Social Media Strategy for Offices with Multiple Providers [Episode 106]

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If you’ve ever thought, “We should post more on social media,” but then immediately got overwhelmed by the reality of actually doing it, you’re not alone.
Managing social media is tough enough when you’re a solo practitioner, but when you have multiple providers, assistants, and office staff, it can quickly turn into a game of who’s responsible for what?
In this week’s Holistic Marketing Simplified episode, “Social Media Strategy for a Multi-Provider Clinic”, I’m breaking down exactly how to streamline your clinic’s social media strategy—whether you have two providers or an entire multidisciplinary team. And I’m giving you a free, editable Google Doc to help make this whole process as painless as possible! 🎉
The Problem with “We’ll Just Do It Ourselves”
Here’s what I see all the time:
- The front desk staff gets handed the job of “doing social media” but has no direction.
- A new associate with a light patient load gets assigned social media, but then their schedule fills up, and suddenly, no one’s posting.
- Everyone in the clinic is supposed to “contribute,” but no one actually knows what that means.
Sound familiar?
Trying to squeeze in social media on top of seeing patients is a recipe for inconsistency. That’s why I created a free training plan to help you get this figured out once and for all.
💡 Grab it here:

Your Step-by-Step Plan for Social Media Success
Here’s what we cover in this episode to help you simplify and streamline your clinic’s social media:
1️⃣ Assign Clear Roles & Responsibilities
- Decide who is in charge. (Hint: It’s not “everyone.”)
- Use my free training plan to delegate tasks properly.
2️⃣ Set a Realistic Posting Cadence
- If you’re starting from zero, don’t try to post daily—consistency is more important.
- Assign each provider one video per month and let your social media person repurpose that into multiple posts.
3️⃣ Create a Patient-Friendly Content Plan
- Encourage real patient photos & videos (with permission!).
- Use interview-style Reels for natural, engaging content.
- Shoot B-roll footage (simple behind-the-scenes video clips) to stretch your content.
4️⃣ Keep Branding & Messaging Consistent
- Stick to your clinic’s color palette, fonts, and voice.
- Use “we” and “I” instead of referring to providers in third person. (No “Dr. Joe recommends…”—say “I recommend…”)
5️⃣ Make It Easy with a Dedicated Clinic Phone
- Buy a refurbished iPhone for social media use.
- Store all video content in one place so nothing gets lost.
What’s Next? Take Action Today!
If you’re tired of social media being an afterthought in your clinic, download my free training plan at and set up a system that actually works.
And don’t forget to listen to the full Holistic Marketing Simplified episode for all the nitty-gritty details! 🎧
Let’s make social media work for you—not just be another thing on your to-do list!
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The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hook!
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Episode Transcript
Hello, you got to buckle your britches for this week's episode, because I am covering a lot of information. The dog is barking, so I don't know if Zoom is cutting that out for y'all. So hopefully that didn't just get all cut off. But today's episode was based on actually some of your feedback that I got about what you'd want to see next on the podcast.
So just let me, well, I want you to know that my DMs are, when I say my DMs, your eyes open. I've had people say that, then I DM them and they never respond to me. Mine really are. If for some reason I haven't responded to you, DM me again. It's because it accidentally got marked red and then I got buried.
It's not because I was like purposely ignoring you. I would love to hear your own questions and things that maybe I haven't covered on the podcast. That I could cover for you and it actually a lot of people who had specific requests. It's something I had already covered on the show and I was able to send them a past episode to answer their questions.
So today's episode, we are going to cover how to tackle your social media to tips for your social media and just your marketing in general. When you are, you have multiple providers in your office. So this could be even if it's just two providers up to say you have a larger multidisciplinary clinic like we just got a new client who they've got two nurse practitioners, they do like pediatric functional medicine as well as like three chiropractors and they do like blood work like they do everything.
So like I said, this applies even if it's just like one provider and then maybe like one CA or one assistant or whatever. Whether you're acupuncturist, chiropractor, whatever, the tips that I cover on today's episode are going to apply to you. So I, like I said, I'm very excited about this one. I've taken copious notes of things I want to talk about.
So here we go.
Hey, welcome to Holistic Marketing Simplified. This podcast boils down to the fact that we wholeheartedly believe that more humans need to know about holistic health solutions and you didn't go to school to learn how to be Full time content creator and show up on Instagram and do all of this marketing stuff all day every day.
So let's come hang it out while we chat all things, even your marketing and my goal is that you shift your mindset around your marketing from a quote should to a, I get to more dream patients and clients. Yes, please. Hello. My name is Dr. Abby Parrish and I'm a chiropractor located in Old Town, Daphne, Alabama.
And I listen to the Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast. Okey dokey. So the first thing I want you to do is this link will be in the show notes and it will also you can just, if you just want to remember this link. If you just go to mollycahill. com slash SMM, like social media manager, I have created a free download that is an editable Google doc that has literally, and I'm going to get into what you're going to use this for, like different ways you can use this free download, but it literally has a sample training plan, whether, you know, like I said, you're, however you're planning to tackle your social media.
It has a sample training plan and that training plan is based on the classrooms from Holistic Marketing Hub, my program. It literally is like your, if you're like, okay, my clinic doesn't have a social media policy because this is what I see, right? It's like, oh, well, Karen at the front desk, she does our social media.
It's like if you were to talk to Karen, she'd be like, well, yeah, like they told me I'm doing the social media, but I don't really know like what that means. Like how many times a week do they want me to post? Like how many. Or maybe you have like a brand new associate whose schedule needs to be filled and you're like, Oh, well, Dr.
C can handle our social media. Well, then Dr. C's like, I don't know. No one any gave me any direction. It's like, you don't really have the time to sit down and create an SOP. And actually, like, you don't even know, you don't even know what the deliverable should be. Don't you worry, I've got you all taken care of.
I have not only extrapolated all of the daily, weekly, and monthly deliverables that we do for our Instagram management clients, but I have also created a list of skills that you would ideally want this person to have. As well as a sample job description if you don't already have them in the office. So if you're like, Hey, you know, Betty up front has some extra time and we want her to learn social media.
Like this is literally your training plan. Or if everyone you already have is like maxed out to capacity, this is something you can use as a job description to find and fill that role. Because I've got news for you. I don't know where you're going to find the time if you think y'all can just all do it yourselves.
Like that just, I don't know why it drives me bananas, but it's usually like really patient and empathetic, but I'm not when it comes to the definition of an insanity. It's like, I just can't seem to post consistently, I'm busy seeing patients all day. Of course you are. It's not your job. You can totally outsource this.
easily and it does not have to be to an agency like mine. Ours is actually full at the moment. We do have a wait list, but it's even better if you could have somebody actually in your clinic. They don't have to work in your clinic. They can be a patient who comes by and does it for you or whatever. I'm, I'm literally like giving you the keys to your office's social media strategy.
Okay? So mollykayhill. com slash SMM. Just do it. Get somebody to help you. Trust me. It will be so much easier that way than trying to find pockets to do it yourselves. Now, with that disclaimer in mind, that does not mean. So when I used to, when I first started this business, like six years ago, I would say, don't worry, we'll handle everything for you.
If you want to do anything for your Instagram, we'll do it all. That was a very different Instagram landscape than it is now. That's when we could get away with like posting. Thank you, Spinely, on, you know, graphic on, or like, you get what I'm trying to say. We used to be able to, like, I remember creating for an acupuncturist a graphic that was like a stock photo with hair and then the graphic saying, acupuncture needles are as fine as the hair.
It's like, well, you just can't get away with that shit anymore. I wish you could. It'd be so much easier. My job would be so much easier. It really has to be like unique to show your own unique personality. So even if you do outsource this to someone who's going to be like kind of like the coordinator, if you will, it does not mean that everyone, all the providers on staff just get to kind of wash their hands of it.
Okay. So we're going to walk through, we're going to walk through all that before we, and before we dive into any more nuts and bolts, I also want to talk about getting patient permission for photos and videos, because that's one thing. Like I just said how, you know, no longer our stock, we don't even use stock photos in our agency like at all, like very, very rarely, very rarely making sure that you have a streamlined process for actually getting patient video and photos and that you've got their permission is key.
I have a local client, chiropractor office, their husband and wife, and they also have an amazing CA. So it's just the three of them in the office. But when I came to film, there was a family, husband and wife, a toddler and a baby. And the husband and wife were fine with their faces being shown, but they didn't want their toddler or baby's faces shown.
Which was fine. She was like, we're fine if you still film them just from the back. So I was able to just film them from the back. And then I did have to go through and like edit some of the video where they would like turn their head and stuff. But like I said, kind of two, two tips in one is one, just make sure you have it built in a really clean process.
For getting a patient's permission and that if they're kind of hesitant just remind them We can always just be from the back or they can be face down or you can even just get their feet if you're doing Like a like length checker if you're like doing cupping on their back or something like that and nobody would know who they were I am NOT a lawyer.
I don't have I cannot advise you on What you want to do there, I know some people have it built into their new patient paperwork. I don't know whether that's like kosher or not. So like I said, I'm, I'm not the person. Just have a bachelor's degree in PR from a party school, the University of Alabama. So don't, uh, don't come to me for legal advice.
I wasn't even going to talk about this, but I feel like I would be remiss if I didn't mention this. So I have gone to film for a few clients locally. One's actually like an hour away. I just like wanted to meet her in real life because I like her. And so I was like, Hey, I'll come film for you. And when I got there, not one single patient wanted to be filmed.
Okay, not one. So I drove all the way out there, which I, like I said, I didn't care. I wanted to get out of the house and I wanted to meet her and I was cool with it, whatever. So we were in, we ended up getting tons of video anyway, because I pretended to be the patient and her CA pretended to be, so like I said, it ended up working out, but the point is, I personally, like, so when I came to film for the other local client, the one who's really close to me, they didn't ask anybody ahead of time either and everybody was cool with it.
So, except for, like I said, the family who didn't want their girl's faces shown. So, I guess my point would be you know your patients better than anyone else, so I think it's best to look at the schedule ahead of time and say, okay, cool, we're going to see a really good variety of patients in this like our block that really represent our clinic.
I'm just going to shoot him a quick message beforehand and see. I know, I usually don't wear makeup, like I usually like, you know what I mean, like I know what I normally look like, like I've shown up with like wet hair before when I go to the chiropractor or acupuncture, so I would have preferred if somebody asked me ahead of time.
So that's just something like I said I wanted to throw out there. And then the other tip, and again I did not plan on talking about this today, but this is just something that I think is important to note, especially when you have a bigger, I mean this is important, this isn't just especially I shouldn't say, this is really important for anybody.
You've got to have a professional photographer come in at least once a year. I know many of you are operating like with like not the best lighting and so like on iPhones it might not look, I mean it might look great, I don't know, I've, I've been able to film on iPhones pretty, you know, effectively as long as I've got like a window at my back.
Definitely recommend having a photographer come in to grab some professional images at least once a year. And with that, also making sure that you are getting updated headshots of each provider because then everybody is already dressed and ready. You've already got hopefully like model, you know, I'm putting models in quotes because like patients lined up and that is an excellent time Whenever people are already there and photographers already there to grab a bunch of video to use for your reels throughout the year So I just recently filmed for, like I said, the local client, and I was only there for an hour.
I didn't have to go film again for three months. Actually, no, no, I think we used the videos, it took me, yeah, the videos I filmed in one hour, we ended up stretching for almost five months. If you're going to do that, like I said, go back to, I've got an episode early on, maybe this in the first 10 episodes, I think about best practices around scheduling a professional photo shoot.
And like I said, I didn't mean to go down that rabbit hole, but I do think that is something really important to, if you're really going to start getting serious about your social media strategy and your marketing, that's something that's got to be done first. Another thing that's going to make this so much easier.
Is to go on Amazon and buy a refurbished iPhone that you don't need data for that you can just use like keep like at the front desk or whatever in the clinic that can just be on Wi Fi. I can't remember the name of the reseller we've used, but you can just look up like refurbished iPhone. I would get like a 10 or later because anything earlier than the 10, the camera is fine, but maybe even an 11 or later.
No, I think my camera on my 10 was actually really good. So yeah, I would just look at the price difference between like iPhone 10 or, or later because we manage 32 Instagram accounts. We, we have like 16 iPhones. And so of all of the iPhones that I have bought from this reseller, only one we've had to send back that we had issues with, but they were, they replaced it.
No questions. I mean, honestly, no questions asked, but like it was like a pretty painless process to replace it. So I would just like check for like four stars and up and if you want to know the specific reseller we've used on Amazon, just DM me. I would just make sure you get one that's got more like a good bit of storage on it.
And then that way it's not like, oh, whose video, whose phone was this video on? And the other thing about that is I, uh, Reel's drafts are device specific. So you can, if you're going to like draft a reel to post later and save it in your drafts and then someone signs into the clinic's Instagram account from another device, they will not see the drafts.
They're only on the device that they, it's like a, it's not a cloud based saving, I guess that's what I'm trying to say. So. Um, this definitely isn't something that you have to do, but it will 1000 percent make things a lot easier if you just have like a central, like, Hey, all videos, everything is shot on this one phone.
The next thing is, like I said, to have really clearly defined roles. So who's going to be the person who's kind of spearheaded this because you've got too many cooks in the kitchen, nothing is actually going to get done. I know I kind of mentioned this before, but I just don't think it's wise to say, Oh, I've got this new associate who's got all this time to fill, so they're going to be in charge of our social media.
Well, I mean, what happens when their schedule starts to get more full, right? If this has worked successfully for you, then great. And DM me. I'd love to hear how you set that up. I just still think it's best to have, like I said, someone else, like use my free job description to either task a current staff member that might want more hours or need more hours or to bring someone else on board to do this for you.
With the clearly defined roles, um, again, I know I kind of mentioned this in the beginning, you want to have SOPs with very clearly defined deliverables. And again, I, I go have all of this all done for you in this free guide, mollykhill. com slash SMM. And you can tweak it, right? Like, if it seems like too much at first, then pare it down.
Because that's actually one of my tips I'll get to in a little bit about, is about like actual deliverables. But, you know, start, definitely start slowly. Like, you don't want to be like, Okay, out of the gate, we're going to try to post every day, or something like that. If you're not already consistently posting.
So, it's really unfair, like I said, to just say, Oh, so and so's in charge of social media, or Hey, every associate is just responsible for contributing. What a vague thing to say, like what contributing what? How many? What do you want me to contribute? So let's just say you've got three providers in your clinic and one like front desk person.
Maybe a sample posting cadence could look like each provider is responsible for filming one face to camera reel a month. And then the, the front desk or whoever is in charge can take all of those videos and maybe she also turns, he, she, or he or she turns each one of those into a carousel post or something like that.
And then they can round out the social media with everything like I teach, well I teach it in full inside of Holistic Marketing Hub and I also teach, I have a free download called a Content Ecosystem where I, you know, that's where you can bring in your social proof, that's where you can bring in some educational posts.
Like I said, just to kind of round, round out the content strategy. I don't, I don't want to go into that into this episode. I have plenty of episodes where I talk about my content ecosystem. You can go back and find that. That would be like a really good starting point. And remember that if someone's not super comfortable being on camera, that you can do, this is, I had this down later in my outline, but it fits perfectly here is the fun little.
surprise interview style reels. I don't know if you've seen these, but I love them. And it's almost where, like I, when I went to film for a couple of my clients, I was like, okay, so what are you, like, I'm filming them adjusting a patient, right? And then I'm like, okay, so what are you doing here? Or what are you feeling for there?
And so if they're not comfortable just sitting down, like actually talking to the camera, I think these, like that style of reel is almost even more impactful to kind of have, like I said, you got to be careful with audio here because unless they're wearing a mic, you might not be able to hear their answer.
I didn't have any of my doctor's mic when I was asking them questions and I could hear them fine. But it's like something to pay attention to afterwards is making sure that you can actually hear what they're saying. So it's like, oh, okay. Why do you have this baby on the floor and why are you holding the toy out to the right and left for them?
It's like, oh, well, I'm checking to see blah, blah, blah. So that can be a little more natural of a way to film face to camera videos or like talking to the camera videos for someone who is just like maybe feels a little awkward on camera. And on top of that, it's like what freaking amazing social proof because now you're actually seeing the provider in action versus them just like maybe some b roll of the clinic or them talking about it.
So yeah, like I said, that's not even talking about these styles of videos isn't even covering how far simple B roll clips can take you. And if you don't know what B roll is, I've talked about this on the podcast before, but it's just simple, like eight to 10 second video clips where you're not actually using the audio from the video.
And it's just like panning the clinic or, you know, showing a panic, like your supplement cabinet or, um, you opening your clinic door or just like in journalism, B roll is the stuff that doesn't make like the A cut essentially. So. I always give the example of when we lived in Pensacola, the reporter is talking to the camera.
There was a shark attack on the beach. Well, then they'll start to show the camera panning the beach, but you still hear the reporter talking. That's the B roll is the reporter panning the beach. Okay. So let's talk about a little bit more from like a marketing strategy standpoint. I know I've kind of given you more of like the technical nuts and bolts, but from a marketing strategy standpoint, I really think that every provider.
Needs to lean into their own personal brand, develop their own, like be allowed to develop their own personal brand. It can still be under the umbrella of the clinic or the business, but that just, we are emotional beings where we're like, we make emotional buying decisions, right? And so we want to be able to connect with a real human.
An example I always give for this is Target. So Target's like a big company, right? Like faceless, it's just a logo, it's just a brand. But they bring in people like Chip and Joanna Gaines for the Magnolia line because it's like a human being that you can connect with. With that, one of my favorite tips, and I learned this from Sarah Cook who was the ND turned wellness copywriter who What was actually on the show a couple weeks ago is to not refer to yourself or anybody in the clinic in third person.
You only want to refer to yourself in first person. So that would look like, instead of saying, our doctors pride themselves on blah blah blah, it would be like, we pride ourselves. If, you know, Dr. Joe is the one filming the one video, the caption is not going to say, Dr. Joe recommends that you should do these stretches three times a week.
It's going to say, I recommend that you do these stretches three times a week. The reason for that is, who are you more likely to talk back to on social media? Think about it. If you saw a post that says, Dr. Joe recommends this stretches three times a week, or you saw a post that says, I recommend three, you're more likely to talk back to someone who you really think is there and not someone referring to themselves in the third person.
Because then you're like, wait, are they here? Are they the ones actually posting this? If I ask a question, who's going to be the one actually answering it? So yeah, always refer to yourself in the first person, even when it's like multiple people in the clinic. So we Think things like we versus our doctors another way Like I said from the marketing standpoint is to in your Instagram bio I've done whole episodes and whole reels on how to set up your Instagram bio properly, so if you Yeah, we can maybe link one of those most recent reels I just did in the show notes, but there's only two sections that are searchable, and when you tap, if you're a visual person, If you tap edit profile, you'll see this and it's just your at handle.
So like from, you know, if your handle is like at best life chiropractic, and then the name line is also best life chiropractic, then you're missing out on some searchable real estate in that name field, which is you get around 40 to 50, 45 to 50 characters. So now if you've got like five providers, you're not gonna be able to list out five people's names in that name field.
But what you can consider is Maybe there's one doctor who's been there forever and is like, has the most name recognition in the town, meaning people are still likely to, Oh, you should go see Dr. So and so. And that's what people are actually going to be searching. So you could put the doc with the most name recognition in that name field, but then just make 150 characters underneath that name line, that you're listing out all the other providers names.
I guess this could get a little, like, funky if you had just, like, I don't know, more than five providers or something. Maybe you wouldn't want to list that, because then you'd be, you'd be taking up every single one of your characters. But, for the most part, if there's just like, you know, two to, two to five of you, I would say try to at least get the names, some names in the bio.
And then the other thing you could have in the name line is your location. So Atlanta Pediatric Functional Medicine and Chiropractic or something like that. And then you could have names, like I said, down in the bio portion. Another way to highlight each individual. So at the time I'm recording this, Instagram says that they're doing away with story highlights.
If you don't know what a story highlight is, it's those little circles that appear underneath your profile, above your grid. So I'm not going to talk about using story highlights just on the off chance they do actually get rid of them. But what we've been doing for our clients is, and I have a whole episode on creating pinned posts, but you get up to three pin posts on the top of your Instagram profile.
I would make sure, I guess I should say, that one of those pinned posts is like, A meet the team type and you can do carousels now can have, how many slides can carousels have now? It's like up to 20. It used to be 10. Is it 20? I think so. It's that's right. You can Google that fact easily. Each provider can have an each, like even like office staff.
Like I said, if it's, you know, like from my chiropractor's office, like their office staff have been there for like a year. So I think it's still cool for them to get the recognition too. So each provider can have their own slide and you want to include some personal facts about them. Like, you know, some stuff is fun and if you can't think of fun facts, you can just like go to chat GPT and be like, Hey, what are like 10 fun fact or obscure fun fact questions or something like that?
And I bet it'll give you something good. And then you can also give like there, if everybody has like a little sub specialty, you can list that out. And then once you post, you post it on Instagram, just like you're going to post a normal post. But then once it's posted, you'll tap the three little dots on the post and hit pin to profile and it'll pin it up at the top.
So the next tip, and again, shocker, I have a whole podcast episode on this, is collaboration posts. So if one of your, if you know, one of your providers or multiple, several of your providers have their own public. personal brand page, like Instagram page. So I'm not saying like a personal page that their profile photo is of a flower and it's set to private and they're just posting about their plants.
I don't mean that. I mean, if they actually have a personal brand like business type page that they're posting to That can be a fun strategy is to, like, say they want to post, you know, their own personal tips on their personal brand page, but then they can add the clinic page as a collaborator and then the post will live on both pages.
This is not the same as tagging someone. It will not live on both pages just with a simple tag. You actually go like you're going to tag somebody at the very end, and then it'll say add collaborator. Again, I have a whole podcast episode on collaboration posts that you can go back and listen to. But that's a good way to So for example, one of my hub, original hub students from ages ago, when she first started with me, she was an associate at another clinic.
And so she started building up cause she, I guess she wasn't, I don't really know. I'm not the person who knows all of the inner workings of independent contractor versus employee and all that jazz. I know that's a hot topic in your field, but she started when she took my course, she paid for it with her own money, not the clinic's money that she worked for.
And she was really smart and she built out her own personal brand Instagram so that when she She opened her own clinic and I literally have a screenshot to prove that this happened. She was 50 percent full in her first week because she had already been posting and establishing a consistent personal brand on her own Instagram.
Well then she just kept up that page for a while. Well then she ended up hiring an associate and bringing in a nutritionist and so she was like, okay, now what do I do now? Now I have this clinic that's like bigger than just my personal brand. So, what I recommended that she do was, yes, you can still create a clinic page, but you can still post to your personal brand page, just add the clinic page as a collaborator.
And the associate that she hired also already had her own personal brand established page. So I'm like, and have her do the same thing. Like she, if she posts to her personal brand page, she adds the clinic to the, as a collaborator. And so then, like people, they don't feel like they're having to post to two places and it's like, Two birds, one stone type thing.
Okay. I was just checking down my outline. One thing I already talked about was the surprise, like interview style posts. I think those are fun, but don't discount, like if you're like, oh, we didn't, we couldn't get any patients to like show us working on them, work on each other. Get videos of, you know, if you have an acupuncturist and a chiropractor, like have the acupuncturist do acupuncture on the chiropractor and just make, make sure that you're filming that.
Okay. Because that's like gold content. You can even, you can frame it as a post as. You know, how do we always show up and take care of you? We take care of ourselves. Like, we show that you, like, practice what you preach. I actually had a chiropractor one time, we've moved around a lot because we're military, who had not been adjusted herself in over a year.
And I hated that. I was just like, as a patient, I was like, so do you not believe in this? Like, I don't know, it just, like, gave me the willies if, even if we hadn't, you know, moved, I wouldn't have gone there anymore because I just thought that was weird. So just show that, like I said, like we were working on each other or if you're like face down, people don't have to know, like I said, you could just kind of serve as like a model.
People don't have to know that it's like them that you're working on if you need the video. And the last thing I would say is just to kind of develop. Going back to you can have your own personal brand, but making sure it's still under the umbrella of the clinic It's just making sure that you're still Instagram it doesn't matter as much as it used to about like aesthetics Which I think is you know, such a relief because it makes things easier Really they really casual style videos like I guarantee you if you filmed a video in your car Just really casually talking about not, not with you driving with it in park, please.
If you're just casually talking about a really cool patient you saw that day, you're like, Oh my gosh, today I saw this patient when she first came in, her baby was breech and then we were able to do some acupuncture and some moxin and then we were able to, you know, do some Webster technique and now the baby's head down and like, you're going to get way better traction with that type of video.
than being like perfectly put together, miked up, like sitting there like a professional video style. That's just the way things are going now, which is such a relief. However, still trying to keep it within the clinic's brand guidelines. And this, like I said, this is not, don't like if you've gotten to this point.
And you're at least posting consistently, then like, bravo. Like I, I'd rather you do that than like, like I said, if this part is going to like make or break, then you can skip it. But I really do think, you know, something to consider is so making sure that you're using like consistent. So, okay. When we post reels, we use this Instagram font inside the reels and we use these colors.
Versus like, oh, Dr. So and so uses Comic Sans and Dr. So and so uses the script font and Dr. So and so uses the big bold font. Like I would stick with one, like style with your reels and then also with your graphics. Stay in your clinic's brand palette and brand fonts. Instead of just going rogue with the branding also kind of keeping consistent when it comes to like emoji use and Tone of voice like I personally loathe fear based marketing I see a lot of fear based marketing around like if you change your baby's diaper wrong They're gonna have a misalignment in their spine and it's just like that's really scary for a new mom, right?
You can still deliver the information from a place that doesn't come from fear so making sure those kind of guidelines are Consistent, like if you say practice members and not patients, then everyone needs to say practice members in their posts. The last thing I was going to say was a consistent way of handling trolls.
This really shouldn't be an issue if you've just got like one person at the helm managing everything. And you shouldn't get too many trolls. I mean, we've had some clients go viral and when that's happened, we've, the trolls have come out. I did a whole episode on how to handle trolls. I just delete them.
I, anyone who comes to troll you is not open for, like, you're not going to change their mind about something. If someone's like, you know, oh, this is pseudoscience or whatever, like, just, just delete them. Because then it taints what other people see when they come to you and I have had big accounts This is like like more like creator influencer type accounts that I have unfollowed simply because they don't protect their community and their comment section and they leave all of the troll comments and It just makes it feel like I don't even want to consume their content anymore because sometimes I can't help myself But read the comments, which is so terrible Yeah, it's just not just doesn't make it like a safe fun space now if someone's asking a genuine question and like is obviously open to learning or Genuinely like a genuine debate like that's one thing but most the time it's just people Trolling trollers gonna troll.
Okay. I covered so much information today. I hope that this was helpful and again, Molly Cahill comm slash SMM We'll kind of give you this framework. It'll say on the page like how to find your perfect social media manager. But just know that you can tweak that to, you know, if you already have somebody in your office, you can use that as their guidelines to follow.
Okay. I hope you have a fantastic day. DM me with any follow up questions you have from the episode. See you next week. Thank you for listening to Holistic Marketing Simplified, and hey, you know how every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast? Well, that's because it's super important.
These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that, we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could, please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day. To leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly A.
Cahill, that's C A H I L L. I would greatly, greatly appreciate your support. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.