Episode 68: How to Stand Out on Social Media, Even in a Saturated Market

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Are you into being fire hosed with a lot of really good, tangible social media marketing tips?
If yes, then this is the blog post for you!
I’m sharing so many of the powerful tips, tricks, and techniques I use in my booked-out Instagram Management agency and share with members inside the Holistic Marketing Hub with you here today because I want as many people as possible to know that the incredible solutions you offer – exist.
And if you’re not telling them… who is?
At its core, social media marketing really is the best way to help people who desperately need what you do. For me, that “thing” was chiropractic care. It changed my life about 15 years ago, and it’s the number one reason I’m so passionate about helping chiropractors and other wellness practitioners use their Instagram to spread the word about what they do. Because people out there need you!
So let’s get to the tips.
Always start with your why
Before we get into all the practical Instagram tips, it’s important to do some key mindset work first. No, mindset work isn’t sexy and no one wants to talk about it, but it doesn’t matter what I tell you to do on Instagram if you don’t have a strong, solid mindset in place first.
You need to know why the heck you are doing this.
Why are you marketing your services?
Why does this matter?
In my own business, whenever marketing starts to feel like a chore, I like to go back and read testimonials and reviews from students who shared how much I helped them and how my marketing education and skills impacted them and their business. This gut check helps put me right back into a place of remembering my “why” for everything that I do.
Make a personal connection
As a chiropractor or wellness practitioner, your Instagram audience needs to connect with you personally if they’re going to move past watching your reels and actually book an appointment to come in for treatment.
You can’t hide behind a logo or generic photos.
When someone walks into your clinic, they need to see you and feel connected! “That’s Dr. Lauren! I’ve seen her reels or photos of her on her Instagram.”
Making a personal connection is about more than just showing your face, too. It means showing up on Instagram the way you do in real life.
If you’re nurturing and compassionate with your patients, you should be nurturing and compassionate on Instagram.
If you tell it like it is and have a more direct approach with your patients, you should be the same way on Instagram.
It’s all about bringing your unique personality and perspective to your social media!
And remember, everyone won’t like you. That’s a good thing! Repelling non-ideal patients means attracting more of the people you dream of working with.
Get professional brand photos
We rarely have an opening in our done-for-you Instagram management agency, but when we do, one requirement to join is that you have professional brand photos.
While stories and reels can be more “off the cuff” and less professional, you need a good mix of professional images on your grid to properly show off your office, team, and process.
If you can’t afford professional brand photos, try to set up a tripod where you have good light and capture some intentional imagery to use.
And if you’re using stock images, make sure they relate to your audience. You don’t want to fill your Instagram with images of athletes if your primary patients are moms. Make sure the images you use reflect who you are, what you do, and who you serve.
Trade your content pillars for a content ecosystem
Instead of relying on “content pillars” – content based on the core things you do in your clinic – try creating a content ecosystem.
This is a more flexible way of planning out your content and it helps you not get stuck in just sharing educational or inspirational content all day every day.
One element of your content ecosystem is levels of awareness. Depending on where someone is, different content will resonate with them more or less deeply. Something that feels basic to you, like creating a post about how babies can and do go to the chiropractor, could be mind blowing for someone who isn’t aware that chiropractic care for babies is even a thing!
So keep in mind who you are posting for each time you post. If everything you create is only for the deepest level of awareness, you’re leaving a lot of your audience out and missing out on engagement.
Another element of your content ecosystem is social proof. This includes things like reviews, testimonials, and case studies.
You’ll also want to include posts that fall into the “direct pitch” category. But don’t worry, these don’t have to be in your face salesy posts. In fact, try to avoid those! These are posts that let people know what services you offer and if and when you’re accepting new patients.
Your content ecosystem should also include personal and lifestyle content. Don’t go too overboard with this – you’re a chiropractor, not an influencer – but people want to see who you are as a human! Show them what supplements you pack when you vacation, share the ways you relax and take care of yourself, give them a peek into your life outside the clinic.
Stay connected
If you love learning useful tips for marketing your chiropractic or wellness practice on Instagram, you’re in the right place!
We should be friends on Instagram if we’re not already, and don’t forget to check out the Holistic Marketing Hub if you’re looking for even more Instagram marketing gold created specifically for chiropractors and wellness practitioners!
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The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hook!
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Molly: I can't wait for you to listen to this. There was zero gatekeeping on this webinar that I did with Perfect Patients a couple weeks back on their webinar platform. I'm sure it's still up if you wanted to go watch it, like the full video, but I asked if I could use the recording for the podcast, because like I said, I had a hard time titling this podcast because I go over so many things with Instagram.
If you're someone who is easily overwhelmed, maybe don't listen to this one. But if you're someone who's like, likes to be fire hosed with a lot of really good tangible tactical tips, then you're definitely going to want to tune in to this one. So without further ado, I hope you enjoy this recording.
Welcome to Holistic Marketing Simplified, a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill. And this podcast is brought to you by My Marketing Roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that's kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public.
When you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram or my blogs or whatever is that yes, you will learn a lot, but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for. This Five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order.
It's why it's called a roadmap. If you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey, or if you already are started and you're just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information, this is a Super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just 27.
So all you have to do is head to mollykayhill. com slash private training. And based on the reviews I've had so far, I know you won't be disappointed.
Perfect Patients: Hi, I'm Caitlin Ross, a virtual counselor based in Rock Hill, South Carolina. And I love listening to the Holistic Marketing Simplified podcast. Hi, Molly. Welcome to our April webinar. Uh, thank you for joining us. Um, Molly is here with us. She runs her own chiropractic, uh, holistic marketing Instagram management company.
Do you want to tell us a little bit about it, Molly?
Molly: Well, you did such a great job. Hi, Lauren. Um, Lauren and I actually got to hang out in person last October. So it's really cool. It's like fun. Like, I feel like I know you, we get to have breakfast and all that stuff. So yeah. Um, my name is Molly Cahill.
I've been doing this, uh, about five years. I run an Instagram management agency and also have an online program called holistic marketing hub, where our main goal is we focus on feel very similarly to perfect patients where it's like more humans need to know that the solutions that you have to offer exist.
Right. And beyond that, more humans need to know the, the depth, even if they do know about chiropractic, they need to know like the depth of what you can actually do for them beyond, you know, whiplash or the, the tick tock. Yeah. And so, um, chiropractic changed my life. I mean, that sounds like super, um, you know, like this grandiose statement, but it truly did, uh, about 15 years ago and I'm just kind of on a mission to spread the word.
And, uh, yeah, so we, we don't just work with chiropractors in our agency. We also have some functional medicine, health coaching, acupuncture. Which is great. Cause I know a lot of you are also venturing into kind of like, I don't want to say you're doing it on the side, but like you either offer it or you're adding it as an ancillary service, or maybe you sell supplements in your office or whatever.
So yeah, our main focus as a marketing agency is Instagram and email marketing. But I think some of the things you'll learn today, even if maybe you're bigger on Facebook or whatever, I, I still think things you'll learn today will really be able to translate to all of your marketing.
Perfect Patients: Awesome. Yeah, we're excited.
Um, Instagram social media is something that we hear a lot about from our clients from our leads. Um, there's just this, this overarching pressure. I think, uh, I need to do more on social media or, you know, what, what can I do on social media? Or I need to, I need to start posting more. I need to do this, right?
I don't know where that need comes from, but obviously, um, we always kind of joke internally how there are great ways to do social media there. There are huge, huge value and benefit to doing it, but then there's also ways that you can. Be wasting your time essentially, or just kind of spinning your wheels.
And so I'm really excited to have you on and your expertise. Um, you've been specifically doing this five years now, right? So worked with so many, you know, in this space and just know the ins and outs. So I think, um, I'm excited to have learned from you and all, all the good stuff that we'll go through. So.
So why don't we start there? Like, what is this? Like when they say I need to do more, I need to be posting. What would you say to that?
Molly: Before I get into the brass tacks tips, like you're going to want me to immediately go into like, first, I want you to create a plan, but I'm not going to go there because, um, plans only serve us once we've gone back a step and mindset work is so not sexy and no one wants to talk about it.
And they're like, just tell me what to do, but I have to tell you this. If you aren't every day remembering why the heck you're doing what you're doing, then posting on social media, whatever marketing it is, it doesn't matter what the marketing is, is going to feel like a chore. And it's going to feel like something that continually Is added to your to do list and doesn't get checked off.
So I can always do a little gut check whenever I'm starting to feel a lot of shoulds in my business. I have to go back and read some of my testimonials of like a student, literally like I got a DM from a student and it was so sweet. It like made me tear up. It was like, Molly, it's working. A mom is bringing her baby in for care.
And I was just like, like, you know, that's, that's my why. Right. And that's Perfect patients why I think as well as, you know, we want more, as we said at the beginning, we want more humans to know about these holistic healthcare solutions. So for you, I want you to always go back to your why, and then it feels less like a should.
So my sister in law always tells a story. My sister in law literally learned how to breastfeed watching reels on Instagram. And so for in your brain, you're like, post that real on Instagram, add it to my to do list. It's like, no, no, no. Why are we doing this? If you have a mom who is just exacerbated because she has her kids been on antibiotics for the seventh time this year for ear infections and you know, all of a sudden something pops up in her feed.
She probably never even knew that babies can go to chiropractors and you've all of a sudden given her. that solution, then that's the thing that you have to always keep in the forefront of your mind, in my opinion. And then the other more mindset piece that can make this feel more manageable is, I also want you to remember that you're not what I call an influencer model.
I love working with local brick and mortar businesses for a reason, because we're not looking for, um, you know, we're not a fashion influencer who's making probably like You know, 50 cents per Amazon purchase you make, and you need thousands of comments in able to make a living. You, you couldn't support that sheer volume, uh, intake of clients.
And so just recently, one of our Instagram management clients had, she's gotten five, she got five new patients last week, uh, last month who specifically mentioned Instagram on the intake form. And one of them said, Oh, I saw that reel you did. It was like this funny reel about Chick fil A. Anyway, she's like, I saw that reel you did.
And I was like, Oh, she's my people. Well, I asked our client, I said, Did she comment on that reel? And she was like, Nope. So you also have to remember how many silent lurkers you have because You're in the business to consumer business, not the business to business. Like I am, or like a perfect patient, you know, like we have, we get the luxury of going to be able to comment on other businesses pages.
You're not going to go to some random, you know, athletes page and be like, Hey man, looks like your neck hurts. Can I help you? Like, you kind of have to think of it. I call it like a conversion account. So you're not looking for like this sheer insane amount of followers, insane amount of comments in order to make this work, because.
Instagram is more about Brand awareness than actual, like, it's like your website kind of, right? It's like your website is probably something that helped them make the decision to book with you. But are they going to put website on the intake form? Maybe, maybe not. It's the same thing with Instagram as the kids say these days, it's where they go to check out your vibe.
I was like, you refer me to your chiropractor. And I'm like, no, man, I've seen all those tick tock videos. I'm really scared. I'm not doing this. And you're like, just check them out. I go check out their account and I'm like, oh, I could do that. And I book an appointment. I'm not going to list Instagram as the, like, what, how did you hear that?
I'm going to list Lauren. So I think. Setting those couple things up as a base foundation for what we're going to talk about today are really important.
Perfect Patients: Yeah. I love that. I think that's hugely important. So, um, I think oftentimes we get into this mindset of just, I need to post to post cause I need, cause it's been three days or it's been a week or it's been six months and I just need a post, but what value add is that actually doing?
And you know, if that's the approach, you know, what are you getting out of it? So we always get a joke, like if that's the mindset, You probably don't need to post
Molly: humor. Like maybe you're just sharing a funny meme. You don't mean it doesn't necessarily have to be like this deeply educational content all the time.
And I'm going to talk about that too. What is what I call my content ecosystem. But
Perfect Patients: awesome. Well, um, why don't you get started on a couple of tips that you want to share, like the most important things. that they should start with? What do they start with? Like, what do they need?
Molly: Again, you're going to come to this computer screen and strangle me and you'll be like, I showed up here for Instagram tips, but you have to go back to your core marketing messaging.
And because of the nature of the business that you do, like you're literally like hands on. I don't, I don't, you know, have any virtual, virtual chiropractors or like chiropractic course. Um, yeah, you're literally hands on. Right. So. You can't hide behind your logo. You can't hide behind, um, you know, stock imagery or a happy Easter or happy donut day.
Um, we, I need to know when I walk in to the clinic, I'm like, that's Dr. Lauren. I saw her picture because I'm going to have that personal connection, right? I think so many of us, and I always use Dr. Chrissy. If she's listened to this, she's, she was my chiropractor in San Diego. She's the one who essentially got this business started for me.
This was not the plan. That's a whole other story for a different day. But when I first started seeing her, she was only about a year out of chiropractic school and she wore khakis and a button down and she had like her, you know what I mean? Like everything was very, and then now she has a nose ring. She has a full sleeve of tattoos.
She wears her tank top. Cause she's just like, you know what? whatever. Like that, that was never who she was, but I feel like, and I don't know what's being taught in school now, but it's even not in just chiropractic, but in any school, it's like professional Molly and personal Molly and the two don't mix.
And I feel like now in our society, we're like, no, the two are very much integrated. And especially, Like I said, when your hands on practitioner
Perfect Patients: and it's such an emotional decision, this is health care. This is like, you're touching me. You're, this is, you know, like it's like hands on. It's, I want to know who you are, not just like a button up or a collared shirts.
And, and I think we, we focus on that a lot of perfect patients. Um, we, we do a lot of focused on that and then try to bring that out in, that's why all of our sites are custom. So we can say, Hey, like, You're not just a cookie cutter chiropractor. You're not just, you know, Bill always jokes, like a warm body with a spine.
Like it literally like, who do you want in your practice? Who do you vibe with? Who do you love seeing? Who do you, you know, and then show up authentically for them. And then you're going to enjoy your job a little more. And if you're not
Molly: repelling people, you're not attracting the right people. So a good, and I know that's hard for all of us because our human condition is to be loved and accepted.
Right. So there's nothing wrong with you. If you want people to like you, like it doesn't make you not a strong human, like we all want to be liked. Right. But if you're vanilla ice cream, it's like, sure, everybody like sort of likes it, but you could be mint chocolate chip where I think it's disgusting.
Lauren, do you like it? Love it. See? Right. So you're going to be like. Mint chip.
Perfect Patients: Mint chip and mint Oreo. Yeah. Yeah. Whereas
Molly: I'm like, gross. Let me go find my peanut butter cup people. You know what I mean? So it's, it's okay to be that mint chocolate where it's like, yes, you're going to have people who are like, Oh, and then you're going to have people who are like, Ooh, book now.
I helped a student recently write her bio. And she's like, I'm in a small town, I'm not, you know, I do pain, but I also do like stress. Like I'm not kind of like one or the other. And I was like, well, so we walked through some of the main, um, like I was like, I had her brain dump 10, her 10 last new patients, the ones that she felt were ideal.
Right. And what they came to her for and what we came up with was this beautiful list. It was like, patients were listing the word tension. Some patients were having trouble with their menstrual cycles. Some were having trouble with um, back pain. And so it's like, oh my gosh, how do we put all of that in a bio, but she's like young and hip and fun.
We put crappy periods in her bio, which some like, there might be like older people or more like buttoned up people who were like, That's so unprofessional. I'm not going to her. But someone like me, I see that and I'm like, Oh, I'm going to feel like I could be myself at her office. Book appointment. So it's, it's, I think the key is like not being afraid to be you because there's gonna, if there's that disconnect, when someone walks in the door and they're like, this isn't at all what your website or your, your social media presence portrays.
A good like health check is if I can come to your page and not immediately spot a photo of you, that needs to be remedied. And if I could just switch out your logo for another chiropractor's logo and the page remains the same, even if there's testimonials on there. I'm like, sure, that sounds like someone else's testimonial.
Then we need to do some deep diving into. our personal brand. And that's what really, um, I don't know if y'all hear this often. Do you hear about like the saturated market thing often?
Perfect Patients: We're hearing it more, right? So we're hearing it a little bit more of like, oh, we've, you know, I've been here for 37 years and now we have 10 new chiropractors and then it's so they're, you know, Starting to see it a little bit more where, yeah, more people are coming
Molly: in.
I mean, that's your solution though, is being uniquely you. I mean, even, even big corporate conglomerates like target, what do they do? They bring in for the home decor. People like me who like home decor, they bring in like chip and Joanna gains. So it's like, now you've got that face. You're like, Oh, target, but chip and Joanna, it's like.
It's, it's that personal, personal brand connection. And a lot of people get really worried when I say that because they're like, wait, there's a big difference in personal and private. I'm not saying like air your dirty laundry, but just like, don't be afraid to be who you are as a human being, which I don't know if that kind of, that kind of leads me into my next point, if that's okay.
Perfect Patients: Yeah. All I was going to say is we, we joke, you know, at the, on the website is more of like the classroom, right? This is. Mm
Molly: hmm.
Perfect Patients: Where they get their information. This is your can be more of a professional representation, but social media is where you have fun. It's the lunchroom. It's the playground. It's, you know, this is where you show your personality so that they really do have that, you know, even deeper emotional connection.
But we said the exact same thing on the site, like having personal professional photography, if they can't see who you are. You know, it's just, it's huge. So I get it. Yeah. And
Molly: just a quick bonus tip. If you're having that photographer come in, which now just so you know how important it is, we don't even accept clients into our agency anymore who don't have photography.
And I know it's, it's so important to you. Like you'll even send a photographer to their clinic. Like that's how important it is. And because a lot of YouTube work was like, maybe you don't have windows. You've got fluorescent lighting. Like we don't know. I'm not trained to capture a good photo in that lighting.
Like, you know what I mean? But set up a tripod and just let it roll video because then you've got all these little like little video clips that you can use for reels as well. And everybody's already got their like hair and makeup done and like looking, you know, sorry for the guys, maybe you've got your nicer button down on.
I don't know. So I just want to go back to the, this is still on the, on the note of personal branding, but, One of the things I talked about was that core marketing messaging, right? And it talks about the student who we put like the tension and the back pain and the crappy periods or whatever. And I just led a workshop just last week of helping people write their bios.
And the first thing we always do is again, we do the exercise where brain dump, it doesn't have to be your 10. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Most like recent new patients. That's just an easy thing for most people to pull in their software But just brain dump ten patients and then write out exactly What they listed on their intake form not what you?
Assessed. Yeah, once you did their initial intake Right? You're not going to say I assessed, you know, and they are, I've got to correct their subluxations or they have this C1 out of like, no, no, we're going to go to the language they put on their intake form. And there is your marketing content. Um, you're going to write, you know, some other questions to write down in that same exercise.
Uh, and I'm sure I can give this to you, Lauren, to, to link. If you want, I have like a form that walks through this, but it's. What else have they tried? What else have they tried before coming to you? And what was their final straw? What was the moment where they were like, I'm picking up the phone and I'm calling this person and kind of been like, what's that?
How does that look emotionally for them? Like, what was it preventing them from doing? Is it preventing them from playing pickleball or working in their garden? Or is it preventing them from not snapping at their kids or whatever? Um, all of that are things that you want to have in your marketing language.
you know, your website on your Instagram, whatever. And that's kind of how you, you craft that like for marketing messaging and marry it with your personal brand. Cause it's going to show like that unique flavor of you. Perfect. Okay. So
Perfect Patients: what I took from that getting on your Instagram or your social media page, if your profile picture is your logo, probably not.
Molly: I don't love On Facebook, you can get away with it. I feel like because on Facebook, you know, you can make profile photos larger on Instagram. They're tiny. Yeah. So you can get away with a logo on Instagram as your profile photo only if the logo is designed. If you have a professional logo designer, they're going to know how to create what's called, um, some people call it like a sub mark.
Some people call it like their favicon for like websites. And it's just a version of your website that looks good without text. So if you've got your logos like a person running and then underneath it you have Vital life chiropractic blah blah blah blah blah. No one's gonna see that text on it on Instagram profile photos.
It's too small So if you don't if you can't like if you're a visual person just start typing in Like massage into the search bar on Instagram and the ones where it's like an up close photo of someone's face. It just feels different. Now, if you're a multi doc clinic, of course, you can't fit like a whole bunch of faces into the tiny little spot.
So it's okay to use your logo. Just make sure it's a version of the logo that doesn't have text. And if that means maybe you need to go on to Upwork or fiber and have someone remake your logo and just tell them what you're looking for, they can, they can do that. Yep.
Perfect Patients: We can do that too. Yeah.
Molly: Oh, you can.
Perfect Patients: Okay.
Molly: Well, then have ask Lauren or your
Perfect Patients: customer service. Perfect. Okay. And then make sure there's personal images in your feed right there. Yeah.
Molly: Yeah. And not just personal images, but like, if you say, You work with athletes, there needs to be a photo of an athlete in the top, like, recent six posts. If you say you work with pregnant women, there needs to be a photo of you working with a pregnant woman in the top six posts.
Perfect Patients: Yeah.
Molly: You know, the whole old saying, a picture's worth a thousand words or whatever. Yeah. What's next? Next. I have created something, uh, that on this like topic of, you know, content and your core messaging, we kind of briefly touched on educational content and I was like, you know, maybe sometimes it just needs to be funny.
So most people, if you've spent any amount of time trying to learn anything about social media, you've heard content pillars being, and I'm sure y'all even asked this question, Is that something you work through for websites too or no?
Perfect Patients: I don't know that we refer to it as content pillar, but
Molly: yeah, like, like here's like, here's like the core things we do in our clinic.
You know, we work with athletes and this and this or whatever. I don't love content pillars for social media because what I've found is in today's social media, Like, quote, saturated social media market. A lot of people's safety blanket is educational content. Like I'm just going to educate the crap out of people on every post.
And what happens when you do that is it becomes a little stagnant. So over the years after studying and identifying, I've identified like really six different themes if you will. And I feel like my type A personalities probably hate this explanation because they want it to be like, This, this, this, this, and I'm like, huh, it's not quite that, that straight forward.
But, um, I call it my content ecosystem. And some of the other days, like what's a content ecosystem? I'm like, it's literally like something I made up. So don't like go through this. This is not like a, this is not like a proper marketing term. You're going to find like Molly's, Molly's flavor of how she teaches it, but it's like everything serves its purpose.
And I like to think about it in two different ways. One is different awareness levels, so certain content that resonates with people who never knew that babies go to the chiropractor versus content of people who know babies go, but maybe you're apprehensive versus content of people who take their babies and just realize there was one extra level of something you could help them with.
Like those are three different. Yeah, like, and I don't want you to overthink it, right? This is not, this is not something where I'm like, Oh, who am I writing to? I just say that so people know. For example, I posted a carousel post a couple of days ago of testimonials. I did not expect that post to get a ton of comments.
I didn't expect to get to have really high reach and it didn't. And I wasn't disappointed because I knew the purpose of that post was to help my, my people on the fence to either jump on or off, which is going to be a much smaller audience than my viral, like funnier, like, you know, trending audio reels.
So that's just one thing I like to think about. It's like, think about different types of content is going to resonate with different people depending on their awareness levels. You can Google like awareness levels and buyers and you can kind of read about it easily. The next thing is I like to identify, like I said, my six themes and those are one is educational.
I call it my like educational core evergreen messaging. And that's if you were, um, if you're a pain based chiropractor, then that might look like rotating through laser decompression table, you know, Oh, I have a massage therapist in my office, shoulder pain, knee pain, neck pain, like that. So you do use more traditional content pillars under that.
Your next theme is going to be what I call social proof, which is your reviews and your testimonials, case studies, which are also highly underutilized in my opinion, uh, quick tip on case studies. If you're doing like a carousel case study, the first slide is not going to be Lauren's story because I'm like, cool, Lauren seems great, but I don't know, Lauren, and I don't care about Lauren's story, but it could be like, you know, from, from 10 percent range of motion in her shoulder to playing tennis again, or I don't know.
So you want that first slide of case study to be compelling where people can see themselves reflected. In that case study example, and then another way social proof can be achieved is again using photos of you doing the thing you say you do. So it doesn't have to be as straightforward as, you know, a Google reviewer testimonial.
It can literally just be like, Oh, I see. That's a photo montage of 10 really cute babies. So she's got babies. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So like that's the social proof category. The next one is what I call my direct pitch. This is kind of more like your blunt pitch. And that's a post that looks like, Hey, we have a new patient opening Thursday at two or now accepting new patient or something that's just like very to the point.
It doesn't have to be hidden in cloak and dagger. This is something great I love on your grid, but I also love on stories. So like maybe you like every Friday you hop on. My chiropractor does this. They have a in office massage therapist and be like, Madeline's got two appointments today. Like. Grab them before they're gone, you know, and you're like, Oh man, I've been meaning to get a massage, you know, so that's kind of my like direct pitch blunt type post and then the other thing is more on that
Perfect Patients: real quick.
I was just going to say on that, it kind of brings me back to what you were saying earlier of the goal of that post is not to get 35 new patients just to fill that spot. Right. And so that doesn't get zero comments. Yeah, like you literally only need to have one person or two, you know, be like, Hey, I'm in, I don't want to wait six weeks to get into massage, or I don't want to, you know, I have my appointment in four weeks with you, but I'm going to go in today because I'm about to get on a plane.
And I know that that's going to be, you know, so I think having that in mind of like, Every post does not need to
Molly: hit
Perfect Patients: it
Molly: out of the park. I just had a reel I did that got way more views, about triple the amount of views of any other reels. And I think it's because I hopped on a trending audio early and you're like, Oh Molly, that's great.
Well, I looked at my insights and I got zero profile visits and zero followers from the reel. So I'm like, I mean, cool, but who's watching it versus that testimonial carousel at about a quarter of the reach. And when I'm saying reach, that just means the unique amount of people who see the post. I had about a quarter of the reach, but I had way more profile visits, way more external link taps, which means like, okay, people are actually going to the link in my bio and clicking it.
So yeah, it just depends, like I said, the goal of each post, but I'm glad you pointed that out. Um, the next type of content in my ecosystem is what I call like personal and lifestyle. And again, don't confuse this for private, for private, but this is literally like a selfie of you hiking with your dog on the weekend.
Like people love it. Like. Again, your cold leads won't care, but your current warm people like they, they want to see who you are as a human. And it gives them something to connect and talk to you about at your next appointment. Uh, you're going on vacation. They want to see what supplements you're packing.
They want to see, you know, What high protein snacks you're putting in your bag or whatever. Like people love, love, love, love that stuff.
Perfect Patients: We've had, uh, before just a couple, um, I remember one time a client commenting on, oh yeah, I put this picture up of my, my kids stopped by to say hi to me at, in the practice or in office and just got a picture with them.
And the one was wearing his. You know, bulldogs shirt or whatever, elementary shirts. And it was like, Oh my gosh, my kids go there. And so then it was like this connection of like, Hey, like our kids might be friends or like, so it's that, or like we, my kid plays in that soccer league and that kind of just a little bit of emotional connection that builds.
we're kind of, we have something in common, we're similar, or maybe I'll see you outside of this world. Uh, that I think is a nice connection point too, that you wouldn't have thought like, I'm not, I don't know what my son's even wearing. And then who knew that this is bulldog shirt or whatever. So
Molly: I love that you said that because it's, it's so true.
And whether or not you realize that people very much put you on a pedestal, you're like, no, they don't. I'm like a hundred percent. I did a hundred percent. My chiropractor here, she has, she has two. Two littles and she was posting what shoes with a wide toe box on her stories that she buys for her little ones.
And I'm like, this needs to go on your feed. Like, don't just hide this stories is great too, but I'm like, don't just put this on your stories. Cause this is very relevant to your clinics page because not just because it's shoes and that ties into chiropractic, but just because people want to know, like they want to know stuff like that about you.
So then the last two, I saved these two for last because nine times out of 10, probably like nine and seven. 0. 75 times out of 10. When I'm auditing someone's profile, these two things are missing. And these two things are like the extra like herbs and spices in your soup or like the gas on the fire. Like these are the things that really kind of take it to the next level.
And one is what I call my referral community collaboration theme, which looks like if you're in a bigger town, I understand this is way easier. If you're in a smaller town, it's harder, but there's ways around it. I'm happy to brainstorm ideas with you. If you ever want to DM me in a small town, but it's where you, it can be as simple as throwing up a post of you at your favorite coffee shop.
Like, uh, I love getting the flat white at XYZ coffee shop. Like, have you ever been here? What's your favorite local coffee shop? What's your favorite coffee? Where's your coffee order? Whatever. Just anything that's like a sense of community. And then from a more referral based, we have this like carousel that it's inside the hub that people can just like plug and play their own recommendations.
It's like, uh, for our pediatric chiropractors, our birth team recommendations, it's like You know, it lists out five doulas and two midwives and a newborn photographer and a lactation consultant and maybe a pediatrician they like or something. And it's where it's, it's tagging these people. And now on Instagram, you can add them as a collaborator and not just tag them, which means it also lives.
If, if the other person accepts the request, it lives on their feed. Yeah. And what a great
Perfect Patients: opportunity to network and get referrals from them regardless. But it's like, Hey, I, you know, I want to do these consistent community posts or community collaborations. You know, I, I respect you. I love what you do.
Would you be interested? And I think that builds that network. Yeah.
Molly: I mean, to be honest, most of the time, I don't know that we really even ask cause we're just like, why wouldn't they want extra, you know, um, I had a pain, a local chiropractor who was more pain based here. And he, um, paying basis is a little harder just to be honest than, than the like pregnancy pediatric for the community, like referral network.
But we have a huge, very popular pickleball facility here. So it's like, I did the post of like, let us help you stay in your game. And I added them as collaborator. They didn't accept it the first time, but I reposted it again a month later and they accepted it that time. So just kind of be mindful of the branding and stuff.
Like if you have hot pink as a brand color, like maybe don't use that because some people are kind of particular about their feeds. Some people don't care, but for the people who are more particular, they might not accept it because they're like, wow, now I don't want this hot pink post on my feed. Sure. I would say like, you know, use more like black and white, like Newton to be black and white, really more neutral.
If you're going to do that. Yeah. But again, it doesn't just have to be like collaborative, you know, it can be coffee shops, restaurants, boutiques, a realtor, whatever, you know, in your, in your community, right? Because you're, that's your community. Um, and then the last one is I call it my engaging category.
It's, you've probably seen these posts. They're more popular on Facebook. I call them, I can't help myself prompts. It's like, for our pregnancy chiropractors will do if you named your kids after your pregnancy cravings, what would their names be? And people can't help but play along. They're like, Oh my gosh, I have to go throw mine in.
So we've done the last three things you bought on Amazon, no cheating. People can't help it. They're like a 20 pound bag of Epsom salts, a garden gnome. And you know, it's just like, you can't, you want to play along. Also in this engaging category, sometimes we'll share funny memes from other creators. Just make sure you're actually like giving them the credit and not pretending like you wrote the thing.
Yeah. We've done that before. We'll do like really easy prompts. Like, you know, let's say you're in, you're in Raleigh, North Carolina. Are you originally from Raleigh? Did you move here recently? Or are you not local or something like that? This is like a very easy graphic where people are like, Oh, I want to play along.
Yeah. So that's kind of like the ecosystem in a nutshell, but any questions on that before I go into my last point? No, no, I think I'm mindful of time. But that's
Perfect Patients: great. Yeah.
Molly: Um, the other thing is, all right, you've created all this content, but maybe you don't have that many followers. You're just getting started.
How do we actually get it seen? Right. Okay. I was going to ask on that. Like,
Perfect Patients: how do I get followers? How am I reaching? Do I incessantly ask every time my patients Instagram? I mean, what, what is it?
Molly: It's a multi prong approach that I, yes. So there are, There are outside Instagram techniques that I love. So once we've got about a good month worth of solid, really good content on our clients Instagram, we recommend that they email their patient database and just, Hey, are you following us on Instagram?
If not, here's what you can expect. XYZ. Um, I've even like screen recorded Reels before of the client and insert it into the email as like a quick little like gift. I know it's Jeff, but I refuse to pronounce it that way. I feel like it's like it's a peanut butter. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Good. You're with me. We're solidarity here.
You know, and it's like, click here to weigh in on Dr. Kimmy's opinion on blah, blah, blah. Um, and I found those emails got the first, we would just do like, Hey, are you following us on Instagram? Click here to follow along. And those were like, meh, like nothing really happened. once we started making and incorporating some of the content they were already posting into the email, like, come weigh in, like, come give us, because unfortunately nowadays, just following is not always enough.
Like, have you ever been scrolling and you were like, Oh, here's a recipe blogger. I'm going to hit follow. And then you can't find that person ever again. They're like lost. Yeah. Now I have to
Perfect Patients: save the post. Yeah.
Molly: So in the email now we're kind of like encouraging people to come comment, let us know you're here.
You can even go as far as having a pinned post to your feed that's a current patient giveaway. only current patients can enter. You put it up the same morning that you send out the email and that's the post that you link in the email. But like, come say hi, let us know you're here and then we'll pick someone to win whatever, something in the office.
Don't give away like an Amazon gift card or whatever. So there's that. So that's one way that's like an off Instagram way. And then the other is, um, hashtags. Everyone's going to like all these gurus, like hashtags are dead. I'm like, I mean, are y'all actively running Instagram accounts like we are? Because I can tell you they're not like they are not dead.
Instagram is highly keyworded now. So just like, uh, Google, like, you know, chiropractor near me. I don't think you could type in chiropractor near me on Instagram, but you could type in like chiropractor Knoxville and. something would come up. So we're not only using as many hashtags as possible of the local area.
Now, again, bigger cities like hashtag New York or hashtag Raleigh or hashtag Nashville, way too big. You want to make them smaller by, and you'll see go into the search bar, Instagram, start typing it in. I like to stay less than 250, 000 uses. So hashtag Nashville TN is probably smaller or Nashville moms.
And then look at all the little surrounding suburbs that you actually pull patients from and look at those hashtags. If you're in a really small town, you're not going to have as much to choose from. Pick those, you know, around your area and that's fine. And then we've also started incorporating and started incorporating keywords into the actual caption itself.
And, um, Instagram's AI can read the text over a reel or On a graphic. So for a client, she just had a, like, it was like a bump, bump night event or whatever. And it was like, Raleigh moms, have you been wanting? It was like, that was literally the text we put over the real.
Perfect Patients: Yeah.
Molly: Because Instagram's AI can read that.
We've also started doing, um, Like a little sign off blurb on not every single caption. It just kind of, I don't really know what our, I wouldn't say we have a science to it yet. We're just testing this right now. But we've started doing a little sign off where it's like, Dr. Lauren is a, uh, certified chiropractic sports physician in Encinitas, California.
And she, You know, who treats athletes, blah, blah, blah, like almost like a little bio line or bio, like a little bio, like a one sentence thing at the bottom of the caption. Even just like I said, the more information you can give the algorithm, the better. Right. And then the last piece, and this is a little, this is going to take a little work on your part, but it works.
Is what like you got to go out if you were to host a networking event at your office or like say you're hosting an event at your office and you just like ran around town and slapped up a bunch of flyers. I'm not really sure what you were expect you would expect like the turnout to be instead if you were going to actually speak to the other people and you're like, hi, I'm having an event.
We was like, so social media is not. Passive, like people think it is. You have to actually go engage. So we'll go to these same locations. Yes. Networking. Network. I always say network, like, just like you would in real life, right? Yeah. So you're going out to these local businesses in the community. You're commenting on their posts.
You're, you know, sharing them to your stories and tagging them. Like, Look at these cute sugar cookies for Valentine's Day and you're like sharing it to your stories and tagging them. Yeah, you gotta, you gotta actually network and like be going out because then a lot of times people will then reshare their stories.
And then the last really, like I, I think this isn't the easiest tip and I've never heard anybody teach this anywhere and I think it's such a no brainer, but being a former military spouse, like I, we moved a lot. And I learned about everything through local Facebook groups. I hate Facebook. I don't use Facebook except for the local groups.
So have your like three to five patient all stars go to their local, you know, a couple of different local community Facebook groups. Say, Hey, I've lived here for X amount of years. Here's my favorite local businesses. And guess what? They're going to include your chiropractic office in their list. Yeah.
And then other, they'll be like, drop yours. And people want to play, like, like they want to, you know, I've saw people like, that was my landscaping person. And here's my house cleaner. And here's, here's where I like to go out to eat. So like I said, that's just like a really. easy thing
Perfect Patients: good stuff in there molly gosh okay um i want to hit you with just a couple quick fire questions yeah um from your expertise okay so perfect patience we have a social media service a content service where we just do some basic posts right just giving you some content we refer to them more as like filler posts Good or bad.
Molly: Be honest. Good. No. Good. Here's why. No. No. Uh, manager expectations. I don't think you're going to get a whole lot of engagement or it's not going to be seen by a whole lot of non followers. But it can be the thing where people come to your page and go, Oh, they're actually still in business,
Perfect Patients: right? It's not just a happy Memorial Day from last May.
Okay, perfect. And that's kind of what we talk about, too, is the idea is these are your filler posts. Okay, when I don't have time today to put something together or the time got away from us. Something at least is going out to encourage some engagement. We always say personalize those as much as possible.
So like ask a question or encourage some kind of comment or engagement or, you know, spring cleaning time. I spent the week in cleaning my garage. What are you cleaning this week? You know, something like that. Right. So, okay. And then as far as their profile, what's, What has to be there? Real quick.
Molly: Mm. Uh, only two things are searchable.
That's your username, which is your at handle, or that bold name line at the very top. So I always say consider the trifecta, which is going to be your business name, your name, and then your city, and then chiropractor. So. What now?
Perfect Patients: You said city. I think a lot of people would forget that, right? So we're just, you know, your practice name.
But like you said, and that's like search engine optimization, but you know, yeah.
Molly: Yeah. I mean, there's a bunch of like back to health. vital life. Like a lot of the clinics have similar names, which is fine. I mean, the name of my business is Molly Cahill marketing. It's not that, um, I'm not saying you need to have a more unique name.
I just mean, you need to have your, your city. And if you're a multi doc clinic, I always say lead with the doc who has the most name recognition. And then the other docs names can go in the bio portion, which is not as searchable. Like when I say searchable, I mean, someone's typing in, you know, chiropractor, Boulder, Colorado, like You want to make sure boulders in there and you don't need like if your username is live well chiropractic, then in the name line, it doesn't also need to say live well chiropractic because you're missing out on the trifecta of searchable real estate because people might not know your business name, but they know your name.
Perfect Patients: Sure. Um, we always talk about ease of the domain, right? So try to avoid hyphens and things like that. Is that really that important
Molly: with your handle or? You know, I, my litmus test is like I say go somewhere where no one has a, like a network to you. So like if you're in a like big chiropractor's Facebook group or something.
And just say, Hey, here's my name. Here's my clinic name. Can you find me and have someone test? Because if you looked at my profile right now, my handle is at Molly a Cahill, but I learned the hard way that if you just searched Molly Cahill, that I'm a water polo player.
Perfect Patients: Okay.
Molly: Um, that's who comes up. It's not me.
And I was nowhere to be found in the search results because of that A and my handle. So I had to also add my name back to the name line. So I, I, you know, I wish I had some exact science formula. I would just say, have someone just try to find you and see what happens.
Perfect Patients: That's great. Yeah. I know sometimes it's like there's an extra hyphen or an underscore or something that can.
Yeah. But like
Molly: Lauren, if I was trying to find a friend of yours, I'm not a good unbiased. person because I'm already connected to you. So the algorithm is going to show me people who are more simple, like, you know what I mean? So like, that's why I say go to a group where maybe nobody knows you and see if they can find
Perfect Patients: you.
Yeah. Perfect. Do I have to post every day?
Molly: No. Simple.
Perfect Patients: Do you have a recommendation? Is there a, is there a sign for how often a time of day when, I mean, what?
Molly: My recommendation is whatever you can keep up with long term. I have had little areas where I like calling my sprints. Like if you're like low on new patients, um, I think there's merit in having like a more short term strategy of like a sprint where you're, um, posting, you know, Monday through Friday or something.
I mean, I, I don't post weekends just cause I have to have that boundary for myself. I think people are looking for more like fun, entertaining content on the weekends. Anyway, I don't have any data to support that. Maybe I'm just like using my own person, my own self as like my data source. Um, but yeah, I, there are times where you could have that little sprint, right.
But, um, I, I think. Three times a week. Like, they're like, really solid posts are great. But then I, I think back to the, that whole like teapot parable, have you heard that one where it's like, you, you just gave me to look like I'm not, so it's like, okay, yeah, I don't . You know, like let's say there's like 30 students who come into this like clay cla pottery class who, like, he splits the class into two, one half.
He says, you have to make a, a teapot every day. And the other half, he says, at the end of this class, you have to have one perfect teapot.
Perfect Patients: And
Molly: yeah, the group, the group that had to make one every day had more perfect teapots than the actual group whose only job was to make one perfect teapot. So I just, I feel the need to have that nuance because I know a lot of you are perfectionists.
So when I say like three, like really good quality, like don't, we're talking B minus work here. Like it doesn't have to be a plus work. Awesome.
Perfect Patients: Okay. Awesome. Well, thanks for that. Um, real quick. So why don't you share? Um, I know we have a discount code for our clients. So perfect. Yeah. Um, tell them what that gets them or where they go to utilize that.
Molly: So I fire hosed you today and I did that on purpose because I've learned webinar strategy from people where it's like, don't give them exactly how, just tell them what. And I'm like, eh, that doesn't feel good to me. I'd rather give you something. Even if you only walk away using one thing I taught you today, that's fine.
But inside of holistic marketing hub, I go through everything I taught today in detail with video, with examples, with step by step and you get once a month. calls with me. So you can be like, Hey Molly, I'm doing everything. Something's quite not working. Can you look over my account? Whatever. Also in addition to that education is our huge robust content library.
I think we're almost to 500 posts now. A lot of them have customizable Canva graphics to your branding, as well as we are in process of adding Reels hooks to every post. Now this is taking us a long time because we have so many captions. Um, But I just literally yesterday had someone, Hey, if I buy the hub, can my CA go in and pull posts?
I'm like, absolutely. That's what it was created for. Um, yeah. If you just go to mollycahill. com at the very top of my website, you'll see holistic marketing hub. You can click there. And it's also linked in my Instagram bio. If you're following me there. Use the code PERFECT200 and you'll get 200 off whether you decide to pay in full or do the payment plan.
It's, um, it takes it off either way.
Perfect Patients: Great.
Molly: Yeah.
Perfect Patients: And this is a course that walks them through.
Molly: Yeah.
Perfect Patients: How to have success on Instagram. Yeah. Love it. Yeah. If
Molly: you actually want to use it as like a, to grow, just not just grow new patients, but as retention and really to kind of be seen as that thought leader and build up your brand awareness.
This is the program for that for sure. And, and it's just a big time saver with all of the content.
Perfect Patients: And for incredibly helpful tips, follow molly at molly. A. K. Hill. Just a wealth of knowledge there. I know, um, our own. We always are consistently sharing your stuff because it is so good. And we Appreciate all your insight and expertise.
Um, so great. Well, thank you so much for your time today, Molly. Hope you guys all enjoyed that. Got some, like, like she said, at least one great thing from it. Um, take some good tips, check out the holistic hub, uh, course and reach out to either of us with questions.
Molly: Thank you so much.
Perfect Patients: Thanks everybody.
Molly: Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified.
And Hey, you know how every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast. Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce, to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that, we need more people to find out about the show.
So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day. To leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly A. Cahill, that's C A H I L L. I would greatly, greatly appreciate your support. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.