Episode 77: Simplifying Your Online Health Business with Jennifer Wheeler of Launch Rx

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Almost everyone who stars an online business, or adds an online component to a brick-and-mortar business, has one goal in mind: to find more freedom and flexibility.
But then things quickly spiral out of control – you focus on so many different areas and try to do all the “right” things, which can lead to an online business that’s just as time-consuming (if not more time-consuming) than the job you left to pursue the peace and ease of an online business.
Today, Jennifer Wheeler, co-founder of LaunchRX and nurse practitioner turned business mentor, breathwork expert, and functional health specialist joins us to talk about how to simplify your online health business and still be wildly successful!
It’s easy to get overwhelmed in the beginning
There is so much “influence” out there in the online world, it can feel impossible to not get overwhelmed when you’re first starting out or seriously trying to grow.
There are business mentors, health trainings, and specialists telling you how you need their program, framework, or product in order to be successful… so you sign up for everything and then you’re so overwhelmed you can’t even show up or learn from what you’ve invested in!
If this sounds like you’re experience – you’re not alone. This happens to nearly everyone who moves into the online space.
But the truth of the matter boils down to one unavoidable fact: We need to keep things simple for ourselves and our clients or no one is going to achieve the outcomes they’re looking for.
Simplifying isn’t lazy. It’s the path to sustainable growth and long-term online business success.
Build your online health business to fit the life you want
As you’re building your online health business, ask yourself “What kind of life do I want to create?”
If you’re seeking peace, calm, and rest – you need to build a business that fits your desired lifestyle from the beginning.
When you grow your business in a way that’s based on your intentions – knowing what you want to bring into your life and how you want to help others – that’s when you’ll find true success.
It’s so easy to leave a grueling 9-5 or in-person healthcare practice only to recreate the trauma, stress, and burnout we were trying to leave in the first place.
Reflect on what matters most to you – intentional living, free time, more energy, raising your kiddos the way you want, engaging in slower living, whatever it is – and make sure your business (and offers/services) support the lifestyle you want to create.
Figure out exactly who your online health business is for
One of the quickest ways to get overwhelmed is to try and market an online business to everyone.
Because your health business is virtual, it can feel like there are no limits on who you can work with and help. And in a way, that’s true.
But from a marketing perspective, you’re not going to attract anyone if you try to attract everyone.
When you’re thinking about WHO your business is specifically for, ask yourself:
- What is this person thinking?
- What does this person struggle with in a normal day?
- What do I want to impart or teach this person?
- What is the desired outcome of this reel/email/website content I’m writing?
- Why am I teaching this?
Want to simplify your online health business? Get super clear and specific about who you’re serving.
Let your why direct your online health business
Just like we’re building an online business that fits the lifestyle we want, we also need to create an offer or service that fulfills our deepest “why.”
Instead of creating a million different offers (that require a million different funnels and marketing assets and strategies) – figure out what matters MOST and lean hard into that one thing.
Can you expand on your one offer once you’ve got it down and are selling it on repeat? Absolutely.
Can you grow and eventually add new offers? You can!
But all of the additional things come after you’ve created a proven, profitable offer based on your biggest “why” that fits your desired lifestyle.
Next steps
If you’re into the concept of simplifying your online health business and you would like to learn more from Jennifer Wheeler and how LaunchRX can help you, get connected:
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The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hook!
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Molly: Hello and welcome back. I hope y'all are having a nice summer so far and trying to like take things a little bit slower. I'm going to try to keep this intro short today because as per usual, anytime I have a guest on the show and they're like, how long are these episodes? I'm always like, well, try to keep it to 30 minutes.
But then like, I feel like. I get to interview such interesting people that they're never 30, they're never 30 minutes. Sorry. Today's guest, Jennifer Wheeler, is actually a nurse practitioner turned functional medicine. Well, this, I'm giving her my own title. This is not what she put on her bio, but basically she has two businesses.
She has MindShift Health, where she does. Um, functional medicine type. Well, she really does like really like cool, like mineral testing with a customized supplement blend like so people can just take one blend made for them instead of having to order a whole bunch of different supplements, which I just found very intriguing.
And then she also incorporates a lot of breath works like that's one of her businesses. And she's a really cool story of how she like left traditional healthcare as a primary care nurse practitioner. Take care. But she also is a co founder of LaunchRx. And you've probably, if you're on my email list or if you've been following me for a while, I've done some collaborations with LaunchRx before with Chelsea, her, um, the other co founder of LaunchRx, Chelsea Carberry.
And LaunchRx is somewhere I would confidently refer anyone to as kind of like an All in one, like if you're like trying to launch a health or life coaching business, like I feel like we're really more health coaching, functional med, online, any of that. Like, it's something I would feel really confident is like, should they help you with your branding and your website and with practice better?
And. Um, just like all this kind of stuff. It's just like a really great piece, milling everything together. It's like a really great, like good jumpstart one on one. So anyway, I said I was going to keep this short and I didn't. I think you will get a lot of great nuggets out of this episode.
Hey, welcome to holistic marketing simplified. This podcast boils down to the fact that we wholeheartedly believe that more humans need to know about holistic health solutions and you didn't go to school to learn how to be a. Full time content creator and show up on Instagram and do all of this marketing stuff all day, every day.
So let's come hang it out while we chat all things easy in your marketing. And my goal is that you shift your mindset around your marketing from a quote should to a, I get to more dream patients and clients. Yes, please.
Caitlin Ross: Hi, I'm Caitlin Ross, a virtual counselor based in Rock Hill, South Carolina. And I love listening to the Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast.
Molly: Jennifer, this is going to be the beginning of the episode because I just had to hit record because we've just been chatting for what, a little over 20 minutes now. She, you know, sometimes I get on these, um, podcast interviews and I just immediately connect with the person and Jennifer and I could be friends.
Well, tell us, I did your like formal intro, but tell us a little bit about you, your story, what you do. You were a nurse practitioner before or you are still, yeah,
Jennifer: yeah, I was a nurse practitioner in primary care. Well, and the stage name thing actually came from, I was a musician and I studied music. I was a piano major.
Uh huh. When I first began, I studied a college, I was a piano major. And I couldn't pass music history. And so I ended up studying exercise science and got into that and did a master's in that. Definitely. You're going to see a theme here, high achiever, love of learning. So, and that kind of led me down the path to what everything I've experienced in the entrepreneur world as well.
But I went back to school for nursing and ended up getting my master's and was working in primary care. And. Long story short, the easiest way to say it is that I physically burnt out at the same time that I was seeing that I had that frustration of not really being able to help my patients well and having those, you know, eight to 10 minute visits, not.
Having time to ask them basic questions of how are you sleeping? How's your nutrition? How's your family life? How are your relationships? You know, uh, do you have time to do things for yourself? I didn't have time to ask them that. And I just felt so frustrated the same time. My body started to, my longstanding gut issues just really snowballed.
My hormones were a mess and I, I didn't feel like myself as a woman anymore. And that didn't feel good. And so that all of that together led me down this path to begin to look for other answers. And that's when I found, you know, the idea on the concept of functional medicine. You know, I was familiar with integrative medicine, but not as familiar with functional medicine.
At that time, I, I remember saying to my husband, we were actually sitting on the Chicago river. We flew out there to see Van Morrison. I love seeing artists live. And I said to them on this, on the Chicago river, I said, babe, I'm going to quit my, you know, safe nurse practitioner career and start my own business online.
Molly: Okay. Okay. So I don't want to interrupt you, but we didn't know this about each other. Very similar. I was in medical sales. Oh, yeah. And I was making like crazy money. You know, it was like a golden handcuffs thing. I was so, I was just like sick basically. I mean, I was just burnt out. Now I didn't have a plan though.
I didn't know what an online business was. I was just like 14 weeks pregnant. I had stashed away a bunch of cash because I knew I couldn't do that forever. I actually called my dad before I called my husband who's now since passed away. But I was just like, I'm going to quit my job. He's like, no, you're pregnant.
You mean like maternity leave? I'm like, Nope. Nope. And everybody's like, why don't you just stick it out six more months and then get paid for maternity leave and quit? I was like, because I don't work that way. Like that's just not like I'm done. And I was a manager and I was like, I can't rally my team anymore.
I don't believe in this company anymore. Like I can't. Put on a face for something. I, but we called on pain management and addiction clinics every day. So, um, that's
Jennifer: funny. I had taken over when I, when I got that position in primary care, I took over for a doctor who basically prescribed pain meds and benzodiazepines, which are for those who don't know for anxiety.
Every day. So that's what I year was that? Oh, geez. Okay. You're going to test me here. That was probably Well, I'm just wondering if that was like
Molly: before the crackdown of
Jennifer: It was, it's got to be, you know, eight years ago, nine years ago. Yeah. Yeah.
Molly: I feel like, what was it? Around 2016? Whenever they really started kind of like cracking down on Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
Jennifer: Yeah.
Molly: The prescribing.
Jennifer: Yeah. And well, the thing is, is this was a small town next to a very rundown town, low income and everything. And then, so it was a nice town. It was, it was decent. It was nice, but it was common. I just, I'm like, yep,
Molly: that's
Jennifer: where
Molly: I
Jennifer: was all day, every day, including times like that.
Yeah. So it, you know, I am a giver and I, you know, I've gotten into this, Be old to help others just like every single one of us had, but we get to that point where we're thinking, you know, how much more of our own health and our family's health and all of that. Can we sacrifice, you know, we have to start thinking, and we're going to talk about this later, I know, but we have to start thinking about what our needs are and how to take care of ourselves first.
Yeah. And how to actually have a career that allows us to do so, right? Not separating career and home life, but saying it is possible to make a career for myself that allows those to integrate, that allows me to work from home in the online space, pop open my computer and still homeschool my kids, which we do and still grow a garden, which I'm working on, but no, allowing you to be present, shut down at a certain time.
Okay. Okay. You know, raise your children and be home. And I talk about that a lot, but even if you don't have kids, you know, and you want to connect with your family or connect with friends and have that intentional time, it is possible, but you have to start asking these questions of what am I creating?
And why?
Molly: So how did you even know? Cause like I said, when I quit, I had no plan. I just was like, I've stashed away money. I'll figure it out later. I'll stay home with my kid. Cause my husband was deployed when she was born and we already knew it was going to be an issue. And. I, this kind of all fell into my lap.
How did you even know about the online business? Like as being a thing?
Jennifer: I don't, it's funny. I don't get asked that question a lot. I, and now that I'm thinking about it, I started studying functional medicine, right? And remember how I said I was a high achiever. So I found like the best of the best. And I went to IFM.
Oh yeah. And I was mm-Hmm. . So I started going to their, you know, it's like an extended weekend where you go and you go through their modules. Uh, I have thoughts about functional education too, if you ever, if you want my 2 cents there. But I, um, , I went and did all of their trainings. I think everyone but one.
And while I was there, I was introduced to the name of somebody who mentored in this space. and taught people how to start an online business. And actually, I know you mentioned a lot of, you know, your podcast listeners have a brick and mortar. When I first started, I left primary care, bought a 5, 500 square foot building with my husband, renovated the thing, and started with a brick and mortar.
setting and wanted to do online at the same time, but I wanted to have IVs. I wanted to add on all of these additional things. So IV therapy, infrared sauna, I want, I had this big wellness center vision and the business model there was to rent out all of the offices to other practitioners. Also have an online business.
And obviously fast forward, that was a complete recipe for burnout as well, realizing it was way too much to do. And that I really just wanted to dial in and focus in the online space. But I think the C was first planted when I heard about it at these IFM conferences and that people were, you know, shifting from a brick and mortar and going online.
Molly: Well, even just looking at your bio, yeah, like your company of mind shift health, nervous system regulation, custom health protocols. Like, I feel like again, like you and I are so similar in that way. Like not, I do love, I have love and respect for functional medicine. It was what actually got me out of a lot of chronic issues.
But now I feel like. I don't know. I'm in a different space.
Jennifer: I was so enamored and depending on the, you know, this, the podcast listener, when you guys are listening to this, you might be in the place where you're just getting started. You might already have your business, but depending on where you are, there's so much influence out there, so much influence.
You have business mentors, you have health trainings, you have everybody saying, you need to learn this in order to be successful or in order to finally earn that income you're looking for, whatever. It's so overwhelming. So you end up signing up for all these things and you're getting a million emails and you're signing up for all of these trainings that half of them you don't even show up to and you can never be fully present and it's just, it's just a lot.
That made me feel so overwhelmed at the time. And I felt like I needed to learn all of this stuff. I started out with this model where I was doing all the testing. I was doing the stool, the, the hormone with the Dutch. I was doing the functional blood cam. I was doing. the food sensitivity testing. I mean, basically everything.
I had this program where I did all of these labs. And again, there's, there's a reason and there's futility for all of them in certain circumstances, but it's overwhelming to the client and to us. And the moral of the entire story and what I've learned is we need to keep things simple for ourselves and for the client or no one's going to achieve the outcomes they're looking for.
We are never going to have a freedom filled online business. If we're just doing so much stuff all of the time and we're not honed in and focused in on something and the client again is going to be completely overwhelmed. And so not like I don't believe in what functional medicine is doing, but I think there's a lot of, there's a lot of selling and disillusion with needing to do all this stuff.
No. No, most people just need someone to listen to them and a good space for them to remind them to go to sleep on time, to nourish their body with whole foods, to smile and do things that make them happy. And those are the things that are actually going to make a difference.
Molly: And I think what happens with a lot of fun and, and again, I'm not in this world anymore.
And I tend not to attract those types of practitioners as much anymore just because it's not my, but it's like, Oh, if we could just pinpoint the one nutrient or like the one thing or like the one, and it's just like, well, is that though, is that really how our body works or are we just. My example is always like, and I'm still, this is, I don't have the answer for this, but it's like, you know, I've replaced my tiny little Zyrtec with nine giant capsules of supplements.
And I'm like, yes, it's better, I'm sure. But like, I'm just taking more pills than I was before.
Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Well, and I did that too. I mean, guilty as charged. I would go. I'm
Molly: still doing that with my allergies. I don't know if you have an answer for that. Let me know. I
Jennifer: absolutely do have an answer for that.
So we'll, we can chat about that. There's an incredible supplement I love. It's an all in one. I don't really go for those often, but I really like this one, but I would do all these labs and then it's like, okay, we're going to do this protocol and this, and you know, thousands of dollars worth of supplements later.
And they were overwhelmed and I had a hard time tracking it all and there was no consistency and follow through. Uh, major themes are just simplicity, you know, and I have sense, you know, that's why I teach about, uh, having a simple strategic business model. I have since simplified everything and everything I do is with this mindset of let's make it simple and let's live with intention and offer your business with intention.
But yeah, I don't do these huge, you know, long protocols with 20 bottles anymore. Uh, we really dial it in. I do one very strategic lab to get everybody started. Uh, it's affordable. Yeah, it's, it's about simplicity and knowing that it is the small changes that add up over time that are actually going to help our clients.
Molly: So before we jump into like the couple of questions I have for you, do you feel like nervous system regulation? Are we happy it's having its moment in the sun? Or do we think it's like, I don't particularly think it would be a fad, but also people think a lot of things aren't going to be a fad, but
Jennifer: yeah,
Molly: I think it's a good thing, especially because I have so many
Jennifer: chiropractors.
That's literally what happened to me. I went into the online space, did all these things, took all these trainings, yada yada. I'm sure you guys can all relate. And then I felt so overwhelmed and burnt out. And I thought to myself, there's got to be something missing here because, and personal story here, I had been in the online space and we were trying to expand our family even more and I kept experiencing multiple miscarriages.
And I've really, you know, I knew about my genetic things and I knew about everything else, but it was because my adrenals were exhausted and burnt out. I was so burnt out from being in the online space and I thought to myself, wait a second, didn't I leave primary care to feel more free and to feel more grounded?
And the opposite happened. I left primary care only to come in online and burn out again. That's when I started to, in true Jennifer fashion, start to dig a little deeper. And I remember connecting with a nurse friend of mine who had left nursing to study breath work. And I, I've always been someone who with, when workouts likes to feel like I'm sweating a little bit more intense.
Remember I mentioned I was a summer baby, right? And I thought to myself, I'm going to have a hard time like sitting there breathing. I've always struggled with that. I'm going to have a hard time sitting there meditating, but I decided to go for it. And I did this training and I learned so much about our nervous system.
And I learned this method. It's called the reset method. And it's more of like a, it's almost like a workout for your nervous system. I truly believe that. Most of us, yes, we're walking around with life experiences or traumas that have majorly impacted the way that we respond to things in our lives, whether it's a relationship, whether it's fears, whether it's.
Mental roadblocks that are holding us back from moving forward by compare it, comparing things, thinking we're not capable of things, thinking we're not worthy of things. And the reasons we have these beliefs, we don't even realize they're there. No, they just, they just are this veil that kind of like dictate our decision making.
But the reason we have them is because our nervous system was taught something throughout our life. So what this breath work, at least for me, has done is allowed me to, to revisit these things and kind of, it sounds kind of cheesy, but rewire my, my nervous system pathways to think differently and to be able to plant seeds for me to make different choices and different thoughts about what I'm capable of and how I show up in life.
Right? So I believe that. Everybody has their own healing journey. I believe that the nervous system regulation and burnout is very real. I, I think that it's a personal conversation though, as to what that person's experience. And what's going to help them know some people might need some breath work and meditation and therapy.
You know, some people might just need some, you know, some meditation or breath work or time outside and, you know, in nature, you know, it really depends on what you've been through.
Molly: And that's basically the work I've been doing over the last four years with a couple of different people. Right now I'm working with a woman named April Adams.
She was actually on the podcast a couple of weeks ago. You would love that episode off to make sure I send it to you, but we're, we've been doing like a subconscious. Track where it's essentially like, like you said, rewiring, because if you're listening to this and you think, well, I don't have any of those mindset blocks, like you're wrong.
I'm sorry. Um, because I'm trying to think of like, so the perfect example for me was like the whole concept of self love. And like, I'm like, I love myself. I'm confident. Like. I don't understand, like, I don't, this doesn't resonate with me. And then the more and more work I did, I realized how much energy, now I think about everything of like how much energy I'm spending doing things.
I don't realize it. Almost like, um, you know, when you have to clean your Ram on your computer, it's like what's working in the background constantly and making that fan on your computer that I don't even realize is running. Yes. And for me, it was a lot of like, ah, the dishes are piling up. Like, yeah. Why can't you just do the dishes?
Like, or like, you didn't get that checked off your to do list and your team's been asking for it. And you'd be like, Oh man, I didn't, uh, I forgot to call make that dentist appointment today. And I'd be like this, like running. It just reinforces it.
Jennifer: Tells you that you, you can't do it. And you think about it and then you reinforce the idea that, Oh, I'm not capable of doing this.
Molly: Yeah. And I just thought that that was wild that this whole time I'm like, I don't have confidence, like confidence. Maybe it's not the right word, but like, I was like, I don't have issues with this. And then you realize how much energy you're spending running these programs in the background. So yeah, whether you call it, I mean, I know the nervous system and the subconscious aren't necessarily the one in the same, but I could see so many, like, I feel like so many of the modalities call it what you want.
It's not something you can think your way out of.
Jennifer: Oh, no, no, no, no, it's right. You can wake up every day and it definitely helps the journal. It definitely helps to put positive, you know, thoughts out there and positive words. There's deeper work that you can do to kind of speed things along a little quicker, you know, to go a little bit deeper.
But the, the, the breathing that I've learned about is an active breath work. It's conscious, but it's literally tapping into the subconscious. So if you think, I mean, geez, this is a whole different podcast.
Molly: It's good. I'm like known for my tangents.
Jennifer: This you guys think about. A traumatic experience in order for you to have responded to that experience.
You have tapped into your sympathetic fight or flight nervous system response, right? And we all know that chronic burnout and chronic stress is literally repetitive tapping into of that fight or flight. So the point where your body just can't do it with any sort of resilience anymore. You end up in that stage chronically, and then you actually end up going into an unhealthy parasympathetic state where you're in what's supposed to be a nice, balanced rest and digest, but you're in that state and unable to tap into a healthy sympathetic response and actually respond to emergencies.
And in the breath work, what we do is we get to a place where we're really grounded and safe and we tap into that sympathetic and we kind of rewire the nervous system's response to getting there and to thinking about that. So it's super powerful.
Molly: And even with all of our Instagram management clients, I've really changed the way I don't do a ton of the hands on caption writing and it will say that I really do.
I'm trying. I feel like if I keep putting it out there, it won't be my job anymore. But the actual caption writing for a lot of our clients, I usually get like the final pass, but I'm like, no, we don't want to write this as like, stress is bad. And stress is let's eliminate our stress and stress is all the stress is going to kill you.
It's like, well, geez, that's stressful. Um, it's like, how can we. You hone that response like stress is going to happen,
Jennifer: right? You, you could be on either end of the spectrum. You could be talking about it, right? We can't make getting healthy, stressful either. And it's kind of the analogy I use for that one is thinking about, you know, toxic load and the toxin levels that we're exposed to by all the products.
I remember when I first learned about that, I was so freaking stressed out that I was like, Oh my gosh, everything's toxic. Like you didn't want to breathe. That was like, Oh my
Molly: God, the air, everything's.
Jennifer: Yeah, but that doesn't create any resilience. So it's the idea of, you know, what do we do? Well, we lower, lower exposure in the ways that we can very strategically.
And then we support our liver pathways to make sure that we're detoxing machines and we're doing a good job. And that's the same idea with mental and physical resilience, right? Stress is not going to be non existent. Hard things in life are not going to be non existent, but let's fortify our nervous system so we can respond to them Well,
Molly: okay, so that's actually like a great seg into Well, first of all talk a little bit about do you have your um, Your business, but then you also have your business with Chelsea, who is how I, I don't even know how Chelsea and I found each other, Chelsea Carberry.
We, you've got LaunchRx together. So tell us a little bit about LaunchRx and then we'll get into like some of the marketing.
Jennifer: Yeah, absolutely. Well, so, you know, I had my business MindShift Health and like I said, it's had some evolution, some re reiterations. When I got into this space, I, you know, I still love helping others and we have a very successful business, but I loved all of the business stuff.
I loved helping people figure out, you know, their niche, their systems, their offer, all of that. And like really getting everything set up. And the thing was, is, I think I shared this with you before. I don't know if I shared it with our listeners. I invested thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars in mentorship and mastermind programs that promised me X, Y, Z.
And those promises fell very short. And I remember the most impactful investment I made was with a one on one mentor who had nothing to do with really anything I was working on, but she actually was able to hold space for me. The reason I'm sharing this story is because she actually listened. To who I was and what was the intention behind my business and that changed everything.
So that really kind of planted a seed in me. Because I wanted to bring that to this space. I, and it's not out there. I don't, I don't, I don't see it often, or I haven't really seen it much. And I don't say that in a negative way. It's just that I don't see it a lot. You know, that there's mentors and business coaching that actually.
Says, okay, what's important to you? What kind of life are you trying to create? And let's build your business based upon that. Right. So that's what got me into business mentorship. I kept referring marketing, all the marketing stuff to Chelsea to get their website done. Get their lead magnet, get their funnel, all of that.
And over time, it was just so organic that it all fused together. So LaunchRx brings those principles together. It's a six month marketing and mentorship program to launch a successful online health business. And the idea is that it's based on freedom. You know, that it's, Based on your intentions and knowing what you want to bring to your life and how you want to help others, uh, in a very simple and strategic way.
Molly: So what I like about LaunchRx, and obviously I haven't, you know, been through it personally as a client, but I've seen, it's so, like you said, I like, it's all, it's, it's kind of like you do all in one business in a box, but without it being cookie cutter. I don't know how to explain it. Yeah. It's, it's like, it's so hard to, to come into this online space.
You're like, I just want to help people. I just want to be. You know, whatever your health, wellness, life coach, whatever. And like, all of a sudden you're like, well, do I have to have a website? Well, someone said I could just build my own in this program. And then you're like, and then, I mean, I'm tech savvy.
And I still, I remember I had to pay somebody to fix what I messed up in Squarespace. Cause it was supposedly such an easy drag and drop website builder. And I totally screwed it up. And it's like, well, what, I'm supposed to have an email list. Well then, okay, here's another software I have to have, or like brand, you know, it's just like all of these things.
And like, I think if you were to look at LaunchRx, you'd be like, Oh, that's a little pricier. Like if I'm just starting out, but I'm here to tell you, you're going to spend, you're going to spend that. Oh gosh. Yeah. Because I've been there. Website itself.
Jennifer: Like if you add everything up, like a website, it's like 5, 000.
And then, you know, you have to hire someone to write copy. It's like, okay, yeah, let's get a website made, but what do we actually write on it? And then I would, I found out, oh, that's not, doesn't include the words that are on the website. Then you have to spend another 3, 000 to get the words on your website.
But wait. What are we putting on the website? I have no idea what my packages are. And then that's what happened to me. I just put all this stuff out there and I was speaking to absolutely no one. I had no clear client niche and in the online world that does not fly. We have to know exactly who we're speaking to and helping.
Yeah, you're
Molly: exactly right. And I had someone come to me. Um, she booked a discovery call with me and she's lovely. And I was like, so you don't need me. I was like, you need to go back about five steps. Then we can do some marketing because like marketing is fun and sexy, right? Um, like I'm going to blow up on Instagram, but if you don't even know where to send people, you know, like, yeah, so let's, that's kind of more like the tactical marketing stuff, but I did just kind of want to paint the picture of what launch RX is.
And this is just why I love it. And I've, I've referred a lot of people over to it. Um, yeah, but I do want to go back. Cause you said something about intention and it's something that I also tell, um, My students, because I'll be like, Oh, I'm having a hard time getting consistent posting on Instagram. I'm like, well, is it because it's like a should thing that's on your to do list?
Like I should post that real today. Like that doesn't feel fun or aligned at all, but I always tell people my sister in law and this is true story. She learned how to breastfeed my niece watching reels. And so I'm like, when you think about it like that, it's like, oh, yeah. Okay. Like, and so one of the things I wanted to ask you, you always talk about starting with your intention when it comes to decision making in your business.
And I just had to tell that I didn't know, cause I feel like it's very aligned with how I teach things too, but yeah, talk to us about that.
Jennifer: Yeah. Well, and if you're thinking about it, right, right. If you're thinking about it, like with what you guys support people in, in the market, in the marketing and, you know, really growing that Instagram presence and getting those reels.
And it's, that's the thing is like, we'll teach like the basics. everything we need to actually get the business grounded. And most of our clients literally need exactly what you have once they have all that stuff together. Cause then it's like, okay, now we need to grow this thing. So it actually really is like the perfect segue, but that's the whole idea.
We have to think about what's it's so important. This changed the game for me. So. Whether you are, you know, working with Molly and writing content for a post and thinking about your avatar and how to reach them. Think about the intention behind it, right? What is that person thinking? What do you want to impart?
What is the outcome of this reel that you're making or post? Um, but you can literally ask that question. In any stage of your business. And if you are not even knowing who your avatar is, that's where you have to like hit that rewind button and think to yourself, okay, who am I, what's important to me, right?
And why am I teaching this, right? Why are we teaching this? What, what are we trying to impart? What kind of wisdom it's kind of the, it's kind of the base question to ask with anything, and depending on where you are, if you're overwhelmed on what to post, if you're overwhelmed on who to focus on or how to even start your business, that question will help you no matter where you are, right?
Molly: is my intention
Jennifer: behind
Molly: this? And then you, you mentioned something about your deepest, why have you ever done, is this the seven levels of why is it similar? We've heard, it's
Jennifer: probably very similar and just kind of, I do this along with breath work, but you can just really do it anyway. But it's asking, you know, why do I want this?
Right. So I'll give you an example for, for myself. I was transitioning, there's been, you know, like there's a lot of evolution as you grow your business. And I'm a very multi passionate entrepreneur. So I always have ideas and I'm very creative and I always have these, you know, business ideas and let's, you know, we can watch a business doing X, Y, Z or X, Y, Z.
The deepest, deepest Y for me is Intentional living, having time, space, and energy to spend with my family and really raise them the way the kiddos, the way that we want to, and a little bit of slower living, right? Uh, being in our moments, not feeling rushed through life, like life often feels. So that's our deepest, deepest why.
And so in reflecting upon that, it actually allowed me to decide where I was going to focus my energy in my offer suite. Because if you keep offering so many different things, we actually touched on this for a couple of seconds before we started recording, but if you offer so many different packages or programs, We can't forget that every single thing that we throw out into the world, whether it's a lead magnet or, you know, this passive revenue stream that someone's saying, or, you know, yeah, just produce a course or just start a membership or whatever it is.
Every single one of those requires a full blown out marketing funnel in order to actually bring people into the offer and sell it. So, My deepest, deepest, why that wanting space, time and energy for my loved ones really allowed me to say, Jennifer, we're going to narrow this in, we're going to stop doing a million things.
We're going to stop signing up for a million trainings. We're going to listen to our, yeah, we're going to listen to our intuition and figure out what your intention is and then decide what you're going to do. And that's what led me to really put my energy in the launch Rx because I really believe in it.
And we brought those principles in there. We said we wanted to elevate this program to be something where we can provide simple strategic guidance. So, those people wanting to find. A successful online business can drown out the noise and we'll teach them. Okay, here's how to make a funnel. Here's a gorgeous website that we're going to, you know, find your niche, your brand colors, your logo, your fonts, all the beautiful things.
And we're going to put it all together. We're going to find out who your avatar is. We're going to create that marketing funnel, teach you how to get a client portal, all of the above. Yeah. In a very stepwise manner, and then you can launch the business and I hate to say like this, but then it becomes so much easier.
It just becomes easy. It's simple. You know?
Molly: Yeah. Yeah. Again, that's why. And I just love the name of the program. Like it's like lunch. All right. Like it's like literally the best anyway. I just, I just think it's so good,
Jennifer: but finding out that deepest why will allow you to figure out what you need. Honestly.
Molly: what did you land on for mind shift health? What did you land on as your main offer? Do you, are you doing one on one? Are you doing group? What's?
Jennifer: So I used to do a very high ticket, extremely comprehensive six month program. And then you guys have probably seen programs out there like that. It is now streamlined.
It is one basic offer. That's around 595. And then there's a offer that has that and coaching with it. It's so simple. And it's very, it's basically the model that we teach inside LaunchRx as well. Can you expand upon that? Yes. Can you grow through that? Yes, absolutely. Do you want to start a group program out the gate?
When you don't have a following or don't know who your avatar is, no way you gotta get to know your client.
Molly: I see. I agree with that too. I think so. And maybe it's just a limiting belief I have based on my own, whatever. But I think. You have to start one on one, and if you're not willing to start one on one, then you, you have to start at least doing one on one, like a boatload of interviews, like client, like potential, like research.
You can't just be like, you know what, I bet people want this and put it out into the world and expect people to, to fly. And I feel like a lot of the programs out there are so incomplete because. They're like, why serve one when you could serve so many? And I'm like, I agree with that. And, but you also have to, you have to serve one well before you can serve many.
Jennifer: I agree. I agree with everything you just said, right? We have to know who this person is. What their main struggles are and then what is the outcome of working with you? Like that has to be so clear. Otherwise we're just throwing things out and you guys have all seen it. The businesses out there that kind of serve everyone.
Cause that's kind of what functional medicine teaches us, right? Functional health. What, you know, It teaches us that there's all these clues and we have to address all of the systems, which we do. And you will, you'll narrow that in and the one on one work once you know, you're working with a client. But if we put all of that out there, Oh, you know, there's, you know, there's this and this and this and this, and this is all the person's like, I don't even know where to look, you know?
So you have to, you have to think about it from their perspective, right? But if we can identify who that person is, what they're struggling with, what are their outcomes, it becomes so much clearer. And like Molly said, you really get to know who that person is and you can speak so clearly to them. It's like you're doing the market research while you're seeing clients, while you're getting paid.
And then, yeah, you want to start a group program or launch a course after you've learned how to actually help them achieve that goal by all means, you know, a little further down the road, my opinion
Molly: to me, it's like getting paid to do research that way. And with me, how I structured my course, and I learned this from, um, sunny little doozy.
I don't know if you know that. Yeah.
Jennifer: Oh yeah. I heard it for years ago.
Molly: Yeah. I invested five grand in her program back in before I had it. I mean, I had it from, like I said, savings from my previous job, but I definitely didn't have it like hadn't made it my business, but hers, the investment definitely was worth it.
I made it back because I learned how to launch my, I still have the program today, my holistic marketing hub program. I launched it as a live six week zoom course, like every Friday at noon. People came on zoom and like, I taught the curriculum live and then it was like, okay, this part's missing and this needs to be tweaked or this needs to be refined.
And then I would run it live again. I feel like it's so intimidating to think about, I'm going to start a course. And we just start, sit down and start recording. I'm like, what? Yeah. You have no, you need live real time feedback from people.
Jennifer: Oh, I have a really good experience with that because I, I invested three times.
Over three times as much as you did in creating a course and it was a huge lesson learner for me. It was a lot of, there was a lot of flops and I wanted to, you know, I learned all this stuff about functional medicine. I want to teach everybody all this stuff. And there was no dialed in client and avatar and it was more comprehensive.
And it was just, it was just a big lesson learner for me that we really need to, we need to have the foundations first. We need to know who the client is. But that's, uh, that's funny, but I, I don't think of it as a fail. I think of it as a major lesson learned. And now all of the things that I have done and experienced, I now teach, you know, I teach about them.
Molly: know, I'm so happy to hear you say that because I'm the same way. I just look at everything as data. I'm like, it wasn't a failure. It wasn't like I missed anything. It was just, I learned from it. Um, even if it's learning what not to do. And I also have gotten to where. I'm sure you're like this when you're thinking about like market, your marketing to students and clients.
If I ever get on discovery call, like I, I'm not interested in someone who's woe is me. I've tried everything. I can't, the algorithm hates me. Um, I'm just like, I can't, I can't be in that. I need to be able to see my ROI immediately with like Instagram management. I'm like, well, it doesn't really work, but I think it'd be cool if it could, you know?
Jennifer: Yeah. Our most successful clients come in with a, you know, a very go getter attitude, positive energy, wanting to learn. And that's the thing is like, you want, you have to want to learn and you have to want to grow through the experience. I definitely have had some connect calls like that as well. Uh, what's nice though, and this is, this kind of parlays to when everybody has one on one clients is when you really dial in, you know who you want to work with.
And that also lends itself to a freedom filled business because you're working with people you actually enjoy working with. Yeah. So it is possible.
Molly: Yeah. And we've had, we've had it in the past. This has been years ago, but I mean, we just had one client who was like, You know that feeling like anytime Slack mess, like it just the, it was just the one person, it's like the other 20 something were amazing and it was just the one I'm like, why am I doing this to myself?
Jennifer: I have absolutely experienced that with business mentorship clients and I would feel myself feeling anxiety before getting on these calls with them. Yeah, like knowing that I was going to just have. You know, be confronted with a very negative attitude, like you said, like a lack mentality and all of that, and it's a lot, you know, it's, it's a lot for the energy, but anyway, we digress.
Molly: No, I know. So, okay, let's, I think this next question, and then we'll kind of wrap it up, could pertain to whether or not, So we talked about LaunchRx. Do you have people in there who come in like already with established businesses who are kind of like restarting essentially because they've piecemealed things or?
Jennifer: Yes, we are focusing on those that are launching and getting started. We have found that People that have piecemealed things together, as long as they're in the beginning stages, they have success in the program. What we found is not successful is if somebody is coming from, let's just say, you know, they've done IFM, like myself, kind of like done IFM, SAFM, done all of these trainings and they.
I think that they have to do all this stuff and they're not open to a simple strategy. Like, we're teaching a strategy to create a successful online business that's, that's, can give them freedom. And, We're taking all the errors and trials that we've been through and we've really streamlined the process.
But if you come into it closed minded, it just doesn't work. You have to believe in the process. And in our onboarding, we talk about mindset right away and we literally tell them, okay, it's time to go and like delete and get yourself off of those email lists. So you're not bombarded while you're in this program.
We need you to dial in. Let's, you know, let's focus in and let's get to it. Uh, so to answer your question. Yeah, it's important. Yeah. Yeah. Drown out the noise. And that's what I'll tell people too. Like if you're, if you're signing up for a program, You know, ours is not the most expensive out there. And trust me, I've spent, I spent four times as much to start my own business.
And also the other programs, you don't get a website, you don't get an email sequence, you don't get a lead magnet, you don't get branding and your own fonts and colors, and you don't get one on one mentorship. So it's the value in our, in our program is just jam packed. The most successful people we find are those that are open to that.
And so it's like nurses. Health professionals, nurse practitioners, you know, we've had PAs, we've had, uh, CHIROs, we've had, you know, all of the different health practitioner types. We do have people, very successful, that have come through that, you know, have done other programs. And try things and nothing has worked and they really want to just organize and start fresh and come out with a system that works and get all of their branding.
Like if you look at our website, you'll see the branding that we do is gorgeous. It's elevated. We want everyone that comes through our program, every student to stand out and be unique. And that's the thing is we get to know them. And figure out where their superpowers and their strengths are. And that's who we dial in for their avatar.
So yeah, that, or if they're just starting out, we also have a lot of people that have just heard about the functional space and they want to start their business. They, they see this as. a way to get out of the grind, a way to get out of a stress filled business where they have to show up for somebody else and actually create something for themselves.
Molly: So let's, I don't know if you can answer this question, thinking of either the more established person or the beginner or the whatever in mind, but what are the questions that they need to ask themselves to figure out their next steps? Like if you've got, got any, you're kind of in this place in your business and you're like, well, I'm listening to this, listening to Jennifer, like.
Well, now I'm kind of overwhelmed, like what is my next step?
Jennifer: Yeah, well, okay, let's think of it in, let's think of it for the person who already has tried some things. So asking yourself, are you in a place to create a fresh slate, right? Are you energetically in a place to go into a program and start fresh?
And are you willing to do that? Like that's, if somebody has already started doing things, we're going to need them to do that because, uh, we're going to teach them, you know, systems. We're going to teach them a very simple and strategic way. Like you were talking about, you know, email, website, all of that.
So I would say that's a very important question. We help everybody figure out who their avatar, who their niche is inside the program, which is like the number one thing to do. So you don't have to figure anything out prior to coming in. We literally help everybody along the way figure those things out.
I would ask, you know, How are you feeling at this place in life? Energetically, do you have space and mental capacity to focus on this? This is going to be a six month experience. We do five months to bring everybody through, uh, and then we have an extra month of support as we get that business out into the world.
There's little seeds planted along the way where, you know, you share what you've landed for your social media. You're going to be announcing your business online or your pivot online, so to speak. Yeah, so I would say that is for the individual who's already, you know, gotten started. And for somebody fresh and new, I mean, it kind of brings me back to where I was when I first started, you know, are you ready for something different in your life?
Can you, can you see yourself having this business? What does that life look like? I mean, actually even the person who has already tried to piecemeal things together, like that's so important to ask yourself, right? Like even just close your eyes down and envision it. What would life look like if you were able to work 10 to 15 hours a week from home and replace your income and have everything organized, know where to find your stuff, know who you're speaking to, see your clients and be able to shut down the computer and go cook a meal or go on vacation or whatever it is.
What would that life look like? Can you envision that? I think that is So important to ask yourself and if you can envision that. Then we have the pathway to get there. You know, that's, that's the easy part.
Molly: So much shiny object syndrome in the online business. I know. Gosh. I mean, I'm going to say, you know, I get it too, right?
Jennifer: Oh yeah, me too. I still, I still suffer. Yeah. But it's so easier to drown it out now when you're dialed in.
Molly: Yeah. And I've really shifted how, how I teach things a lot. Like I, I really am like big on honing in on your, your like core messaging. above everything else because I'm like everything else is fleeting.
But when you know how to talk about what it is that you do in a way that makes people feel like, Oh my gosh, Jennifer's talking to me. Absolutely. Everything else makes sense. It's really that basic.
Jennifer: Well, and we do our, you know, our top three tips for creating simplicity and you're on. Yeah. Let's, let's finish with that.
Well, that's it. It's the niche. You know, the first one is figure out your niche. You have to dial in on. choosing one wellness niche. And like you said, it's really that simple. It really is, right? We want to create a feeling of like you said, or you put a post out there, put a reel, whatever it is, or even if you're, I've had clients sign up with me after meeting them at a yard sale, popcorn stand.
Right. And it was only because I said something and they said to themselves, Oh my gosh, that's exactly what I need. Or, Oh my gosh, she knows me or he knows me. Right. So the idea is understanding who that person is, speaking very clearly to how they feel on a daily basis. And being able to clearly articulate, okay, after they work with me, what's their outcome going to be?
What's life going to be like? Kind of like what I just said about this pro about LaunchRx program. You want them to think, wow, if I work with Molly, then my life, Is going to look like this afterwards, like sign me up. You're speaking my language. That's what the feeling we want to impart. So I feel like you hit the nail on the head on that one.
That's our number one, the wellness niche is number one. And I've been in a position where I was speaking to everyone. And subsequently speaking to no one. And it was very frustrating. I always say, you guys, that'll work. If you have a brick and mortar and you're using Google search and people are pulling you up on Google maps and you have reviews, you can be a little bit more broad.
You could be called, you know, what, what was your street name? Long feather. It can be long feather functional health, right? And that could be your, your business. That could be your practice. Uh, and you could take care of all of the things you could see people with, you know, autoimmune and diabetes and, you know, weight loss or whatever it is, because you're using Google search and word of mouth and reviews and Google reviews.
It's just a different ball game, but in the online space, that is not what we want, right? We do not want that.
Molly: But you did say something though that I, so I actually teach, I don't know, it's probably a little bit different than how, but I always teach my online health and life coaches to act like they are working locally.
Um, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Because you just said the thing about meeting someone in the yard. My very first, one of my very first Instagram management clients was a functional med MD in Pasadena. And this is not a, this is not a lie. She's my college best friends, sisters, friend who I knew. Cause we went on one Las Vegas trip together, colleagues, doctor, and knew that she needed social media help.
So I'm like, I think people get online and they think. Oh, if I just put it out there, it's like, it's still all about to me. I was thinking about, I have a post idea written down for myself. It's like, if I were to distill everything down to two things, it would be messaging and networking.
Jennifer: Absolutely. Yeah.
And I'm like, like I said, I'm infused into the community. And, uh, I, I agree with everything you said wholeheartedly. I think that connection and especially I think everyone's really craving it after everything we've
Molly: Yes. Went through
Jennifer: over the past, you know, four years and 100%. But using that analogy for clarification on the niche right then only, I would say use that only, but no, I a hundred percent believe and agree with you that.
I mentioned that a lot, you know, we don't just have to put it out there online, but go join groups, stay local, connect with people. And, but still, if you were online, we want to dial in with that niche, you know, really, really focused in on who that person is, uh, and then. When you're in that women's group or whatever it is, and you're sharing about what you do, it's very, very clear.
You know, it's like that. It's like that elevator, that elevator pitch or elevator speech, whatever you got to make sure you can clearly say what it is and you do and who you help in just a couple, you know, a couple of lines.
Molly: So you said there's top three tips for creating simplicity, simplicity, niche is one of them.
Yeah. So,
Jennifer: yeah. So the first one would be creating one wellness niche. Uh, but that doesn't mean right. As I just said, that doesn't mean you can't network locally and all of that. 100%. The second one is creating one signature offer. So in my experience. You know, we don't need this huge offering suite with all of these different levels out the gate, as Molly and I have said, both really believe on honing in and you're able to do that market research just more, so much more effectively by seeing those one on one clients.
So honing in on one signature offer that you're known for, and it really imparts. Confidence for the client, right? It imparts confidence knowing that again, remember this is for starting out. This doesn't mean like, obviously Molly and I are much different places. So we have different levels of perhaps, you know, access working with us, different things, different, uh, offerings.
But when you're starting out, Really, really get that one signature offer nailed down and become known for it. And that's how you'll grow the business, bring in the income, and then you can expand once you have a larger audience. And then number three would be something that's near and dear to our hearts is launching one personal brand.
Okay? So what we see a lot is just, just platforms or social media or websites that are just kind of all over the place. I know myself, if I go to someone's website or look at their social media and I don't see an elevated feel of organization and professionalism, I'm, I'm not, I just, if it looks like something that's been pieced together.
I don't have that trust in the business or in the person that I'm hiring. And so that's one element, but a personal brand, geez, it includes everything. It's the colors you choose, the feel, the look, the logo, the face, your face, getting your face out there, them getting to know you. That's a really beautiful part of it, that you're a real person and you can share things about your life.
You don't have to get personal. I never show, I should say rarely, rarely ever show my kids faces online. Ever. But I do talk about how family is important. I might show them walking away at the CSA when we go to pick up our vegetables. Yes. Talking about family time, you know? So don't be fearful that you have to tell everybody everything.
No. But you. You have to act like a real person and people are going to love that about you. Yeah.
Molly: Sorry, I may interrupt. I just say there's always, there's a difference in like a personal, like connection type of content versus private. Yeah. Jennifer, this was incredible. Tell us a little bit how we can work.
You can talk about both. I'd love to hear about both. Businesses and how we can work with you in either capacity.
Jennifer: Yeah, sure. So for launch Rx, actually, I don't know when this airs, probably not in time. We're going to, we have a live masterclass that's tomorrow, but I don't think this is going to be air.
Molly: Yeah,
Jennifer: right. So. We have, we'll be having more coming up. So just kind of check the schedule, follow us on social it's launchRx. co. So that's Instagram. And it's exactly the same for our website that has everything about the program. It is. Just like we teach. It's all strategic and simplified and it's completely listed out all the deliverables and the value that you receive from the program.
So if you are a health coach practitioner, just do a deep dive there. Uh, I run our clarity calls. So if you have any questions, you can schedule in and chat with me. You will speak directly with me. And I'll get to know you and what your intentions are and see if it's a good fit. And, uh, so that's for LaunchRx, uh, but the masterclass is just incredible.
It's literally going to give you our framework for creating that freedom filled online business. And then, uh, for MindShift Health, that is functional health consulting. And we work on mental and physical resilience. And we do that through a very simple at home lab test. Where we're looking at your adrenals, metabolism, and then we also couple that with the reset breath work method for the mental, uh, and nervous system resilience part.
So, it, what I like to say is it allows you to get rid of 20 bottles and exchange it for one powder that's customized just for you. Which is. I'm obsessed with it. I love it. It's changed the game for me. Uh, after doing all these labs and protocols, it's the thing that's helped me the most. And so that's why we pivot our entire business model to, to focus on that.
And the breath work again has been life changing for me. Uh, so I took those two modalities and combine them into what we offer at mind shift.
Molly: Oh, so you like literally, it's literally like a custom formula.
Jennifer: Yeah. Yeah. It's a powder that we, we do based off of the lab. It's phenomenal. And that's what we teach in LaunchRx too.
So we're going to teach you guys in LaunchRx how to run this lab and you'll get, actually you get a clinical certification coming out of our program too. I don't know if you knew that Molly. No. Yeah. You get a clinical certification and you'll be able to run the lab and then order your own custom blends for your clients.
And it has their name on it and everything. It's, it's incredible. So you're replacing, like, you know, 10 to 20 random bottles that we don't know how are they're going to pan out to a powder that's customized based on what's going on in the body off the lab.
Molly: That's amazing. Well, I do have to ask you about your algae, um, recommendation though, before we stop, because people are going to be like, Molly, you said that and she didn't say what it was.
Jennifer: Oh yeah. I didn't know if you want me to say it live. So I love, it's by I, and I guess we're allowed to do this online, uh, orthomolecular. Yeah. Has a supplement called dhis. Have you ever tried it?
Molly: Wait, I've done DHIS from, um, yeah,
Jennifer: orthomolecular.
Molly: Is it from, it's been a couple years since I've tried it.
Maybe I should try again. I didn't like how often I had to take it.
Jennifer: Okay, so the loading dose. So the loading dose is much more intricate and it, you take it two capsules three times a day for seven to 10 days. Okay. Well, and again, it's different per person. So just, you can't take that, you know, you can't take that verbatim and go do it.
Molly: This is not medical advice,
Jennifer: but that's what I do. The loading dose is key. And then maintenance is just two capsules a day. Okay. So for my allergy patients or clients, I should say, we don't also see patients, uh, from our allergy clients, we, uh, we do recommend that. But the thing is, is. a key thing is lowering, you know, exposure to triggers and also lowering inflammation in the body.
And so what we find is that the cells do a better job at responding the way that they should once we rebalance the minerals and fortify the cells the way that they need to be. So the problem is often that the cells can't do their job well because they're not nourished in the way that they need to be.
So. We see major improvements without even taking a de hest. Our clients see major improvements in allergy symptoms simply by the fact that they're mineral rebalancing and nourishing their cells.
Molly: I'm like BRB. I'm going to be, um, hiring Jennifer. Um, no, I actually have gotten into homeopathy a lot recently.
I have a constitutional, I have a appointment with a constitutional homeopath in like a week. So I'm excited to try that too, but I do, I love, I'm very interested in the whole mineral. I think that's yeah.
Jennifer: Phenomenal. I used to be very turned off, actually. Like I've had to dive deep into research and I, I'm honestly just.
I feel so good. I feel so grounded. I'm blown away by how simple It's allowing things to be for, you know, for myself and for the clients that we work with. And, uh, I think that's the name of the game. It's like a theme here. So, you know, like in closing out and everything, but it's, Our lives can be so busy, our businesses can be so busy, but we can choose with intention to have a business model that feels much more simple, much more aligned, so we can actually enjoy ourselves and, you know, feel healthy and alive and happy.
And so that's what we're here for. Amen to that.
Molly: Um, thank you so much, Jennifer. And I always say these episodes are going to be 30 minutes and they never are, but you know, that's why the people are like, they love me. Right.
Jennifer: Thank you, Molly. I appreciate you having me on and thank you for asking just so many questions about, you know, what we do.
And, uh, If anybody would like to connect, uh, the Mindship Towel you can find on, uh, Instagram. I just made a new, I should probably, um, hire Molly for that one. I just made a new platform for the Mindship Towel, but I have jenniferwheeler. co, so that's my personal brand. So as I've evolved, that's where you can find me.
I post a lot about mind shift health there. And then our website is Jennifer wheeler. com backslash mind shift health. So
Molly: we'll link all of that in the show notes
Jennifer: and yeah, throw it on the show notes. Thank you, Molly.
Molly: Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified and Hey, you know how every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast.
Transcribed by https: otter. ai Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce, to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that, we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could, please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day.
To leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly A. Cahill, that's C A H I L L. I would greatly, greatly appreciate your support. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.