Episode 89: Scrappy Ways to Increase Engagement With Your Ideal Client or Patient

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Is your Instagram engagement feeling flat lately? If so, you’re not alone—and you’re in the right place! Today, I’m sharing insights from a behind-the-scenes coaching call inside the Holistic Marketing Hub that dives into practical, scrappy tips to help boost your engagement.
In this episode, I walk through simple, effective strategies to help you revive your Instagram presence. Whether you’re a health and wellness professional or an entrepreneur looking to connect more meaningfully with your audience, these tactics are designed to not only increase your visible engagement (likes, comments) but also your invisible engagement (saves, shares, and profile visits).
Defining Engagement: More Than Just Likes and Comments
Before diving into the tips, let’s redefine engagement. It’s easy to get caught up in visible metrics like likes and comments, but Instagram tracks much more than that. Invisible engagement metrics like profile visits, saves, and shares often tell a more accurate story of how well your content is performing.
This means that even if you’re not seeing tons of likes or comments, you might still be getting great engagement that drives people to your profile or website. So, take a look at your insights for the full picture before deciding whether your engagement is truly down.
Scrappy Tips to Boost Your Engagement
Email Your Patient/Client Database
One simple yet highly effective way to boost your engagement is to email your current patients or clients and ask them to follow you on Instagram. You can take it a step further by offering a patient or client-centric giveaway where they can win a prize by interacting with a pinned Instagram post. This not only drives engagement but also teaches the Instagram algorithm who your content should be shown to.
Leverage Patient or Client Ambassadors
Ask your most loyal patients or clients—the ones who already rave about you—to act as “engagement ambassadors.” They can help get the ball rolling by commenting on your posts or sharing your content in their stories. Sometimes all it takes is a spark to start the engagement flowing!
Collaborative Giveaways with Local Businesses
Consider collaborating with local businesses for a giveaway. You don’t need a huge following to make this work—just make sure both accounts are active on Instagram. Add your collaborator to the giveaway post so it appears on their feed as well, and be clear about the entry requirements (think: follow both accounts and drop an emoji to enter).
Personal Engagement and Patient Retention
Another often overlooked aspect of Instagram is how valuable it can be for retaining current patients or clients. Instagram keeps you top of mind, helps you maintain a connection, and provides an easy way for them to stay updated on your practice. And when your current clients engage with your posts, the Instagram algorithm learns who your ideal audience is—leading to better visibility for new prospects.

The Power of Simple Tactics
One more tip to increase engagement: Don’t underestimate the power of simplicity. From “comment the word” posts (where users drop a specific word in the comments to get a link or more information) to easy, relatable engagement posts like “What’s the last thing you bought on Amazon?”—making engagement fun and frictionless is key.
If you’re looking for even more in-depth strategies and support, you can join the Holistic Marketing Hub. Inside, you’ll get access to monthly coaching calls, like the one this episode came from, as well as a wealth of resources designed to help you simplify your marketing and grow your business.
Want to take your Instagram marketing to the next level?
Check out Holistic Marketing Hub today and see how you can simplify your marketing, boost your engagement, and attract more clients!
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The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hook!
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Episode Transcript
Hello, and welcome back. If your engagement is down on Instagram, then this is the podcast episode for you. This episodes actually, so it's a little bit different, I decided to take one of my coaching calls that I do for holistic marketing hub, and use the recording of this coaching call for the podcast. So if you've ever wondered what it's like to be inside holistic marketing hub and be a student, and the types of things that I cover in our monthly coaching calls. And I just want to note, this is in addition to the core curriculum of holistic marketing high, which is was actually just completely refreshed and updated. So it's all brand spankin new, actually made it really like not short, but just more succinct as well. I was recently in two different courses, actually, that I bought for, for other things. And I was just so annoyed at the videos inside the courses, because you could tell there was zero editing done after the fact to the videos inside the courses. So like, their screen would be loading, and they wouldn't cut that out. So I had like 10 seconds. And then they'd be like, um, let's see, and they'd be like 10 More seconds they didn't cut out. So all of my videos inside holistic marketing hub are super tight and edited. So that like you only get what you need, because I know your time is valuable. I just wanted to throw that out there. So yeah, if you're interested in joining the hub, I would be honored to have you, you can simply go to my website at Molly cahill.com. And at the top, you'll see a link for holistic marketing hub, you can get a full list of everything that's included, or you're welcome to just DM me if you're like is this the right program for me, I will be 100% honest with you. Our agency is now booked out until March of 2024. So I also just recently added a brand new job description and training plan if you wanted to have like a ca or front desk staff or intern or your sister or whatever it goes through the hub on your behalf. I've created like a whole training plan, job description, even including like an hourly rate, like proposed and all that jazz. So without further ado, if your Instagram engagement is down, then check out this behind the scenes recording of a coaching call inside holistic marketing hub. Welcome to holistic marketing simplified a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill and this podcast is brought to you by my marketing roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that's kind of like this podcast but not exactly because it's not available to the general public when you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram or my blogs or whatever is that yes, you will learn a lot but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for. This five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order. That's why it's called a roadmap. If you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey, or if you already are started and you're just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information. This is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just $27 So all you have to do is head to Molly cahill.com/private training and based on the reviews I've had so far I know you won't be disappointed
Hello, my name is Dr. Abby Parrish and I'm a chiropractor located in Old Town Daphne, Alabama, and I listen to the holistic marketing simplified podcast
Alright, so today's little mini training and it's gonna be I'm gonna try to keep it pretty short is all about if your engagement is down, and some tips that you can kind of do a column like my scrappy tips to increase your engagement. So the first thing I want to do is just kind of not define engagement because if you go back to the community building an engagement classroom there's a whole video on that about a defining engagement and then I would also encourage you to go back to the insights classroom I believe that's either classroom one or two your insights on understanding your insights and the reason I say that I feel like those two things are really good primer for this lesson is simply because I don't want to just judging your quote engagement based on likes and comments and followers. In that engagement classroom I talk about the difference in like what I've kind of dubbed visible versus invisible engagement which is visible means I can come to your profile, I can see how many likes comments and followers you have. I cannot come to your profile and see how many people saved your post how many people shared it well on real as you can see sharing information now but no On irregular post, I can't see how many people went to visit your profile. After seeing a piece of your content and thinking, Oh, I like this so much, I want to go back to their profile. See more, I can't see how many website taps that post got. So I do want to make sure that you're looking at your, quote, you know, engagement being down from like a holistic view. And again, I go through over, I go through in detail in the insights classroom, how to really determine how things are doing and you know, how to understand your statistics. But with all that being said that that kind of disclaimer, I do want to also remind you that it is the holidays, and around the holidays, usually starting in October is when we see everything start to dip, for a lot of reasons when people are just posting more frequently, usually around the holidays, and you've got Black Friday, and then you've got tons of paid traffic that's coming in. And before that you've got like Prime Day, and it's just so much and you're just competing with so many different, like so much more content. So don't feel like discouraged this time of year, if things are still like looking a little bit down. So here are just like a couple things that you can do though. Assuming that you've, again watched the insights classroom, you understand the back end. And again, assuming you've watched the full community building an engagement classroom and understand, you know, the like, the visible versus invisible, and then like all of the step by step stuff that I teach every year for you to do on your Instagram account. So the first thing that super easy to do is to email your current patient or client database and ask them to follow you.
You want to do this more than once and I have a script inside the engagement classroom. I'll also I can like link it. And it's just a simple script that just says, Hey, are you following us on Instagram yet is the best place to get latest appointment openings and things going on in the community and blah, blah, blah, and then to hyperlink your Instagram. And if you want to take it a step further, you can also do some type of patient or like client centric giveaway, where maybe in the email, you don't have to do this, this is just like maybe you send at once just the plain version and just kind of watch your stats and see what happens. And most people's email software gives you the ability to track clicks, like how many people have clicked that link. It's funny because my, my personal chiropractor did that. And I got one of my best friends here going to my chiropractor here. And she was like, Oh, I just started following them on Instagram, I didn't even know they had one. And they emailed me and asked me to follow up. And I was like, I told him to do that. So it was great. Like it does work. For sure I've that just like made me really happy to be like, oh, people are actually like implementing it. And it's working. And so what that does, I know if your argument is, well, I want new patients and I want new people, well, you're not going to be able to really not harmlessly, you're not going to be able to, it's a hell of a lot easier to attract new patients or new clients. If this works. This pertains to you, even if your virtual online business, if the algorithm understands who they need to be showing your content to. And when you have your current patients or clients following you and engaging with your content, then that's excellent. Like it's an excellent teacher, if you will, to the algorithm of who to show your content to. So it really does serve. And I mean, Instagram is beautiful for retention as well. It's like the one of the most like overlooked pieces of the puzzle is about retention. And I just had Dr. Kevin Christie on the podcast a couple weeks ago. And he was talking about how, you know, I don't teach ads or anything like that. But he was talking about how he only runs, he does run Facebook and Instagram ads, but he only runs them to his current client or current patient database, which I thought was so smart. Because it's like for retention, like trying to get them back into you know, like, like that top of the mind thing. So yeah, so that's like I said, so I would highly, highly recommend emailing. And like I said, you want to do it more than once. If you've, you know, if you're not used to emailing your your lists, like you know, once a month or something like that's fine. And then you can always just kind of put it into some type of sequence if you want after that. And then the other thing that's a little more manual in this pertains like if you have front desk staff if you don't have front desk, staff, whatever, anytime a patient is coming in, just to say hey, just give us a follow on Instagram. Come say hi once you're there. Oh, let me go back the step further thing that I was talking about if you want to do some type of like patient or client centric giveaway, is you could Have a pinned post on your Instagram. And to do that, once you post it, you'll just use those three little dots that are on the top right of the post and just hit pin to profile. And you want to make it really, really like obviously clear that that's the posts, you want it to be like, current client giveaway post, like current patient giveaway post or something like leave no room for, for guessing where that post might be in the email that you send to your current patients or clients say, like, do a screenshot of what that post looks like, and be like, drop it emoji on this post to be entered into the giveaway, make sure you put like a time period on it. So you might want to maybe like if you're gonna do like, keep it open for a week, maybe you send two emails during that one week period, and then make sure the giveaway is something really good. And that only a current patient or client is eligible to win, whether they're active or not, like they don't have to be, I would just say like, you know, if you've ever been in to see us. And then again, that just serves as the people who are commenting the, it's almost like serving as a teacher to the algorithm to go, Oh, these are the type of people who we need to. And then it also increases the odds that those current patients or clients are going to see your posts down the road, you can also encourage them to add you to their favorites on Instagram. And to do that all they have to do is toggle over to your profile, there's, um, let me let me see it. So I can disclaimer, on my version of Instagram, this is what it looks like. So if you go to someone's profile, and then tap underneath their bio, it'll say following, you can add to favorites. Now with Instagrams feed showing you all kinds of suggested people, I just find that that's like another good thing you can do. And again, I wouldn't do all of this like the first round, I would, cuz you want to overwhelm people with all these different things to do. But I would at the very least try sending out the email, and try to give away the patient, current patient or client giveaway just to see what happens. And if you are not, like you see, you send this email and you're like, Oh, I'm getting crickets like still no one's like coming to this post and entering this giveaway. Then I'm gonna this pertains to one of my next tips, which is to delegate what I like to call client or patient ambassadors. And all this means is, you know, those patients or clients you have who love you and would do anything for you. And they're the ones that bring you you know, Christmas gifts, or stop by bringing you coffee on the way to their appointment. And just ask them even if you have to, I don't know, depends on what type of relationship you have, right? You know, just say, Hey, can you go comment on this? Because sometimes it just takes getting the ball rolling. It's not that no one wants to comment. It's either that no one saw it, or no one wants to be the first one to comment. And I had someone asked me about HIPAA, which I found to be strange, because I'm not a lawyer, right? Like I'm this is not my wheelhouse. But like when you leave somebody a Google review, like way more like your name is there. And chiropractic is not necessarily like a private. I mean, I guess like doctrine, a call you do more fertility stuff. So I could see maybe that being like, but still you have other people. And if I'm the one that's choosing to comment or like choosing to put my name out there, like I don't think like, again, I'm not an attorney, but I don't see that being an issue at all. Okay, so that's kind of one way, like I said, to leverage those current patients or clients and how not only does that help with retention, but then it also could help bring in new people by training the algorithm of the type type of people that you want your content shown to the patient ambassadors already talked about that. Once you kind of delegate these quote patient or client ambassadors, I just asked them just make it really casual, be like, Hey, would you just make a point to go comment on a couple of our posts, and, you know, maybe share them to your stories, like it would just help us out a lot, we would really appreciate it and they will they totally will. I know I would. And like I said, you asked for Google reviews. And so I know this feels so manual and like, Well wait, I thought social media was this thing where I just put all this stuff and all this people come to me. And it can be like that. But I find that that really only works for people who are like full time content creators who are just pumping out like two reels a day, you know, like, you don't I mean, like I just feel like it's like a very different style of marketing. And the other thing to remember when it comes to engagement is that it's just reminding you that you typically if you're working with me have some type of what I call conversion account, versus like the influencer model. So if you're someone who's like a fashion influencer right like and you do a comment the word links for the links to my like outfit of the day. as well, they let's say their whole outfit was from Amazon. If one person person purchases from that outfit from Amazon, they're only going to make like a couple, maybe $1. I don't know, very, very few, like they not a lot of money, they need that volume, right? So like their marketing style and approach is going to be very different to us who it's like, cool. If you get 10 comments like, whoa, that's huge. That's to like to think about 10 human beings versus if you're like an influencer model, it's, you know, you need to have like the volume. So I always say like, Don't compare yourself to them, when we're looking at all of this stuff. So that's why I like to designate these client or patient ambassadors, just as sometimes it just takes that like spark of a match to get things going. And then you'll find you don't need to do that manual, like asking for engagement anymore after people have just gotten used to it. And then you start to show up on their feeds, and other people are commenting. So they comment, it's kind of like a bandwagon thing. The other thing when it comes to and I'll talk about the comment the word thing more in just a minute. Another thing you could do is to consider a collaborative giveaway. And again, I don't want to just be relying on giveaways, I'm just saying, these are things that I've seen, that can really inject some life when things are feeling flat. And if you're going to do a collaborative giveaway, I would make sure that the other account you're collaborating with also uses Instagram, they don't necessarily have to have like a big following or super engaged audience, you just don't want someone who hasn't posted on it and like, you know, eons and then that giveaway post will live on your feed. And there's and I would make it to where they have to, like physically come in to collect their prize. So we just had a client who chiropractor in Raleigh, they did a local giveaway with a oh gosh, I think it was a prenatal massage. I mean, it was like a gift card to like a, I don't know, it was a local business anyway. And they at the end, like instead of simply tagging that other business. So if you're going to do that, you would just decide, you know, who's going to steer, right? So like, Okay, I'm going to be the person who's going to drive this giveaway. So you would post it from your account. And instead of simply tagging that business, you would hit Add collaborator. And if you add them as a collaborator, then it'll show up on their feet as well. And you don't necessarily have to, I mean, if you know the local business, yes, it's better to ask if you don't know, maybe send them a DM and see, like, if it's a local coffee shop, like, I don't see why you'd even have to be like, Hey, I'm going to do a giveaway from a gift card, I'm going to add you as collaborator, like would love it, if you accepted it like it doesn't even have to be this whole big thing, an example that we just did. And this wasn't for a giveaway, but just showing that you don't necessarily have to know the other business who participates. There's I have a pain based chiropractor here in my town who's a client.
And there's also the United States third largest indoor pickleball facility here in town to and it's like all the rage here. It's huge. They partner with like local breweries and local pizza place like they they're like this big deal. So we his account is brand new, we literally started from zero, we had no personal account to link it to nada. So we're like, oh crap, how are we going to make this work? So we did a post it was like, Hey, do you play pickleball we can help you help you stay, you know, pain free, and, you know, stay on your A game. And we tagged the pickleball facility? Well, the first time we did it, they didn't reply back. They didn't say thank you nothing. Then we shared that post and tagged the pickleball facility again, on their stories, again, nothing, they didn't say thank you, thanks for sharing, didn't share it back. Nada. Then I recreated the post in like a little more neutral branding that almost matched the pickleball facilities branding in a way like it did it again. And they finally reshard it and accepted the collaboration requests. So it did take three tries. So I just want people to know, this isn't like some magic bullet. It's like, Oh, I'm gonna do it once. And they might not even know like, if they're not really Instagram savvy, they might be like, I don't even know what a collaboration request is. Like, you might have to like actually show them where that is. But again, if it's like a, you know, a prenatal massage or a session with a newborn photographer, or you know, whatever it is that might be in line with your business, I would just stay away from doing like Starbucks or Amazon or anything like that. So that's another thing you can do. And what we had for the giveaway was really simple to enter. All you had to do was let's use the pickleball the pickleball example, if let's say we had done a giveaway with the pickleball place, it would have just been like follow true to form chiropractic, follow the pickle Lodge. Drop an emoji on this post. Just in your enter to win, and that's it. Like, don't give them a million instructions, or you're not gonna see as good of results. November is a great time to do this. And this is obviously still we're still like mid November. And you can do this anytime I would actually encourage you do it anytime. But November is just like the perfect time where it makes sense, with Small Business Saturday coming up. So what I've been doing again, on the same account is every day, and by every day, I mean Monday through Fridays, I try not to look at my phone on the weekends, I've been either going to the West Chester, Ohio, and that's where I live Westchester, Ohio hashtag, or again, like keep using this pickleball place because it's such a good example. And they've become like so cool and hip in the area. That I'll go to who the pickleball places who their followers are, but and I've been finding some other like really cool little small businesses, or I found like a cool local sneaker shop and then I went to theirs and like then looked at who their followers were, the local Chamber of Commerce is another great place to look like local moms blogs, if you're in a like a bigger area, those are always great places to look. And I created a story highlight. And both of you have been students for a long time. So this will not be new information to you. But every day I've been sharing like two or three. And just like in honor of Small Business Saturday, like I'm sharing local businesses in the Westchester area. Check out fudge by gin. It's like a local fudge maker. And like in honor of Small Business Saturday, I'm continuing to share local businesses check out the stretch lab, you know, in Westchester, and I make sure to tag that business and then I share it to a story highlight. So just for so you have like a better idea of how this is working. I just logged into his account, I have shared a local yoga studio. I've shared the pickle lodge I told you about. I shared a clean eating like meal prep local place a beauty salon that does eyelashes. A local toy shop, a local kids store, a local holistic dentist, Cincinnati family magazine, stretch lab, a local doula, the tennis, tennis shoe place a photographer photographers are always good, especially for like, get your holiday photos Did you see so and so photos is offering many sessions that doesn't matter if you know them or not. They'll love the share. I shared a local bakery. And I think that's it. And of all of those only 12344 shared back to their stories and all the rest did not. So just remember that they may or may not share back, it might be that they don't log on to their Instagram every 24 hours. And if it's been more than 24 hours, they're not going to be able to share it anymore. So just remember that, like I said, the stories only stay up for 24 hours. So if they've logged in, after that 24 hours is up, then they can't reshare it. So just make sure that in any of these strategies, it's not a wall I tried once remember how I said on the pickleball facility, it took three times sharing their stuff for them to finally share it back. Another really unique thing that I just you know, I don't have enough data to say, Oh, this works great, or it didn't. But almost every town has a local Facebook group, right? Like every town has that. So I just recently went into my local Westchester mom's Facebook group. And I created a post that just said, Hey, we've only lived here for about a year. And I just wanted to highlight some of my favorite local businesses in the area. And one of the local businesses that I listed was my chiropractor. Then I ended up linking their Instagram accounts down in the comments. I didn't do it on the actual posts because when there's a hyperlink in a Facebook post it typically in will this was in a group, but it typically doesn't perform as well. So going back to those patient or client ambassadors like if you could just have them create that post it was so simple, literally all I did, it probably took me five minutes. And again, this isn't something you would necessarily do i mean you could and say and if you need a chiropractor come see me or if you need a acupuncturist, come see me, you could definitely do that too, because it's not weird. You're also highlighting other small businesses like that's cool. I in my post I listed out like the favorite restaurant that we always go to that's around here. I there's like a butcher that we like that we've been getting our meat from it's cheaper than the grocery store and it's better. You know, just like the part I talked about our favorite local park, all that kind of stuff. So that's another like really just easy, low lift thing you can ask a pay Shouldn't or client to do for you? Again, this works if you're virtual only if you even want to put it in like the the virtual groups. And then for more of just like a straight up engagement standpoint, one easy thing you can do is, instead of directing people to the link in your bio, just doing the whole comment, the word which I'm sure you've seen more and more of recently, I still do the majority of mine manually. So, example if I'm promoting a podcast episode, I'll say, comment the word podcast, and I'll send you a link to the episode. I've been doing that a lot manually, because I don't get enough for it to, you know, be hard for me to do. But I do have a client, for example, who you have to apply to work with them. She's a German new medicine, like health coach type, I don't know how to, like chronic illness coach, and I did the comment the word thing and just went insane. 225 comments later, I'm not kidding you. She emailed me she's like, are you doing all of this manually? I was like, Yes. I was like, so we're gonna need to install a mini chat integration for you. And that's many like one of many MA and why many chat. And many chats just like a really safe plugin that you can put into Instagram that that's when you see these fashion, you know, bloggers or influencers that are like, comment for the links, that's what they're using is something like that, that will automatically DM you the links. But again, you don't have to do that in the beginning. And if you're doing the whole comment the word and no one's doing it, guess what you're gonna do, you're gonna go ask people, you're gonna get to go, Hey, can you go comment on this to get it started. And sometimes it just takes a few and then you'd be shocked at how it'll take off. And another thing to note is I, you know, obviously stay up to date in other social media marketing groups. And more and more people who I trust are saying that their content is getting a longer shelf life meaning. And I've noticed that in my own content, that people will go back and be liking reels or posts from like, a long time ago. I've also noticed when I've started following new people, that posts will get shown in my feed, that isn't their most recent post. So that's just another thing to notice is like, don't like the next day look at it and be like, Oh, I didn't do well. Like sometimes, you know, just takes some time. And your content does have a longer shelf life now, which is great.
Again, with the another easy tip, and you know, I teach this inside of the content ecosystem classroom is the engagement posts, or, you know, you could call it like, can't help myself posts or you can post memes. And the sole purpose of those posts are to elicit engagement. So it looks like that one that's got the different colored heart emojis. It's like, How long were you in labor? Like people can't help themselves. They have to, like, oh, pick me, I want to say my thing. Or comment the last three things you bought on Amazon, no cheating. Or if you were to name your baby after your pregnancy cravings, what would your baby's name be? And those can go on forever. Now, you just wanted to make sure that they're really, really simple. If you had a question that was like, let us know below what questions you have about chiropractic. Like, nobody's probably going to answer that because they're like, Oh, I gotta think I don't want to think I just want to do something easy. Now, it could be something like what questions do you have about tongue ties? I don't know. You might get better results with that. If it's like a more specific question. I don't know. You just have to play around with it and see the memes I've talked about the memes. The memes are easy and funny. Disclaimer, like it's, you know, make sure you're tagging and giving the people credit whose names you're sharing. Don't pretend like they are your own words. The next one is if you have the time, you can always welcome new followers. I think there's a right way and wrong way to do this. So I don't I don't like when I start following like a business coach, for example, and I get a DM that's like, hey, we see you're new here like what can we help you with? I'm like, I don't know. I just like solid piece of content and likes and start following you. I don't know what you can help me with yet. Usually, it can be as simple as hey, thanks for following along. Are you in the local area? That's it, or hey, thanks for following along. So if you're a PCOS health coach, are you here for PCOS information? Like it can make it a very easy question not like what can I help you with again, it's like way too, way too open ended. And I don't always do that right. Like sometimes I do sometimes I don't it just depends on how much time I have. And this is another place that could always be you know, another thing that can be outsourced if you have that. If you go to the Create a brand new classroom for outsourcing if you haven't watched that yet, that has a editable job description that has like all of these things listed out of things you could have someone else do on your behalf, watching and replying to people's stories is, is obviously always really good. Because again, like, especially if it's like your own patients and you're watching their stories and chatting with them, again, that's just always good. It's like weaving this web for the algorithm to be like, Oh, okay, this is what they're about. These are the type of people they like to talk to. Here is you know, who we need to share their content to. And the very last my brand new tip that I've never shared anywhere before she I'll be the first to hear it is talked about this some in the engagement classroom more for like I've talked about, hey, if you're a functional medicine doctor, or you're a health coach who teaches gut health, like go try to hop into like Dr. Mark Hyman, or Dr. Aviva ROM or all of those people's comment section, because they're so big now they're not answering all their comments. And you're not competing with him, right? Like, if you're to gut health coaches, who both are still saying one on one private clients, yeah, don't go do that to each other's profiles. I mean, like the big large influencers who are no longer do, they're not your competition. And for chiropractors, go to miss chiropractic, the crack addicts show on TLC. She gets tons of comments that go on answered like, literally, I just saw one yesterday that said I'm in the Davenport, Iowa area, I know you're not I know you're in Florida, by any chance, you could recommend a chiropractor in my area. So like, go to those big name. Influencers, you know, if you will, and again, it might not be like, you know, if we're talking about chiropractic, there's definitely some people who you are probably not wanting to draw any of the types of patients drawn to their profile. They're like those like cracking, you know, the ones that do that big head strap thing. Um, so obviously, you you want to, like use your critical thinking skills about who but I just thought that was I thought about that. The other day, I was like, Man, I saw she's getting all these comments. Like I said, her handle is Miss like mi SS chiropractic, and it's Dr. Alexandra cologne from that crack addicts show. She did not name the show. I know people are like, it's a terrible name. It is, but she's not name it. But it has brought a lot of attention to the profession, which is good. And people are commenting all the time. Oh, I wish you were in my area. So, you know, again, very manual, it might not like the fruit might not be as much as you might think. But over time, like it'll eventually snowball and add up. Thank you. All right. What did you think I'd love to hear if you again, if you feel like this is something that you need in your life, or if you don't have time to do this yourself, and you want to put someone else through on your behalf or maybe even need to learn how to find someone to do this for you on your behalf. That's all covered inside the hub as well. So shoot me a DM, let me know what you think. Have a great day. Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified. This podcast is brought to you by my marketing roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that's kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public when you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram or my blogs or whatever is that yes, you will learn a lot but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for. This five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order. That's why it's called a roadmap. So you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey. Or if you already are started and you're just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information. This is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just $27. So all you have to do is head to Mollie cahill.com/private training. And based on the reviews I've had too far, I know you won't be disappointed. I'm really proud of this training. And I know personally, I've bought 2737 $17 products before and felt like I really didn't get that much out of it. I guarantee you you will learn something from this five episode, private audio feed. So again, it's just Molly K hill that comm slash private training, and it'll also be linked below in the show notes. I cannot wait to hear what you think. And hey, you know how every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast. Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly a Cahill that's c h i ll I would greatly greatly appreciate your support I truly appreciate you so much I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode
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