Episode 87: The Two Social Media Marketing Strategies You Need to Prioritize

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I’ve worked with hundreds of chiropractors and businesses around their social media marketing over the last five years.
Through the chiropractors and wellness practitioners we help in the Holistic Marketing Hub and our private clients who we manage accounts for, I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t across the board.
And through all of that experience and accounts and tracking and experimenting – I can distill all of your social media marketing down to two things.
- Messaging
- Networking
Those are the two things that make the biggest difference. And today we’re going to dig in deeper to both of these social media marketing strategies.
Social media marketing strategies require consistency
In order for your messaging and networking to actually work, you have to be consistent.
I worked with a client before who asked me to audit their social media account because they couldn’t figure out why they weren’t getting traction, and they were only posting once every 10 days.
That’s never going to do it.
There’s no “magic” number, but if you’re trying to grow, you need to post at least 4 times a week, and if you’re in maintenance mode, you can probably scale back to 3 times a week.
All the solid messaging and networking won’t do much for your business if you’re not showing up consistently, week after week, month after month.
Hone in your messaging
Messaging: how you talk or write about what you do
One of the great things about getting really specific and dialed in on your messaging? It works in all of your marketing, not just social media!
The magic in your messaging comes when you can create these really specific, “Wow! You get me!” moments with your audience.
Instead of using umbrella language – like “help you live your best life” or “feel healthy and happy again” – you want to come up with specific examples that speak directly to what your audience is looking for.
Umbrella messaging might use a hook like: 3 tips for better sleep.
Specific messaging would use a hook like: 3 ways I help my patients get more restful sleep as a functional medicine practitioner so they stop snapping at their kids and dont need to mainline their coffee
When the messaging speaks directly to the lived experiences of your clients, they feel like you understand them and believe you’re the right person to help.
Want to hone in your messaging? Try this exercise.
- Choose the last 3-5 ideal patients or clients you worked with
- Write down what they listed as their chief complaint (not what you assessed, what they said was wrong) and if anything came up in the intake process that they didn’t actually list on their paperwork
- Write down what they tried before that didn’t deliver results
- Write down what they can’t do because of this chief complaint
- Write down the opposite – what will they be able to do after they resolve this issue
- Finally, write down how you are going to use your unique expertise to get them the result they want
Once you’ve worked through these, you’ll have all the language you need to create “You get me!” moments with your audience.
Networking puts the “social” in social media marketing
Most people show up on Instagram or TikTok and look around wondering, “Where are all the people?” – just expecting their followers to show up.
Unless you’re running ads, people are not going to be flocking to your account on their own.
Social media marketing is not passive. You have to treat it the same way you would treat in-person marketing – you’ve got to show up!
If you’re not sure where to start or how to engage, you’ll want to start with my engagement checklist. It’s a great way to quickly see what you need to be doing to grow your audience and attract your ideal clients.
Here are some ways you can start networking today:
- Comment on 3 local business posts every day, Monday-Friday
If you do this every day, that’s 15 posts a week and 60 posts a month! That adds up and makes a serious impact.
- Have a local story highlight
You can call it “Local Love” or the name of your city and it can feature the same businesses you’re commenting on - Search hashtags
Find accounts that have a similar audience to yours or share your local audience by searching location specific things in hashtags like #Raleighmoms or #Raleighlocal
- Reply to your comments
Social media is only social if you are! Every time someone comments on your post, make sure you respond with a meaningful comment – not just a heart. - Ask your patients or clients to engage with you
Email your patients and ask them to follow you on social and comment on your posts! Not sure how to do that? I wrote the scripts for you – just click here to download my done-for-you email scripts!
Using these social media marketing strategies
Now that you know what to do – hone in on your messaging and network – it’s time to consistently use them.
These strategies don’t work unless you apply them and use them!
When in doubt – zoom out and check: is my messaging on point? Am I regularly networking?
If you’re doing both of those things consistently, you will see success!
And if you need help getting your messaging and networking in order, make sure you check out the incredible resources, content plans, and strategic trainings available to you inside the Holistic Marketing Hub! That’s where all the magic happens.
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The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hook!
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