Why a “More is More” Mentality Can Help You Beat Perfectionism on Social Media [Episode 111]

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If you’ve ever found yourself staring at your screen, agonizing over the perfect hook, wondering what day or time is best to post, or second-guessing whether your caption sounds “professional enough,” this one’s for you.
In this episode of Holistic Marketing Simplified, I’m replaying a listener favorite all about letting go of overthinking and perfectionism when it comes to your Instagram strategy.
I originally recorded this one during a season of life that was, well… a little bananas (if you’re in that season now, I see you). And the message still hits: You don’t need a perfect blueprint to be successful on social media—especially if you’re a provider who’s seeing patients or clients all day. You need a mindset shift.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode
✅ Why there’s no magical posting formula—and why that’s actually a good thing
✅ The teapot parable and what it teaches us about content creation
✅ What Instagram influencers get wrong about what really works for brick-and-mortar businesses
✅ The real reason messaging matters more than formats or post times
✅ How to stop letting “flop” fear get in the way of showing up consistently
Done Is Better Than Perfect
I know how tempting it is to want a guaranteed formula—like, just tell me what day to post a Reel and when to share a testimonial and everything will work out, right?! I wish!
But after managing 30+ accounts for local holistic businesses, I can confidently say: no two accounts behave the same, even when we post the same type of content. It’s not about finding the “right” time, format, or template. It’s about consistent practice, experimentation, and clarity in your messaging.
So instead of chasing perfect, I want you to adopt a “more is more” mentality. It’s not about hustling for content or creating filler. It’s about loosening your grip on the pressure for everything to be just right. The more you create, the better you’ll get—and the more likely you are to strike gold with something that truly resonates.
Content Creation Is a Playground
Perfectionism can paralyze your creativity. But when you treat your content like a playground instead of a performance, you give yourself permission to show up in a way that feels sustainable and authentic.
Does that mean every post is going to go viral? Nope. But it means you’re giving yourself more at-bats. And you’re collecting valuable data about what lands with your audience for you, not for some influencer who only manages their own account.
This episode is your reminder that content doesn’t have to be polished to be powerful—and your audience is craving real, not perfect.
Wrapping It Up
If this message spoke to you and you’re feeling a little “stuck” with your content strategy, just know: you’re not alone. Keep creating. Keep playing. You’re doing better than you think.
Have questions or aha moments after listening? DM me on Instagram—I always love hearing from you. 💛
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The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hook!
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Episode Transcript
Hello, hello, and welcome back. Oh my gosh, the sun is out. Do you feel just like a different human when it's starting to warm up? Because I do. I mean, I know this is it. I can know we'll get another. Cold snap, but I did, I will say, I did read this book called How to Winter. I can't remember the author now, Carrie something, Leibowitz maybe?
Carrie something. How to Winter. I highly recommend it because it really helped me with my mindset around winter so that I wasn't just like poo pooing it all the time. But today's episode is actually gonna be a replay. I am in a little bit of an extra busy season. And, uh, this episode I just felt like was something that needed to come back around because it's a lot about perfectionism.
So if you're somebody who's like, just tell me exactly what to do. Give me the blueprint, Molly. Just give me the formula. Tell me exactly what to do. So if you're one of those people, or if you're somebody who like agonizes, analyzes, whatever, over every single day, little, single thing that you post, then this episode is also for you.
So enjoy this replay.
Hey, welcome to holistic marketing simplified. This podcast boils down to the fact that we wholeheartedly believe that more humans need to know about holistic health solutions and you didn't go to school to learn how to be a full time content creator and show up on Instagram and do all of this marketing stuff all day, every day.
So let's come hanging out while we chat all things easy in your marketing and my goal is that you shift your mindset around your marketing from a quote should to a I get to. More dream patients and clients. Yes, please. Hi, I'm Dr. Tara Carlson and I'm from Wyzetta, Minnesota. And I listened to the holistic marketing simplified podcast.
I wish more than anything, my job would be so much easier. If it was this just specific map blueprint that I could say, okay, if you post educational carousel on Tuesday, a testimonial real on. Wednesday, a, you know, infographic on Thursday and that, you know, whatever. And then this story in this story, then poof, you will have social media success.
It doesn't work that way. I'm sorry. It doesn't work that way. I think there's a lot of advice on Instagram from, you know, the gurus who. are extrapolating something that worked for their account as an, you know, n of one by n. I mean, like, you know, sample size of one. And then they make this grandiose sweeping statement of this is what's working on Instagram right now.
And I'm like, no, like you're one account. And the majority of you listening to my podcast, I don't work with influencers. You're not trying to be an influencer. You're not trying to have an influencer Instagram account or a business model. That is a very different. And if you are, you're on the wrong podcast.
I'm sorry. I'm sure you can find some lovely ones that will help you with your style of business. The majority of you are seeing patients or clients all day. The fact that you have to create content is like just secondary to your job, right? So you don't need tons of comments. You don't need the same reach.
You don't need all of the stuff that they need, right? So we don't want to take this like, Oh, Hey, I'm an influencer. I literally manage one account, my own account and quote, here is what's working on Instagram right now. Because yeah, anyway, it just, it doesn't always translate. To what's working for, for health, uh, for accounts like yours.
Okay. So what got me onto that tangent was the fact that we have a fully booked Instagram management agency. We're always running around 30 Instagram accounts. We can post the same exact thing, same graphic, same caption, similar hashtags as a similar because obviously it's, um, we use local and geographical hashtags as well for their area.
And even if the accounts are relatively the same size and followers, it'll get different results. Y'all like it's, it's not that formulaic. Are there best practices? Of course. And that's like the more like tips, tricks, tactical things that I teach, but I just want you to know that there's no, it's kind of like, I always say it's like playing roulette.
It's like if you play enough. roulette, you're going to win. So that's why I'm always like create, uh, I used to say, I used to say less is more, but now I just say like more, there was a Susie Moore. It's funny. Her name is Susie Moore. And her podcast episode was titled when more is more. And I just loved that because she talked about how.
Yeah. You know, if you create 10 pieces of content, um, not only are you learning more from each, you know, piece that you create, but you also increase the odds that one's going to perform well. And even if one doesn't, you're still reaching more people than if you spent all your time and effort perfecting just this one thing that's got to be perfect.
And it's, you know, and then you get that out. So it's like the teapot parable. Of, I don't know if y'all have heard that, it's like where there's two different groups in a pottery class, the first group is told to make one teapot per day, the second group is told to, at the end of the class, or at the end of like the term or whatever, they have to have created one perfect teapot, it's like, okay, you can fill in the blank of what happened, of course the group who had to make a teapot every day had more perfect teapots than the one perfect teapot group, because it's fair.
When you continually do things and have repetition, you get better. It's like Simone Soule, if y'all don't follow her, I love her. She has something called a garbage post challenge. Um, you can always Google that and look that up where, like I said, if you just keep putting it out there, you'll kind of figure out quote, what works for you.
And then, and again, going back to the whole client example. If we have a reel that has like done really well for a client and then we repost that same reel or post or whatever a couple months later, sometimes it does really well again the second time and sometimes it doesn't. So again, like there's just no formula and I know you want there to be a formula, but that's the reason like even inside of holistic marketing hub, yes, I have a sample content calendar, like skeleton plan, like, okay, Hey, in an ideal world post things this way.
But that still is not like I'm handing you the ticket to the winning lottery number. You know what I'm saying? So, I just want to tell you that in the hopes that that actually doesn't discourage you, but actually makes you feel better, that it's a playground. We've had clients before who are like, Ooh, are we going to mess you up if I post a selfie of us at the coffee shop?
I'm like, mess us up. No, like it's just going to add beautiful color and extra flavor to your account. It's not all that, that serious to where it has to be. So like I said, so I do get people asking me like really specific questions. And the answer is they're really most of those things are immaterial and don't matter.
What does matter. So the question you should be asking is. Is my messaging the type of messaging that makes my person say, Oh my gosh, how do they know he or she's talking to me? Are they in my house? And when your messaging is that dialed in, that's why I keep talking about messaging until I'm blue in the face.
Y'all are probably like, geez, Molly, seriously. It's because it's that important. That's the, that's the thing that like, again, it doesn't matter if it's a carousel or a reel or a story or what day of the week it is or what type of day it is. It matters that your messaging is resonating with your ideal person.
So the moral of this summer short episode is. Try to take off our analytical type a brain, because if you try to overanalyze, Oh, why did this particular real perform a little better than this one, then you're going to drive yourself insane. The smallest amount of data I like we ever look at for clients is a one month at a time.
So I, you know, I would say you could look at 30, 60, 90 days, maybe you can see spots and trends. But, um, again, just in, and then we never use the word flopped ever. Ever. I never say something flopped. I either, I either think, okay, this reel, maybe it didn't resonate. Maybe it was something only my really hot leads, um, are resonating with, which means, you know, that's going to be fewer people.
Whereas like the more viral type, you know, hooks and short reels and stuff, maybe you're going to appeal to more of the masses. So and for that, I would refer you back to my content ecosystem episode of the podcast. But yeah, it is definitely an art. Yes. It's an art that has, you know, best practices, but there is no concrete science to it.
So go play, create some stuff. Who cares if it's perfect? Thank goodness. The quote trend in 20. 24 and beyond is, you know, out are all the perfectly curated feeds. I mean, someone asked me about a grid pattern the other day. I was like, I haven't seen it. If you're like a photographer or an artist or home decor or something, maybe, but for the things you do, uh, I mean, you don't want something sloppy.
That's like completely off brand, but it does not have to be like perfectly curated like it used to. So go play, have some fun. Think of it all as data gathering. If that helps. Okay. I'm going to shut up now. Have a great day. Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified. And Hey, you know how every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast.
Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce, to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that, we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could, please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly A.
Cahill. That's C A H I L L. I would greatly, greatly appreciate your support. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.