Episode 4: How The Peachie Spoon Built Her Loyal and Engaged Following with Meredith Mann

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Are you stuck in the mindset that in order to gain a large, loyal, and engaged following, you have to be a marketer? In today’s episode, Meredith Mann, Founder of The Peachie Spoon, joins us to share how she has built a loyal and engaged following of over 100k followers on her Instagram account, @thepeachiespoon!
Building an Online Presence for Your Brand
For a long time, like many of us, Meredith didn’t have a great relationship with food. She would get into a routine, then fall off, then jump on a new diet—all while not realizing the effects her blood sugar and anxiety were having on her body.
Once she figured out how to balance her blood sugar and nourish her body, she was able to have a healthy relationship with food. In July of 2019, she created her Instagram account, @thepeachiespoon. Two months later, she began offering one-to-one services.
In the beginning, she didn’t have a lot of strategy outside of posting what she was eating, recipes, and ideas! her growth started slow, but now she sits at 108 thousand followers. While followers aren’t always important, Meredith’s numbers are an ideal audience for her virtual services and cookbook!
A Holistic Marketing Approach
After Meredith created her Instagram, she realized just how much she loved being on the platform and connecting with others. While she played around with the idea of building out a full website and blogging, it didn’t fulfill her the way that Instagram did. That’s why she decided to fully commit to Instagram as her social media and marketing platform.
For her, Instagram was simple. That’s exactly what a holistic marketing approach is—marketing in a way that you enjoy as a business owner.
Finding Success on Instagram
As a successful Instagram account with over 108,000 followers, Meredith has found that Instagram is always changing and what works for some won’t work for others. For her own brand, she sees carousals and reels doing really well, especially when she’s posting desserts!
A great way to repurpose your content is by creating different content types out of the same content. Your audience isn’t all the same, they consume differently! By creating different types of content with reels, stories, and carousals, you’ll reach more people with your content.
Finding Balance While Managing an Online Presence
It is so easy to feel the need to be online all the time when you’re trying to build a brand and presence. One way that Meredith sets a boundary is by logging off her phone by 8 p.m. It’s definitely a struggle that she’s always working on.
Cutting Out the Negativity & Online Bullies
Another thing that comes with an online presence is negativity, which can result in a toxic relationship with Instagram. The advice that Meredith gives is to not take it personally; hurt people hurt people. Don’t let one negative comment deter you from seeing the impact of dozens of positive ones!
Adjusting to New Technology
In order to maintain an online presence, you also have to keep up with and adjust to updates within the platform you’re using. Don’t let that technology hold you back—embrace it and learn with it. You will never get to perfection in an online presence.
Repurposing Content
As a final thought on growing an engaged audience on Instagram, Meredith believes in the power of repurposing content! You don’t have to create unique and new content every single time you post on Instagram; if you have a popular post, you can repurpose it by using the caption again and changing the creative!
If you enjoyed this episode, make sure you join our private audio training, where I share how to market your health & wellness business on Instagram! This ultimate roadmap has you covered, step-by-step!

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Hello and welcome back to what are we on now? Episode Four of the holistic marketing simplified podcast every time just know if you ever DM me and I right back knew I always imagined myself saying it like that scene from Mrs. Doubtfire when she pops her face into the cake. So forever type that to you just know. That's what I sound like when I'm typing that to you. So today is our very first guest episode and I'm super pumped to have Meredith man from the peachy spoon on. And the reason I wanted Meredith to be our first guest is because Meredith is not a marketer. Meredith is a holistic nutritionist who has just amassed a giant engaged, loyal following on Instagram. She offers one on one nutritional consults, she has a cookbook, she has a course coming up soon. And she just does it. So she's just so real and effortless. And anyway, I think you're really going to enjoy her interview. I first met Meredith because she's from Birmingham, Alabama, which is where I'm from. And my best friend from college actually shared a recipe of hers to her story. So I started following her and then I just fell in love with her recipes and her personality. And then I ended up hiring her for a one on one console. And on that console, we got to chatting. And then we ended up doing we have a content repurposing service. It's not on my website. If you're looking for it, just DM me if it sounds something like you need, but we did a VIP day for her where we repurposed a bunch of her content, like recipes from her cookbook, we made the carousel posts for her. And then we ended up helping her with her core slides as well. So Meredith is super awesome. She definitely is just like a real down to earth amazing human being. And I can't wait for you to listen to this interview. So I can't wait to hear what you think. Here we go. Welcome to holistic marketing simplified a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill. And this podcast is brought to you by holistic marketing hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, captioned templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish but we also baked their hook, head to holistic marketing hub.com to learn more and use code podcast for $100 off, you can find full show notes, resources, and more at Molly cahill.com/podcast. Meredith Welcome. Welcome so much. Welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much for being here.
Meredith Mann
Yeah, I'm excited. Thanks for having me
Molly Cahill
real life, my daughter's home sick today. And then we had some tech issues. So my brains not completely turned on. But I wanted to have Meredith on today. Because instead of just having other people like me, who are the business side of things, or the marketing side of things, I want to make sure I'm bringing guests on that have actually done the thing naturally that I'm talking about. And Meredith has beautiful example of that. So if you don't already follow Meredith, she's at the peachy spoon and peaches with an IE. And she's absolutely fantastic. You've just liked just what do you think like I've been in this health and wellness space for like four years. And obviously I'm not a provider of any sort. But it's like, just when you think you've learned everything and then you it's like, oh, wow, like Utah, I've learned so much from you. And not that I was, you know, really trying to lose a whole lot of weight or anything but I just about I don't know, after I hit 35 It's like the magic year. Again, I put on some weight that I'd never had before. And like following your tips. I lost eight pounds. So yeah, no, and they're so easy. Like they're not restrictive at all. So and you have the super engaged Instagram community and a very successful coaching practice. So just kind of tell us like I said, we already did your intro, but tell me a little bit about you and the PG spoon and how you got here.
Meredith Mann
Okay, okay, so I didn't always have the best relationship with food. Like, I feel like when my kids were little, I wasn't feeling great. And I would sleep and I would do like, you know, I seemed like that for three to five o'clock every afternoon I would end up like overeating and being like, what's wrong with me how to do that again and like started another whole 30 the next day and just all of that and so like all or nothing with food and not the best relationship with food. But I did know that a lot of that was blood sugar related like that crash with an intense carb cravings had to do blood sugar. And then also like I didn't know my anxiety was caused from a blood sugar balance either because when we have spikes, sometimes that causes anxiety and the lows make you have those mood swings and carb cravings. So I was kind of a blood sugar mess and I didn't know that and so once I really figured out how to balance my blood sugar and nourish my body properly and shut off hunger. It was just a lot easier to like have a Know the relationship food and just feel good all the time. And I feel like that's part of like the fire when I'm so passionate because I feel like everybody needs to know how to eat. And everybody needs to like, be happy in their most energetic self, so they can live out their purpose and be a better mom or wife or husband or whatever, or business owner, whatever you're doing. But it's hard to do all those things if you don't feel good. Yeah. And if you're, you know, anyway, stuck in that cycle. So that kind of was how that started. But But years back before that, like I was a personal trainer before I had kids, I wouldn't know that. And so that was kind of like what I did back then. And like, that was really my passion. But then once I had kids, and then once they were just school, I always had this nudge of like, I'm supposed to be doing something else, but didn't know what it was. But I knew there was something. And so that kind of all happened over a span of five years with me figuring out the blood sugar stuff. And so I got some certifications and like holistic nutritionist and health coach and all these certifications, and then I just decided to start the company, start my Instagram and go for it.
Molly Cahill
So when did you start your Instagram?
Meredith Mann
It was July of 2019.
Molly Cahill
Oh my gosh, you know, alright, there was that it wasn't, oh, my gosh, I was thinking you were gonna say like, 2016. Or, Wow, I know, you're up to how many followers you have Hold on. And not that I ever, you know, you know, anybody who's listened to me before knows that followers are not like, always my thing.
Meredith Mann
But still, but yeah, and I'm forward and I'm 42. So it's not like I'm this young youngster that's really good at Instagram,
Molly Cahill
108,000 followers. And just like your edible cookie dough, 97 comments, 144 comments, 73 comments, 133 comments. I mean, you get like 269 comments. I mean, you have such an engaged audience. And it's not like I always say popular doesn't pay the bills, but it is paying the bills for you, because you have your cookbook. That's why I don't know your personal financial situation. I just know, you're like, I know you're busy. And I know you have a lot of clients and your cookbooks been selling really well. And you're about to have a course. And maybe by the time this airs, the course will be out, we'll make sure to link to that. Because just going through and helping you with your slides. I learned so much from your course. And I've I was telling Meredith I was like I've literally consumed every Instagram post you've ever done. I have your cookbook, and I still learned from your course and I'm still on my path. Like I I still don't have enough protein in the morning and at lunch because I can feel it that crash in the afternoon. So like, it's I feel like it's something that takes practice.
Meredith Mann
And it's always a journey to learn as you go. It's not like perfection is gonna happen. Right? Right,
Molly Cahill
exactly. But I am getting better at being like, I was telling my coach yesterday, instead of thinking about meal prep, I think more about where's my protein gonna come from tomorrow? I love it. So important. Yes, yes, you've helped me so much. But so when you started posting in July of 2019, did you have like a specific strategy in mind? At that time? Did you have an offer that people could pay you for when you first started posting? Like you do like the one on one consults?
Meredith Mann
Or did you? Yeah, I didn't. It was about two months after I started Instagram, I started the one to one consulting because I wasn't even done a few certifications yet. So I did try to wait till I was like done with my school stuff to like, really start seeing clients. But for sure, like, I didn't really have a strategy. And just like my first post ever, I was like, I'm just gonna post a smoothie because I love them. And I shut off my hunger and it was honestly not very pretty. It's like liquidy and green and in a bowl. Like, uh, you know, I've come a long way with my like, food aesthetics, you know, I learned as I go, Yeah, but I just, I feel like when you have that nudge, or whatever to to start your business or do whatever I was like, I'm just gonna do it. And I came up with the name, the PG spoon and like five minutes, and nobody had it on Instagram. So there's not like a lot of reason behind that. I just thought that the peachie spoon students, the Peachie spoon sounds like Southern and happy. And I live in Alabama. So I mean, there wasn't like a lot of thinking on that either. But it was like, I just went for it and did it. And I just kept posting and posting. And I do try to like, reply back to comments a lot. I do that like to actively, like, engage. But besides that, I didn't have like a lot of strategy. I was like, I'm just gonna post tips about working out. And because I was trainer and blood sugar staff and my recipes, and I do love to make recipes. And I'd never do that, because I'm not really quite somebody that loves to cook. But I do love to create recipes. And I think that's fun. So yeah,
Molly Cahill
but your recipes to me are just like so simple. They're always I always have your cookbook out. I can easily you know, it's a good cookbook when it's like filthy, like, yeah, like the pages are stuck together like I've got. Yeah, because it's not anything fancy. But so you talked about being Southern and being in Birmingham. I'm actually from Birmingham, which is randomly how I found you too, because a friend of mine from Birmingham had shared you. So one thing I wanted to talk about, and I feel like I'm kind of steering you in what answer I want, but I'm not it's only because I know this is what you did. I think a lot of people who so I work with a lot of brick and mortar people, right? And I also work with a lot of online business. like health coaches, wellness life coaches, and it's like, cool, I can serve anybody and everybody that speaks English, whatever language I speak like, and that's great. And that's beautiful. And you now I'm sure at this point have clients all over. But when you first started, do you feel like the majority of your clients were from the local area?
Meredith Mann
Yes, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. It was like friend of a friend. Oh, you shouldn't have a console with my sister. Like, it was like people just spreading the word. Yes. And it really started slow, for sure.
Molly Cahill
So that's what I tried to always kind of tell people. One tip you can go ahead and take away from this right away is if you do have an online health and wellness business, like don't be afraid to start locally. Because even if so let's say of all people considered, and there's two coaches you want to hire. And let's say like two coaches who do exactly what you do, Meredith, one isn't a timezone that's three hour different than mine, and one lives in my hometown. I've never met you in real life, but I picked you because it's like, oh, she lives in Birmingham. So don't be afraid to start out and double down on your local area. Because it just it can snowball from there. And people like that point of connection, right? Like they're like, Yeah, like that, like, Oh, she's
Meredith Mann
like, and I still feel like word of mouth is a big one. Like, as I always like at the beginning of my consults, I'm always like, how do you hear about me, you know, somebody usually it's like, my niece's, whatever had a console with you, and 2000 or, you know, like, it's random, but it's like, we do have these connections. Yeah. But now, it's probably about 5050. Like, I do a lot of zooms and bass amps, but it's about 5050. But I still meet with a lot of local people.
Molly Cahill
So when you first started cheering, like, and you saw kind of this power of like, wow, I've already because you don't really you have a website, but it's not like water. I haven't looked at it in a while. So tell me what kind of made you may make that decision to be like, I'm gonna go all in on Instagram.
Meredith Mann
Honestly, like, I mean, I loved Instagram before I started mine, but I didn't like where you have to, like link to a website, like to go to a blog. Same with Pinterest, like having a blog to find a recipe like that was annoying to me, because that's just one more thing. So I always put all my full recipe on my Instagram captions. And honestly, I don't even have my recipes on my website that's kind of on my list to do. Because I think older, some older people like to print it not well, that sounded mean. But you know what I mean? Like some people, you know, like, they're really when like, print it and have like, yeah, like a recipe card. And I haven't done anything like that. So that was one thing I might do eventually. But all my recipes are just on Instagram to simplify. Like, to me that felt easier, like once you learn how to navigate. So anyway, but that's kind of what my go to was about.
Molly Cahill
Yeah. And I love that. Like you said, it felt simpler to you. Like, if that doesn't feel simpler to you than you do. That's kind of what the whole, like undercurrent of this podcast is. It's why it's called holistic is because it's about work doing what works for you. And that's what works for you. And obviously, like I said, it has worked beautifully. So what kind of content do you feel like right now is getting the most engagement for you? Because you get a lot of engagement anyway, but what do you feel like is the thing that? Yeah,
Meredith Mann
it sometimes carousels like I feel like those done better like informative carousels are doing well. But of course, reels are where it's at. But I did see the new Instagram thing that came out that they're trying to make like Pitzer like it all, again, which is nice, like, um, that would be way easier. Because sometimes a lot of people don't know how to do Instagram and I get a million comments of like, I can't find the recipe, please send me the recipe. I'm like, it's in the caption. How do you do the caption is like tap three dots does it like you know, it is hard to find like the caption of real sometimes, unless you're like, get an Instagram with, you know, because it's always changing. But anyway, yeah. So I feel like hair cells are doing well, and reels do well with man, I feel like the desserts do really good. And it's tricky, because people are like, please, I need more, you know, dinner ideas. And I'm like, nobody likes the dinner. Like I do dinners in there. They're not as fun as the chocolate or the smoothies. Like they're just not but I mean, I tried to you know, keep it real and post everything that do like the desserts, the smoothies, the carousels do really well with me. Yeah.
Molly Cahill
And what she's talking about, if you don't know, I usually don't talk about stuff like this on my platform, because I'm one of those people. I don't like to say Instagram says do this, and then we do you know. But yeah, I'm always like, just do what feels good to you. And it'll work. No. But you that ahead of Instagram did say that in 2023, they were going to start trying to give equal weight to video content and photo content, which is exciting like that. And to your point to also everybody learns things differently. So even if you can't, because we've seen that with one of our clients to people, we will literally have the exact instructions in the caption and people be like, where are you located? And it's like it says it right there and like where she's like it or it'll be like, how do I book an appointment with you? And it's like, says it right there. So yeah, some people learn differently. Some people need to see it. It's just Yeah, it's cool because it's like you can take a reel and make it into a carousel like it doesn't have to be all unique content because different people are gonna see it. And even if the same people see it, it might just get through to them and a little bit of a different one. A Yeah,
Meredith Mann
yeah, for sure. So there's not like a right or wrong, but at first sure, like, at first there wasn't real yet and I was doing just, you know, pictures of food. So that was like a learning curve to like, Oh no, every time I make a recipe, I've got a video to like, that's another like added to my list so that I can have a picture of it and a reel of it anyway, but it worked out I got better at it.
Molly Cahill
So talk to me about how you cut Yeah, cuz I know you're big on balance and work life integration and that how do you make sure that it doesn't take over? Like, you're always you feel like you're always on your phone?
Meredith Mann
Yeah, I have to be careful with that. Because I'll even I have teenagers at three teenagers. But the other day I was talking about, I was like, We should do a family movie night. That'd be so fun. And Crawford's, like, you're just gonna be on your phone. And I was like, oh, you know, like, I don't want to be off it all the time. I don't want my kids to see me on the phone all the time. So I really try to like have times where like, if I'm sitting in carpool, and I'm like, this is a perfect time to reply to comments about myself. It's no big deal, like tried to, like have the sections of time to do it. And then I'm like, Okay, I'm not going on Instagram until this time, like, I try to set out times or else it just turns in that habit where like, you're at a red light, and you're doing it and then it's like, way too much. And so I have to be careful with that and mindful with it. So I try. You know, I also put my phone up about eight o'clock at night, I put it I charge it in the kitchen. I feel like it's 9090 and my phone's attached to the wall and I'm done with my phone. So I try to have like, some boundaries with that and follow through with myself. But yeah, cuz it's a struggle, like I want not necessarily like a people pleaser. But I want to like my hardest to help people. So like, if they have questions, or like, what about swapping this ingredient? Or what? Like, I want to answer it and be sweet. Like, that's just my I just want to like, I love my Instagram. Like it just, you know, I don't mind it.
Molly Cahill
And that's exactly again, like going back to my point of, well, I do have an episode though. It'll be episode three. That's about how to transform your toxic relationship with Instagram. So I think we could actually go there if you want, because it can be an ugly place.
Meredith Mann
Yeah, and I can tell when I get burned out, like I'll start getting sometimes like a post does really well, like you get start getting some weird be like, yeah, how dare you use stevia, that's, you know, it's bad for gut health, or, you know, like, I mean, I get stuff all the time, more followers more problems. But you have to just really be like, I mean, hurt people hurt people are they really, they might be a really hurting person, like it just try to be like, give grace and be compassionate. And you have to just not let that stuff bother you. You can't let the unfollowing people like, I feel like, you know, if you really look, you get so many more followers, but you always have a lot of followers to every week. And that just you can't take it personal, like not everybody is your person. Like it just, you can't let that kind of stuff get to you like you're still to think of how many people are following you and the impact you're having on them and that you are helping and making a difference and just try to focus on that positive and not negative.
Molly Cahill
It's so unfortunate that the one nasty comment can undo like, 300 You've changed my life. It's like, why did we focus on one nasty thing? Yeah. And I'm
Meredith Mann
like, it could just be somebody that like goes through and comments mean, on everybody's stuff, because it takes some time and energy to like, comment, like, I was like, are you just not saying anything? You know, it's funny, but like, you just can't let it bother me. So we
Molly Cahill
have a client who went viral with her. She's a pediatric chiropractor. It's like what people think it looks like to just a baby what versus what it really looks like. And it was so funny. She like used a baby dolls, like an example. And it was hilarious. And like I said, we got like 3.2 million views. And she's the sweetest person on the planet. And some of the comments were just so nasty. Now, you know, we run her Instagram. So we were kind of the gatekeepers, and it was funny because my team and our, we don't normally work at night. But like we have pretty strict boundaries with our you know, because we would be on our phone, like all the time. So we because we manage 25 accounts. So we were we were like texting each other at night, which we never do. Like oh my gosh, okay, I'll take these comments and you take that we're like deleting them for her she says sweet we just like didn't want her to see him because people are so nasty. And I
Meredith Mann
and I even my big sister she's more like a little more not more like drama thriving. She'll like say stuff back and I just don't say anything like me but she'll like big sister will come out and she did it yesterday. Some guy said I you talk to you fast. I can't understand you through southern accent and all this. She was like pissed. But I was like, you can stop lands at the I don't have like moved on. Like I do not care. But it's just funny because it's annoying. It's like how dare you don't follow her? Like, you know, I mean, then follow someone else.
Molly Cahill
That's funny, because I've jumped in and defended you a couple of times, just because I feel like I know you you know. And even though we'd like never met in real life, I'm like, she's amazing. I'll take it. So I want to touch on so you went back and you said you're like you're in your 40s Because one of the biggest barriers to entry I have from a lot of people Sure. Like, I'm just not good with technology. No, I've heard you say that a million times. So I'm gonna like work with you next time. I hear you say it. I'm gonna say Meredith. Don't say that. Because when you first started using it, you probably didn't know what you were doing either. So I think the whole saying Practice Makes Perfect is like a terrible saying, because it's really like, you're never going to be perfect. Like you said, it's like practice makes improvement. Whoever said that I can't remember who said that. But I think you're just an inspiration to say, you're in your 40s. You have teenage kids, because that's another. That's another pushback I've gotten with my kids hate it when I post which you've talked to me about them?
Meredith Mann
Yes, as long as it's up to them. I mean, usually, they don't care that much, but they get super embarrassed if I like, do a video of me like working out or something. And I mean, it's not like I take my shirt off, like, I have on full workout clothes. I don't even do spandex. But they're like, Mom, especially the boys, though, but you just have I'm like, It's my job. And I'm really helping people. Like I'm trying to be like, just to see, it's like, it's not about you. And if you're embarrassed, you're gonna be embarrassed or teenager, like just don't, you know, I think it was because their friends say stuff, but there's no matter what you do, you're gonna be right. But I do feel like I have self learned things I do say I'm bad at technology. And I should stop that that's like, just, you know, speaking a lie of yourself. Like,
Molly Cahill
then your brain what happens is your brain is going to look for proof of that. It's gonna be like, Oh, yes, yeah, I am that,
Meredith Mann
right? Because like, a laptop does confuse me. Like, I'm just not that great at that part. But Instagram, I feel like, I have like, when new stuff comes out, or like, when rules came out, I fell on YouTube. Like, I just watched videos of how to do it, and I figure it out. And it's not that hard to get good at it. Like, like, you just practice. And it's not like nothing will happen. Like you accidentally post it. You can delete it if you want. It's not a big deal. But I think um, but a lot of me just like putting myself out there that I think my personality like, I've never been one super embarrassed like, I'll do no filter, no makeup, like, I do not care about that kind of stuff. I think people really like real. And so and they just found that trust in you when you're showing your face some. So I think they liked like real authentic, I trust this person. And that's really like that turns into clients.
Molly Cahill
Yeah. And that's what you do. So well, like, literally, I read your posts. And I'm like, it sounds just like you. I love it. And I tried it and I try to teach people that I'm like, stop, stop putting on this persona of, again, that's kind of the undercurrent of it. Can you go back to Episode one what I teach everybody is gone are the days like you and I were brought up in like the school of, okay, this is business, Meredith. And then this is personal Meredith, to don't mix. But that's not a thing anymore, which I think is such a beautiful thing. Because when again, going back to I use the Birmingham example. But going back to if there's a million health coaches I could hire where I'm going to hire the person. I feel like I can see myself reflected in that person. Perfect example. There's this business coach I've been following recently. And her content was really great. Like it was really good. She has a she was sharing some great nuggets that I had to unfollow because every single video she had on like a super cute top. Her hair was perfect. Her makeup was perfect. She had on super cute earrings. Like I just was like, Wow, if I were to hire her, I would always feel like I was not enough. Not because anything she even said like she wasn't even being judgmental. It was like those cute, just as cute. What do they call it? Like the nonverbal cues you get from someone you're like, ooh, that's not me. I'm not going to be the person that has on a full put together outfit and perfect hair and a perfectly clean background for every single video and there are people she has she attracts her market for her. Right. And like, I think, like you said, just being yourself because there are going to be people who are like, ooh, she's not super whatever. But it's like cool. There's somebody for you. And there's somebody for me and the right people to go around.
Meredith Mann
Yes, it's all fine. And I think it's healthy to unfollow people sometimes because it's like, Instagram should be a happy place like not a place of comparison or like somewhere that brings your mental health down like we have enough stressors going on on this earth so so yeah, I'm like all about unfollow, if it's not sparking Joy anymore.
Molly Cahill
Yeah, exactly. Again, going back to episode three, that's what I'm talking about. So if you don't want to unfollow them, you can mute them. So and another thing I love about you is you like your videos and your your posts and your captions. Like they're never perfect. Like there always is like, and like yeah, you could tell she's like, I'm just gonna get this content out in the world. So for you, you said it wasn't a struggle, right? Because you said that's kind of your personality. What do you have you ever done personality? Tests? Like, do you like the Enneagram?
Meredith Mann
Yeah, any of them? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'm a man.
Molly Cahill
That's a peacemaker. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, let's see that. But the one is the perfectionist. So
Meredith Mann
yeah, I'm not a perfectionist, that's for sure. But I do hustle though. I have a little hustle on me. Like I feel like you know, I always have like right now I've got like 210 reels, right again, like anytime like I can. I do have that would stress me out if I had nothing to post like I do like, like, I'll just feel inspired and the sun's out and I'll like do several recipes or I feel inspired or even on Saturday morning. Sometimes I feel like I feel smart and I have some margin and in that's a lot of the time when I'll do it. have captions for I'm like, That's a good idea. And I'll turn it into like, a carousel or something like smart. Yeah,
Molly Cahill
I know that feeling you some days you're like, I don't my brain is not on today. Yeah, let's go there. Let's talk about what does your content creation process look like? Like how do you like, let's say you're like day one of your cycle? And you're like, I'm super tired. Don't feel like doing Jack, you feel like usually have a reserve? Yes, for sure. When you did feel good.
Meredith Mann
I did have reserve. And but I don't I don't post. I mean, I don't have something that posts for me. What does that call like when you post again? Yes, I don't do that. I think that could be helpful for some people. But my personality, I like it to be like, oh, I want to post this. That sounds good. Like I just like it to be spur of the moment. I have content ready to go. But I like to pick it last minute. And when I decide to post,
Molly Cahill
I'm like that to go. I'm like that too. And I did an episode on that in the My private audio training. It's just Mullica hill.com/private training. It's $27. And I talk about how batching like batch creating is always it's great. But you have to make it fit your own personality.
Meredith Mann
Yeah. And I mean, I'm, you know, like I said, I have, you know, I'm doing one to ones and I am a little introverted. So I get really tired easily. So like, if I have two consultations, like that isn't a good day for me to start, like recording myself, like my brains. I'm done. I'm toast. So I try to have like a couple days a week of like, some margin where like, I could just use my energy to only do post and do that kind of stuff that makes it more fun to have those days to be creative and do other things. I don't even know if I'm answering the question. No, you did. I think it was. Yeah, but I do. I mean, aesthetically, I feel like my Instagram is a perfect either. I don't have like a certain amount of recipes than a perfect hairstyle. So it looks pretty I don't do that. I try to like space it out. But it's not perfect.
Molly Cahill
Nobody cares about that. That was like all the rage in like 2017. Yeah.
Meredith Mann
That's stressful and overwhelming. super stressful.
Molly Cahill
Another thing I've noticed that you do is reuse and repurpose content. You want to talk about that to kind of give people some extra bandwidth.
Meredith Mann
Yeah, so I feel like since I've been doing it now for a little while, like I mean, people forget about stuff, especially I think six months past like game on, if you have a post that did great six months ago, a year ago, repost it, you can just change the caption a little like, I do that all the time, especially like my high protein deletes those did really well. That's how I got a lot of followers because some of those went viral. So I'm like, why not redo that, again? Like the gingerbread one did great last year, like a year ago at Christmas, so I've reposted it in July for Christmas in July or something and it did good again, you know what I mean? So I feel like yeah, definitely repurpose. But also little stuff like, like, when Instagram used to just be captions, I would have like, you know, it's like a picture with captions is about all it was. That's where I would put all my words and I've turned into like, like, you know, like seven tips to burn fat or balance your blood sugar. You can totally I can have all that in the notes on my phone. Like, that's just where I keep all my stuff to a lot of stuff. Yeah, yeah. But you could just turn that into a carousel, you could turn it into a real where like you're saying the things you could turn it into whatever. But I feel like, anyway, I just like, there's no need to really always be making new content. With that. I totally
Molly Cahill
agree. And I feel like once you have, I keep a lot of stuff on the Notes app on my phone, we also use playing only for our clients. But for myself, a lot of stuff is just on the Notes app on my phone. And the beautiful thing about that is like I have this one client who it's so funny, she was my first client, like one of my first clients ever. And so now that we have the agency and I have contractors and stuff that do most of the client work, she's been the one who like I've held on to because you know what I mean? Like first one, yeah, baby. Yes. She does a lot of like menopause content and all that. And so I have so much of her captions on my notes app. So I'll just kind of make a puzzle. I'll be like, I'll take this paragraph from this caption paragraph from this caption. Totally. And then it's kind of new again. Yeah, yeah.
Meredith Mann
And I think the ones where you're speaking and saying things I felt like that is definitely don't need to be perfect either. Like I feel like that kind of stuff. Like if it's going to be perfect. You're just not ever going to post anything. So you have to do you know, people like a typo might be another comment you get by selling me you tag something wrong. I mean, you just can't worry about it. Right?
Molly Cahill
It happens for all humans. Okay, what are the last are there's two two more things I want to talk to you about and we'll wrap it up so we've talked a lot about like reels and carousels, but one of the biggest places I feel like people miss out that is the easiest place to create his stories.
Meredith Mann
It's true. It really is. And I think part of me I get stressed out because I'm like well I can't share the story. Like I can share a reel but it's not gonna grow up I share but I feel like stories is just a way to like be real and nourish like you're everybody's already following you like you're not trying to get followers but just to really be real on that like yesterday I came on out on pajamas the kids just walked out the door no makeup and I was just venting about how I'm sick of cooking. And so but I just say I've got like everybody's like me too. Yes, yes. And I just think it's like building community so like if I just have something my heart and be like, I mean other people are thinking this and I'll just video real quick. You know what I mean? But I think just not overthinking and just doing it as it comes is so real. And I love story like stories are just a great way to for people to trust you too. and like get to know you better.
Molly Cahill
I call stories a playground, because it's my friend Shane and calls it the stories test. So she says, if you get a bunch of DMS on the story, you're like, yeah, that needs to be a real or that needs to be. Yeah. And for the people who are like, our little anxious about creating or showing their face or whatever, I feel like stories is a great place to start. Because it's like, cool. If you want to throw in a filter, like, do it you want to. It's only up for 24 hours. Like it's a really cool place to kind of test out. Yeah, putting yourself out there and see, see what your audience resonates with? And what a beautiful place like I'm sure how many consultations have you booked from people saying a story and DMing you,
Meredith Mann
right? Oh, I'm sure. Yeah. Yeah. Because I get a lot through DNS. It's not just through the website. So
Molly Cahill
yeah. So the last thing I wanted to talk to you about was, again, is actually the consultations. So as I said, this isn't all about this isn't just about how many views and followers and comments you get. It's about actually growing your business. Yes. So how do you feel like what do you feel like is like the main driver to converting people from, oh, this recipe looks good to like, hiring you as their coach, of course,
Meredith Mann
I think like, it's that like relationship, they feel like they have with me, like the trust and that kind of stuff. Doesn't that do put myself out there. And I'm like, Oh, I'm having a hungry day. I just, you know, like, I'm pmse I just ate more than usual. So I'm not always being real. And I'm not like trying to be like this perfect. Like, I've got this figured out. And I'm going to teach everybody, you know, like, is there is no perfection. But yeah, I mean, I'm way better than I was. But you know, but anyway, but it's I think that helps. But I just Yeah, I feel like it's like big with the trust. And then also, I mean, now that people are getting results, you know, have a lot of like, little like, they've texted me and I'm like I've lost this much, or just a DM on Instagram. So you'd like three this morning of live. And it's a lot of people, honestly, that aren't even clients sometimes, like they just take my recipes on Instagram and my tips, and they like have all these great results. But I think they might love the course. I mean, you know what I mean? Like, there's it's so unlimited. And, you know, like, if they really want to get all my info and all the things I think that really helps. But, but yeah, I don't know, do you feel like there's
Molly Cahill
a particular type of content that can convert better to actual consultations, or is kind of all over the map?
Meredith Mann
I felt like it's all over the map. I don't think there's necessarily like for me, like recipes don't necessarily get me new client. I mean, I wouldn't think but it does grow my Instagram and they start trusting me and and ask new clients. But I would say Yeah, more of just like the stuff I share in my stories and trusting me and like talking about how I workout and just keeping it real on all the things and like being like, Oh, well this is totally doable. I could do all these things and like have a thriving metabolism and feel good. I think that kind of stuff converts to competition.
Molly Cahill
If anybody's listening to this, my daughter is okay. She wants you to come play with her. We're wrapping up and she's home sick today. So she is not dying. There is not a hurt cow in my house. I know. Meredith How can obviously the best way to find the peachy spoon on Instagram she with an IE Yes. And we'll link it below. And like I said, hopefully by the time this is airing your course will be out. I don't know maybe
Meredith Mann
the spring? Yeah. Should be in this. Okay.
Molly Cahill
Okay, yeah, and if not, maybe we can even help you get away waitlist page set up and you can have a waitlist.
Meredith Mann
Whatever, that's awesome. You're so helpful.
Molly Cahill
Last tip, we're gonna switch to the health, the health category now like, obviously, you can't be a good entrepreneur and you can't be showing up on Instagram or you can't be adjusting patient patients all day if your blood sugar is not balanced, right? So what is like the number one thing that people need to tweak?
Meredith Mann
I would say not to do like nekkid carbs like fruit by itself or something like that as a snack. Definitely not like a banana for breakfast. That first meal really sets the tone for hunger and cravings all day. So I'm like if you really said this is two things, really focus on breakfast and really make that balanced and that will just make your life easier with the afternoon cravings and that kind of stuff. But also just get those naked carbs and try not to just eat like crackers by itself or like pair it with the protein and some fat and that just makes your blood sugar way more stable. So it's not like you're not allowed to eat apples. Just have some peanut butter with it.
Molly Cahill
Yeah, I know if I say I've been aiming for 30 grams of protein breakfast and lunch lunch breakfast I can almost always do lunch is hard. I'm working on it. Yeah, you're you're amazing easy recipes. But it Gosh, it makes such a difference.
Meredith Mann
Like you just you feel good like your hunger shut off and you don't think about food like you're just like working and doing other
Molly Cahill
things that funny to how you're like oh, I don't want that bowl of cereal at nine o'clock. Yeah, like
Meredith Mann
and that's just like nourishment, ketchup. That's all your body was doing? Like you literally haven't had enough nourishment, even if you'd like, like most Americans are like undernourished and overfed. And I said like yeah, really need the calories in the cereal or like you shouldn't be more hungry. You ate all this but you have this carb cravings because your body is just craving that nourishment and really it just needed more protein and breakfast and lunch usually.
Molly Cahill
Well go follow Meredith and you'll get lots of my my health coach
Molly Cahill
group always shares your risks. Love it a little bit of fun. Thank you so much for coming on today and thanks for having me. I had your little nugget feels better. Oh, she's she's
Molly Cahill
Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified, brought to you by holistic marketing hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, captioned templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish but we also baked their hook, head to holistic marketing hub.com to learn more and use code podcast for $100 off and hey, you know every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast. Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly a K Hill. That's c h i ll I would greatly greatly appreciate your support. I truly appreciate you so much. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.