Two Super Simple Marketing Strategies You Can Implement Right Away (Zero Planning Involved!) [Episode 101]

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Start Your Year Strong with Two Simple Marketing Tips
Welcome to a fresh new year! Whether you’re embracing the quiet reflection of winter or diving headfirst into “new year, new me” energy, it’s always a good time to refine your marketing strategies.
In episode 101 of the Holistic Marketing Simplified podcast, I shared two straightforward, highly effective marketing strategies to help you bring new clients through your doors in 2025. These tips are so simple they might surprise you, but trust me—they work!
1. Leverage Local Facebook Groups with Ambassador Posts
If you’re not using local Facebook groups as a marketing tool, you’re leaving money on the table. Here’s how you can stand out:
- Identify Ambassadors: Choose three enthusiastic patients or clients who love your services and ask them to post about you in local Facebook groups.
- Craft a Community-Centered Post: The key is to make the post feel organic and helpful, not like an ad. For example:
“Walmart, Amazon, and Target sales are up, but small business sales are down. Let’s support our local economy! Drop your favorite local businesses below. Here are mine: [tag your business here].”
This kind of post helps promote your business while also spotlighting other local gems. It’s not pushy, and it builds goodwill in your community.
Pro Tip: Make this a regular practice. Consistency is key!
2. Be Blunt About Your Availability
Sometimes, the simplest strategies are the most effective. Regularly post about your availability on Instagram—whether in your feed or stories. Here’s why it works:
- Direct and Clear: A post like, “We have two new patient openings on Thursday—DM us to book!” removes the guesswork for potential clients.
- Visual Cues: Share a quick screenshot of your booking software, or create a Reel with a short video of your office or workspace.
Pro Tip: Don’t overthink it. This doesn’t need to be fancy or designed in Canva. Often, raw, authentic posts perform better.
Wrapping Up: Why Simplicity Works
These strategies work because they’re easy to implement, relatable, and consistent. Marketing doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective. The key is showing up and making it as easy as possible for people to connect with you.
Give these two tips a try, and let me know how they work for you. And remember—success takes consistency!
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The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hook!
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Episode Transcript
Welcome to episode 101 of the Holistic Marketing Simplified podcast. I'm so happy you're here. I really, really appreciate you being here. Did you have a nice holiday and new year? I'd love to hear about it. I always waver going back and forth with It's the fact that on, you know, in our hemisphere, um, at least that January 1st is the dead of winter.
So winter is not really the time to be, you know, pushing and you know, new year, new me and all of that kind of stuff. But I do also love the fresh start and the energy of the new year as well. So I would say. Just do whatever feels good to you. And for me, the main goal that I have for 2025 is just to have more human interaction in real life every week.
So my financial advisor, for example, I was talking to him doing our like year end recap and he was like, my goal, cause he also works from home, he's like, my goal is three humans a week. And I was like, that's such a great goal. I don't know. A lot of you are seeing patients all day, every day. And so you don't get the, you know, isolation of.
Kind of working from home and stuff, but I guarantee you that even if you are seeing patients all day every day, you probably are not getting in enough intentional, like, friend time or date night time. I know I haven't been lately, and it's one of those things that when you just say, I don't have time, it's like, Ooh, tough love.
You got to look back. You don't have time. As a healthcare provider, you know that meaningful social human connection is like literally one of the pillars of foundation of health. So, I mean, I get it. I've, I've said, or at least thought the same thing, but you got to make time. You got to schedule those things first and then everything else can follow around it.
So my goal for 2025 is more date nights with my husband. I haven't set an actual number on that yet, but I will. And more, like I said, just networking in real life. I'm thinking my goal is going to be one like local Cincinnati practitioner a week and then like one friend catch up a week. And sometimes those, those things are too, you know, one in the same.
So anyway, today's episode, I'm going to keep it really short and I'm just going to give you two super simple things. that you can be doing or should be doing. I always hate to use the word should because it's like, you already have so much on your plate. There's so many shoulds. Two super simple marketing things that you can be doing to actually bring new patients or clients into your door.
And like I said, they're, they're truly, I know people like use the word simple as like a marketing hook, like super simple thing. Like these really are easy things. So like I said, without further ado, let's get started. Let's dive into the episode.
Hey, welcome to Holistic Marketing Simplified. This podcast boils down to the fact that we wholeheartedly believe that more humans need to know about holistic health solutions. And you didn't go to school to learn how to be a full time content creator and show up on Instagram and do all of this marketing stuff all day, every day.
So let's come hanging out while we chat all things eating your marketing and my goal is that you shift your mindset around your marketing from a quote should to a, I get to more dream patients and clients. Yes, please. My name is Morgan Adams and I am a holistic sleep coach in Richmond, Virginia, and I listened to the holistic marketing simplified podcast.
Okay. What are two? This guy, like I said, this week's is going to be really short. All right. Here are two things that if you are not incorporating these two things into your marketing strategy, you're probably missing out on some getting some new patients or clients in your door. Sorry, if you can hear my daughter and her friend screaming in the background, it is still I'm recording this on January 2nd when the kids are still home.
This can work for you even if you are virtual, but you'll kind of hear that it's like geared a little more towards like local brick and mortar. And the first thing is designating what I like to call like patient or client ambassadors. Maybe it's like, three people that have been patients or clients for a while.
They love your work. You know, you just jive with them and you know that you could ask them to do this for you. And have them go into a local Facebook group where you live, again, even if you're virtual, even if you are a virtual health coach for women in menopause. This is still, I love for online people only starting with a local network first.
I'm telling you, it is the cheat code to getting ahead of other people who are just starting their online health or life coaching business is marketing locally first, okay? But anyway, have them go into the local Facebook group. So for me, I just did this a couple weeks ago in the town where I live. It's there's like a, uh, I did it in like the mom's group, but it doesn't have to be mom's group.
You know, whatever, whatever, like local groups, as many as you can get. And I just crafted a post because I had seen a stat about, let me find it. Hang on. Okay, I found it. I saw the stat that Walmart, Amazon and Target stocks and sales were all up while small businesses sales were down. This was around the holidays, but you can still use this as like the hook for the people who are posting this for you need an idea.
So literally the post I wrote in my local mom's Facebook group was, I just saw a stat that Walmart, Amazon and Target stocks and sales are all up while small business sales are down 40%. Let's support our local economy. Drop all of your favorite local small businesses below. And I wrote services and products in parentheses.
And so I just listed for me, I listed my chiropractor and like tagged them, most of these people because Facebook groups, well, a lot of Facebook groups that I know of like local Facebook groups don't allow businesses, but some of them do whoever you're tagging may or may not be in the group, maybe their personal page or something.
But I listed my chiropractor, massage, our favorite restaurant that's not a chain, favorite coffee shop that's not a chain, hair and nails, acupuncture, I listed my acupuncturist. And I listed, um, the lady that I used to get like spray tans from, but I mean the list is endless. You could literally just Google like, or like AstratGPT, what are ideas for 15 local businesses?
But like, even if there's somebody who makes like custom sugar cookies or photographer or a realtor, or, um, maybe this time of year, like a favorite accountant, any of that type of stuff. Maybe it's like activities for kids or like parks, any of that type of stuff. Yeah. Then it's not so on the nose that like, for example, I was doing this for my chiropractor.
They didn't ask me to, but I like to do these things before, like test them out before I actually talk about them. And I didn't want it to just be so on the nose of a post that was like, go see this chiropractor. They're amazing. So like this way, it's actually woven in to the post. And if someone's ever using the search function on the Facebook page, then if they, you know, typing in massage, then hopefully my post would come up.
So if you want a copy of what this post actually looks like, and you're like, I'm not really visualizing this, send me a DM and just ask me for it. And I'm happy to send that to you. But if this is something that you have one of your patients do like one time and you're like, Oh, Molly, it didn't work well, it, you need, it might not work with one time.
What do you, what do you say to your patients when they come in and say, Oh, that one adjustment didn't work. You got it. This is something that needs to be in your, You're like regular rotation. And if you want to do something extra nice for your patient or client for posting this, then that's up to you and your own state state laws of what you can do.
This is not necessarily like this isn't incentivizing a review, but anyway, yeah, that's totally up to you. So that's the first thing, have them have regular people be regularly posting about you in, um, uh, local Facebook group. And then this also benefits other small businesses in your town too, right?
Because they're getting the. Shout out. And then the other thing is I've posted about this on Instagram. And every time I put, I post about it, I get really like actually got someone DM me. It was like, I use this post idea and it worked. I'm like, yeah, no kidding. It usually does. And that is just to post on your Instagram.
You can do this on your feed and your stories. If you're going to be doing it on your stories, I would suggest doing it at least once or twice a week where all you do is just say your availability. Like, Hey. We have two new patient openings on Thursday or Hey, we had a last minute cancellation for a massage on Tuesday.
DM us to grab it. If you are a coach, you can, even if you're like brand new and you have more than three spots, you could even just say like, I have, I have places for three new breathwork clients in February. I have places for three new one on one nutrition clients in February and just make it a very blunt post because so much of the content that I see is like hidden in cloak and dagger.
Like how do I actually work with you? Are you open for business? So it's okay to be really blunt and just post these things. It can be a graphic, it can be a reel that's like a B roll video in the background of, you know, your office. Oh my gosh. I don't know if y'all can hear this, uh, the people who are listening, but my daughter and her friend are just like screaming and yelling at the top of their lungs.
I don't want to tell them to be quiet because anytime that the kids are off devices, I'm just like encouraging whatever it is that they're trying to do. They actually just sweet talked me into taking them to Michael's for some craft supplies and we actually, my daughter and I have an adjustment this afternoon and MJ said, Mommy, why can't you just chiropract me?
You're a chiropractor. And I was like, no, I'm not. She goes, yes, you are. I was like, no, I'm not. I'm really not. Anyway, I thought y'all would get a kick out of that. It was pretty funny. So like I said, just a really blunt, um, post. It's a, like I said, it could just be a B roll of you like showing your office or even if you like, if you're virtual, like sitting at your laptop or whatever.
And if it's on the stories, you can do something as simple as like a screenshot, like from your booking software, showing your availability. But get in the, make that a habit. Make that a habit of just posting your appointment availability. This is not something that has to be made in Canva or anything like that from your stories.
It doesn't, honestly, it'll probably perform better if it's not. Just really blunt, to the point, simple, here's our appointment openings, here's how to book. Okay, so I told you I was going to keep it short today, two super simple things you can do. And like I said, please don't come at me and try it one time and tell me it didn't work.
This is something that you've got to do consistently and I promise you'll see some people in the door. All right, guys, have a great rest of your day. Thank you so much for listening. Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified and Hey, you know how every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast.
Well, that's because it's super important. Bye bye. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce, to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that, we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could, please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly A.
Cahill. That's C A H I L L. I would greatly, greatly appreciate your support. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.