Episode 11: What’s Holding You Back from Visibility in Your Business with Chelsea Haines (Part 1)

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Could you be the thing holding you back from visibility in your business? Sometimes we’re our own worst enemy. In this episode, Chelsea Haines joins us to share the three changes she made in her business that allowed her to double her Instagram following in just over three months.

Meet Chelsea

Chelsea Haines is a certified health and life coach and the founder of the Gut Health Agency. She and her team of experts are helping women worldwide heal quickly and efficiently using the magic combination of GI Map functional testing and subconscious mindset rewiring.

Finding Your Voice on Social Media

For so many of us, we’re met with a decision on how we want to use our social media accounts for our brands and businesses. As someone who was an OG Instagrammer, Chelsea loves creating content for social media. She decided that she would separate her business account and her personal account. She wanted a space where she could share personal pictures and vacation memories while having another space that served her clients. She was intentional in this decision, just like I was, despite the fact that we went opposite paths. I personally only have one account that I use for business and personal content on Instagram.

Depending on how you feel about social media, you may feel pulled to have multiple accounts or you may want to blend them! There is no one-size-fits-all all. Whatever decision you make, make it with a holistic approach that works for you!

Gaining Visibility on Instagram

While Chelsea had been on Instagram for a long time, she grew her account to 10,000 followers very slowly. For that reason, she thinks that the algorithm saw her account as a slow burn kind of thing. Her followers were organic through content creation, PR (organic and paid), and collaborations with other accounts.

When she hit the 10k mark, she thought it would continue to grow and grow. For an entire year, she stayed stagnant at 10,000 followers. She was disappointed and felt stuck. She decided that she was ready for the big numbers in business and on Instagram, but there were a few things she needed to do first.

Set your nervous system.

In planning for big numbers, Chelsea had to prepare her nervous system. Considering the amount of notifications that come through with a large following, she had to fix your mindset on the positives. This couldn’t be overwhelming, her mindset needed to shift to looking at it as success. This can also mean overcoming the fear of success.

Big numbers can drive success, which is scary for us. Honestly, the fear of success can sometimes be bigger than the fear of failure. There is a saying, “At every new level is a new devil.” Maybe that devil is just ourselves and the fear of what that new level is going to bring.

Some of that fear comes from our empathic side, where we want to serve everyone and give our talents to everyone. Sometimes we limit our beliefs into believing that we do that, which in turn is holding us back from going after the big numbers.

Create more than you consume.

Just because you hit a specific threshold of followers does not mean that they’ll continue to come. While you may feel like you’re active and always on Instagram, that could be due to you consuming content rather than creating. While you may dream of big numbers, they’re not going to come unless you’re putting the work in to get them there. In consuming, you’re teaching the algorithm that what you do on Instagram is consume not create.

Making the decision to create more content will allow you to have fun with content. Don’t get caught up in creating the best, most impactful post every single time. Focus on creating entertaining content that your audience will love and engage with. Start simple by getting inspired by trends, doing remixes, and choosing action. When she has the energy, she posts at least once a day, most of the time multiple times a day. Creating the content when you’re inspired is so important.

Engage on Instagram

In addition to those two shifts, she also started engaging with other accounts on Instagram by using our Engagement Checklist! Sometimes it was engaging with a full comment, but she let that idea go for every single engagement—shifting to emojis.

Before she posts anything, she uses the Engagement Checklist to get her name in front of more people and accounts, while simultaneously creating new content on Instagram.

The Results

Once Chelsea made these changes in late December 2022, she started to see growth in her Instagram following. Within six weeks, the floodgates opened and over the course of three months, she grew from 10k to 22k followers. Her reels were going viral, her engagement was up, and she was seeing consistent growth.

Mentioned in this Episode

Engagement Checklist

Connect with Molly

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Connect with Chelsea




The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hook! Head to holisticmarketinghub.com to learn more and use code PODCAST for $100 off! 

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Molly Cahill

From 10,000 followers to 75,000 followers in just four months. So what my friend, my dear friend Chelsea Haines has done over the past four months, and I cannot wait for you to hear the part one and part two of this interview. Chelsea is a dear friend of mine, she's actually been my health and life coach since 2019. I've had the privilege of working on some of her content, she's worked with me, she's been my coach for years. The whole reason I asked Chelsea to come on is because of her rapid growth. She of course, had a lot of videos go viral and had a lot of trolls come out. And one of the biggest things you all ask me about or or tell me you're concerned about is just that it's like the trolls in the fear of visibility, and what are people going to say and all of that which is completely valid fear. So because Chelsea is trained in a special subconscious modality called Orpheus, I it's something I have done several times I've had like crazy miraculous, I don't like to use the word miraculous, but like literally, like I've had crazy results using these Orpheus tracks, I've actually stopped going to traditional therapy, and just work with Chelsea now one on one, because like the changes I've seen have been like just so much faster. So really, the whole reason I had her on is to come on to talk about this subconscious work that you can do to, you know, help you not have such a, like visceral response when you have the trolls. But it ended up being such an awesome conversation because she was like right in the midst of this really rapid growth and rapid growth of like targeted actual, you know, the right followers to, and it's actually led to more sales in her program, which is the whole reason we do this, right. Like it's not just rapid growth for a rapid growth state. So anyway, she was in the midst of that when we were doing our recordings. So the whole first half of the episode, we were just talking about what she did, the shift that she made, and it was such a minor shift, y'all and you're gonna freakin love it. And it like totally fits the ethos of this podcast, this minor shift she made that made her kind of blow up in just a few months. And then in the second half, part two, we talk about the actual subconscious work and things that you can do to not only prepare your nervous system for rapid growth, but things you can do once the troll has actually come out. So I think you're really going to love this part one and part two. So here goes part one.

Welcome to holistic marketing simplified a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill. And this podcast is brought to you by holistic marketing hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching captioned templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish but we also bake their hook, head to holistic marketing hub.com to learn more and use code podcast for $100 off, you can find full show notes, resources, and more. At Molly cahill.com/podcast. Chelsea Haines, my BFF I'm so excited you're on the show. Chelsea has been my health and life coach since what 2019 or 20? Yeah, I think 29 2019 We were connected through a mutual friend. And then we just hit it off. And it's shocking that we've never met in real life because we literally talk weird all day, every day. And we talk about everything. So I'm so happy. You're here. Welcome, welcome.

Chelsea Haines
So I'm so grateful to be here. Thank you. I'm so proud of this podcast, and I am a true fan and honestly grateful to be on the giving end of it.

Molly Cahill
I owe a lot of it to you. I think everyone needs a business coach, and everyone needs a life coach and health coach and like I will tell you, you're kind of like the two in one. But we also bounce business ideas off each other as well. So I feel like I don't know. So I already did your intro. But tell us a little bit about you. Chels. Yes. Well, you have a very interesting story.

Chelsea Haines
Yeah, there's a lot of different avenues for this story. But I think, you know, the the main thread through it all is just experiencing very traumatic and random hardships, but trusting myself through it all at different stages in my life, you know, so there's, there's a big, a big piece of what I do now is rooted back to childhood abandonment, my father left, my mom had to file bankruptcy, we lost our home literally like the guys in black suits, knocking on the door kind of situation removed. And of course, you know, the way that my mom and my brother and I all dealt with that really confusing time I actually found a Journal recently. And I wrote that, though, to think like, what we've been through in the last few years, these unknown confusing times, it was exactly what it was like when I was just pre pubescent, 12 years old. So um, a lot of what I do now is reflection, a reflection of me digesting and processing those formative years of my life. And, you know, fast forward, I think the stress of those years, eventually turned into an autoimmune disease. So that kind of fast forwarded me into eventually exploring gut health, which was, which came after college. So all through high school all through college, I was experiencing psoriasis, it was just getting worse and worse, I was using steroid creams, and I was just getting very frustrated with the allopathic symptom management model. And of course, Molly knows deeply, we always love to say, bless that medicine around here. And I still, you know, foundationally use medicine in all of, you know, what I do personally and for my clients, and there was, you know, this deeper piece of me that was kind of tugging at my intuition to dig deeper, you know, there's got to be something else going on here. I inherently just don't believe, again, the western model of autoimmune disease that your immune system is attacking itself, I just don't believe that I truly believe that there's something else going on in the body that's causing the immune system to go awry. And there's a reason for it. And for me, that path looked like gut health. And then of course, the huge secondary and I would almost even say the missing piece for many of my healing journey years was the subconscious and mindset work which is eventually what led me to becoming a health and life coach because that mindset work is so so important. And here we are now the founder of the gut health agency, where we put it all together with a pretty bow on top

Molly Cahill
Yeah, we're going to talk about that so just so as a primer, we're going to talk about one thing Chelsea's Instagram has recently just like blown up so we're talking about just like technically just something she's done it but then we're also going to talk about the main reason I wanted to have Chelsea honest because so many people have this block around visibility and showing up and fear of being on camera and or fear of the trolls and so we're gonna dive into that and we're gonna dive into like the subconscious side of that, which is really exciting. But Chelsea, one thing you glazed over on your story, is that you the yacht stuff, you have to just Oh, real quick, like, oh, yeah, most interesting. Like Chelsea's taught Beyonce yoga on a super yacht. Like this is true.

Chelsea Haines
So actually, this is really cool because I think you know, that that you're right, there was a big pillar to my self development and that was in 2015. I got divorced. And yeah, I was married young. It was kind of a shotgun kind of wedding, we fell deeply in love. And we got married. And you know, it lasted for six years. And I say we separated with as much love as we got married with. And you know, ultimately, when you get married young, you grow apart and we wanted different things. But that separation didn't make it any easier. And it was sort of my personal Eat, Pray Love moment, six months after we had separated, I had moved into a house with a girlfriend. So I was living with a roommate, again for the first time, in many, many years after having been married. And I was driving to the yoga studios teaching yoga full time at at this time. So you know that the process of self development had been unraveling and unfolding for many years, just through my process of yoga and self reflection. So it is what we call it and becoming a yoga teacher was really transformative. And I think the first step in becoming a teacher or a leader or a guide for other people and learning how to become confident in that role. But driving to the yoga student, I think this is important to the story, because it comes back to really trusting your gut and trusting your intuition. I had this really profound, Claire adient moment, and if you've ever heard of the term clairvoyant, clairaudient is is an audible sensation, you know, almost like a voice from outside. Yeah, there's never heard that. Yeah, clairvoyant, I believe is vision. So you have like these visions. Clear audience is, is sound and like this really profound audible. For me, it was like a command from God. I don't know how to say it, it was a very clear specific, you have to move on to a boat. And that was that was the direction that was given to me. I was like, Oh, wow, okay, what the hell do I do with that? There's also Claire sentient, which is like a deep feeling and sensation. It's a bunch of like different ways that we can communicate with our intuition, and that which is greater than us through different senses that we have. But for me, there's been a few pivotal moments in life that I'm very specifically indirectly guided by a voice to tell me to do something, whether it's my own voice, or my intuition, or God, or the Holy Spirit, or the universe, or whatever you want to call it, something else telling me what to do, and me just surrendering and listening. And that, again, is kind of irrelevant to the Instagram blowing up recently. But I pulled over it was, so it's such a profound message. And I called my only friend who I thought might be able to help me and she had just retired from being a yacht Sue. And I thought, Well, I've been told I have to move on to a boat, and you're the only person I know who has ever lived on a boat. And she basically was like, Well, I've had this conversation about 30 times, and no one's ever followed through and I said, Amanda, I will be the first person to follow through. And sure enough, about three months later, I had sold all my belongings, I had found someone to cover on my full time yoga teaching gig, I had had to find a new home for my kitty, which was the most devastating part of the whole thing. You know, I found someone to sublet my apartment that I had just signed a lease on. And I packed my entire life into two suitcases. And I moved on to a super yacht, to teach yoga to the top 1% entrepreneurs in the world. And that includes teaching Bay and J family yoga, which was pretty cool. But that, you know, that that was just, you know, I think, I think this thread of being in that environment and being amongst the wealthiest people in the world, truly, the moment we got into the yoga mat, it was very clear that we just all want the same thing. And that's to be safe, to be loved and to be accepted. And if we are not feeling one of those things, and we will sabotage and we will do things that go against our own morals in order to seek those needs of being safe, loved and accepted. And it doesn't matter where you land on the socio economic scale, we still need those three things. And that also ties into kind of later on in the conversation when we get to doing the work to feel those things inside knowing that perceived threat and real threat process the same in the body. And of course, you can imagine I'm sure for Beyonce, she's probably had to do a lot of this kind of coaching and work because not back from the general public. Yeah, is heavy. Oh,

Molly Cahill
I just got chills too. And you talking about that? When you get on the mat? Or all of a sudden we all have the same needs. It's crazy. Yeah. So let's dive into like the, like, just the technical. Like, let's talk about the Instagram part first. Because you've always been active on Instagram, you are up to like, what 10,000? Yeah, and you've got a couple different accounts.

Chelsea Haines
Yeah, so I have a personal account, I guess I'll just like kind of share a little bit the history of my business account, which I started 10 years ago, which by the way, I just have to throw this out there. I realized I have this deep belief or mantra that quote unquote, takes 10 years to be an overnight success. And that is something that I have told myself practically my whole life, out of fear of I feel behind I feel behind me Live, I've been posting on this account in 2023 will be 10 years. And literally in January, the first month of 2023 is when it has gone up. So like, I don't know, there's something to that. So I started my business account in 2013, when I became a yoga teacher was originally solo yoga. And then I have my personal account. So I have like my family account, it's a private account where I share like my cat and my husband, and you know, living life in Panama a little bit and really ridiculous and funny memes, really cat videos and funny memes. But my business account, really, you know, and I had to make the decision to do that. Because I think as a solopreneur, where many of us have created a personal brand as part of our business model, which I think is really important in today's day and age, it can be helpful to differentiate what you post where, because obviously, we are multi passionate beings, but sometimes it can be, I would say less confusing for our audience, I think our audience understands and knows that we are human beings, but maybe more confusing for us as people who desire to post more about our lives. And for me, as a projector by human design, and someone who gets burned out really easily and tired really easily. I had to kind of set my own boundaries with social media, and that personally looked like, I'm going to share more of my like, family photos and and, you know, I don't know, special occasions vacations, more so on my personal account, yeah. And then my business account really is going to be where engage and post intentionally for my community, my ideal client, and the people who I believe I can help and serve in a powerful way. So it's very two different energies there for me personally, and I think that was important for me to decipher, on the Instagram journey.

Molly Cahill

And I'm gonna pause you there just to say, if anybody's listening, I you know, that like I've always taught almost always just to have one account. And that's only because Chelsea has You're like an OG Instagrammer. So it's clearly something you enjoyed. Yeah, yeah, I actually got

Chelsea Haines
an Instagram when it was literally just the reason why I got an Instagram was because I used to be like an amateur photographer. So I was like, Ooh, a new platform where I can share my amateur photography. Yeah, it's fun. Cool. That's why I got an Instagram in like, 2010,

Molly Cahill
whatever, like an OG like early adapter, I still only have one account only because I, I just like, don't find joy in do like, I don't want to have to separate, I don't want to sue, I will still post some personal things, I'll just usually post it to my stories, or, you know, the personal content is part of the content ecosystem that I teach. So I'll just do like one post here or there. But I do always tell people like, if you if you enjoy that, like if Instagram is how you keep in touch with your family and your friends, and you want to post a picture three times a day of your cat or your plants or your kid or whatever, like absolutely have a separate account. The only reason I teach that having one account is because so many people already felt feel overwhelmed. Yeah, with the idea of it that I'm like, don't feel like you need to. Yeah, and then I would see these silho I can think of a few chiropractors off the top of my head who were solo in practice. Yeah. And they had like a clinic page. And then they had their, you know, personal brand page. Yeah. And all they would do is like cross post the same stuff back and forth. And I'm like, Oh, that was the point, just double down on one page. So again, like as you know, the whole ethos of this podcast is that there is no such thing as one size fits all. So I just felt the need to kind of like go there. I've actually thought about starting a second personal account just to post more, because I don't post on Facebook used to be the place where I kept up with my friends and family. And yeah, I hate Facebook. See,

Chelsea Haines
honestly, Molly for me, like you said, because I had been on Instagram and because when I became a yoga teacher and 2013 back then Instagram, at least the Instagram that I knew was very much like it was visually appealing. And it was very much like yoga heavy. So in my mind, like when I logged into Instagram, I like I have two very distinct communities and like the people that are on my personal account literally are my best friends and my family. So when I log into that feed, I see those posts for those people. Now when I log into my business account, I see a completely different feeds. So that was also kind of a secondary purpose of growing this business account and it has evolved again, I've been posting on this account for 10 years now. So it was very easy for me like I don't ever feel pressured to log into my personal account. And when I do I know it's because I'm going to be like sharing a ridiculous meme or literally DMing like my best college girlfriends which now that my business account has blown up. I'm proudly saying that because it's taken 10 years to get out there. No, girl, thank you. It's almost like it almost feels more. Now of course, there is some cross pollination there. But even for my friends, like my best friends in college, they have even said to me, like when I started posting more regularly, they're like, I don't follow your business account. I hope that's okay. Um, like, first off, there's, you don't even have to tell me that you don't have to explain anything. But knowing that, like, my friends are not my ideal clients. And you know, for anyone in network marketing to this is also like a big takeaway, which I also do affiliate marketing, and I sell different things. Like, I'm not necessarily marketing to my friends like, and I want to have a place where we can send funny memes to each other without there being like, weird feelings where they feel like they have to unfollow me or mute me or something like that, you know, it's just it's two different energies for me personally, and it's, I wouldn't to anyone who's like, I don't have two accounts, and I don't want it. I would never say, Go make your own personal account. Just for that reason. Like, for me, it just, it happened that way.

Molly Cahill
And I'm like, still a place of joy for you. So like, yeah, yeah, that's, yeah, the only reason I wanted to stop and say that it's just because I wanted, I didn't want people to think like, oh, my gosh, can I not post personal stuff on my business account? And I'm like, No, there's no, she means that. Okay, so Okay, let's see, what is this shift you've had recently? Like, I know, we were just talking a couple months ago, and you were really frustrated, because you felt like you were just hovering around the 10,000 mark, which is huge, by the way, which is so funny. Isn't it funny? How are we get on that hedonic treadmill, and we're just like, 10,000.

Chelsea Haines
Well, and you know what, you're right. And okay, so let

Molly Cahill
me lay it out. First, I felt like you were complaining. I don't mean it like that. It's just, but I was frustrated, I

Chelsea Haines
for sure was frustrated, right? Because this is like, then you kind of get stuck in like this algorithm p so there was a few things that built up to what I felt like all of a sudden, like a plug being pulled. Number one, I it's really important that people know that all 10k of those people were completely organic, and it and I am not saying I know many people who hit 10k in like three months from a brand new account. I'm just saying for me personally, I think the way that I had built this account was so slowly and over time, the algorithm had kind of saw my account as this like, slow burn kind of thing. I might be making this up. But this is what it felt like for me. Okay, you know, so all 10k of those people were organic. I've never once paid for likes paid for followers. I've never even like I would say there was two things that kind of helped me get to that 10k mark. And that was number one doing PR which most PR is paid. I had one big PR CNN article that went viral that was not paid. And that was because a British journalist reached out to my Instagram account when this account was the yogi Yachty. So I've changed the name of this account a few times. And again, timing was kind of right. I was working on it private super yacht below deck on Bravo TV was starting to become a say, Okay, we're not many yacht stews on Instagram. Yeah, I was kind of like the yogi Yachty. I was one of the first ones doing this, like yoga on yachts and sharing it on social media. So that CNN article, all of a sudden, I think my account went from 2000 followers to 4000 followers. Now we're going back to like, 2017. Yeah, that's a big growth. Yeah. But that was like, Oh, my gosh, PR works like, this is cool. People are seeing that article. And they're following my Instagram because of it. So when I started my business, I did pay for a featured article, I'm totally transparent about that, you know, most PRs paid again, there's nothing wrong with that. And that helped as well. So that was a featured article, it became featured in Yahoo Finance, and it was spread out. So that helped further my growth, but it wasn't as instant or as organic as that other article, which, ironically, was not paid. So, you know, there's there's maybe some energy behind that too. So you know, that that, you know, over the years, and then I had a couple of friends whose accounts blew up, and they they mentioned by name a couple of times, right, so cross pollinating with other large accounts. We did some IG lives that helped, so cross pollinating was really important. I know, Molly, you teach that a lot, like collaborating is very, very, very important. So then I finally hit the 10k mark. And I had thought in my mind, like, as soon as I hit 10k, it's just gonna be like a floodgate. You know, because that's what I had heard from other accounts that blew up like Oh, I was thinking that once I hit 10k, I had this belief that like, once I hit the magical 10k Mark, then it was just going to be like all systems go and for all of 2022 I did not go beyond 1000 more followers literally the entire year. I was like 10k followers, I think, January 1 2023. I was like 10.7. So like, the entire year so here I am thinking like the magic Numbers gonna get me there and it didn't. So I will say energetically, there was also a piece of me where it was like, I was disappointed. And I kind of did get stuck in this, like, what am I doing wrong? Now simultaneously, this is really important. I really think foundationally for anyone who's like, I'm ready to blow my Instagram up, I want a large amount of followers because you have to want it. That's really important, right? I was my mantra for the entire year of 2022 Was I am ready for the big numbers. That's literally all I said to myself, in business on Instagram on social media I, I was like preparing my nervous system for big numbers. Because I know for me and my personal journey and seeing what bankruptcy did to my mom and kind of living in healing, a scarcity mindset and being fearful of success. I knew I had to prepare my nervous system for big numbers. So all year long, that was my mantra, I'm ready for big numbers, I'm ready for big numbers. And every time I got frustrated, I just gave it back to God, I would ask for a sign and then I would find my sign, which would remind me that I'd had to trust the timing of it all. So like, there's a lot of quote unquote, woo, woo, woo talk

Unknown Speaker
here. But, Lulu? Lulu,

Chelsea Haines
for me. It's an energetic thing. It's a nervous system thing. And preparing my nervous system was huge, because then now when I log into Instagram, and I see all these notifications, rather than getting overwhelmed and stressed out, and celebrating it, and I do believe Molly in a past life of mine, or in a few a few years ago, if I had seen you have 100 new comments, or you have 100 new followers, I would have clammed up and panicked. Because the belief is now I have to respond to all these people. What do I do with all these people? I don't want this.

Molly Cahill
Oh my gosh, I just had to take a deep breath because I'll never forget I had this like pivotal moment. When I don't even remember, I think I maybe had one virtual assistant and that was it, that I was still very much in charge of everything. Like I said she did like anything that she was amazing. She did like what I asked, like, I was still very much the driver of everything. Just before I had Carolyn, who's my online business manager who posted about on the stories yesterday and she's like, hiring her. She was like the pivotal moment. I can like track back to like rapid growth. But anyways, I remember I'd gotten laid

Chelsea Haines
with me by the way. And my Mikayla mines my Mikayla

Molly Cahill
Yeah, oh my gosh. That was always like, what would it do people like get hit by bus my call Carolyn. I don't know. Like you'll figure it out. I was in a Panera. And this is when we still lived in Gulf Breeze and Florida and I was in a Panera. And I got like two inquiries in a row. And then I got this one. I don't remember what all happened. But it was just like a hole. And I was just like, and it was like it was a good thing. It wasn't a bad thing. I literally had a panic attack, like an actual like, I got really dizzy. I thought I was gonna faint. Oh my god. I'm like feeling it. Now. I'm about it. And I I texted Kate korsmeyer. And I was like, I'm having a panic attack, can you talk and she's like, she's like, she called me. She's like, okay, take our D she's like walking me through these breath exercises. So it's funny, because I think we think we're like, oh, this is like, all our problems will be solved. And we'll just be so happy when. But I love what you said about you have to prepare your nervous system. Here I was wanting more business, I got it. And I

Chelsea Haines
panicked. Yep. The fear of success is a huge, I would say way bigger for all my entrepreneurs here. We're not afraid of failure, like most of us are over that, like that was like early on in our journey. And, you know, we've we've, we've overcome that, you know, we know that we can pivot we can change failures never actually failure. It's always learning like we we've embodied that I think at this point for many people, as business owners, but the fear of success and like next level successful. Yes. Is is that's huge. It's huge. And there's a mantra out there that I try not to say to myself, but I know I do believe it somewhere because every time I'm saying it, I'm like, oh, there it is, again, at every new level is a new devil. And it's like, okay, maybe that devil is just ourselves and like the fear of what that new level is going to bring? Well,

Molly Cahill
I think a lot of the people listening to this are people who are like, we give our best, we always give our best. And so just think that like even in an holistic marketing hub, it is not meant to be I mean, it's not meant to be a one on one coaching program. But in my brain, I'm like I have to give. I have to give, you know, top level one on one coaching service to every single student and I'm like, No, that's not what they're paying for. That's not what I advertise. But in my brain I'm like if I don't know each one of these students personally then like This is just like, and that's where I go. And so that's what I've been working on with you. I know. And then my new coach, Lisa Fabrega. We're working on like a lot of visibility stuff, and it's just

Chelsea Haines
wild. Well, when you think about it, right, it's a people pleasing piece of us. We just talked about this as well, with my mindset membership, it's a $50 a month buy in, it's like a very accessible thing for people. But for me, it's like, I it's really hard to set that boundary between my high touchpoint one on one clients, versus a membership, right, but but as human beings, we can't realistically be expected to do that. But that is the fear, right? The The Empathic side of us that says, I want to give it all to everybody, which in turn is holding us back from wanting the big numbers, because the thought is, how am I going to do that? How is that going to be sustainable? If I have 100 people on my membership? How am I going to respond to all those DMS every week, and you can't, like, you can't, you can't. So preparing your nervous system for the big numbers, again, my entire 2022 I kept telling myself that I said it out loud. I know I said it to you, I said it to a few other like business besties of mine, or my husband all the time, I'm ready for the big numbers, give me the big numbers, I'm ready for it. So that was huge, which also involves doing some subconscious work around the fear of success. And that feeling of people pleasing and the responsibility, the fear of responsibility that comes with the big numbers, right? The big money, the big followers that and so this culture Kancil culture, I was gonna say this ties in beautifully into like our part two of this conversation, right, fearing the feedback.

Molly Cahill
But let's stop was the thing that like what was like your mic drop moment where you're finally like, boom.

Chelsea Haines
So I think it was a combination of things. So first off, setting my nervous system up for success. Number two, literally making a mindset shift, because I realized, I kept wanting the big numbers, but not wanting to put the energy into it. I kept telling myself like, Oh, but I hit 10k. So it should just happen. Or I'm active on this platform all the time. Why isn't it happening? But what I realized, and this is like, number two, besides number one getting your nervous system ready. Number two, create more than you consume. Yeah, period. And I know you teach this all the time, Ali, right, like, you have to like, and I realized I was spending a lot of time on Instagram. But guess what I was doing? I was teaching the algorithm that what I do on Instagram is consume not create. Yeah, and I don't know if there's something to that either, as well. But like, that's what it felt like for me.

Molly Cahill
Yeah. Number two, create more than you consume. And you like I said, this is intentional of like, a season, right? Like, you probably won't be in this season, forever.

Chelsea Haines
Exactly. And that's what I think was the limiting belief behind my process was, if I start creating more content, I'm gonna have to do that forever. And there's seasons of my life where I can't do that. So I don't want to quote unquote, teach the algorithm that I'm going to be doing this new thing and then pull back that I literally had all these thoughts, which again, I say the algorithm is such

Molly Cahill
it's bullshit. So to say, what do I always say Chelsea's creating for the algorithm create, which I'm always like, don't worry about if I hear somebody say the word algorithm again. Yes, I'm gonna like a shot. And I'm just getting down to, I think the word consistency gets really misconstrued. Yeah, because I look at things in seasons, like you're in a growth season. So that's why I always tell people I'm like, if you're on a six week, waitlist, you might just be like, we have even for our Instagram management clients, we have two levels of packages. One is called the President's package. It's four posts a week, that's all you get, like, yep, we don't do any backend engagement. We don't post on your stories. We're not like Yes. And it's, it's just to have that consistent presence, you're probably not going to see a whole lot of growth, like it's just, you're already you've already built, get you're in like Coast mode right now, then you might ramp up and be in another growth phase. That consistency doesn't mean unless you're a type A personality, and you need that. And that structure is what like, you know, makes you tick. But I've heard people say before that consistency means it has to be the same day of the week, the same time. I'm like, that's not what consistency means at all.

Chelsea Haines
Yeah, not at all. And like you said, if it's helpful to create that schedule for yourself, yeah, then do it. Cool. Go for it. I have like a loose schedule. And that's because I weave it in between running a business for me, it does help me to have somewhat of a schedule and if I don't stick to that schedule, I'm not like hard on myself. So you know, creating, just making the decision to create more content, which is kind of like my number two pillar of like, why I think things have finally started blowing up and I just started having fun with I noticed, I realized that the content that I was creating, I kept trying to like solve the world's problems in one 92nd Real every single time I posted and it was so much now I'm like, You know what? I'm going to just post often, and it's going to be fun. And I'm going to find a trending audio, and I'm going to do something that feels good. And rather than saving it for later because Molly, how many of us have an entire library of once trending audios that are now collecting dust? Because we think oh, I'm going to come back to that. At least this was my experience. I would consume, consume, save, save, save. Oh, that's cute. I can do that. Oh, of course, I can do that. Well, I can do that. I can do that. And I was never actually doing it.

Molly Cahill
And not me being guilty of the same thing. No, I love that too. Like, I remember us having a conversation when you were like, Oh, is it bad to post twice in one day? I like really feel inspired. And I was like, I don't know, maybe you should spaced it out. And I was like, who cares? If you if you're in the mood like go for it dude, like for and then if you have a week where you're like, I don't feel like doing any of this then don't,

Chelsea Haines
don't exactly and that difference where I'm like, I'm gonna get on in scroll for five minutes. I don't even have to scroll maybe five reels. Not even before I find one. That's easy, because of course Instagram knows your vibe and knows your your what you like to do. Fine. Within five rules, I find an audio or a trend that I love. And I'm inspired to reproduce it, which is another big thing to get over. Like, the whole point of trending content is multiple people doing the same exact thing. So get out of your head thinking you have to recreate the wheel like until you get to a point where you feel confident and comfortable creating your own like unique content. For me, it was really helpful to just be like, let go of all the rules and copy what that person is doing. Because there are millions of people on this app. And even if somebody sees the same thing, it doesn't matter because it's trending for Yeah, but

Molly Cahill
you haven't been copying. That's not the right you. You put your own spin on it for sure.

Chelsea Haines
Yeah, maybe inspired is a better word. Yeah, I

Molly Cahill
get no feel inspired by Yeah, being as if you were like, I'm gonna literally take the exact same text the exact same caption like that. No, no, obviously you yours has been original. And you haven't only been doing trends. I don't feel like it's like you've been doing some other stuff that you've been using. The remixes are really easy to do. Yes. Um, yeah, I just noticed, like, if you will get all your videos like they're not perfect. Like, it's not like this perfect thing like you can. It's just, I love it. I love that you've done.

Chelsea Haines
I chose action over overthinking it.

Molly Cahill
Yes. I love it. Um, yeah, I think that's like a big Now remember what I was gonna say? I think that's a big myth of manifesting is like that. You don't have to take action, what it's like

Chelsea Haines
I am proof. Yeah, I saw I'm here I am just manifesting the big numbers all year long. I'm here for the big numbers. I feel the big numbers. I'm feeling it. I'm feeling it. I'm feeling it. But I was never taking action. I was consuming a shit ton. I was posting a lot on stories, which again, fell easy for me and I just made the decision. Instead of posting a 32nd story, I'm gonna post a 32nd reel. I just made that decision. And it relieved all of the perfectionist in me it made the content really fun, really inspired. And I was able to change up now again, I've been on the app for a really long time. I, for me, I got over like the fear of showing up a long time ago. And that was something that I worked on a long time ago. So like this decision to just take quote unquote, messy action, which I thought I was really good at this year, I've gotten really damn good at it almost maybe to a fault where I've had to like reel it back a little bit. Taking messy action and just creating content and doing different forms of content. Like I'm shocked. Some of my remixes have kind of done really well. Like I never thought a remix was going to do that that well. But they really have and that like surprises me. And there's no easy tools are so low lift like oh my god, like one of them's me literally letting my cat pet my forehead and I'm just listening to the audio and sharing my thoughts. In the caption, you know, I didn't do anything. She's the cutest. I didn't add any text. And also Instagram lately is glitching with text. I can't tell you how many times I do I know. Mine too, and then disappears. And then I'm like, am I going to archive this and repost it? No. Maybe now if it's an if it's an original reel and the captions really important, I will do that because I like download it before and I might well this doesn't make sense if there's no text there. But if it's something where it's just me like adding my input to a remix, for example. I don't know why it's glitching it's annoying as hell but if it doesn't show up whatever I'm Moving on, well, if I don't notice that it didn't show up until like, the next day, I'm like, well, at this point, it's already out there in the world. Maybe I can archive it in a couple of weeks and repost it with the actual text. They're not gonna worry about it, because I'm going to be making new content anyway.

Molly Cahill
Right? And maybe you know, this, maybe you don't, but like, how long do you feel like you've been doing this? How often have you been posting? Enlighten us?

Chelsea Haines
How know this because it was such a specific, sorry.

Molly Cahill
Excuse me? How long before you kind of blew up? Like, yeah, like, started?

Chelsea Haines
It was mid December. And I will say, right, so we also have to consider like, my personal story where I was at in life like, we were nomads, during the pandemic, we were shifting from working on yachts to renovating a home becoming like, we laugh. We became land crabs, again, after working and living on the ocean under the sea for so long. Well, Chelsea's husband is still, yes, he's a first officer on Super yacht. So he still works on board.

Molly Cahill
They live in Panama.

Chelsea Haines
Panama, then we're in Central America. And you know, it was grounding down for the first time was a really symbolic thing for me. So now, over a year later, pretty much almost a year to the date when we finished renovating and moved into our home was when I finally had the energy to start producing content again, where it was like, Okay, I've coasted this year, I launched a new business, I did the damn thing. We renovated, we moved to Central America. Now I'm ready. Like now I'm in my zone. Like, I've got my routine down. I'm kind of bored. To be honest. I'm like, I created my four day work week, like what do I do with myself on my days off? And that's like a hard boundary for me. But it's like, well, how do I fill my free time now? And I thought, You know what, I'm gonna make content on my free time, because that feels fun again, and I've set my life up to be able to do that. And I have a home and I have hours, I have time, right? We're always either money rich or time rich. If we're lucky, we're both rich. All of a sudden, now I'm like, Okay, I have time, I have time to put into this. I have a space literally with like, a light ring. And like I have, for the first time my little setup, and it doesn't have to be that way. But for me energetically. I felt like I'm set up to create content again, and you

Molly Cahill
have a place to send them, right. Like a lot of things we've talked about on this is like popularity doesn't pay the bills. Like, who cares? Like I just looked at 22.8 1000 followers, like, who cares if you're not actually converting to dollars? Because we aren't full time influencers? Right? Like we're in business, though. And I'll let you talk about more about this at the very end. But like you've got the gut health agency now, which is what I'm a part of, you've got your membership, your are still doing some one on one coaching, or

Chelsea Haines
no, it's just the two got health agency and the membership. Yep.

Molly Cahill
And I was just scrolling through your feed Charlson, it was like 19 hours ago, one day ago, four days ago, four days ago, four days ago, like three, three posts in a row, there's like six days ago. So I love like, you're like this perfect example of it doesn't have to be this rigid schedule. And I also love that you've been doing the quote, graphics, a simple white background, black text. That's one of my main problems is like, I tried to be so like, you know, I could never just have like one template and use it over. I feel like I always had to be like, really defining it and all that. Dumb, like, how much time about wasted same in

Chelsea Haines
has to be on brand, and it has to look pretty in the feed has to look pretty. And for a while I think Instagram was

Molly Cahill
oh, yeah, it was. Yeah, there was it to that. And I do still think you need to have, you know,

Chelsea Haines
cohesiveness a little bit.

Molly Cahill
Well, yeah, just just a level of like, especially I think with my health and wellness providers. It's like, is this person going to be sloppy with my care if they're slow right there? So I think their

Chelsea Haines
level of professionalism, right,

Molly Cahill
like how, right, yeah, yeah, but also, I'm, like, I think about all the time I've wasted. That's why my team is so great, because they'll like, get, they can get things done in like four times. Like it takes me like four times longer, because I'll move a textbox and I'm not a perfectionist, like, you know, me too. I'll be like, I'll move the textbox over or like, a little move it again, or I'm gonna put this like Molly.

Chelsea Haines
Yes, do it. And the great thing is with those text things, right, it's like, in my mind, I thought, What is shareable? And what hits for people? Simple little things. And I realized, like, you shared this in your stories the other day, easy to read font. And even I mean, I had paid a designer years ago to create these like templates for me. They were hard to read. They were confusing. The font was to like light. They weren't heavy enough. And that trailer scheme they had there wasn't enough contrast. And even like the lines of the letters were too like they were it was too light. Like it wasn't a thing. Look at this bold, this is like a bold, thick font, you know versus their sub font up here, you can barely even read write a lighter text, you know. So it's like, it's not just the contrast, but it's also the weight. That's, I think that's the proper word, the weight of the text. I thought you know it black and white, like, it doesn't have to like, let me just keep this super simple. And once I started doing that people started sharing, sharing them. So that was really important. And then I guess we'll step it forward now. So getting your nervous system ready for the growth, choosing to just take messy action. So you ask the question, when did this start? And how often did I do it? It started right before Christmas, about one year to the date that we moved in after renovating our home when I finally just made the decision to start posting multiple times a day because like you said, I was getting in my head, how often can I be doing this? And I had seen big influencers start saying you have to post multiple times a day, and that I had a reaction to that. So I was like, well, fu I don't have to do anything. But for me, personally, there was this excitement, and I was getting in my head of like, oh, I want to post twice today I have the energy for it. I don't always have the energy for it, is that going to work against me. And I just thought, you know what, if I've got the energy for this, I'm gonna do it. Sometimes I post up to three times a day, like you said, it's like, and then I'll have a day where I don't post at all, which I try not to be to draft I'm definitely posting every single day, maybe once a week, I'm not posting a story if I'm like really burnt out, but I have things batch. So I'm not creating content every single day, which also has helped me. If I go to my drafts, I'm like, Oh, I've got a couple reels drafted. You know, on my Canva. I know, I've got like an easy text that I can always pull down. Like, if I'm lounging on the couch on a Sunday, it's easy for me to just like, pull a text down and just send it out.

Molly Cahill
Yeah, and that's, that's why I teach batching a little differently. I like to have a reserve of evergreen content. Evergreen means it just means it's something that can be used anytime, when I'm not feeling inspired. And I guess at the tap of a button and it can be done. I'm so excited. I'm actually sitting down Thursday with one of the newest members of my team to batch out my own content. Yes, because I don't follow my own damn advice. Because I'm in that space too, like I've got you to help me with. So that's this will be a perfect segue into our next topic. And this might have been like split into two episodes. I don't know, but the fear of showing up. So let me just read this. Let me read this text to you. Because I realize it's something I'm scared of, too. It's funny.

Chelsea Haines
As you pull that up, Molly, let me just add before, I think there is one more important pillar here to like the logistics of it. And that really is engagement. And your engagement checklist was the foundation for this. And I will say the one thing that I did differently that that kind of held me back from the past was feeling like my engagement always had to be really meaningful. And I just decided to start engaging on people's content with emojis. And I won't recommend doing that all the time. And I really don't do it. But for a period of time, I thought I want to get my name out there and I changed my instagram handle. So like there was this very intentional, like, I've got a new name and I want it to pop up on people's feeds. So I would engage with an emoji like a hand clap. Like I was genuinely engaging with their content, it was me going to their content, seeing their content and like hand clapping or celebrating it. But I let go of it having to be like a really meaningful full sentence, which for me personally felt like a drain. And when I made this shift of where I'm where am I going to put most of my energy it was I'm gonna engage with as many people as possible genuinely so it was me posting emojis, but I'm not I'm gonna let go of it having to be like a really serious comment, because that was kind of holding me back from engaging at all. It was holding me back from engaging at all. So I thought, how can I make engagement a little bit easier for myself? Simultaneously, I can redirect that energy into creating content. So every time before I post, I use your engagement checklist. Again, it is genuine engagement. Maybe it's an emoji to say hey, I'm here I'm supporting your content. I don't really have the energy and me to like put a whole paragraph but I'm cheering you on. And that made it easier for me at the time to just open up the floodgates to getting my name in front of more people more consistently more accounts. Whilst I was also then creating more content and posting more often more regularly. I think that eventually I also think some way somehow I was in the doghouse and Instagram. I don't know it seemed like all of a sudden, by implementing number one the choice to engage with more people by just making it easier for me and creating more content more regularly in a diversified way and essentially taking what I was Doing those stories and just putting it in reels. It felt like all of a sudden by doing that, I'm not kidding for about three weeks, because you asked when did that change was about the first week of January, when all of a sudden, my content was getting more engagement? Yeah, than it had for the entire year of 2022. So I do think there must have been some kind of like, whether I was shipped, blacklisted or whatever, for something, I don't know, there was some shifts that happen. And then I had a couple of reels do really well. And I had one real sport in particular go viral for no, like, particular reason. It's like an my definition of going viral. It's had like 100,000 views, which is like more than anything, the

Molly Cahill
definition of viral is just like a significant amount of more than normal. Like, there's no like, number.

Chelsea Haines
Yeah. So and that really, really helped. But that didn't, that didn't happen until probably like the end of January, beginning February. So it was about six weeks of consistently engaging, posting multiple times engaging, posting, engaging, posting, without getting stuck in my head about it, just literally doing what you teach on your engagement checklist, that all of a sudden, boom, the floodgates open, and all of a sudden, that that mysterious floodgates that I thought was going to open the moment I hit 10k, which didn't happen, it did happen. And but that's because I was now putting intentional energy into it in the place that I was creating content from, wasn't just creating content for shits and giggles, but because I was enjoying it. And I was having fun with it. And I think people were feeling that and it was it was landing for people like the same things that I've been saying for the last 10 years. I'm not saying it differently, you change your message. No, I'm just coming from a different place and saying it more often. And being gutsy with it being bold with it, I made the internal decision to just not be afraid of canceled culture and what people's reactions are. So now let's lead into this fear of showing Yeah, no,

Molly Cahill
I think. Okay, so we're gonna wrap up part one of this two part interview with you just because I think it's just so important. And this is going to segue perfectly into the next episode, where we're going to talk about you did have the reel that went viral, you got some ugly comments. And then right about the same time I got, you know, a really a text from a client. And so I'm going to read that on the next episode. So because that makes sure you tune into part two of this where we're going to talk more on the subconscious work that you can do yourself, you don't have to have a practitioner therapist, whenever Chelsea's gonna give us some things you can do yourself to really work through that fear of showing your face on the camera and the fear of the trolls. So stay tuned. Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified, brought to you by holistic marketing hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, captioned templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish but we also bait their hook, head to holistic marketing hub.com To learn more, and use code podcast for $100 off, and hey, you know, every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast. Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly a K Hill. That's c h i ll I would greatly greatly appreciate your support. I truly appreciate you so much. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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