office visits? Are you at this week? Why are you what, what is your new patients doing? Why are they down and it's like, if you could tell me all that data, we're gonna fix your problem right away. But so many people don't know their data in order to find the problem. What's
the best way like, if you were to pick like five stats, you know, like, just start here? Well,
I would say you have to know your overhead on like your average, but also your outliers too, because like some months, you know, we're paying or malpractice, and so it's a little bit higher that month, but you should have your average in your head so that you know what you have to meet in order to break even right. But then your Oviya, your PVA, your new patient, your collections. And then also just knowing your trends from month to month, because I think as new newer business owners, it's easy to be like, have a lower month and think that everything's falling apart, when in reality, like every business ebbs and flows. And so if you can look at those trends year after year, month, after month, and get a feel for that, you then start to plan different marketing strategies for the months that are a little bit slower, or you plan some time off during that month. It just gives you a better sense of balance within the business and a better sense of stability.
If you're not a brick and mortar clinic, and you're just like an online business, like what would that translate to we use it? I don't even know I know what PVA and I don't know what the Oh, when is the office
visit average? So like what you're making per person? So like it basically be like your KPIs, right? Like, what is your average order that you're getting average service that people are doing? And then just like your costs to like, so for like online businesses, working with coaches, a lot of them that do live launches? It's like, what's your runway that you need in order to get that live launch? And how long are you live launching and things like that? Right? It's similar to knowing those statistics to Well, yeah,
we talked about the like, whole one to 5% conversion for online products. And it's like, I know that if I have, let's say, 1000 people on my email list, and I'm gonna make, you know, this many sales totally, whereas, yeah, so it's like, how do I get to okay, how do I get to 10,000? Because here's my revenue goal. How many people do I need on my email list to hit that goal? Well, exactly.
And that's what I said to a client yesterday. I said, Here is your, you know, because it was really like, they're like, can we hire two people or one person, we really feel like we're drowning. We need more help. And I said, Okay, well, here's the deal. Here's your breakeven point, you get to decide if you're at this volume, are you ready to grow and really stabilize the business or are you feeling like you're operating on too slim of profit margin? is that you really need to just only hire one person at a time. But it's like, let's make those decisions based on data not on how we feel that day or what, what we think about when we wake up. It's like, let's look at the numbers and make accurate decisions.
Yeah, I wouldn't say data's always my strong suit, but that's why I have Carolyn Mobium. So that sounds hire somebody for it. Yeah. My bookkeeper keeps track of everything else. And yeah, yeah. All right. So Dr. Steph, how do people find you? Yeah,
so I am the wealthy practitioner. On Instagram, we have a podcast as well, that releases every Tuesday where I tried to share other things that my husband and I are doing within our clinics. And then we have a mastermind. And we have another coaching program for some of those startups that are trying to build to that 20 to 30k a month. But most of my stuff is posted on Instagram. And so I'm always doing fun things over there in letting you know, you can enroll in those programs at any time. And I just love to be connected to other people who are building cool stuff. So yeah,
get your Instagram is really good. And we'll make sure it's linked in the show notes.
Thank you so much.
Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified. This podcast is brought to you by my marketing roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that's kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public, when you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram, or my blogs, or whatever is that yes, you will learn a lot but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for this five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order. That's why it's called a roadmap. So you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey. Or if you already are started and you're just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information. This is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just $27. So all you have to do is head to Molly cahill.com/private. Training. And based on the reviews I've had so far, I know you won't be disappointed. I'm really proud of this training. And I know personally, I've bought 2737 $17 products before and felt like I really didn't get that much out of it. I guarantee you you will learn something from this five episode, private audio feed. So again, it's just Molly Kenny hill that comm slash private training, and it'll also be linked below in the show notes. I cannot wait to hear what you think. And hey, you know how every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast? Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly a Cahill. That's c h i ll I would greatly greatly appreciate your support. I truly appreciate you so much. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.
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