Episode 23: EFT Tapping for Social Media, Business & Procrastination

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How many times have you said something like:
“I just don’t have time to post to social media!”
“I could never show my face on camera.”
“I really want to do ___________ in my business, but I just don’t think I can.”
These are great examples of the limiting beliefs I hear from my clients every day.
What if I told you there was a way to eliminate some of the fears, anxieties, and other negative emotions that hold you back from achieving your dreams?
Keep reading because I chatted with Theresa Lear Levine, an EFT Master Practitioner, to learn more about the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and how it can help you overcome the fear that holds you back.
Meet Theresa Lear Lavine
Theresa is the founder of “Becoming More Me,” where she helps professional women overcome their inner challenges and traumas through EFT, hypnotherapy, and the law of attraction.
She offers a free resource library called “The Private Sessions,” which includes tapping sessions on various topics. These sessions can be personalized to address your individual needs.
What is EFT
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) blends ancient Chinese wisdom and modern psychology. It involves gently tapping the 12 meridian points of the body to relieve negative experiences or emotions.
EFT is scientifically proven to help with physical and emotional challenges like anxiety and worry.
It lowers stress hormones like cortisol, provides a sense of calm and clarity, and helps regulate the nervous system. EFT also accesses the subconscious mind to clear obstacles and achieve desired outcomes.
“It’s a beautifully simple technique that you can learn and do on your own,” Theresa said, “or you can get into the more complex areas of your life with an EFT Master Practitioner like myself.”
How to Use EFT in Business & Marketing
The Tapping process typically starts with a setup statement that acknowledges the problem, expresses self-acceptance, and then states the desired outcome.
For example, if Theresa has a client who is afraid to post to social media for her business, she would start a session by repeating this statement 3 times: “Even though I’m really afraid to post that Reel, I want to love, accept, and forgive myself.”
Then, Theresa guides her client through the main tapping points. Each point is tapped 5-7 times for 3 rounds.
During the first few rounds, she discusses the problem with her client.
“We really express the negative sides of it. So maybe it’s, ‘I’m afraid of what people are going to think. I have this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. I just feel like I want to throw up every time I press ‘post.’ Is there going to be some crazy comment on there?’ We basically spew that all out.”
Once she and her client approach the third round, the language shifts and she introduces more positive ideas.
“So maybe we start to say something like, ‘I’m open to the idea that it’s safe for me to hit post. I’m open to the idea that nothing bad is really going to happen if I do this.’”
Once the tapping session is completed, she and her client take a deep breath and reassess the problem.
EFT and Procrastination
Theresa said EFT helps acknowledge and address procrastination since avoidance of specific tasks is often rooted in fear of the unknown or potential negative outcomes.
“Procrastination is like a stagnancy in your energy. And it’s not having the right fuel to do what you want to do,” she said. “The resistance is usually you resisting your own expansion, which is very painful.”
She said that when you understand the messages behind your negative emotions, you can find greater success and fulfillment.
Wrapping It Up
EFT can be an excellent tool for holistic health and wellness practitioners who want to ditch the limiting beliefs and negative emotions that hold them back from meeting their goals.
You can check out Theresa’s Book, BECOMING MORE ME- Tapping Into Success: Subconscious Secrets of an ADHD Entrepreneurial Mom, available on Amazon, and also get Access to her Amazing Library of Private Tapping Sessions Worth Over 10K (for FREE!) by visiting theresalearlevine.org
To learn more about Theresa, her offers, and the resource library, visit becomingmoreme.com.
The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hooks! Head to holisticmarketinghub.com to learn more and use code PODCAST for $100 off!
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Molly Cahill
This is such a breath of fresh air cool conversation with my friend Teresa Lea Levine and think you're gonna absolutely love it. Especially if you're already a little bit familiar with EFT tapping, if you're not, we're gonna go into what that is. But Teresa is the founder of becoming more me. And she helps professional women get out of their own way and resolve their innermost pains, traumas and challenges. So they can fully enjoy their success and present moments. So we talked specifically in this episode about fear of being on camera, what will people think what are the trolls gonna say? And then we also talk about the time piece because that is probably the number one barrier I hear from you. And it's, you know, like a story that I like to tell myself as well as that I don't have time to do XYZ, whatever it is, whether it's in your business or, or what. And so we go into this is not about like time management, productivity hacks. It's a very different take on that I don't have time peace. So I think you're really really going to love this episode. I can't wait to hear what you think. Welcome to holistic marketing simplified a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill. And this podcast is brought to you by holistic marketing hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, captioned templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish but we also break their hook, head to holistic marketing hub.com To learn more, and use code podcast for $100 off, you can find full show notes, resources, and more. At Molly cahill.com/podcast. Teresa, welcome to the show officially even though we've been chit chatting, and you're just like the easiest person to talk to ever. Thank you. Yeah.
Theresa Lear Levine
I'm excited to be here. I'm excited to continue the conversation. I really enjoyed all the conversations that we've had leading up to today. So today, no.
Molly Cahill
How do we even find each other? Do you mean? No,
Theresa Lear Levine
I do not. Remember, I'm sure that if we were to go down to Instagram into those first messages that we sent back and forth, we could figure it out, but completely irrelevant.
Molly Cahill
We had some type of like mutual connections. So Well, yeah. If you're if you're new to me, maybe you don't know this. But if you're not new to me, you know that I have yet my head. So I bought my husband, a Claire Pella chose a Facebook ads course, by the way, so he's gonna take the ads course. But my point in saying that is I have never run ads. And so I've grown my business. And I don't say that it's like a flex like, oh, no, I think some people think it's a flex, I don't think it's flex. I think it's actually the opposite. I think it's been my blind spot where I'm like, oh, what to do, and there's deputy bites, but I've grown my business completely through connection like collaborations and referrals and whatnot. And so I'm always checking out who's doing stuff in the health and wellness industry with other health and wellness professionals. And I think that's how I found you. So I did your intro already, but kind of give us like the quick and dirty Teresa. Speed dating.
Theresa Lear Levine
Yeah. So I'm Tracy Levine. I am a mom of four boys. I live in Maryland married to my husband, Jeff, I'm an EFT Master Practitioner, I'm sure we will get into what that is because most people are like what, huh Hypnotherapist? A law of attraction coach and I absolutely love you know, working with intelligent conscious professionals who are already like in the know about self healing and mental health and still find themselves stuck. And helping them to find that elusive work life balance to get over the obstacles that feel like they're difficult for them and to feel good, you know, to have that calm clarity and competence that they want in their life. That's what
Molly Cahill
I love all of these modalities, if you're so if you go back to episode, it's either 10 and 11 or 11 and 12 I had my personal health and life coach Chelsea Haynes on to talk about a subconscious modality called Orpheus. And I think you and I talked about it, it's a little bit like EFT, kind of like EFT and hypnosis. How to baby EMDR you know, but what what made you and I'm one of these people who I think all modalities fit I don't think there's like one perfect modality I think it has to be what feels good for you what feels doable, like what are you actually going to do like you can know about it through but it's not going to work through osmosis. What made you choose EFT
Theresa Lear Levine
the amount of change that it could produce in such a short time so I'm a personal development junkie always happen. I love learning. I have ADHD. I've got plenty of different traumas and mini traumas in my past that have required work and attention. And while I knew an awful lot, I had a lot of insight without a lot of change. So I was finding like, okay, so I could read a book and understand what I needed to do to feel differently. And then I couldn't do it. And what I didn't understand was the component that the nervous system plays in allowing kind of the gears to start moving and things to feel safer and to really get moving. And how the subconscious mind really needed to be accessed. And things needed to be like dumped out of there, like get to kind of clear that hard drive, in order to make room for the things that you really want. So once I started implementing nervous system regulation and subconscious mind work, it was like all of these things that felt so difficult and so not available to me, were just able to come to me so easily. And of course, add some law of attraction work in there, and it just magnifies it like 1,000,000%
Molly Cahill
You're just speaking my love language here. I'm like, lighting up when I talk about this. I really had to switch from the more not that I'm not saying we were just talking about supplements before we hit record. It's not that I really love supplements, supplements, all right, it's not like I'm like saying, Oh, I'm totally against any type of I don't know, I've ever heard of the term green allopathy. Yes. Okay. So I feel like I swung real far too. Like there's a supplement for everything. In addition, if I could just figure out what the one mechanism with my body, you know what I mean? Like, I was always thinking more like when I swung from, like, allopathic conventional medicine over to,
Theresa Lear Levine
you know, working from the outside and or working from the inside out.
Molly Cahill
Yeah, yeah. And I went real hard on the like, like I said, it was still very physiological. And now I've come to this place that to me feels extremely empowering, where I'm like, Oh, I have all the power. I don't need any like not saying you don't need it. But like, I don't know what the right word is. How would you explain that? You don't, I'm saying like, I have all the power. It's right here. I haven't
Theresa Lear Levine
already in you. And the I pick and choose my supplements from an intuitive place now. And more of like, you know, muscle testing intuition thing that I've developed from the inside out, instead of like, here's my little pill box of what I'm going to take every day, because this is what I feel like I'm supposed to or it's the fix. Like, just like, just like what you're saying like it's already in May I already have everything I need to feel good to be healthy to create the life that I want. What might enhance that a little bit today? Yes.
Molly Cahill
Oh, I love that. So let's, I got a little ahead of myself, because this is what I do. I hate listening to podcasts that you can tell are
Theresa Lear Levine
the things we forgot at the end.
Molly Cahill
I know I just I'm sorry for the Taipei's I really am I
Theresa Lear Levine
this is the problem I'm having right now. So I'm in the middle of writing my first book, which will be launched at the end of this. And like it will not be written in order, I can tell you that. I can already tell you that. I'm like, whatever stories come to mind, and then I will write them all together somehow.
Molly Cahill
It'll make sense to our brains. So congratulations, by the way, that's usually lost over that, like no big deal. Who am I I'm writing my first book. Let's, let's take a few steps back what is EFT for the people who don't know, I feel like most people in my audience are kind of on this train, and they will know. But for the people who don't What have you achieved? That's awesome.
Theresa Lear Levine
So it's Emotional Freedom Techniques. And I think most people have heard it called tapping. So they're synonymous, those two phrases are the same. And it's a blend of ancient Chinese wisdom and modern psychology. And it's super simple, kind of ridiculous looking, because you're literally just tapping on different parts of your body, and talking, but scientifically proven to help with anything you can feel. So whether that is physical, emotional, past, present, or future pacing, aka anxiety and worry, we can treat all of those things really effectively. And at the same time, you're lowering your stress hormones like cortisol up to like 43% and just handling macaroni. Yeah, so like one, one thing, decreasing makes all the things better. And it's a beautifully simple technique that you can learn and do on your own. Or you can kind of get into the more complex areas of your life with the EFT Master Practitioner like myself, where we can really like unweave the trauma and you know, approach things in a very non traumatizing way and feel a heck of a lot better. And the way I always see it is that when I use this, I show up differently in my life. And my clients do too.
Molly Cahill
Yeah. And you have a free resource called the private sessions. We're actually going to do what we have to leave room for our private session at the end, but we do the show, Theresa has a really cool free download called the private sessions that I kind of looked at as like my little like library. I was like, Oh, I'm feeling overwhelmed. today. Let me find the overwhelmed tapping. And that's components. I feel like Oh, I'm feeling we had one on like last year pet like,
Theresa Lear Levine
there's so many now I lost track. I think it's close to 50 other podcast hosts that I've done these little sessions with where we do tapping on whatever's relevant to their audience. Yeah. And I weave in there like tips that you're really only going to get from somebody that you know, does this on a A master level. And you can I also give you tips on how to personalize the sessions to you like it might not be exactly what you're dealing with, but you'll be able to use it for whatever it is that you are dealing with. So we're going to do a session after this, it's going to be awesome. And that's exactly what your listeners can do, then go to the private sessions.com. And they can download the entire resource and have that library at their fingertips.
Molly Cahill
I haven't saved them up stars like my bookmark. So I'd love it. So let's paint the picture. Before we get into what we're actually going to talk about today, which is we're going to talk about try to weave in two things, which is one, the fear of I get a lot of scared of making my first real, let's say, or putting a photo of myself out there, we get that a lot, we get a fear of the trolls. And then we also get I don't have time, that's like also I was telling you before we recorded the number one thing always here, I don't have time. So we're going to talk about not necessarily time management hacks and productivity hacks, maybe there's a place for that. But where where is it that you need to, quote, make time? And where is it? Should you delegate? And where should you kind of give yourself a little permission slip to, quote, not make time? So we're gonna talk about that. But before we dive into those things, can you give somebody like paint the picture for somebody who's listening and still maybe has never seen a tapping session? I don't know, if you want to use one of those two examples. I'm not saying do a full session right now. But just kind of what would that like? As a practitioner, you would go okay, your issue is, yeah, so
Theresa Lear Levine
I would gather that information from said client, you know, what they're afraid of, as far as you know, posting online or sharing or whatever. And for me, like listening is so key, because whether I'm doing hypnosis, or I'm doing tapping, or some combination with visualization, or whatever else I bring to the table, presenting things in my clients language is what makes it click and what makes it really nice for their energetic system. So I spend a lot of time really listening and reproducing things in their language. And yeah, be collecting those details. And then with tapping, we always start on the side of the hand, usually, or on the chest, the sore spot on the chest. And we start with what we call setup statement. So it's something like, even though I am really afraid to post whatever online, I want to love, accept and forgive myself, we go through that three times. And the setup statement, kind of states the problem and allows us to also state like the outcome we're looking for, because the truth is anything that you can find genuine love, acceptance and forgiveness for transforms, releases, changes goes away. And then we go through the main tapping points, which are the top of the head of the eyebrow, the side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, under the mouth, the collarbone and under the arm three times, tapping each spot, at least five to seven times each. And we talk about the problem. So we really express the negative sides of it. So maybe it's you know, I'm so afraid of people are gonna think I have this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. I just feel like I want to throw up every time I'm about to press post, I don't know, is there going to be some crazy comment on there? Like, what's my mother in law gonna think? What's the neighbor who's gonna think what skill it all whatever they brought to the table that they were worried about. This is where we just basically like, spew all that out, we can be as silly as you know, we can all know that. Like, it's not realistic to think some of these things, but we have to voice them, you have to give these thoughts and these fears of voice so that the emotions that are attached to them can come up and out from our energy system. And we feel differently. Now once we get to that third time around, if things are starting to feel like they're shifting, that's when we can introduce some positive ideas. If they feel aligned, we don't want to just like throw affirmations, I've got a lot to say about affirmations. But we don't just gonna throw things that don't feel genuine at something that we're genuinely feeling. So maybe we start to say something like, you know, I'm open to the idea that it's safe for me to hit post, open to the idea that nothing bad is really going to happen if I do this. And it's an opportunity to fail forward and grow even if it doesn't go as well as I expect. Just letting go of this tension associated with what I'm doing. leaning into my intuition, I wouldn't have created this if it wasn't worth sharing, you know, that kind of stuff. That's sort of the dialogue that might be happening as we're finishing it. And then we take a nice deep breath and we reassess things. We always start with a number and end with a number. So subjective units of distress scale, it's the same thing that you would use if you went to the doctor, the chiropractor, the acupuncturist, whatever, how bad is it? So that fear of posting beforehand maybe it's a nine or a 10? Afterwards, you know, who knows everybody shifts differently. Some people are like cool, zero ready to go. And some people are like just shifted a little bit but anything that's moving in the right direction is peeling a layer of that onion and getting us closer to Okay, well, maybe it is only a it's a still a seven or an eight what's left, like what's still going on there, Molly that you still need to like feel this way and that's when we peel back that layer and do another round.
Molly Cahill
I love that because it also have you do you kind of use the thought letter? Is that what you're when you're talking about affirmations. Do you know what that is? Are you familiar with a thought letter? I'm
Theresa Lear Levine
familiar with it. That's not what comes to mind. I just don't like toxic positivity and I feel like what And we're what a lot of people try affirmations, they usually try to make this giant leap from like, you know, I'm broke to I'm a millionaire. And the lion doesn't feel good. And it usually it pushes them more towards like trauma, like I call it gold trauma, like when you're trying to get oh, and you're making this like leap, you push yourself backwards, instead of like finding those little steps, like kind of like with law of attraction when we're like increasing our frequency, you know, like, what just takes us one step closer to what we're looking for. Because it's much better to take those baby steps and figure things out along the way than it is to try to make a giant leap and not any Yes,
Molly Cahill
I love that. And that's that's how I in my brain associated with gallbladder because it's like, what's what's the next most believable thing? And then you said, I'm open to the idea. I feel like that's such a beautiful primer. My coach Chelsea says every day I'm working towards like, it's just just like a little, like, a little more believable and actually going to be so the real I posted last week about this very same topic about instead of saying I don't care what other people think, like, but you do. And that's how but that's, that's there's not a flaw. Well, what would happen to you, if you complain, it's okay to like release the fear of it. Yeah. But if you had a complete disregard for what other people thought all the time, like, that's what kept you alive as a human. So it's, it's, it's, I kind of reframed it as every day I'm working like towards something like it was way too clunky. She helped me kind of refine it, but more like, I'm working towards knowing that. What other people's what other people think, or what would it say? It's like, my goals, my, you know, like, my desires as soon as that my desires are more important than my priority than what other people that you know, I mean, so it's like, You're not just saying, I don't care what other people think, like, I'm like, you do? Yeah, it's okay. But it's like, but you're willing to say I'm gonna put my desires above that. I feel like that's one more step that's a little more.
Theresa Lear Levine
Exactly whatever gets you closer to the goal in a genuine way that your nervous system and your brain aren't like fighting you on? Yeah, I love that.
Molly Cahill
So you talked about so that no, there's gonna be no prescription here. And you're gonna say it depends. But you talked about afterwards, you do the scale. And you say, you know, what did this take me? For him? Did it take me from a nine to a six? Did it take me from a nine to a zero? Which I'm sure maybe doesn't happen a lot. But
Theresa Lear Levine
you'd be surprised. I'm surprised sometimes when I'm think really, I don't know if this is really doing this for this person. They're like, gone totally changed.
Molly Cahill
That's incredible. Well, that's incredible. So how do you feel like like, if you're working with someone, one on one, and we'll talk about, at the very end? How people can work with you? Do you kind of always give them like a prescribed like, try to do this X amount of times per day? Or does it just depend?
Theresa Lear Levine
It does depend. And also, it depends on what they kind of have left and how much they understand. I mean, all my clients get access to my becoming more me with EFT programs. So they're all well versed in how to do this, and how to create change for themselves outside of our appointments. So if they know what's left, or if I can help them pinpoint it, and maybe even give them some setup phrases, then they can kind of run with it during the time between our sessions and make a lot of progress on their own. But there's really no specific amount of times per day, right? So one of the big things that I love to have people do when they start doing EFT, it's just like, make a list of 100 things that you'd love to see change. And it's surprising how easy that is, Oh, yeah. More important than that is just if every day you committed like five or 10 minutes to working on whatever the most bothersome thing is at the moment, then that would be really major progress. You know, because whatever's bothering you most at the moment is what's affecting your system the most and everything else, if you can release a little bit of that, then that's great. That's only a you know, if you have more time to sit down, and I like to say that EFT can be used like a band aid, like if you're, if you're getting ready to like, post that post, or whatever it is feeling like crazy. And you just need to kind of calm down for a second so that you can do it band aid application. If you have a longer period of time or the ability to invest in coaching. Let's do like some deep wound clean out there and see what's really behind it. Let's see what kind of things happened earlier in your life, whether that's really earlier in your life or like last year, any of those inner children all you know, have things to say. And let's clear some of that out subconsciously, maybe with some hypnotherapy, some regression work some, you know, reframing on a subconscious level. And then you'll get to the point where the root of the problem has been taken care of and you're no longer needing to use it for that as a band aid because it's not an issue anymore.
Molly Cahill
i That's so cool. Like I said, you're just speaking I love all this is the stuff I've been studying a lot lately. And I just think it's so fascinating. So I think it could have you ever had people so this is what I'm going through right now. So I have all of these techniques and modalities at my fingertips, right For me, it's not a knowledge issue of how do I, you know, get through this block or whatever. It's that won't sit down and actually frickin do it. And it takes five minutes. Why is that? And what can we do? Can we tap on not tapping, we tap on not tapping,
Theresa Lear Levine
resistance tapping on procrastination are some of my favorite things. Because most people feel like resistance and procrastination are their superpowers. And sometimes you just have to, like, let it go. Sometimes you almost have to sit down and be like, even though I don't want to tap, I love and accept and forgive myself, even though I don't use any of these stupid modalities that I've paid 10s of 1000s of dollars to learn. And I'm, you know, as smart as anything, but I'm not going to do it can't make me do it. I'm not going to sit down and spend my time doing it. I love accept and forgive myself. Even though you can't make me do it. And I'm not going to do it, you know, just just talk to yourself about it and see what shifts. But yeah, procrastination is it's like a stagnancy in your energy. And it's not having the right fuel to do what you want to do. And the resistance is usually you're resisting your own expansion, which is very painful. You know, I always say like, before I start working with somebody, and like, you have to be willing to take action. You know, if somebody comes to me, and they're in the midst of like, a crappy relationship, and everything else, I'm like, I don't know what's gonna happen over the next six months, we work together, you might be filing for divorce, you might need to move out, you might need to, like go do things to bring yourself closer together, like whatever the thing is, you have to be willing to take the action. We can't sit in this stagnant, or the coaching that I'm providing you isn't going to get you anywhere, you're just going to sit there resisting your own expansion and feeling like crap. And it's going to get worse. Because when you become more conscious, which is exactly what happens as you do EFT and hypnotherapy, if you don't take action, and you have that elevated consciousness, you're gonna be more miserable than you were before you started.
Molly Cahill
Yes. And I this so resonates with me not that I felt miserable. Actually, I'm feeling a lot better than I ever have. But at the same time, I have a lot of negative self talk and guilt around going, you know what to do? It would take you 10 minutes, why aren't you doing it? And I just say that to myself every single day, I'm like, Oh, another day went by and you didn't do the thing. Like whether it's you know, we have a total downstairs warm up, you know what that is like the weight machine. Right? When I'm lifting weights, I love lifting weights. When was the last time I did it. I have your EFT stuff on at my fingertips. I have the Orpheus track at my fingertips. When was the last time I did any of it? And it it's like this guilt isn't it makes me not want to do it more, because I have all of this evidence going, we're not going to do it.
Theresa Lear Levine
Right. So that becomes a matter of making the unfamiliar familiar, which is also a fun thing to work on. And because, you know, our our brain just wants to keep us safe. And it's like, you know, we haven't been doing this stuff, Molly, like, I don't know, if you really need to start doing this stuff. Because like we've been doing okay without this stuff. So I don't know why you need to add this into your schedule and make this part of your day. Can't we just keep doing what we've been doing. Because that's been going on, right? You're like, you're still alive, you're still you're still breathing. So we're good, right? But you're not good. Because alive. And breathing is not really like what you're going for, you're going for like living the life feeling amazing doing all the things your brain does not
Molly Cahill
ever the alternative. But yes, your brain will never care
Theresa Lear Levine
about any of that. And it'll just keep going like, maybe not. So that's where you have to, like, overpower it and actually start like talking to your brain on a regular basis and being like, no brain, like what I want most because your brain will respond to what you tell it you want. And really telling it. I don't really want to work out like kind of a pain in the butt to like, get my workout clothes on and have take a shower, I'm gonna redo my makeup. Like I don't really want to do that right now. And your brain is like, Well, yeah, I'm on board for that, like, cool, we are not doing that today. You have other things to do, whether it is scrolling the internet, or answering emails, or maybe like a phone call, like we've got you covered. But if you start telling your brain, what I really, really want is to use that machine every day. I love how I feel when I lift weights every day. And that is what I really, really want. I want the planning and the spaciousness of time in my day to make this happen. I want to sit down and do some EFT tapping every afternoon and I want to enjoy it and I want to experience change from it and just tell your brain it will it will totally support you and the things that you actually tell it you want. And so will your subconscious with things like what would it take questions? I love those you know, before you go to bed at night, let it work for you while you're sleeping like for me, what would it take for me to have an amazing workout tomorrow, do some tapping and also, you know do the things that are important for my business and my family mode to take your brain like in your subconscious figured out while you're sleeping.
Molly Cahill
Oh my gosh, I'm obsessed with that and we write that one down. So and I feel like that's such a difference in not the what would it take the thing before that you said about what you want. I feel like that's so different than an affirmation because that is something I really want. I really do desire those things. No, it's not unbelievable.
Theresa Lear Levine
Yeah. And then yeah, it just tell you keep telling your brain what you actually want, because it wants nothing more than to give you what you want. But it keeps probably getting messages that are not that you want that it's probably getting the messages of like the negative side of it and thinking like, we'd like to avoid pain. She don't want to do that. We're not going there.
Molly Cahill
Sure, no. Do you just love the movie? Inside Out? You have a six and a half year old? Yes. I just love that movie. Because I feel like it's so like, your brains like Nope. Hmm.
Theresa Lear Levine
Yes, I loved watching that with my kids. I was like, this is kind of like, what Mommy doesn't work, but like explained in a really fun way.
Molly Cahill
Yeah, it's like, you're legit, you're sitting there, like you imagined all these people at your command post going like, oh,
Theresa Lear Levine
it's true, though. And a lot of my work is like helping people understand these different parts of them, and what they're there to do, in most cases, to protect, to keep safe, you know, to guard them from all these things that they thought have been really harmful or unsafe. And to kind of release all of that maybe assign a new role to that part of them, where it can support them in what they want instead of holding them back from it.
Molly Cahill
So we touched on the the fear piece a little bit like you did almost like almost like a mock up to having let's let's talk about the time piece because I really do hear that more than the fear. People who have bought or enrolled in holistic marketing have, for example, which is my done with you course, they're like, I know I have 400, copy paste Instagram captions at my disposal, it would literally take me an hour to plan out an entire month's worth of content, but I'm not doing it. I'm not opening it. Or I know that I should be doing XYZ, you know, I could post three times a week or five times a week on Instagram, but it would, you know, explode my business, but yet, I'm not doing it. So can you how would you walk through that.
Theresa Lear Levine
So that's not normally a time issue. That's they're afraid of something that's on the other side of them doing that particular task. So you know, and it could be something positive, it could be that they're afraid of what's going to happen if their business explodes. And that's unfamiliar, just as you know, the failure feels like something they don't want, like both of them have things associated with them where they're like, Yeah, I don't know. And they might not even know that they're having that reaction on the inside. But usually, when people are procrastinating or avoiding specific tasks, it's because like, the thing that happens after they do that is not feeling safe to them. So working that out is important. And accountability. I mean, sometimes, especially when things are unfamiliar, like creating, you know, a process for, you know, doing your posting, or creating your content or whatever, you have to have accountability. And I know, I know that, especially as someone with ADHD and everything else, you know, sometimes I just have to tell my husband like going to my office, I'm ready my client sessions for the week, don't feed me lunch. And I'm done. Or, you know, if you, if you hear me do it anything else, like your permission to stop me, because otherwise, like, I'll get distracted just like anybody else. And once you do it a few times, whether it's you know, working out on your tonal or it's somebody creating content or whatever, and you realize how good it feels. That's the feeling that you're making familiar. And once you associate it with something that feels good a few times, it starts getting a little easier to do it. So yeah, sometimes you got to kind of push yourself through the first times. And that's when I also love like EFT because it's like, you know, maybe you're showing up to do it, you're like, I really don't want to do this today. And if you put in the feelings like I'm resistant, I feel like I want to do anything but this right now. And it feels, I feel like I want to run away from my desk and find something else to do. Like, just let the feelings come out. They they're, they're trying to tell you something. Yeah. Once you figure out and decode what they're trying to tell you, then you can have more of what you want.
Molly Cahill
I love that I used to do these once a month, like co working sessions on Zoom, but like nobody would get on. So I stopped doing him. Because I'm like, let's like sit down and let's go through everything. Like maybe I need to bring it back your hub student and you want that back, let me know, even if it's just you and me, I will sit there and work with you. I have 175 We
Theresa Lear Levine
do want accountability, but they also don't recognize how much they want it and they're also afraid of it. Because then they actually have to do the thing.
Molly Cahill
So yeah, totally. So Teresa, this has been so helpful. I mean seems to me like you can you can literally work through anything with this modality and you really can't
Theresa Lear Levine
I mean, like you said, we've already got it inside of us. Sometimes you just need a little help tweaking things out or, you know, figuring out what's been holding us back all this time. Sometimes it's like right here, but we can't see that on ourselves. So we need somebody to help us to draw it out and to figure it out with us and that's what I love doing
Molly Cahill
you Yeah. And that's what you're really gifted at doing. And I told Theresa, I can't wait. I do want to work with her one on one. I'm working with two other people one on one right now. So I'm waiting until my when time is that, but how can people find you tell us how people can work with you all that jazz?
Theresa Lear Levine
Yeah, the best place to find me is on my website, Teresa Lear levine.com. And there's information there about, you know, working with me and my program offerings and things actually launching a group hybrid program this summer. Thanks. So that's a great opportunity to get a lot of time with me and a lot of coaching over the next few months. And, yeah, I do one on one work also. And I love working with people for extended periods of time, I normally work with clients for at least six months, and longer I love it's not that the techniques take a long time. It's that the seasons of the year bring up all different things that people don't think of otherwise. Oh, yeah, anniversaries, holidays, things that they agree of all different things come up throughout calendar year that, you know, you might not think of in June or July, but are hitting your heart in December, and having the opportunity to walk through that. And you know, I love working with people when they're going through change and transition to I work with a lot of people who are transitioning careers or trying to uplevel what they're doing and being able to kind of walk through that while they're doing it is really valuable, because then every time some little thing comes up, we can take care of it in the moment.
Molly Cahill
Some of that will also link your private sessions below. Because
Theresa Lear Levine
yeah, absolutely. I would start there for anybody because that's you know, getting hands on with this is really the only way to understand the power of it. You can listen to Molly and I talking about it, but it's not the same as actually doing it. So download it and find something in there that speaks to you and give it a try.
Molly Cahill
I'm laughing because I've had that procrastination one. In my inbox marked as unread for however long ago, maybe three weeks. Is that not like I'm procrastinating opening the tapping session about procrastination. I love it. It's been on read middle guy. I'll get to it though.
Theresa Lear Levine
If I don't read it, then I'm not procrastinating.
Molly Cahill
Right. It's just unread. Like I have no yeah. There. Yeah. Anyway, thought that's funny. Thank you so much Teresa for your time, and we're gonna do our private session now.
Theresa Lear Levine
Yes, thank you, Molly. Appreciate it.
Molly Cahill
Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified, brought to you by holistic marketing hub, our hybrid program to support you with personalized coaching, captioned templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish but we also bait their hook, head to holistic marketing hub.com To learn more, and use code podcast for $100 off, and hey, you know every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast. Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly a K Hill. That's c h i ll I would greatly greatly appreciate your support. I truly appreciate you so much. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.
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