Episode 64: Personalizing Your Website to Increase New Patient Conversions with Perfect Patients

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How strong is your personal brand?
Many chiropractors, wellness providers, and holistic health pros tend to hide their faces behind the “business” – using stock photos and generic content on their website.
But your superpower actually lies in showing up as your authentic self, being confident in who you uniquely are, and not trying to be all things to all people.
It may feel counterintuitive, but trying to appeal to everyone will end up attracting no one.
Today I’ve asked my friend Lauren, the director of sales and marketing at Perfect Patients, to talk to us about how personalizing your website and bringing your face to your practice’s digital home can actually help you increase new patient conversions.
There’s so much to dive into, so let’s get started.
Is your website appealing to a new patient?
Your website is essentially your digital business card.
It represents who you are, what you do, who it’s for, and why it matters.
If you think of your social media as the playground where you have some fun at recess or lunch, your website is the classroom – this is where serious work (and conversions!) happen.
Most chiropractors think having a website that loads decently fast, shows their hours, and shares their contact information is enough.
But we know that to truly convert a visitor into a new patient, you’ve got to have more happening on your website. And it has to be intentional and strategic.
We want your website to appeal to where your ideal patient wants to be. They should feel like what they dream of is possible when they land on your site.
If your website isn’t turning visitors into new patients – we’ve got some work to do. But don’t worry, Lauren has all the pro tips for us!
What your website needs to convert a visitor into a new patient
Within milliseconds of landing on your website, a visitor has to decide if they want to stay.
The things that influence their decision include:
- The color scheme
- The image at the top of your website
- The details and information that are featured at the top
If they like what they see right off the bat, a visitor will keep scrolling to see what’s going on.
If you’re not trying to attract other chiropractors, writing your website like a chiropractor isn’t going to appeal to your non-chiropractor patients.
You need to write your website using the words, terminology, and perspective a new patient would use.
You also want to make sure your website has enough white space. You want to chunk out your content in easy to read, skimmable sections instead of lumping it all into one giant paragraph that no one is going to read.
Mistakes chiropractors make on their websites
One of the biggest mistakes we see chiropractors making on their websites is using stock imagery right up at the top.
That first image – the one that grabs attention and convinces a visitor to stay and keep reading – needs to be a personal image.
We’re not featuring a stock image doctor with a stethoscope or a generic family frolicking in the meadow. (These are real examples Lauren has seen in her work!)
You want to have a high-quality, responsive image that is personalized – you, your team, or you working with a patient in your office.
Another mistake that many chiropractors make on their websites is not optimizing for SEO.
Each page has a title tag (where you update that information depends on the website platform you use) that should be updated with a targeted keyword for the page followed by your practice’s name.
Example: Instead of a title tag that says “Home” (which is what it will default to), you would want something like: Denver Pediatric Chiropractor | The Daisy Practice
Title tag = Targeted Keyword for the Page | Business Name
Pro Tip: You need to have a different keyword and unique title tag and meta description for each page of your website.
Make sure your SEO metadata tells people exactly who you are, where you are, and who you help so they can find you!
From images to SEO, and all the content in between – the more personalized your website is, the better it will convert visitors into new patients!
Connect with Lauren and learn more
Lauren has evaluated thousands of chiropractic websites and worked with countless practices to improve their websites and digital marketing strategies.
If you’d like to connect with her, you can visit Perfect Patients here!
And follow Perfect Patients on Instagram for all their website tips.
If you’re feeling better about your website but wishing you had the same kind of tips for marketing on Instagram, you’re really going to love my Instagram Marketing Roadmap. It’s a private audio training that’s only $27 and will take you step-by-step through everything you need to do to market your health and wellness business on Instagram.
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The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hook!
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Molly: Hi, my dears. Today's episode is with, uh, my friend, Lauren, who is the director of sales and marketing at Perfect Patients. I know I call everybody my friend, but I kind of feel like everybody is my friend. So like, it's not like a, it's not like a term of endearment that I just say as a filler word. Cause I actually, you know, they might not think they're my friends, but so Lauren and I actually got to hang out in real life at the women chiropractors.
conference last fall, which was awesome and have breakfast together. We have a very similar background. We were both in medical sales before. And, um, yeah, she has evaluated thousands of chiropractic websites. She's worked with countless practices at improving their websites and digital marketing strategy over the last six years.
And today's website conversation is not your average website conversation, because we're talking a lot about the. The power and the importance of your face and personal branding on your website and, you know, making sure that it's not just like all stock photos and things like that. And we talk about the importance of that and why, and some of the things that you can make sure you have, you know, on your website.
So the conversation is with perfect patients, of course, and perfect patients only does chiropractic websites. I still think you would get A lot out of the episode, even if you're not a chiropractor and, you know, couldn't potentially use their websites. Also want to mention that I am an affiliate for perfect patients.
So if you do just mention that you. I heard this podcast episode or mentioned me, you get your whole setup fee waived, which is really huge. So like a freeze, complete free setup, and you get your first month for free. And as y'all know, I would 1000 percent never recommend anybody who I don't actually.
Like, and like, like their sites, I, we have a perfect patients and I actually have a couple mutual clients. And we were copied on one of the questions from one of their clients, um, to the two perfect patients. So I've seen firsthand the level of customer service that they provide too, because like I said, we were copied on the email.
So yeah, it's kind of more of like a boutique feel, which is kind of what we strive for. And I think you will learn a lot from this episode. Welcome to Holistic Marketing Simplified, a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill, and this podcast is brought to you by My Marketing Roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that's kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public.
When you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram or my blogs or whatever is that yes, you will learn a lot, but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for. This Five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order.
It's why it's called a roadmap. If you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey, or if you already are started and you're just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information, this is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just 27.
So all you have to do is head to mollycahill. com slash private training. And based on the reviews I've had so far, I know you won't be disappointed. My name is
Dr. Nick: Dr. Nick Belden. I'm a functional medicine practitioner. And chiropractor living in a beautiful, sunny Phoenix, Arizona. And I listened to the holistic marketing simplified podcast.
And you should do
Molly: Lauren. Welcome to the podcast. I'm so glad you're here. Thank you. Happy to be here. Yeah. Lauren and I got to meet in real life and have breakfast and hang out and all that. In Scottsdale last October at the women chiropractors conference, which was really cool.
Lauren: Yes, that was so great.
It's fun to connect on different, uh, similarities in our past lives.
Molly: I was going to say, yeah, we have like the same past life story where she was in pharmaceutical sales. I was in, you were in pharmaceutical sales, right? Yeah. And I was in medical sales. So like same, same, same, both got burnout. I think we both have a love of holistic healthcare.
Both decided to use our marketing skills to get more holistic. Like people in front of more wait, eyes. Yeah. I was like, did I say that right? I feel like my brain's like, I'm like already sundowning this afternoon. So
Lauren: it's both so much more happy and, uh, Fulfilled supporting. Oh my gosh.
Molly: Yes. I was literally just having this conversation with my husband at lunch, like about.
Yeah, I was like, I just couldn't have kept up that pace any longer. Like, but I've, I've been working a lot more recently than usual. So we were like, okay, how do I dial this back? So it definitely can always creep in. That's for sure. Even if you're doing, he's like, I thought you loved what you were to do.
I'm like, Oh, I do. I just need to get better at like, when you work from home too, you know how it is, it's like, it's like, it creeps. Yes, it does. So, all right. Yes. Today's topic is all about websites. Now, Lauren works with perfect patients and they do very just y'all's websites are just really well done.
Like there's a bunch of different companies I could have partnered with when it comes to like chiropractic websites. And I just, I saw a lot of the way I teach like personal branding, like that unique. You know, bringing your own unique flavor into your marketing. That's so reflected in the websites that Perfect Patients creates.
So tell us just a little bit about Perfect Patients first before I dive into my website questions.
Lauren: Yeah, absolutely. Thanks for saying that and we're very happy to partner with you. So um, I think I would agree we we appreciate and love the The similarities on, um, your messaging and showing up authentic and having your personal brand and, and being confident in being unique in yourself, not like trying to be all things to all people, right?
The one thing that sets Perfect Patients apart a bit is all of our websites are custom built. So it is not a template. It is not stock. content. It is not just, here's what a chiropractor is or does, or what kind of training they have, or what you can, you know, expect. This is going to be unique to each practice, each individual.
We go through a very in depth interview process where we ask all these questions. Sometimes it's actually really beneficial. for the chiropractor because we want to know your, your vision and your values. And sometimes they're like, Oh, I don't know if I'd, you know, have sat down and thought about this. So it actually does help, um, help those guys in, in bringing that out too.
And then we put together all the content and we bring that to life and a custom website. Now, one thing that we always, that we consistently hear as far as feedback is, It's more to do with conversion and conversion is such a thing to to sell or to attract or to really, you know, put a specific number on per se because Everyone has a website or most people have a website, right?
Most people would say my website's fine. It's fine. It works. It loads has my hours, my contact information. People go there. They can contact me. What you don't know is. Is it converting or how much better could it be converting? Right? So yes, they're landing on your page, but are you capturing their attention?
Are you connecting? Are you making that emotional appeal to, this is where I want to go. This is where I want to bring my family, my vision, my values align with theirs. That kind of thing. And so a lot of feedback that we just love hearing is I had no idea I had no idea it could be better or I had no idea the impact that like just Improving where an image is how a font is presented or where the button is the call to action How that could actually make a difference or impact conversion and making, you know, encouraging patients or website visitors to take action.
Molly: like almost as if you're experts in websites, just like they are experts in their craft. What a funny, what a funny topic. Um, and I do think like, I think this is a two things can be true conversation. I think there's a lot to be said for upskilling and learning the ins and outs of running a business before outsourcing.
I do think there's like merit to that conversation, but I, you're not going to go try to give someone an adjustment. I'm not going to go try to give someone an adjustment. I'd kill you because, but we're experts in our fields. It was like, I don't mean to say you can't learn and you can't upskill and you can't grow like.
I wish I, my, my assistant does all my website stuff. I wish I knew more about my website than I do. I just kind of, I'm like, meh, it's a problem. I don't, I don't have to know, you know what I mean? So, um, So, like I said, I think it's like a two sides of the same coin. Like on one hand, you're like bootstrap it, use something like Wix and build it.
And, you know, and that's fine. Like no one's saying you can't do that, but I'll just use the anecdote. What, what happened to me when I first started my business? Like I'm pretty tech savvy, like. Typically I can Google or YouTube my way around and figure it out. Like when I first started my business, I built my own website on Squarespace, which is supposed to be so easy, drag and drop and do this.
And I ended up having to go on Upwork and hire someone just to go fix what I screwed up. So it's like, if I just. You know, I'm not saying you have to have this crazy expensive custom website right out of the gate when you don't have, you know, two pennies to rub together, which is another reason I love Perfect Patients because yeah, you're not like the Costco or McDonald's.
But you're also not like the Cartier either. Like, I feel like y'all's websites for the value that you give people is so affordable for how great they are. So that kind of brings me to my first question, which is what are the pros and cons of having someone manage your website? Not even just manage, but like build your website versus DIY building and DIY managing.
Because a lot of people think about the building, they don't think about the managing.
Lauren: Yeah. Yeah. Well, you answered the question right there. I think the big thing, there's pros and cons to both, right? So yes, creating your own website, have it, managing it. It gives you full control. Um, you learn a lot. You learn the value of your time Where you want to be spending it, but the tough part that that we That a lot of people don't necessarily think about is the updating and the ongoing management, right?
So if someone if you are managing your own site And Google just did this, right? They just had another core algorithm update. Do you have any idea what they just did? Are you, do you, do you want to know?
Molly: I even don't, I, again, not, I was like, can you, I remember forwarding the email to my assistant going, Hey, can you, Forward, like you know, now it's in your court.
I don't know what are we
Lauren: doing here? Are we good or is that, well, I think there's things like that, that Google constantly is doing algorithm updates. And what does that mean for you? And let us handle that part. And if that means, Oh, we need to make some massive changes on the user experience of your website, or now we need to, you know, make sure.
You know, this most recent one is really focused on content, right? So with all the, the chat GPT and AI content, written content, they're really cracking down on making sure there's a human element to the content that's on your site. Right? So again, another reason to have custom written content there's the use as a human to write it and have it personalized there.
But so, you know, to answer your question, pros and cons, The ongoing management, just making sure that you're up to date on, you know, you have a secure site also, right? Secure hosting. It's not gonna, nobody's information is at risk here. Um, they're up to date with, or we're keeping track of Google algorithm updates, what that means, what changes need to happen.
You also get to just, you know, email or give us a quick call and say, Hey, I added, you know, a new massage therapist or a new CA. Can you, you know, put their bio on here instead of, you know, Six weeks in the line, four months in the line. I've been meaning to get that on the site. Yeah, you know like So it's something that it's really just a matter of time right so Yes, it's an additional cost that if you're managing your own You save, um, but then what is your time worth?
Right. And that's what we always, you, you have to make that decision, but you know, if this can free up an hour of your time, two hours of your time, it should, I mean, I'd imagine it'd be a lot more than that over the course of a month. I feel like it'd be a lot more than that, but you know,
Molly: but I mean, you're like expert status, if it only frees up an hour or two at websites.
Lauren: Sure. Yeah. So, so time time saving and just like the awareness of just the technicality part of it of Google algorithms and updates. You know, the other thing that a lot of times we run into is we see this a lot where I just spent 5, 000, 10, 000. I just spent so much money on building this beautiful website.
And it's beautiful. You have a digital piece of art that works really well and looks nice. Okay. In three years, it's going to be outdated, right? So the design elements that they used, the layout of it is going to change. It's an ever evolving. So. In three years, you're probably gonna have to spend the same or consider what you're gonna do there.
So having someone else manage it, that's keeping up with those digital trends, with design trends, you know, able to just make quick updates or makeover, do things like that on your behalf, that you don't have to be like, well, I don't know. I think it looks fine. And then it's just. It's severely outdated. So.
Molly: Yeah. And I want to go back in the conversation a little bit about the, we kind of talked about the mass syndicated stock chiropractic content. Well, you and I know it's like chiropractors are like Baskin Robbins. There's like some, all these flavors. It's like, I'll never forget my, one of the chiropractors I used to go to.
Cause we've moved around a lot. Cause we were military. I would get her syndicated emails and see her blogs that were on her website. But they had nothing to do. She was a prenatal and pediatric and every single blog was about whiplash pain, the emails were about whiplash. And I'm like, what? Like I was so confused.
That was before I was in online marketing. And so I didn't understand like, Oh, this all worked. I was like, uh, what I thought you like focused. So again, like just going back to that, like. I feel like y'all are custom without being just like you said that five to 10, 000 price tag. That's like
And then you also talked about conversion, which is so important. It's like, there is an actual science to where buttons are located and calls to action are located. And that kind of leads me back to my Upwork guy. One of the things we noticed that I had done wrong. The images on my website were like giant file sizes that he had to fix.
So what are some of the most common mistakes you see that can be detrimental to website performance? Or even what is website performance just for people who don't know, like, why does it even matter?
Lauren: Sure. Yeah. So how we look at it is like your website is your, your digital business card. Essentially.
there's so many parts of digital marketing, of course, obviously. So your social media presence, that's where you're going to be. So much more personalized and engaging. Your website is going to present you. We kind of refer to it as like your website's the classroom, right? This is where it's a little more serious, a little more, you know, work's getting done.
And then you go to your social media pages and you get to have a little more fun and be, you know, at lunch or recess. And it's just a little more playful, but website, you know, conversion is, How do you have that emotional appeal to get someone to take action on your site? So this is healthcare. This is a, you're touching me, you're touching my family.
You are, you know, I'm trusting you with my condition or what I'm going through or my symptoms, whatever's happening, my health journey. So I want to have some level of emotional connection with you to trust that So when I get on, you know, if, if a patient is looking for the right fit of a chiropractor, do you, you know, appeal to them?
So that's where that conversion piece comes in. When they land on your site, first of all, do they want to stay? So that, you know, mere milliseconds of that first image, that first color scheme, what exactly what's there captures their attention and they go, wow, this looks nice. Okay. I'm going to keep scrolling or I'm going to keep scrolling.
You know, scrolling down on desktop or on their mobile, right? Okay. I'm going to go deeper. I'm going to go further now. The other art of it is so many times, some of the mistakes that we see, you know, chiropractors have so much knowledge, so much information. There's so much they can help with, but oftentimes they write their website or they want their website.
Written in a way that they would want to read it, but you're not Attracting other chiropractors who've had the same training as you. So how can you present the information that is easily digestible for a More off the street kind of, you know, I did not have chiropractic training. What does this mean for you?
Okay So, you know so those kinds of things that we really try to draw out but also present it in a way that It's not just a wall of text that they go, Oh my gosh. And my eyes went cross eyed and I was like, you know, so have it be skimmable, have the big things pop out, have certain colors that draw their attention.
We use a term that's super technical, it's called chunking, but chunk your content, right?
Molly: Yeah, that's how I write my Instagram captions. Sometimes I'll even break up one really long sentence into two chunks. Right, right.
Lauren: Yeah. Let them, and then use imagery to flow down the page, right? So their eye goes here, okay, now I'm going to read this information, and naturally it's going to go to this side where there's more content for me to see, and it's just easy.
And I can, I can scroll through and skim, and then the goal of conversion is, it's skimmable, but then captures, Oh! Wait, what was that? Let me go. Okay. I'm going to read more. Okay. Now I'm going to meet the doctor because I want to know, you know, more about them or I'm going to learn more about the service that they offer or learn more about upper cervical or network spinal or what their approaches with pregnant women.
So, Then they learn more and then the conversion piece is that they've explored more of your page. They've come to you educated or have a general knowledge and then the goal of a website is to get them to contact you. Book the appointment, contact you, ask the question and get more new patients, you know, in your door.
So that's the big goal, right? So if you're getting website traffic, that's the first thing. Great! That's great. If you're getting traffic to your site, you're ranking well in the search engines, or you have a lot of referrals, but when they get to your website, if they're like, ah, what do they do? Or that seems kind of like your run of a mill chiropractor.
I might look for something a little more unique or keep going a little bit further. Right? So that's where you could be missing out. You can get that. You can get that traffic, but is it actually translating into people are contacting us. People are booking the appointments. We're seeing the conversion aspect.
Molly: Yeah, or is it like your name in the name, Perfect Patients? Or is it the right people contacting you? Right, that too, yeah. Or does your website only talk about whiplash and then that's, who's calling you and you're like, wait, that's not, I'm, I'm more network final. Like, I don't even know, like, this isn't my patient, not saying they wouldn't see a whiplash page, but you know what I'm saying?
Like, uh, and then the other thing that came to mind while you were saying that is you talked about, okay, people land on their page and they love the color scheme and the image. It's like, does the image even load? Right. Yeah. So if you want to talk about that, like the performance of like, You know, I talked about the image of being too big and little things you just might not know unless you work with a company who knows all of this.
Lauren: Right. So, you know, and you'd ask like a couple of mistakes that we see on, on the website. So to kind of summarize that, like, Your images is huge. The imagery professional photography, that's why we actually include it in our premium or higher level plans. We will send a photographer to your practice because we know how important it is.
If they land on the site and it's a poor quality image that either doesn't load or is cut off or is a picture of a, Stock image doctor with a stethoscope. Um, probably. I saw that the other day and I was like, what the heck is this on your website? Right. Those are important, right? And that's why, I mean, even working with somebody who knows chiropractic, we're not going to choose that stock image for you.
We're not even going to present that as an option. Or a frolicking family in the, in the meadow. Yep. Yep. We've seen that too. I, we had a client recently who, who came to us from another company and she says, This is a really nice image, but we're in Nebraska. We don't have mountains like this. Disconnect.
And when they land on here, they go, wait, did I, did I land on the right website? Cause we don't have mountains like this. So just simple things like that. So photography would be a big thing. Um, choosing the right image, sizing it correctly, making sure it's high quality. And then a common thing is making sure it's, it's responsive.
And what we mean by responsive is, okay, you might go on Squarespace, for example, and you're doing your builder, and then you, Put this image in and it's great quality. It looks so good on desktop. And then you pull it up on your mobile phone and it's this like tiny little in the corner or it's across the whole page.
And you're like, Oh no, that's not what I'm nose. You're like, so, so having, you know, right. Images definitely is a huge, a huge benefit we see. Oftentimes that's a big mistake that some people just don't take enough time to do. Or prioritize the images that they're using and to get that, that connection, that emotional appeal and, and really present themselves there.
So, you know, the other thing is, yeah, the content, we talked about that, how they're presenting their content, how it's chunked out. Is it easy to digest? Is it skimmable? Is Is it presented in a way that is understandable? Um, and not just a big wall of text and not just stock generic content, but unique to you and actually represents, you know, your branding.
One of the biggest mistakes we all often see and another benefit to having someone manage the website for you is basic search engine optimization. So there's a,
Molly: Just about to ask, I was about to say, we haven't, You said they land on your page and I'm like, okay, well, let's go back. Like, let's assume, how are we making sure they're actually landing on your page?
Lauren: Yeah. So one of the most common things that we see on do it yourself, build your own websites. They don't really help you with optimization. They don't make the best recommendations or suggestions. They have plug and play. So you can go in if you have a semblance of what you're doing and kind of know what to do, but you have to search for it, find it.
They're not saying, okay, here's how you optimize. So common mistakes we see your homepage, the title tag says home. That's, that's fine for navigation, but it's not helpful for Google. Um, and when we talk about a title tag, um, this is a term used in search engine optimization, this is the title of that page on your website.
It's actual code that Google's bots are crawling to determine what that page is most relevant for. So if you say home, that means nothing to them. If you say Missoula chiropractor. Oh, okay. When someone types in chiropractor near me in Missoula or Missoula chiropractor, now we know that this website is relevant to that.
Right? So having your, um, we always say like, best practice would be your main keyword and what you're trying to attract for what they're searching for your area. So location, um, You have to be specific on that. And then your practice name. And that's for your homepage title tag. Obviously your practice name is relevant.
So when people are typing that in, people want, you want them to, uh, to find it too. So help Google out with that. But then even more on the service pages, right? So then your about us page says about us, your, uh, service page said services, right? So instead of pregnancy, chiropractor, Missoula, instead of You know, auto injury chiropractor, right?
So little things like that we see all the time and that's just your title tags, but then there's so much more on page SEO as well. So your headers, you know, H1, H2, H3, this is all SEO kind of tech speak, but does you have to help Google, right? Does Google have any idea? What your website is relevant for now the trick or?
Warning, I will say is yes Chiropractor near me is what you want to look at to show up for or chiropractor plus your area You cannot put that on every single page, right so you can not Duplicate title tags, right? So we see that often too, where home page, about us page, meet the doctor page, service pages, all have chiropractor area or chiropractor near me.
And. Then Google says, well, which one is it? Which one is actually the most relevant? So that's also a missed opportunity of if you have a pregnancy page, now you're missing out on anyone searching for pregnancy, chiropractor, prenatal chiropractor in your area kind of thing. So,
Molly: yeah, I love that. I recently started seeing a upper cervical chiropractor just cause I had this one neck issue that like would not resolve.
And Yeah. I mean, he was like the only, but he is, he is the only one really in like three hours. So, I mean, you probably didn't have too much competition, but, um, yeah, I, I searched upper cervical chiropractor near me.
Lauren: Yep.
Molly: Um, and I know I'm a very specialized patient and a lot of people wouldn't know to search that, but I just thought that was interesting that he came up in that.
I had a question for you. What was it? Oh, I remember. So, so much of what you're talking about translates to social media as well. One thing I'm always walking doctors through when it comes to like their Instagram username and their bio, you know, there's only those two searchable fields, the username and the name line.
Those are like the only two things that are. Are searchable in the Instagram search bar. How do you balance, are they searching by Dr. Lauren lofts or are they searching by perfect patients? You know, like the business name versus the doctor's name.
Lauren: Yeah. So you can, you can essentially your title tag or your optimization tags or headers, you know, what's on the, so there's not just one place.
That you're, you're putting this on a website, right? So there's a lot of factors that go into search engine optimization on the title tag. You do have a character count. So you do want to keep it within a certain number of characters. What we always recommend is have your practice name in there as well as your keyword and your location, right?
So best practice is your keyword location and then the whatever service or or your practice name or whatever it is. Right. So then. on your bio page, for example, um, it would be, you know, um, my name. Okay. So if they are searching for me specifically, the nice thing about searching for the doctor specifically is that there aren't too many of you.
It shouldn't be too much competition. Okay. If they already know about you, somebody referred them to Dr. Lauren Lofts, um, typing that in. I like that, it has a nice ring to it, by the way. Yeah, interesting. Um, you know, but, you know, they're typing that in directly. So optimization is not as important when it's specific, like practice name, or they're, they know they're looking for you, because no one else Has your name on their website, you know, of course, unless you're a name of somebody, whatever, you know what I mean?
Molly: yeah,
Lauren: associated with that area or in that practice or whatnot, that's not going to be as competitive as chiropractor near me. Chiropractor, Wichita chiropractor, you know, so that's where the optimization is key. And then just make sure that your website is mentioning your practice name, your name, those kinds of things.
And those are naturally going to. To show up.
Molly: I'm sure it's harder when you're working with clients in a bigger metropolitan area who have a more common clinic name. Like I feel like there's, there's certain, I don't want to name any because I don't want to offend, but there's certain like chiropractic clinic names that like you can search and there's like a million clinics with that same name.
Yep. But then you, like you said, you add in the. The optimization of their specialties and the actual doctor's name and it kind of sorts itself out. I assume
Lauren: right. Yeah. And Google the nice thing. I mean, there's some cases where if you are very strict on your location within your on your computer on your mobile phone or whatever, but most of the time you have an IP address.
And most of the time you have like Google has an idea of where you are. So when you are searching and it is a similar name to, um, Okay. You know, someone in New York versus California, they know that you're in this region and that result will come up.
Molly: So what's one thing that people can do to improve their website performance?
Like today, if they were to take something away from this episode.
Lauren: Yeah, I think the, they can call perfect patients.
Molly: No,
Lauren: no.
Molly: It's so hard because I don't want to like interrupt your, your answer to this, but it's so hard for me. On one hand, it's like, okay, don't worry about it. Molly just attracts people who are more like you to your business, but I'm like the outsourcing queen of the planet.
So for me, like I even a meeting that was, um, my phone was just dinging. I'm interviewing a girl Tuesday who really have one kid. It's not like we have this, like a ton of kids and my husband and I both work from home. And yet, um, we've had some things going on with the extended family, with the estate. We have some unique circumstances.
And the business is growing and I was like, all right, I'm stressed. I'm working till 11 o'clock at night, which is not conducive to, I mean, yeah, that's fine to do every once in a while. So I'm hiring somebody to do our laundry.
Lauren: Okay.
Molly: It's just like, it's great. I'm just not the one who's going to continue to complain about being burnt out and overwhelmed.
I'm like, well, that takes up my time. I don't enjoy it. Yeah. All right. Done. Like, and I know that sounds like a luxury, like, yes, like I said, I get it. Like if you're just coming out of school, you've got 200, 000 in student loans and you're like. I've got three roommates, and I'm eating, like, I get it, like, I'm not trying to pretend like my situation is everyone's situation.
However, There are a lot of people who I think do have, like, have the ability to outsource. And then it's like, you just assume that by outsourcing that that dollar amount you're outsourcing is going to be taken from your bottom line. When often I find is the exact opposite. Not only is it, it's sure it's taken from your bottom line, but then it, it has ROI.
Like, so for me, for me, hiring out my laundry is going to have ROI in my business. Right. Because now I'm able to show up, not like, I'm out of underwear again. Like, and it's so, like I said, so it's, you know, we use, when I asked that question, you said, well, call perfect patients. I'm like, yeah, just hire someone.
And I have a really hard time being empathetic. So. That's my spiel. I'm the outsourcing queen. I outsource everything.
Lauren: No, but it, and that's, you're so right, right? It gives you time back. It gives you that peace of mind. You can focus on other things. You can show up more fully in your business or with your, uh, husband and with your daughter.
Like it just, there's so much more that it can, can do to have that time freedom back to. So to seriously answer your question, I would say that the biggest thing that we see, uh, In, in regards to conversion of a website. So the one thing that you could do today, that if you take anything from this is look at your images on your website, take some time to either hire a photographer or these things these days, these phones.
Take great pictures. Okay, so just take some time get some photos of yourself Make sure there's an image of you on your website Make sure that you have you're showing your office your practice and that's going to increase your conversion So I know I talked about having like lower quality images and that's not great But having an image of you that's maybe not the best quality Versus a super stocky image of like I still have no idea who This person is, or if I want to go here is actually going to do better.
So look at your website, take some time to swap out images or hire a photographer, make that investment to get quality images. That is such a, you know, they always say pictures worth a thousand words, you know, get candid images that show the feel of your practice that show you. Your ideal patients. Who do you love seeing?
What kind of patients go there? What's the experience that I'm going to have if I go there? Give that feel to your practice and it'll make a huge difference on your website. You'll see great conversion. Yes, I second And if you want more specific of what you can do, we do offer free evaluation so you can reach out to perfect patients.
No obligation. We'll give you tips on specifically what could improve your website if you're managing your own, or if you want to make changes, um, or we're happy to share what we can do as well. So.
Molly: Yeah, I love that. And then you can use those images on everything. We had a client last year who they were like, our Instagram just isn't taking off.
We don't know what's going on. And like, you know, we, we did all of their messaging and everything. And we're like, okay, I think I see a disconnect here because whatever day you hired a photographer, only geriatric patients came to be models.
Lauren: So
Molly: their Instagram and their website was full of. The older population, but that wasn't who they were trying to target.
So I'm like, there's a disconnect here. So like you said, like, if you say I see pregnant patients or I see athletes, whatever, like, that's what you need to have photos of. You asked actively working on. An athlete or a pregnant patient or whatever, you know,
Lauren: more important than that. If you see babies or children, if there is not an image of a baby or child, or you interacting with that on your website that I can almost guarantee they will look somewhere else because mothers are not going to trust the care of their tiny little baby or their kid.
with somebody that they do not know how is going to interact with their child or that, that, that is putting that out there. So that's, that's a, a huge one on that one.
Molly: Pediatric chiropractors to me have the like most uphill battle because I personally, I feel like I'm like a walking billboard for pediatric chiropractic.
Cause I know what it's done for my family. Like I knew, okay, we just went on a road trip. MJ is going to get adjusted as soon as we get back. Cause she was in the car for 15 hours. That's just automatically in my brain. And whenever I tell like friends and family, they're like, what babies, kids, chiropractor, like those three words don't belong in the same sentence.
And they're like, And I'm like, no, it's so different.
Lauren: I
Molly: also feel like on that topic, it's come a long way because when I first started working with my helping my chiropractor six years ago, she was like, yeah, we were advised not to put any videos of adjusting babies. Like, and now, and now I feel like, and I understand where that came from, but I feel like that's also like.
Like you have to protect yourself. But also if people can't envision, you're not actually popping their baby.
Lauren: Yeah. And it doesn't have to be that, but like just an interaction with it or just that they see kids in this office. It's a normal thing.
Molly: Yeah.
Lauren: Okay.
Molly: So let's talk about how people can work with you.
If they have an existing website to, how does that
Lauren: work? Yeah. So how it works, Perfect Patients, we create brand new websites. So it, we do not work on already existing sites. So we'll keep your domain. We keep all of that stuff, but we build a brand new website, custom design. We rewrite your content. We can use the content you have.
Some people are very attached to, I spend a lot of time on creating that. That's fine. We'll go through it with our lens on, you know, how can we make, you know, change this a little bit or, uh, plus it, optimize it, those kinds of things. Um, we have a couple of different plan options, just depending on, you know, your goals, budgets, area, competition, where you're at in your practice life cycle.
So that just depends, but yeah, so we'll build the site for you. We'll get that switched over and then the ongoing management, like different variations of level of search engine optimization, level of hands on service, um, internal marketing, some of those, you know, blogs or birthday greetings and things like that.
We, like I said, always do complimentary consultations. So if you're curious, like how is my website performing? Could it be better? What would you recommend? We're happy to do those. So they can go to your referral link, perfectpatients. com slash Molly Cahill. And we have a special offer for them there. So we'll Uh, do a special 0 set up, um, for them.
So we'll build that custom site with no additional costs. Um, and from this podcast, if you mentioned the podcast, then, um, we'll give them their first month free as well. That's
Molly: incredible. Like, seriously, like you, so we'll make sure that my link is in the show notes, but, um, I just think that's such a good deal.
And y'all just, I don't like to recommend things that I haven't personally worked with. Obviously, I don't personally have a perfect patient's website, but you're a target client. But we share, we have a lot of clients we share and I've gotten copied on a couple emails, um, from one of our clients we were just talking about and I'm like, wow, y'all are so responsive and like, so like, it's just like a real human.
Like, it's not like a help desk support. Like, it's like a real person helping. And. Introduced to you through Dr. Christy wick, who anything she recommends I know is going to be good just because she's been around for so long and been in practice for so long. And she's just someone I trust. And she's like, you know what?
You should partner with them because they do really good websites. They're affordable. Like, so I've, yeah, I'm so glad that we got partnered up.
Lauren: And too, that's, that's so great. Well, I appreciate that feedback. It's something we definitely strive for here. It's that's another one of those hard things to sell is like, we have great.
service. Everyone says that, right? So you don't know until you get into it, but it is something we get a lot of really positive feedback of, you know, and, and try to be, try to, it's one of our values for sure. And one thing about Perfect Patients and why we offer the free consultations, um, and like people always say like, wow, you guys are so like generous or helpful.
Like we actually all are. advocates for chiropractic. So even if you don't use our service, we want more people to get adjusted. Like we want to you to be in front of more eyeballs. So if we can give you tips or feedback or recommendations on, um, What you can do with your current situation. And if that's your choice, like, great.
Um, then that's, we want to do that. So, um, there's never any obligation. There's no salesy, pushy, anything we want to help. Um, regardless of if you're using our services. So,
Molly: yeah, no, I love that. And I, yeah, I've seen, like I said, I've been copied on a couple of those emails and I've seen, it's almost like a, it's like a boutique y feel.
So like service, but yeah, so that is just perfect. Patients. com slash Molly Cahill. You get zero. Dollar set up. And if you mentioned this podcast, first month free. Yeah. Um, and yeah, you can peruse all the different options there as well. So Lauren, thank you so much. Looks like we might get to hang out again this fall and my high.
So that's good.
Lauren: Yes, we will see you there. All right. Thank you so much. Thanks Molly. Appreciate it.
Molly: Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified. This podcast is brought to you by my marketing roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training. That's kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public when you search on your podcast feed.
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