Episode 88: Bookeeping Beyond Spreadsheets: How Your Money Mindset Affects Your Business with Kelly Marshall

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Money can be a complicated and often stressful topic for many business owners. It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about mindset, intuition, and energy. Today, I’m excited to introduce you to someone who’s been a crucial part of my own business journey: Kelly Marshall.
Kelly is my “spiritual bookkeeper,” and she helps conscious business owners, especially women in service-based industries, take control of their finances, shift their money mindset, and ultimately create profitable, sustainable businesses. She blends her strong intuition with practical financial tools like Profit First to guide her clients into alignment with their financial goals.
Why Money Mindset Matters
I’m lucky enough to be in the “fun” field of marketing. Many times, students or clients come to me thinking “If I just had the right marketing, then I’ll get the sales. My business will do well. I’ll get more new patients. I’ll get more new clients.” But sometimes, no amount of marketing will help if you don’t have the right money mindset.
Money isn’t just about income and expenses. It’s about how we feel, think, and react to money. If you’ve ever felt stuck or blocked in your business, like you’re doing all the work but not seeing the payoff, it could be a money mindset issue rather than a marketing problem. Kelly and I have been working together since 2019, and she’s helped me uncover limiting beliefs and money blocks that were holding me back, even when my business was growing.
One of the biggest lessons Kelly has taught me is that money isn’t just about math—it’s about energy. How we feel about our finances, whether it’s stress or excitement, affects the flow of money into our lives. When we shift our mindset from scarcity to abundance, everything changes. This isn’t just about feeling good; it’s about creating sustainable wealth that aligns with your values.
The Sacred Money Archetypes
A powerful tool Kelly uses with her clients is the Sacred Money Archetypes. This framework helps you understand your unique relationship with money by revealing your top three archetypes. These archetypes show you where your strengths are in terms of wealth-building, and where you might face challenges.
For example, my top archetype is the Alchemist, which means I’m deeply driven by transformation and creating value for others. However, Alchemists can also have a love-hate relationship with money, which can sometimes create blocks around earning and holding wealth. Understanding my archetype has helped me shift my focus toward strategies that feel authentic and aligned with my energy.
If you’re curious about your own money archetypes, Kelly offers a free quiz on her website. It’s an eye-opening way to start understanding how your subconscious beliefs about money are affecting your business.
Practical Tips for Managing Your Finances
Kelly’s approach isn’t just woo-woo. She’s also a skilled bookkeeper who uses practical systems like Profit First to help clients manage their cash flow. I’ve been using the Profit First method with Kelly for years now, and it’s completely transformed how I handle money in my business.
What I love about Kelly is that she doesn’t just focus on cutting expenses when things get tight. Instead, she encourages a holistic approach to money, looking at both the practical and emotional sides of finance. Some months, we’ll dive deep into the numbers. Other months, we focus more on the emotional side of money, especially when I’m feeling blocked or overwhelmed.
If you feel like you’re constantly stressed about money, or if you’re looking for a more intuitive approach to financial management, I highly recommend checking out Kelly’s services. Whether you’re looking for a bookkeeper or a financial coach, she blends both in a way that truly supports you and your business.
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Molly: I cannot believe that I am 87 episodes into this podcast and I am just now having my guest on today. She is like a integral part of my business. I'm having Kelly Marshall on today, who is my, what does she call herself? She's a bookkeeper, but like, she's not a book, like she's a bookkeeper, but she's like my woo woo spiritual, um, financial, just Uh, I just love her money mindset.
Like we do all of that together. So Kelly helps conscious business owners take charge of their finances, ease their money worries, grow healthy and profitable businesses, and ultimately gain the freedom to focus on what they truly love. She's a bookkeeper and financial coach for women with conscious service businesses.
Kelly uses her strong intuition. Yes, she does. Innovation and compassionate nature to inspire her clients to step into a higher vision of life. what they can be and do. I just love, like I said, I just absolutely love Kelly. I'm gonna keep this intro short, but I don't know, I, we get into this in the episode.
I don't know how many people get off the phone with their bookkeeper saying, I love you. Um. So if you feel like you're needing help with your money mindset, then this is definitely the episode that you need to tune into.
Hey, welcome to Holistic Marketing Simplified. This podcast boils down to the fact that we wholeheartedly believe that more humans need to know about holistic health solutions. And you didn't go to school to learn how to be a full time content creator and show up on Instagram and do all this marketing stuff all day, every day.
So let's come hang out while we chat all things, even your marketing. And my goal is that you shift your mindset around your marketing from a quote should to a, I get to more dream patients and clients. Yes, please.
Dr. Carlson: Hi, I'm Dr. Tara Carlson, and I'm from YZ Minnesota. And I listen to the Holistic Marketing Simplified podcast.
Kelly is the love
Molly: of my life. So welcome to the show. What a way to start. You know how I'm going to start starting my podcast. Okay, I'm going to trial it with you. You had no idea what I was going to do this.
Kelly: No.
Molly: Okay. A, would you, are you somebody who would sing karaoke? And if yes, what's your karaoke song?
Isn't this a fun icebreaker?
Kelly: It is a fun icebreaker. Um, only if I'm drunk and so embarrassingly, I can't believe I'm going to say this out loud, but most often it's been girls just want to have fun.
Molly: Oh,
Kelly: cheesy. Is that?
Molly: No, I mean, that's the quintessential karaoke song. Okay. So I learned that I don't have to be drunk to sing karaoke because I, my college best friend, best friend in the world, the one whose handwriting is quite literally tattooed on my body.
And I went to her bachelorette party when I was probably 34, 35 weeks pregnant, maybe even more. I was very pregnant. And fun fact, we were in Helen, Georgia. And so I was like, we're staying in this cabin in the woods. And I was like, I should probably look up the nearest hospital. And the nearest hospital was, um, the cabbage patch hospital.
I was like, well, I don't think they can help me with the baby, but maybe they can give it a weird name. Anyway, we, my other best friend Allison and I, our karaoke song is always Bohemian Rhapsody.
Dr. Carlson: Wow.
Molly: Which is a commitment, because that's a very long song, so you really have to keep the audience engaged.
And I sang Bohemian Rhapsody, Stone Cold Sober, 35 Weeks Pregnant. I was like, I look like the biggest, like, hick right now, like up on stage, big old pregnant belly, singing Bohemian Rhapsody, but anyway, I was like, I need to start starting the show with something dazzy and catchy. Catch the catch the guest's true essence.
Kelly has been, I call her my spiritual bookkeeper since 2020. We just looked it up. We've been working together since the summer of 2020, which is wild. And I always remember I'm explaining you to people, Kelly. I'm always like, I
Kelly: think we're 20, 2019 because we were pre COVID. If I'm not mistaken.
Molly: Oh, were we?
Yeah. So maybe I just took the sacred money archetypes. That might be
Kelly: it.
Molly: Yeah. But I tell people, I'm like, I don't know how many people get off the phone with their bookkeeper with, I love you. I
Kelly: do have a few, not
Molly: everybody, not all my clients. You just are that type of person though. So. Yeah, I'm always like, listen, Kelly is taking on new clients.
So if you, if your bookkeeper is only like a numbers only person, you need a Kelly in your life because what we're going to talk about today is money. Money's just such a topic, right? Like it's just a, whew, people get visceral reactions to it. And I've wanted Kelly to come on for a while because Kelly has helped me through so many money blocks and helped me kind of uncover some things.
I'll just give you my Kelly story. I think it was probably And then in 2021, maybe 2022. And I was just feeling really, you're going to tell.
Kelly: So I'm like,
Molly: yeah, I was feeling really defeated because I just still, still felt like I was like doing all this work. And at the time I think I still had a nanny. So like I was paying for childcare, which made it to where I was really not paying myself.
Hardly anything. And I'd only been in business at that point for a few years and I was just like, what is the point of all this? And you were just like, I think you were just like right there. Like I think you're like right at the precipice. Like I can see it. I can feel it. Like. You're just like right about to go over and you were so right.
I think I like doubled that next year, doubled the year after that, doubled the year after that. Yeah. And I just, it's like that. I knew that little push from you. And I love that you're not the type of person who whenever I'm having a low month of profit, your immediate thought isn't like, well, we got to cut expenses.
Like what are you? And I'm not saying that's ever a bad thing. Like sometimes you really do need to cut expenses, right? Yeah. But you, you just take such a holistic, all my, my, the ethos of everything I do. You take such a holistic approach to bookkeeping and money mindset. So like, there's my little intro, but how did you, were you always a bookkeeper?
How did you get into bookkeeping and how did you transfer? How did you become? So this is the bookkeeper who sent, who sends me crystals for, um, As Christmas gifts. Yeah. I mean, talk about right brain, left
Kelly: brain. Yeah. I, um, I won't, I won't go into too many of the early details, but I did know in seventh grade, I was going to be an accountant.
And it was probably because my uncle was, and, um, there were a lot of things I admired about him. And, uh, but then I started into school with it and I'm, I'm good at it. It's just a skill set that. It comes easily for me and I enjoy it. And, but when I was in my corporate career, I worked as an auditor and I worked at a bank for years and then an investment advisory firm and all along that time, I always had this parallel path of wellness and energy work.
And I was doing Reiki, learning how to be Reiki master and doing intuitive dance and yoga and. All kinds of energy work. I went to school for holistic nutrition at one point. Like I always had this other path, but it always felt like it was separate from my career. And then I had an opportunity to work at a wellness center locally where I got to coach 50 percent of my time.
And I did the books the other 50 percent of the time. And I really do think that was kind of the catalyst. Like there were a lot of things about that position that were not the greatest for me, but the gift I got in it. Was like the birth of the marrying of these two sides of me. And so when I, I had had a bookkeeping business since 2004, just very part time, um, with one client that didn't let us go through that whole time.
I knew that that was still what I wanted to do, but I wanted to do it in a different way. And with people I wanted to have conversations with, like, that's what I love about. Our work together and my work with some other really special clients when they do the coaching and the bookkeeping is that I get to have conversations with people I love and respect that I get to support them in this area of their business or their life that feels sometimes scary or icky or something they're not good at and I get to hold that space for them and have really cool conversations and that's my job like that to me.
Is everything. And so now I'm six years in and I get to experience that. But I knew when I started it, that's, I knew at least that I want to have conversations with people I liked and support businesses I believed in that were making a difference in the world in some way. And that was going to be my impact.
And so it started out with. Bookkeeping. I was doing some financial coaching then too. I thought, I actually didn't think I could be profitable in a bookkeeping business with the people I wanted to be. That turned out to not be true. But I started with coaching thinking I would teach people how to do their own.
Turns out people don't want to do their own bookkeeping. No, they don't. No.
Molly: I don't anyway. No, thanks.
Kelly: No, most of them don't. And that's okay. And so then along the way, though, the bookkeeping alone wasn't enough either. And so I've added in kind of with my natural coaching skills. I've also added in, um, money mindset work and there's a body of work I use called the sacred money archetypes I bring in and profit for, I was certified in profit first.
I don't pay for the membership anymore, so I can't call myself a certified profit first professional, but I use that with my clients. And I really built out this other skill set along with my intuition and energy work to really support people in that holistic way. I love that you use that word because that's how it feels to me.
I call myself a financial wellness coach because I think this is a part of our wellness. You know, it's, it's as important as so many other pieces because if we have stress in this area, it's really hard to be well.
Molly: A hundred percent. And I love that I had actually read Profit First before I hired you.
And My brain finds that information extremely overwhelming. And also, you know, the nuancy things of like, okay, here's the ideal percentages that profit first is going to tell you, but does this work for my business? And so I love that you like set up, I was literally doing my allocations this morning, um, on your spreadsheet that you made me five years ago.
Of course the percentages have changed, but. Yeah, I love that you just like were able to set that up for me and support me there and on our monthly calls. So just like what I do with Kelly, I don't know if you still offer this, do you still offer what you do with me as a service? Okay, so we do monthly bookkeeping, but we also have once a month calls with Kelly.
And sometimes they are very bookkeeper y calls where I'm like, hey, a key team member is going on maternity leave. She's a contractor, but I still want to try to find a way to pay her while she's gone. You What numbers make sense? How do we move this around? And then some months I'm like crying with you and I'm like, I just am so frustrated.
Like, and you're kind of like talking me off the ledge and we're doing some money mindset work, like channeling that energy. You're just so intuitive. You are so intuitive. And you know, you really helped me kind of channel that energy and kind of get through some of these money blocks. Because one thing I'd love for you to talk about is I feel like.
I'm in the fun field, right? Marketing's fun. People want to do marketing. People want to learn marketing. And then they think a lot of time, if I just had the right marketing, then I'll get the sales. My business will do well. I'll get more new patients. I'll get more new clients. And there are so many things that marketing cannot help you with.
And I see, I get, Oh, I get DMS all the time that I'm like, Oh, you don't need me. You need Kelly. You think you need marketing, but you don't. And I'm, and I'm pretty honest with people, but. Can you just kind of talk, I know there wasn't really like a specific question there, but just like talk about how you see that as like, since people think they need marketing or they think maybe I just don't have the right funnel or maybe I just don't have the right X and it comes down to their own money mindset.
Kelly: Yeah, there's probably 12 different places I could go with that, could go with that, but I'm going to try to stay focused on a few examples maybe. I do feel like in general and it I'll say it's for marketing, but it's for any kind of coaching or strategy. People are looking for. There's a difference between just looking for that right strategy because you need that and looking for the strategy because you're searching for something outside of yourself.
That's going to fix your business when really it's. It's the internal work that's needed. So there's a place for both because I for sure believe in coaching and in, um, strategy, strategic coaching or marketing support or done for you all those pieces, but we have to do the internal work too. And so what that could look like.
I mean, gosh, all kinds of things. I had a conversation last week, it was a different, it was another podcast with one of my clients and we were talking about her thing was capacity for holding wealth, like she would make great money and it would all go right back out the door or she would, you know, some money would something personal in their life, like they'd sell something or something happened that all this money would come in and it had to go right back out the door.
She had no capacity for holding the money because she probably. I don't know if we said this on hers, but there was this lack. Well, yeah, we said this. There was a lack of trust for herself to hold that money. It had to go back out and it had to go into the right things. And, um, and then let's say they paid down debt, they'd rack that back up again.
They didn't have a capacity for holding that wealth and keeping the debt paid off. That was something we worked through in our work together. Another one might not feel like maybe they feel out of alignment with the value of what they're providing like they are what they're charging their pricing mindset.
That's a huge piece of this is pricing mindset and you could get coaching to raise your prices. But if you're not feeling congruent with it, it's never going to sell. It's never going to work or. If you, if you don't have the value behind it, let's say you don't have any trouble saying the price, but the value is not really there.
That's going to be another issue. And so there's a lot of conversation around pricing and pricing mindset that comes in. One of the, I've got so many little exercises I do that I pull in when we need it, but one of the ones you and I've. Had some fun with and I've probably done this with 80 percent of my clients.
It's the new money story. And one of the things we cover in that is how people feel about wealth and abundance, like what are affluence, like what those words mean to them. And that's a big one. Like if you don't really ever see yourself as. Wealthier affluent, but you have this vision of this big business.
You're going to build the vision's not going to come true if you don't really feel it in your body, if you're not ready for it in your body. And so we can find those blocks and those limiting beliefs or the identity pieces that are there. And we can start to work on those together. And that's why it's not just about the numbers we have to bring.
The money piece, the mindset piece, and the beliefs, and the identity, and all of that.
Molly: You remember what, um, mine was? Because I do. You said, wealth is, and what, do you remember what I said? Not for me.
Kelly: You don't feel that way anymore, do you? I just
Molly: got chills. Oh, that made me like tear up. I don't know why.
Kelly: Yeah.
Molly: Um. But you
Kelly: went through that. That was one that you had. Yeah.
Molly: It was kind of like, what's the first thing that comes to mind type thing and you were like, wealth is, and I was like, not for me. Um. And you
Kelly: had
Molly: all
Kelly: the
Molly: pieces in
Kelly: place to get there. But if you hadn't worked on that block, you'd still be like, why am I doing this?
What is this all for? Like in that
Molly: place. I probably need to work on it again, to be honest. Because also. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I don't know if you remember, I, I remember what came up as my block. It was like a lot of guilt on being a middle class white woman in America. I'm like, well, it's not fair
Kelly: that comes with,
Molly: yeah, it's not fair that I was born with this privilege and what you helped me walk through is like, well, why not you?
Because you're someone who, You're the type of person we want the money in the hands of because you are going to give back. Keeping yourself from
Kelly: having it is not putting it in the hands of somebody else that also deserves it that might need a hand up. You can't get the hand up if you're not taking care of you.
Molly: Yeah. That was exactly what you said. You're like, well, what is, what is you not having it help someone who doesn't need? I was like, well, I don't know, just like solidarity. And then I know I had issues around having like a cleaning person. Because I was like, well, you know, you're like, well, what, but that's their job.
Like now, now you're not giving them money because you feel guilty about it doesn't make any sense. Right.
Kelly: When that's a way that somebody can create an incredible livelihood for themselves using a skill set they have built up in love. I
Molly: know. I was just like, yeah, but I feel guilty. It's like, but okay.
Like, how is this remind me how this is helping. And then I know for me, we built in an extra profit first allocation for giving back because that was important to me to just have that built in. It's like I have that built in percentage. That's why I love having Kelly as my lifeline. I won't go into the whole story, but basically, we lent someone a sizable chunk of money.
About six months ago and it went for a good cause, um, in their life. I won't tell the story because it'll give too much away, but it, it was something that was needed in this person's life and it went to a good cause for them. And, um, we didn't get paid back and I wasn't expecting to really, but I had, I built up some money in my charitable giving account and I had boxered Kelly and I was like, Kelly, am I a bad person if I'm like charitable giving repaying myself this money?
I lent someone who was, you know, going through a hard time. She's like, no, like what a perf. Perfect. Like, you're bypassing non profit fees or whatever. Like, you've literally directly impacted his family. Um, and I was like, okay. So, for me, my money story is a lot of guilt and something that I'm working through with you.
Kelly: This is going to change. Topics but one came to mind there was a client who this is where like we always want to blame the numbers or it's something like we can get really adamant about certain feelings about the numbers. It's just like when people will decide they can't afford something it's they like to use that like let's say they're, they really would like your service but they can't afford it.
Sometimes it's not about them being able to afford it it's their fear of them not being able to make it work or whatever other stories are there but the numbers are really easy to blame it on. And I think that's where sometimes my intuition will see through some of that. And is it that like there is a client I had that she was really mad because she didn't feel like she could pay was paying herself enough.
And she really did have a nice salary. I mean, in some cases, that's for sure the truth. People aren't paying themselves enough, especially if they build their business. That wasn't the case here. And I'm like, Mm hmm. Is it really like I'm not feeling that and I had to kind of be, you know, there's times where I have to be brave and really call people out on some sensitive stuff.
And this was one of those cases. This is a strong, determined woman. And and I had felt a little fear as I said, but I couldn't just let that moment go by and let that be the truth when I knew it wasn't. And it turns out. She was, there was feelings about her team and things that were going on with her team.
And there's a lot of truth there. And there were changes we got to make because of that. It wasn't that her business was wrong or that she was, you know, really wasn't paying herself the way she wanted to. We, there were other changes that need to be made. And I think that's part of that energy work that comes in.
Cause I think it would be really easy to believe. That first story,
Molly: but it wasn't
Kelly: the truth. And so I think that's another place that shows how the energy work comes into. It's not just always black and white with numbers as much as we think it is.
Molly: I know. That's why I think it's so cool. You do, because you typically think of like bookkeeping and numbers and accounting is like this very, like left brain, right, left brain.
Kelly: I think so. I always get it wrong too. Yeah. Left brain's the linear side. I know.
Molly: Yeah. But then like, even my husband, Matt's a perfect example of someone who's like, I think we can throw that old theory out the window because here he was, this helicopter pilot who's like a very much a rule follower, black and white, knows these complex, complex math equations that he'd have to learn for flight school.
And yet he is so damn crafty. He's like making crafts with MJ. So I just don't even
Kelly: let me get started on that because I have a big I do have a you we talked about this we discovered that we have like some creativity in common like that's such a healing modality to like just be crafty especially if you're in your left brain too much
Molly: I know I just want to come to Kelly's menagerie and craft Kelly has like 57 pets at her house so
Kelly: that's true oh oh gosh two dogs a cat hamster, a crested gecko, seven hermit crabs.
Lily wants to get some kind of isopods or something. They're basically potato bugs, but she wants to get those next. So I have an animal lover daughter who when we go on vacation, it's to zoos. And yeah.
Molly: Okay, so I did want to spend some time talking about sacred money archetypes because I feel like that's a really great way to get started with this work.
And again, it just really ties back to my, my whole holistic thinking is it's why I try not to teach, like, sure, we can always teach best practices, but everyone is going to be a little different. And so. I actually saw a reel this morning from an online business person who I actually, she's like one of the few that I have not muted or unfollowed because she's like, she said, all right, it's time to address the elephant in the room.
And I feel like this is a perfect lead into sacred money archetypes. She's like, I keep getting comments in my DMs. Well, you don't look like a multimillionaire. You don't look wealthy. How come you don't live in a mansion? Like all this kind of stuff. And she's like, I don't care about she's like I brought my she's like her brother passed away.
I don't know the story, but her brother passed away and she actually bought her sister in law and their kids a house. She's like, I don't care about purses and cars. And it's not saying that purses and cars are bad. Like if that's your thing and that really ties into sacred money archetypes. So you want to kind of give us the overview of that?
Kelly: Yeah, so there is people that may have heard about it before. It is a body of work. It was created by a woman named Kendall Summerhawk, who is a mentor to me. I've been certified in a few of her programs. She's brilliant. Um, Denise Duffield Thomas, who we both love, um, is also certified in sacred money archetypes, and you might hear it in some of her books.
But I added it pretty early on when I was getting into this coaching and finding that, like, I needed to understand a little bit more about how other people make their money decisions, how they tick, because I have that intuition for sure. But that doesn't mean I'm always going to know the drivers that somebody might have.
You know how they, the filters through which they make their money decisions. And that's how I think of the archetypes. Um, it's an assessment. I have it on my website. So we'll share that. I'm sure on the show notes and you can take the assessment and there's eight different archetypes and you'll get your top three and your results.
And those are the ones that influence the most in our money decisions. And so when you think of archetypes, I told Molly not to let me describe them all. Cause I could be here for an hour. Cause I really nerd out on it. There's 8 of them and when you think about our archetypes, anytime you see anything with an archetype, it's really a symbol for that.
We can use to deter defer patterns that people might have or things like if you hear 1 of them is ruler. If you hear ruler, you think leader and confidence and. Maybe just decision maker. If you hear nurture or you think mothering and caring and you know, loves to be needed and provide value, you know, those are some patterns that we can deduct when we hear an archetype.
And so it just helps us get insight into how each person, um, again, makes their money decisions. And that really impacts how you're showing up in your business and how you filter those money decisions through you, how you might relate to. a business partner or a life partner because their archetypes are going to be different.
And so knowing that information about somebody, I'm much better able to coach them based on their drivers, their strengths, same drivers, but really comes down to, we all have certain strengths and gifts and we all have challenges. And we just, by knowing our strengths, we can lean on them. By being aware of our challenges, we can identify them when they're seeking, sneaking into our subconscious.
You know, they, they all of a sudden are more conscious of those challenges and we can work with them instead of being, you know, sabotaged by them. Like yours top is alchemist and the alchemist is all about transformation and helping people see possibilities for themselves. And the alchemist really loves to do service of their heart, but they have a love hate with money.
And so you're not going to be driven. You do have ruler, I think it's your second one. So you're the ruler can be driven by money and achievement, but it's not your leading. Peace for you. So you, you know, it's possible for you because that's one of your gifts. But if you don't watch it, you can get into the ick of that and kind of not, not want to, um, you can kind of get into that love hate piece with money.
And so we just know that. And we, that's why it's important for you to have a giving account as part of your allocation. So that the better you do, the more that you're able to help others with that, you know, and yeah. So we use those, that information to support you best in how you're showing up in your business and then in your money stuff.
Molly: I, it's so funny because I had forgotten about that was my type and what it meant. And when I looked it up, I was like, Oh my gosh, it's so I could see how it played out. Literally, I was doing some visualizing. And my first thing was like, okay, I'm visualizing like every time someone buys anything for me, I get a ding in my slack.
So I was like, okay, I want to visualize like that ding and like how I feel when I get the sale. And I was like, Hmm, that's not quite right. That's not it. And you already knew she's already shaking her head. She's like, that's not it for you. And then I was like, okay, what really does give me that like, Oh, and it's when I get a message from someone who says, I implemented what you taught and got these results.
That is my yes. Yep. Like more of that.
Kelly: You're empowering money mindset is the more you help others do well, the more, the more you do well, the more that you can help others do well. And so that's really why you're not going to be driven by just the numbers. And you know, you don't mind celebrating a good month.
Like that's not the problem, but it's, you know, allowing yourself to recognize the impact that's behind that, the businesses you're changing, even those customers, like those people that found their ideal chiropractor or their ideal. holistic practitioner that they needed because they were able to find them.
They were able to identify the person that was right for them. That's part of your impact. And that's more important to you all day long than the money ever will be.
Molly: Yeah. Yeah. And it's just so funny how, like I said, it came full circle, just rereading the, um, explanation, but I do have Ruler as a very close second.
Kelly: And that brings in the achievement, the, your leadership, you're a natural leader. I love watching that with your team and hearing those stories. Fun fact too, Molly's mom is on my team. So that's kind of a fun thing too. She's, um, that's been a dream come true too. So. And that's just come through our work together.
Your connector, like that's, that's not in your top three, but you just a natural connector for people too. So the ruler brings in the leadership. Like one of the strengths of the leaders, um, ruler is creating an empire where everyone thrives. And you, and that trickles through for your clients and for your team and.
All those pieces are really important to you. And that's why you, you'll bring that up. Like, you know, one of your team members maternity leave, like finding a way to support her during that time was super important to you because you value your people and you want everybody to thrive and you want to share some of that.
The abundance that you're bringing in with them.
Molly: Yeah, it was, it was funny. I was talking with my coach April too. And she was like, yeah, those of us who are empaths, it's not always self selfless because sometimes it's like, well, we can't be comfortable unless everyone else is also feeling good. Like, it's like, call it selfish, call it selfless, call it whatever.
It's I, I am what I am. It makes me uncomfortable when other people are not.
Kelly: Well, too.
Molly: And so I'm just like, okay, I need you to do well because maybe it's not coming from, I don't know. That's something I need to explore a little bit more. It's like, well,
Kelly: I hear what she's saying, but I also, I kind of lean towards the beauty of that.
And again, like just your, your, you know, I think you have to watch your boundaries on that. And that comes in your third is nurture, which happens to be my top. And we really have to watch our boundaries to like, we can give in spite of ourselves to the point where we can be good. Martyry on it and that's not healthy for us.
So we have to just, you know, we love to be valued and we love to be reliable and we love to provide a great service. We just have to do that with some boundaries too. And that goes for team as well.
Molly: Okay. So bringing it full circle with Sacred Money Archetypes, you do have, is it TerraCare Financial?
What's your website name? TerraCare
Kelly: Financial. T E R R A C A R E. So it's your foundation and we care and we nurture you. TerraCare Financial.
Molly: Yep. And you can take that Sacred Money Archetypes quiz and Kind of give you some insight, uh, into, um, and like Kelly said, I mean, I do waver back and forth sometimes.
I'm like, okay, is it, well, it goes back to my two things can be true, Molly. Sometimes I'm like, okay, is it that I don't have like a good system? Like do I actually need better systems in place? Like the more like tangible technical, you know, or like better strategies or whatever, or is it that I've reached kind of my maximum energetically and have something else to clear and go through?
I don't know.
Kelly: It's always both.
Molly: Yeah,
Kelly: I think like because no matter, I don't think we ever not have something to clear but not from a frantic energy place like it gets to happen layer by layer. We I think some of your audience would understand this even from like a somatic energy place. Very few people are able to go from, I left my job, I'm starting this business from scratch to the, to the million dollar, multi million dollar business of their visions very quickly.
Now, some people have the energetics to just do that and they can clear blocks very quickly, but most people kind of do it step by step and layer by layer. And as they peel back that next layer, there's new shit that comes. I hope it's okay, you know, new stuff that comes up and then we get to clear that.
And it's just a part of the growth. I think that's part of what a lot of us love as entrepreneurs to like, I, one of my favorite things about being an entrepreneur is that it's, you know, perfect or personal growth through professional development. And so every layer that we do that something for money in our business is another layer of maybe spiritual growth or.
Just understanding ourselves or clearing something energetically and somatically or whatever step you need to take it all is part of our personal development. And I think that is. My number one top favorite thing about being an entrepreneur is we never, that never ends. Lifelong learning and like figure out the next thing and that challenge.
Like the blocks are part of that. Who wants to get stuck? Who wants to stay in that same place?
Molly: Yeah. I'm curious what we keep talking about clearing it and all of that. What is your kind of, I don't know why we've never talked about this, but what's Kelly's favorite way for like clearing the stuck?
Kelly: It just really starts with the awareness like even uncovering like we did with the, you know, wealth is not for me like that come came from being coming aware of it and then just changing that reframing it and it might be able to you might be able to reframe it in an instant and you move on because oh, I didn't even know that was there.
It's like pulling out a weed or that we might keep coming back and you have to pull it out a few times and eventually dig it out and yeah. That's the process like becoming aware of it. And then once you're aware of it, not like bearing it back down, like continuing to to work on it. And that's, I guess that's why I like, I tend to remember those things too.
Like, I think we'd had that conversation a few years before. And then there was a story that came up where you were able to help. It was actually the one where you were able to help those people earlier this year. And it was like, Do you see the difference there? Like you were the person they were able to come to for help.
You were the wealthy person in that instance, and like, I think that's why I'm given that gift to remember that stuff so that I can remind you of that comes up. If it shows up again, you know, we can, we can, oh, we gotta pull that weed again, or, Hey look, we can recognize that you overcame that piece. I feel the need to go back because you had said, is it the strategy or is it the clearing?
I said both because that that part's true, too, is like, sometimes we're ready for the next strategy or we don't see the, you know, they're, they're just like, we can't always see our limits and our blocks. Sometimes we can't see the best strategy for us. And it's like, you need somebody else to kind of validate that idea, or you need just space in your life to kind of give yourself time to think through strategy.
And then it's like, oh, yeah, I can take that action step. You know, and some of that comes from energy work too, like knowing, having the gut and knowing what's the right next step for you. You know, the more work you do on your limits and blocks, the more you trust yourself with that. And the more you trust yourself with that, the more likely you are to follow your intuition.
And that's always going to be our best next step.
Molly: Yeah, I was actually, I had my follow up with my homeopath this morning. I'm doing constitutional care with her. And I was telling her how. You know, she's like, okay, how are you doing? Cause I've only done two, um, two different rounds of it's four doses each.
So eight doses, but two, two rounds of like my constitutional remedy. And it's like, I think an average person would be like, uh, well, I don't know if I noticed any difference, but that's just not where my awareness is now. It's like, Now I can start to see the little subtle, subtle, subtle shifts. And it's like just turning the dial up or down, whichever direction you're trying to go.
And it's the same thing with your money. Like, Oh, I, before I would have made this choice and now I'm making this choice. It's not like, Something as obvious always as, Oh, I've, I had a headache and now my headache is gone. Like it's, or like, I had zero dollars and now I have a million dollars. It's like, I think as humans, we want things to just be so black and white and easy to see.
And like this, this, you know, magic pill overnight transformation when really you've kind of helped me. Yeah. that gradual nature.
Kelly: Well, I think that's why you kept making steps forward. You know, that was the other, I think that patience, um, has really paid off. Like, yeah, you doubled your business over and over and over again.
But if you looked in that first year, you would have wanted the year five results that, you know, most people, and you, you just, you did it step by step. And that was a part of that. Part of the patience is what has paid off and gotten you where you are.
Molly: Yeah. I try not to get on that hedonic treadmill too, of going like, Oh, I just had a 40 K month.
Like, Oh. Like, it's like, well, wait a minute now, well, five years ago, I would have been like, holy shit. Yeah.
Kelly: Yeah. And you would've been like, how? How? It just was one step at a time. I just to, I want to celebrate you were, you went to your holistic practitioner this morning. I came from my chiropractor before this.
So I guess we really do walk our talk when it
Molly: comes to these things. Hey, yesterday I had acupuncture. I got acupuncture and adjusted on the same day. I was like, man, I'm just like working through all these things a little bit at a time. But man, is it a journey to get, you know, like it's a lot of work working on yourself.
Kelly: But it's worth it.
Molly: It really is. So tell me too, like, I think you're the one who I think you're the one who introduced me to Denise Duffield Thomas, actually. Yeah, I just want to go back to that because anytime I'm feeling myself having a money block or anything, I tend to go back to her podcast or get rich.
Lucky bitch. I love that book. Yeah. I love
Kelly: that.
Molly: I have both of her book. Well, she has several books, but I have those two on audio and physical copy just because I love listening to her.
Kelly: Rachel Rogers is another one. She's phenomenal.
Molly: There was one. I feel like there's one. Amanda
Kelly: Francis is my favorite.
Yeah. Yeah.
Molly: Amanda Francis.
Kelly: Yeah.
Molly: I have her,
Kelly: Rich as fuck.
Molly: Yeah. That's right. Okay. Yeah. I was like, I knew I had a bad word in it, but I couldn't remember which bad word and what order it went in. Yes. I've got her book too. So yeah, I really do love like all of the like money mindset and manifesting. And one thing I try to do, I don't know if you want to, we can kind of like wrap up talking about this is like kind of employ the thought ladder thinking when it comes to money where it's like.
Sure, I'm not gonna be like, I am wealthy. I am a millionaire. It's like well My brain doesn't quite believe that, but what will it believe? So I don't know if you want to talk about that.
Kelly: No, I mean, I think you summed it up really well there. It's like you don't want to you don't want to take yourself. This goes with the pricing, too, like you don't want to go to a place that doesn't feel possible for you, doesn't feel congruent.
Just it just. It instantly brings up negative belief. So there's no, that's not going to help you in any way, shape or form. So you come to like the next best thought that's going to move you forward closer to that, that bigger thought. Like, let's say you do have a million dollar vision, but you're, you know, not even over a hundred K yet.
Well, no, you know, maybe, maybe you just kind of shoot for the next thought. That feels good. Like I'm going to have. Something about a profitable month or it might be a dollar amount putting in that next thought that feels true to you, but moves you towards that bigger goal. I'm getting an intuitive hit.
Can I share something? Yes. And it's, I don't, this is going to sound so self serving, but it's just won't go away. Like this is going back to the bookkeeping, which is not what you, we're even here to talk about. I was willing to share this, like one thing I've run into a lot this year, but I also just feel like somebody on the podcast needs this is like, if you're working with somebody and your gut is, it's not right, like this is an expert, you're supposed to be able to talk, trust them.
Um, but it doesn't feel right, trust your gut and either talk to somebody else, have somebody take a look at things, ask more questions. Don't just trust all the experts out there blindly. Like if your gut tells you something's not being reported right, you're probably right. Cause we run into that a lot.
And again, I had no intention of bringing that up on this podcast, but I feel like somebody needs to hear it. So don't be afraid to interview new people or get somebody to take a look at it or ask hard questions and really hold them to it. Cause we've run into a lot of bad. Bookkeeping out there this year.
Molly: Well, another thing I wanted to actually say on that topic of the actual bookkeeping itself is one thing. It's kind of like me having an Instagram management agency and also having a course. It's like you having this bookkeeping business. and then also being able to consult with people because there have been times when I've asked you like, well, what are you seeing with other businesses that are like mine?
It's like, you've got this behind the scenes look like you're not just this money coach who made it big on your own. I get to see the
Kelly: real stuff.
Molly: Yeah. You see everyone's behind the scenes. And so, It just gives you a better frame of reference, I think, to be like, well, you know, typically this is what I see or like other businesses that are like yours or like, have you considered this like perspective that you don't know what you don't know and I would have never
Kelly: thought.
Yeah. Yeah. A big thing that came in, like with COVID when, you know, I got to see how people were doing. Some people just thrive during that time. Some people decided that they need to go out of business and like, that was really, it actually helped me. And then I was able to help other people with that insight because I got to see all the behind the scenes piece of it.
Yeah. So that's a good point. I don't always think about that, but it does, I, I pull from that information to support both in mindset and in practical stuff. Yeah.
Molly: Okay. So the last thing I'm going to wrap up, this is like, again, me being selfish with my own, like I was almost like getting live coaching right here on the podcast.
Kelly: no pressure.
Molly: So I'm just wrapping up a flash sale. If I'm being honest, I didn't trust my gut of the amount of discount I should do. And now it's like, I don't know if it's a self fulfilling prophecy or what, but it has not been as bad. Successful as I wanted, but I'm also not the type of person who looks at anything.
It's a failure to me. Now I just have another data point to be like, okay, if you're going to have a flash sale, it's gotta be like a big thing. You know, the one we had on my birthday, it was like insane. It's like I said, not that it wasn't successful. It definitely did well. And I made sales. Um, I made a good amount of sales.
Is it over already? Yeah. No, I've extended it through today. So, okay. Well, that's one. Okay. So this is why I want the live coaching. So they don't ever get up on something until it's done. Well, I've decided to extend it through today because I was on literally, I was on the phone or in the Verizon store, like half of my day yesterday.
I shattered my phone and luckily I did like the Asurian claim and so it only not it was only 99 to get a brand new phone. Someone came to my house, but you could tell he was, he was already an hour behind at my appointment and he still had two more deliveries and he didn't leave my house till almost eight.
So I'm like, this dude was hustling, like trying to get done. And when he left, my phone wasn't even working. I couldn't even make phone calls and I didn't check it because I was kind of ready for him to be out of my house because it was eight o'clock and we were trying to go on a bike ride before it got dark.
And like, The next morning I was driving to my acupuncture appointment yesterday and there was a truck blocking the road and I was like, Oh, I need to call her and tell her I'm going to be late. Okay. Google wasn't working. I'm like, Hmm. And then like, I tried to call, couldn't make phone calls. I'm like, so anyway, I was on tech support in and out of the store and I was like, I just got a bag.
And then, so yesterday afternoon my brain was just fried, right? Cause I was just like, yes, this is. Um, on the scale of problems, this is not a big problem, but still, it took a lot of energy. Um, so I was like, I need to extend the sale another day. And then this morning I saw the news about, I don't know if you saw, like there was another school.
Yeah. And so that's just really messed with my head as it should. And so I'm just like, what should I extend my flash sale? It feels dumb now. So that's one little piece is that. And then the other piece is. I had a goal and I'm like, I was hesitant to set the goal for the sale because I was like, if I don't reach that goal, then I'll be disappointed.
So how do you typically talk through? Like the goal setting piece,
Kelly: the goal setting piece. Specifically, it is very individual. So I think there's some people who, um, are very good at managing their energy. It's all about our energy, managing our energy around it. I would rather set a stretch goal and be okay that I got close to it, or, you know, got anywhere on there and I can justify that for myself, other people that's going to really impact their psyche.
And so it really is an individual question, but. If I were, if I'm doing that directly for you in this case, so did you set the goal or no?
Molly: I was very, I was like, I never set the
Kelly: goal. So
Molly: I didn't speak it out loud because I was so afraid that if I didn't come anywhere near it, I would feel defeated.
Kelly: Yeah.
And I do understand that. I know you well enough that I can, I wouldn't say this to everybody. So just know I would do this individually for everybody. But for you, I would say, set the damn goal where you want it to be, like shoot for the moon and land among the stars. And even if you need me to support the disappointment, if you didn't quite hit it, or to find the silver lining in it, because there really is nothing to be disappointed in, in that regard, like, um, wouldn't you so much rather that than set a small goal and exceed that small goal?
Like, I think we could. I would talk our way around that if I were you. As far as this particular flash sale, there's opportunities beyond that. So the cart's not closed. Do what you can today to make that successful. Learn from whatever it is that you're saying about the pricing. I have another thought where there could be an incentive in there, which I'll share with you offline.
But. There's other flash sales and so we learn from it but it's it's really about commanding our energy after whatever happens because if we just if we live in those results if we just sit in the suck of those results and just allow that to spiral down and mean something it doesn't serve us so if we can take some kind of lesson from it like we can always learn from everything so take any kind of lesson we want to from it.
And then command our energy to, Oh, there must be, there's something else out there that's going to happen that, that I was, that I wanted to do this with, or a new idea comes up, or there's some reason like that trust that this didn't happen to you. It happened for you and just. You know, just continually use that to command your energy because you can't control what really happens.
You can do your best and, um, do all the things to make it successful, but you can't make people buys. You're not control. You can't control all that. You can control your energy before you control your response to it and move forward. Yeah,
Molly: you know, I was having one of those like crying in my car days a couple weeks ago, and it's always the day before I start my period.
It's so funny. Then I know that, right? It's like my brain. I'm like, I know I'm crying in my car. I want to burn my business down because there are times when I'm just like, It's just going to be me and Rachel and Rebecca, and we're just going to have a handful of Instagram management clients who we love, and the rest can go away.
Like I'm not doing anything else, and then I'm always like, no, you know, you wouldn't be happy doing that because you need to have this bigger impact. Do you want to hire more people? And of course, yes, like clack work, cried in my car, started my period the next day, and I had a What, what did I tell you? A 5, 000 day?
A 5, 000 day. Yep. So I was texting Kelly at like 8 o'clock at night. I was like, I just need you to know I had a 5, 000 day.
Kelly: Yeah, and we celebrate. Yep. This is self serving too, but I don't know if you've noticed the income trackers that I've been putting out, but if you haven't, I'll set you a separate email so you have it.
Go color in your income tracker and make your plans for September. Set that goal and then command your energy with that and magic will happen. Thank you.
Molly: All right. You still do Reiki?
Kelly: A little. Only on my plants.
Molly: Did you see my emo pothos? Did you see that? Oh. My pothos, I have this um, um, pot that's like a face. And so when you put a hair, uh, yeah, plant in it, it's the hair. And just two of the pothos leaves, um, they must have like gotten like uprooted or something because when I watered it, they just, and they're over the eye.
So it's like, it's got like, yeah, it looks like the emo haircut of like, It's like the two pothos leaves covering the eye of the plant. And I was like, the pothos is feeling emo today. I'll send you a picture of it. It's a riot. I need you to come do some ranking on that. There you go. So why
Kelly: only your plants?
I don't know. It's just the one that has stuck. My daughter doesn't like, she doesn't like it if I try to do hers and um, my animals tolerate a little bit, but the plants love it. So I guess they're the ones that respond the most to it. So they get it. You go do it. Get it done. My mom's a reflexologist with Reiki, so I get it from her.
Molly: Okay, cool. That's so cool. I don't know why I forgot about that, the Reiki piece with you, but um, okay, Kelly, you are taking on clients. Um, we talked about the sacred money archetypes. quiz. You're not really active on Instagram, even though I've been trying for five years, but I haven't succeeded yet. So what's the
Dr. Carlson: best
Molly: way
Dr. Carlson: for people to chat with you?
Kelly: Well, starting with the quiz is always a great way. Um, and they're welcome to book a call too. So there's, there's on the website, you can find the spot to book a free call. Um, and then we can just talk about what you need. Bookkeeping, money mindset, anything. Um, so I'd love to have them do that. And then I get to connect with them too.
Molly: feel like I've sent so many people your way and they're always so happy with you. I, one of my friends was like, Oh, I forgot to email my bookkeeper, my bank statements. I'm like, email your bookkeeper, your bank statements. I was like, that's an extra step. Mine just has mine could have my social security.
She didn't have anything. I don't care. Everyone full trust. That's right. Right. Thank you, Kelly. We respect that. Thank you for listening to Holistic Marketing Simplified and Hey, you know how every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast. Well, that's because it's super important.
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Cahill. That's C A H I L L. I would greatly, greatly appreciate your support. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.