Episode 43: Likes, Saves, and Shares: Team Edition

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It’s time for the third installment of “Likes, Saves, and Shares” where I share the products, services, and tools I love.
But today, we’re adding a twist!
In episode 43 of the Holistic Marketing Simplified podcast, I shared not only my favorites but my team members’ favorites as well.
Keep reading to get the recap!
Molly’s Recs
Business Favorites
Chiropractors Dr. Christie Wick and Dr. Jake Grinaker are opening a new membership called The Pursuit Chiros. This will be a great opportunity for chiropractors to learn from two exceptional practitioners.
My friend Theresa Leer Levine is an EFT-tapping master practitioner and hypnotherapist. She recently released a book called, “Becoming More Me: Tapping Into Success – Subconscious Secrets of an ADHD Entrepreneurial Mom.”
I recently attended the Women Chiropractor Conference in Scottsdale, AZ., which was incredible. If you are a female chiropractor, consider joining the Women Chiropractors non-profit; its mission is awesome.
I have a few spots open for my Charleston Content Creation Retreat. It starts Friday, April 26, at noon and ends Sunday, April 28, at noon. The goal is for you to walk away with a ton of content. We’ll film reels and b-roll and have a photographer on-site to shoot brand photos. DM me if you’re interested!
Last but not least, I’ve added a game-changing module dedicated to hiring social media assistance to the Holistic Marketing Hub.
I’ve found that members are joining not just for course content but to find someone to undergo the training on their behalf. So, I’ve crafted a detailed job description mirroring our agency’s services for Instagram management.
This document serves as a ready-made guide, eliminating the need for extensive training by directing hires to the holistic marketing hub for comprehensive instruction.
For transparency, I’ve implemented a tracking system to monitor progress. Enroll at Holistic Marketing Hub.com to access this resource, offering insights and guidance on hiring assistance in the marketing realm.
Fun Favorites
I recently purchased this acupressure mat that my coach, Chelsea, recommended for active rest in the afternoon, and I love it.
If you saw my Stories on Instagram recently, you know I’m weaning off Zoloft, so I recently purchased Jenny Peterson’s Ignite Your Healing course, specifically made for people who are discontinuing medications. I love it.
Speaking of Jenny Peterson, she recently released a Subconscious 101 podcast episode that I found interesting.
I’m on a bit of a fantasy fiction kick. After reading the first three books in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series, I’m hooked on “The Fourth Wing” and loving it.
Regarding TV, I’m all caught up on “The Morning Show,” loosely based on the Matt Lauer/TODAY Show scandal.
If you’re looking for a wholesome family TV show, I 10/10 recommend the Great British Baking Show.
Carolyn’s Recs
Carolyn is my online business manager; she keeps everything running over here.
And her recommendation for this round of Likes, Saves, and Shares is Le Pen.
Dr. Megan’s Recs
Dr. Megan McArthur said she’s enjoying the show “Bodies” on Netflix as well as the “Skinny Confidential” podcast.
She also loves the product line Cymbiotika, which offers supplements and a Natural Home Essentials Kit, which includes laundry detergent, multipurpose cleaner, and a probiotic hand lotion and soap.
Maria’s Recs
Maria highly recommends the book “Mindset” by Carol Dweck and the show “The Gilded Age” on HBO.
Jordan’s Recs
Jordan loves and recommends this ice roller for skin care that she learned about from this blog post.
Final Thoughts
As we near the holiday season, please don’t forget to shop small! Small Business Saturday is on November 25. Shopping small is a great way to support small businesses.
And don’t forget about my Marketing Roadmap – an exclusive, five-episode, private audio training.
While similar to the Holistic Marketing Simplified podcast, it differs in accessibility, as it’s not publicly available on standard podcast feeds.
The beauty of this private podcast lies in its structured, step-by-step format. If you’re gearing up for your Instagram marketing journey or are already underway but feeling inundated with the abundance of free information, this private training is tailored to provide clarity and guidance.
Lastly, if you have any questions about anything mentioned above, DM me! I’m happy to chat.
Connect with Molly
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Hello, and welcome back to another Likes, Shares saves. This is the November edition. If you haven't listened to these so far, I know it doesn't stick to the normal like, you know, Instagram marketing trope. But I just think, I don't know, I love these when I have other like people that I listened to, or follow that do kind of like Roundup emails. And so I started doing this in email form a couple years ago, and it's consistently always one of my highest open emails. And so I decided to make it into a podcast. So this is the third monthly podcast installment of like shares saves. And also, I just want to say we're like around 50 episodes now. And holy cow, like, I can't believe it. Thank you so much for letting me be in your ear every week. And I truly mean that when I say it. If you haven't yet, if you could, please, please, please, please leave me a review. I'm trying to get to 75 by the end of the year, and I would just really appreciate it so much. And if there's any topics that I'm not covering on the podcast that you would like to hear from me, just send me a DM because, I mean, it's kind of hard to sit here and talk to nobody and be like, Oh, no, nobody wants to hear so. Yeah, without further ado, here we go. Welcome to holistic marketing simplified a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill. And this podcast is brought to you by my marketing roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that's kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public when you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram or my blogs, or whatever is that yes, you will learn a lot, but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for this five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order. That's why it's called a roadmap. If you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey, or if you already are started and you're just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information. This is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just $27. So all you have to do is head to Molly cahill.com/private training. And based on the reviews I've had so far, I know you won't be disappointed.
My name is Dr. Nick Bell, the number of functional medicine practitioner and chiropractor living in a beautiful sunny Phoenix, Arizona, and I listen to the holistic marketing simplified podcast, and you should do.
Alright, this month's lecture saves is going to be a little different than usual because I have also pulled my team for them to tell me all the things they are using as well, which is really exciting. So I'm going to start with my stuff, and then I'll move on to the various people on my team. And when I say team, I don't have any actual employees or my people or contractors. I know that's like a weird can maybe feels like a weird thing to like, point out. But I don't know for some reason I had this complex that if you didn't have employees, you're a real business, but I'm like, that's just that's just hogwash. So I was trying to think of a good name. Okay, let's start with the business stuff. So if you are a chiropractor, then my dear friend Dr. Christie wick, who I've talked about before, is opening up a new membership. I think they're gonna launch on Black Friday called the pursuit, Cairo's with another Cairo Dr. Jake, so you can just go to their Instagram, which is the pursuit, Cairo's I believe and join the waitlist to be the first one to know whenever they launch. I think this is going to be a really really really impactful powerful membership that they're doing only because just the both of them have, you know, a whole lot of wisdom in the industry and like all the topics they're going to be covering are going to be incredible. So yeah, that's the pursuit Kyros is the Instagram and it's my friend started Christie wick and Dr. Jake Greenacre. I'm not an affiliate I just really love her. The next thing is my friend Teresa leer Levine she was on the podcast a while back. She's an EFT tapping Master Practitioner and hypnotherapist and she's just a really cool person in general. She does really cool coaching, but she launched a book and the book is called becoming more me tapping into success subconsciously crits I have an ADHD entrepreneurial mom. And I'm actually going to be sending an email to my list about this, again, not an affiliate just really like her and want to support her. And I would love to write a book one day, it's not on my like, five year goal sheet. But eventually, so I'm just like, I think really impressed by anybody who's able to do everything with business in life, and then also write a book. And next thing I want to tell you about actually something you'd have to take action on like today, because it's going on at the time this comes out. But my friend Joanna Sapir, she's also been on the podcast, and I've been on her podcast, she and I were at a mastermind together. She's hosting something, it's a free event called the Empowered practitioner event. And it's November 13, through the 17th. And it's to put the systems and strategies in place for a resilient, streamlined and more profitable wellness business, even if you want to work fewer hours with less clients. So it's a five day event, like I said, it's free. And if you go to that website, you can see all of the different session topics, and they're really, really good. So I think this would be good for anyone in my audience who runs a health and wellness business, whether you're brick and mortar or online. I know just just because I know Joanne and I know her stuff is really good. I know you would get something by attending this free event, I think I want to talk about is the women chiropractors conference that I just went to in Scottsdale, Arizona last month. It was incredible. I it was like Soul on Fire. Amazing. I'm so glad that I went to it. I met so many incredible people, and was able to network and so many people who I feel like I knew in real life but had never actually gotten to meet. It was just it was so wonderful. So two things I want to talk about with this one. If you are a female chiropractor, consider joining the women chiropractors, nonprofit, it's just women chiropractors dot work. And it's $17 a month and their mission is really awesome. And it just supports a whole bunch of different things that I won't go into on the podcast, you can go to their website, but they've got like an amazing reentry program. They help get more women on stages. And anyway, it's just a really great organization, I do help them with their social media. So yeah, I would I would consider that and at the very least join their free Facebook group just because it's oh my gosh, that group is like crazy, engaged people asking questions anywhere from business to marketing to like, X ray questions of like, hey, what would you do for this patient or whatever, it's, it's really awesome. So with that being said, I would love to meet you. Let me know if there it doesn't have to be like health specific can just be like business marketing, whatever. Let me know if there are any conferences or events that you're going to in 2024. Because I definitely want to attend more events next year, just because I had such an amazing time. So just shoot me a DM on Instagram and let me know if you're going to any events. And I'll look into it to see if it might be a good fit. And I'd love to meet you there. Speaking of events actually have one or two beds, rooms, whatever open for my Charleston content creation retreat weekend, April 20. It's the last weekend in April. Most people are fought flying in Thursday night of April 25. And then it starts Friday, April 26 at noon, and goes through Sunday around noon. Or maybe it's like 10am Sunday, but anyway, it's gonna be really amazing. Like I said, the first like 10 spots sold out super quickly. And then I just went into like a holistic marketing hub launch and then I've onboard a new team member and I kind of just kind of was like oh yeah, still have two beds left and I haven't really promoted it. I say one or two because I have one person who's on the fence. So yeah, we can always figure it out. If we get like two people committed we can
you know me maybe I can stay somewhere else or whatever but anyway yet I would highly recommend that you reach out to me via DM and we can see if it's the right fit. The whole point of the weekend is to be a content creation weekend like I said, so I don't want you to come and have to like you know, get childcare close your practice or whatever it is, you know travel to learn a whole bunch and then get back you know to your normal life and be like oh shoot No, I have to actually implement all of this stuff. I really plan this to be like a batch working intensive when you literally leave on Sunday like you have content done and ready to go. We're going to film reels and B roll for reals we have a photographer coming who's giving everyone who comes five professional like not just headshots, but just like brand like have like a brand shoot. And yeah, I'm gonna be there like helping Everybody, you know, write captions and all that jazz. So it's gonna be really, really fun. Like I said, the first 10 spots sold super quickly. So yeah, we have two spots left, let me know if that sounds like something you would be interested in. And I'll give you the information. Another thing in terms of like business is, I have added a new module two holistic marketing hub, all about hiring help. And I've written an editable job description for somebody to help you with your social media. So more and more people who are joining holistic marketing hub are doing so not necessarily for them to go through the course and for them to log in and grab the copy and paste captions from the Content Library. But to have either a somebody who's already on their team, whether in person or virtually, or B, to actually find somebody hire somebody, to go through the course for them. So I decided to cater to that. And like I said, I wrote a really descriptive job description. Of course, it's descriptive. But I just basically wrote out everything that if you were to hire our agency to do your Instagram, this is what the deliverables would be, this is everything we would do. So that way, you can hand this over to somebody you might potentially be hiring to do it for you. And then you don't have to train them because all you have to do is put them through holistic marketing hub, and they are trained. And just so you know, I can see on my end, like if you wanted to email me and be like, Hey, I hired this person, can you tell me if they've watched all the videos or whatever, I can see exactly what videos have been watched. And see how you can just go to Molly cahill.com, C H, I ll and at the top, you'll see a link for holistic marketing hub. And if you enroll, then you'll have that new classroom included inside the course which is really exciting. I go about in the classroom, I teach like how to find somebody, like the pros and cons to doing something for trade or hiring a patient or your sister or whatever. I go through all that jazz. Now on to the fun stuff. For me. I recently bought one of those acupressure mats have you seen those the ones that like kind of looks like yoga mat only it's got a bunch of spiky thingies on it, which sounds like kind of looks like a torture device. But yeah, I had one ages ago, and I never used it and it lived under my bed and my I had a sweet kitty cat at the time, who I don't have any more so sad. She passed away a couple years ago. But anyway, she loved that thing. And she laid on it so much that it was literally like covered in cat hair. So I had to get rid of it. But in my last, I meet with my health and life coach Chelsea Haines every two weeks, and I was talking about how I wanted to have this afternoon Pattern Interrupt because no shock. I'm an extrovert. And working from home is actually really hard for me. Because there are times I just am craving you know, it's great because my husband also works from home a lot. But like he's working and I'm working, it's not like, I don't know, like I'm just like craving outside world interaction. So sometimes I will go to like a local coffee shop and work or something. But the only one that's like really like has a cool atmosphere around me. It's like really close their internet kind of sucks. So and now it's getting cold in Cincinnati. And so it's like, I don't really want to go sit outside somewhere. But anyway, my whole point in saying this. And well let me go back. Let me know if you experienced this too. If you're someone who works from home, I'd love to know your tips of how you kind of like, I mean, and maybe you're an introvert and you're like Oh, I love it. I don't need any outside. I just like I just find like the end of the day like craving humans and like speaking to people. So yeah, I looked into see if I could like find an afternoon yoga class. Like I can't really do like flow type of yoga because I have pots. But you know, like a yoga nidra or like a restorative yoga. But the only yoga classes I could find were actually like in the evenings at like 530 which is great and I've been going to those some but Chelsea, my coach recommended that I get this acupressure mat and do kind of like active rest in the afternoon. Because I get so dang sleepy I usually just want to go take a nap, which I'm not saying there's anything wrong with taking a nap but then like I never feel rested if I go lay down like I just feel more groggy. So I've been laying down the acupressure mat and listening to a meditation from Ginny Peterson from the mind body rewire. She's one of my newest she was a holistic marketing hub student ages ago. But now she's one of my newest agency clients. And um, she does German new medicine and then like she doesn't do just that like she has her own proprietary methods. And I like on a personal note for those who follow along on my Instagram stories. I'm actually weaning off Zoloft. I have been on it since I was like 23 I'm 37 the whole other story I won't bore you with. I'm not a private, private person. And I'm just like, if I can share this, and I help somebody then great. But anyway, I bought her. It's called Ignite your healing course. And it's specifically made for people who are like weaning off medications. And so anyway, I've been doing inside that course there's a guided meditation from her. So I've been laying on the acupressure mat and doing the meditation and I have to say, I was skeptical, but I honestly do feel more energized when I'm done like, shock. I know. So that's kind of been like my afternoon pattern interrupt, but I'd love to hear what yours are. You know, sometimes I go for a walk. Obviously, it's like pretty outside, but I'm not a cold weather girl. And I hate being cold. And yeah, so now that it's getting cold, it's like, I don't want to go for a walk. Other fun things. Lauren brands like from she slays got me into the fantasy book world and got me into A Court of Thorns and Roses. And I read the first three of that series. I've still got two more to go. But I took a break from that storyline to read fourth wing, which was another recommendation from her. And I am absolutely loving it. I want to say I'm like three quarters of the way through the time I'm recording this. So yeah, for swing so good. Loving it. In terms of TV. I've been watching the Morning Show I'm like all caught up. And it's like weird because New episodes come out every Wednesday and you can't like binge it. Tickets is like a good thing right? But if you have not watched the morning show, it's on Apple TV whichever Aniston and Reese Witherspoon and it's, it's meant to like kind of mimic the Matt Lauer story. Only it's like a fictional TV show. And then hello, great British baking show. If you need a wholesome feel good, incredible Family TV show and you've never watched the great break British baking show you are grossly missing out. It's like our family show is so good watch. It comes out every Friday. But there's like so many seasons. If you've never watched it, you could go catch up. We binged it when we all had COVID like years ago, and we've just kind of been hooked ever since. Oh, back to sorry. Ginni pagers, Peterson in the mind body rewire. She just put out a subconscious 101 podcast on her. Wherever you listen to podcast if you just search, simplify your healing. That's Jenny's podcast, simplify your healing. She just put out a subconscious one on one podcast episode that I found really, really interesting. Okay, let's move on to some things that people on my team have said they are loving. So Carolyn, who is my OB M which stands for Online Business Manager, which basically means she's like integrators. In other words, she's literally the person that like, keeps everything running. She her contribution to this was she's like, I know this sounds silly, but I love lapel pins. It's like a certain type of pin that you write with. And it's so funny because I have a subscription to real simple magazine, which I have to be honest, I don't love as much as I used to.
I used to love reading that magazine. Now. I just like, I don't know something about having a magazine. I just like really like, but I had seen 20 in my magazine recommended lapins too, so I'll have to try them out. Maybe they'll go on our client Christmas gift boxes. The other doctor Megan McArthur who's on our team. She's wealth with Meg on Instagram. She said she's loving watching bodies on Netflix. And she's liking listening to the skinny confidential podcast. And then she also said she likes synbiotic As new home product line. And synbiotic has actually spelled the Si Si YM bio ti K. And they've just got like different supplements and all kinds of stuff. And the stuff in their home product line is basically like Natural Home Essentials Kit. It's got like laundry detergent and multipurpose cleaner and probiotic hand lotion, probiotic hand soap. I had never heard of it until she sent it to me and it looks really interesting. So that is what Dr. Meg on our team is loving. Maria, who is new to our team. Is she said she's rereading and re listening to Mindset by Carol Dweck. She said it's one of her favorite books, audiobooks and feels like she always learns or realizes something new when she reads or listens to it. So that's Mindset by Carol Dweck. I'll have to I have actually never heard of it so I'll have to check it out. And she said if you like period dramas like Downton Abbey or bridgerton The Crown then She said you should try the Gilded Age. And she said, it's super good. And then Jordan on my team said, she recently has been doing more of like her skincare. And she started ice rolling, doing like the ice roller stuff on her face. And she absolutely loves it. She's got like that big ice roller thingy. And she said, it's from a blog post that she read from the stripe is the blog, the name is stripe, the name of the blog is the stripe.com. And she's been using this ice roller from Amazon. And it's just like, I just looked it up, and it's like 21 bucks. So I'm like, Hey, I might need to, I might need to try this. Those are the things that some of the people on my team are loving. I want to wrap up the episode by reminding you to even if you can't, you know, shop small by supporting a small business in the month of November at really anytime, then I don't think you really actually know you probably do realize because you also own a small business. But it's like how do you think you get more Google reviews, you go leave Google reviews yourself, right. So even if you can't, like buy something from a small business, take the time to go leave them a review or, you know, like for me, like, share my podcasts with someone or go comment on their Instagram or whatever anything like that is such an amazing way that really adds up to help small businesses in the spirit of you know, Small Business Saturday coming up in November. Just remember that that's a free way that you can support small businesses. And you know, including including your own like, don't be afraid to ask for that type of stuff from your current patients or clients. They are very eager and willing to help you sometimes you just have to ask. Alright, I hope everybody has an amazing Thanksgiving if you're here in the States, and I can't wait to see you next week. Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified. This podcast is brought to you by my marketing roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that's kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public when you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram or my blogs, or whatever is that yes, you will learn a lot, but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for this five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order. That's why it's called a roadmap. So you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey. Or if you already are started and you're just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information. This is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just $27. So all you have to do is head to Molly cahill.com/private training. And based on the reviews I've had so far, I know you won't be disappointed. I'm really proud of this training. And I know personally, I've bought 2737 $17 products before and felt like I really didn't get that much out of it. I guarantee you, you will learn something from this five episode, private audio feed. So again, it's just Molly cahill.com/private training. And it'll also be linked below in the show notes. I cannot wait to hear what you think. And hey, you know how every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast? Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart an effort to produce to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly a Cahill. That's c h i ll I would greatly greatly appreciate your support. I truly appreciate you so much. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai