Episode 48: Beyond Overwhelm: Navigating Decision Fatigue in Chiropractic Practice with Dr. Lauryn Brunclik

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Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the constant stream of decisions running a chiropractic office demands? In this episode, I sit down with Dr. Lauryn Brunclik to unravel the complexities of decision fatigue and explore the art of strategic delegation. If you’ve ever felt the weight of choices impacting your practice, join us as we discuss practical solutions and actionable strategies to alleviate the burden.
This is part two of a two part series for my interview with Dr. Lauryn. Check out part one here.
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Molly Cahill
Welcome back to this two part series with my friend Dr. Lauren burns, like from the she slays. The day podcast. If you miss part one, part two will still make sense. I think. Because on this part we kind of segue into talking about decision fatigue and delegation. And part one we talked more about like training your Instagram algorithm and sales, mindset shifts, and things like that. So without further ado, I hope you enjoy part two of this two part series of my interview with Dr. Lauren from she's sliced the day. Welcome to holistic marketing simplified a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill. And this podcast is brought to you by my marketing roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public when you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram, or my blogs, or whatever is that yes, you will learn a lot but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for this five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order. That's why it's called a roadmap. If you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey, or if you already are started and you're just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information. This is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just $27. So all you have to do is head to Molly cahill.com/private. Training. And based on the reviews I've had so far, I know you won't be disappointed.
Morgan Adams
My name is Morgan Adams and I am the holistic sleep coach in Richmond, Virginia. And I listen to the holistic marketing simplified podcast.
Molly Cahill
Okay, so decision fatigue algorithm. I know what decision fatigue is because I got algorithm shows me but for people who, you know, that's how
Lauryn Brunclik
we got on that. Okay, decision fatigue is when you are exhausted because you are making too many decisions. And a lot of clinic owners, really because of their control issues have set up their clinic where people don't move or make decisions without running them past them. And so then you find yourself exhausted, yeah. But you set it up that way. Like you set it up, so they don't move until you tell them to move. And on paper that sounds like oh, why would I ever do that? But then in reality, when that plays out of like, oh, you posted that picture. Like, I love my staff, but they've done like a happy birthday post to Lauren. And, and like, they didn't choose a picture that I feel particularly pretty and and I'm just like, Okay, well, what are you gonna do? Like, you know, like, on a smallest level, you're like, oh, so So yeah, it's just like on recognizing all the different ways that decision fatigue shows up in your practice. Some are a little more subtle than others. And then, you know, so like, there's the war, obvious ones are like, your front desk asks you a question. Do you want a or b? Do you want me to call that patient? Or leave them alone? Should we, you know, cater that event? Or not? All of those little decisions that are obvious. We're like, ah, somebody's asking me a question that probably could have been decided without me. The non obvious ones are really where you've trained them not to do anything until you tell them so like, this could be something like, Hey, we're out of face paper, can you order more? Okay. They know that, like ordering face paper should not be on your job duties, like it just shouldn't. But if that's your system and procedure for that, they know like, Well, how do we know when to order face paper? Lauren tells us when she's low, does dumb, you know. And so it's those are the more subtle ones of looking at, like, how does everything happen in your clinic? You know, Can you print me that new patient scan? If their process is we wait until the doctor asked for it to be printed? Then that's also a form of decision fatigue.
Molly Cahill
Yeah, and then also, I mean, it spills over in your personal life like what are you going for dinner? And then are you doing bedtime? Or am I doing bedtime or washing my hair at night? Or am I not? You know what I mean? It adds up.
Lauryn Brunclik
It really does. And that's that was where the inspiration for the episode came from. Is it was a husband doing a real saying like men, you got to be cautious if you are causing decision fatigue for your wives. Because he gave the example where they had pulled blueberry muffins out of the oven. And he they have a toddler and the mom was off doing something. And so he was like, Hey, honey, are these muffins cool enough yet to give to the toddler? And like, it's one of those things where like, you're hearing that either going, oh my god, decide for yourself. But like, in reality, how many times, especially men to women? Like where's the ketchup? Yeah, right in front of your face. You know, where it's just like, I don't know, she's your kid, too, you know. And so it's things like, things like that, that just really build up. And so we over the last two years, and this is a big part of the multi passionate entrepreneur to is helping Cairo's create a clinic that doesn't have this level of fatigue. And because that's what takes a lot of the fun out, it's just being like contributes to burnout is having this control, you think the control is necessary for everything to go the way you want. And so in order for you to enjoy your practice, the reality is is like, needing that control is putting so much expectations on how the outcomes happen of every single little thing, day to day. And when you have an expectation of how something is going to play out, then there's the option for it to disappoint you. Yeah. So like, if you expect one thing, and it happens, awesome. You've just proven to yourself that you have hyper control over everything, and you should keep controlling, controlling, controlling. But like, if you have an expectation that this is how it's gonna play out, and then it doesn't now you're like, disappointed, and it just continues to drain you and exhaust.
Molly Cahill
Did you think it falls back on? Like for taking way like a bunch of steps back? And you do have staff like hiring somebody who you know, has that? What's the word I'm looking for, like the ability to like, take charge and make their own decisions?
Lauryn Brunclik
I think it's like trusting your staff. Trusting that you've hired the right people who are capable, is of course, the root. Like if, if you don't trust your you know, but I would say like, Are you capable of trusting anyone? So like some people just aren't capable? If you can't trust your husband, to decide whether the blueberry muffin is cool enough to give to your kid, you probably have hyper control issues. So like, so? Yes, do you and so I think you need to sit and go like, Okay, I've hired Jill, Jill as my front desk. Do I trust that Jill is capable of making this decision? Now, if you say, No, I don't actually I'd love to say yes. Then it goes to, does Joe need to be trained more? Is Jill not the right person for the job? Or is this a issue where I'm expecting a certain level of perfection? And only I can do it the perfect way? Yes. And it's gonna be different for every employee of like, which one is it? If it's training, then like, Okay, if I trained more on how to handle that new patient tour, then yes, I would trust that Jill could do it. But if it's a perfection issue, that's where we fall into the bucket of like, you're never gonna hire someone that you trust, to do it perfectly. You're not
Molly Cahill
one thing I've done with my team. And I'm really lucky that I just somehow have like, the most amazing people. But every once in a while, if they send me something that I'm like, this didn't need to come by me. Instead of answering them, I'll just be like, but what would you have? What would you Yes, yeah, absolutely. I would have done this. And I'm like, and you would have been right? Like, you know?
Lauryn Brunclik
Yeah, that's kind of that next level, once you identify, it is like, Okay, well, how do you start to untrain this? And this is where having those canned responses where so much of the time that we don't do this, because it's just easier to answer it. Like if somebody says red or blue, it's just easier to go red. Versus like, which would you pick? Well, I would pick blue, but like, and so getting yourself just in that response loop of like, oh, that's a good question. Why don't you ask the other ca who's been here longer? She probably know it better. I have you tried googling it? Why don't you give me a first draft and I can take a look at it. Yeah,
Molly Cahill
like I love the first draft thing.
Lauryn Brunclik
Yeah, I Yeah. So it's like, and that's that's also because I know, I respond really well, to somebody getting it started for me,
Molly Cahill
or what have you found? That's an Another thing my team is really great at, it's like, hey, we can't find the answer for this. We've already tried looking here, here and here. And then I'm like, great, like, more, even if they haven't tried here, here and here, and they're like, Hey, we're out at the gym. We're away from our computer. So we can't look this thing up. Like, that's fine, too. I just like that. They even let me know that, like, I would have looked it up on my own. But this client needs this fast response. And you know, here you go. Yep, that rarely happens. But
Lauryn Brunclik
ya know, you're just training, just but it is it's, you have to train your husband, a staff. So like, try and figure it out first, before coming to me.
Molly Cahill
And I do think it's a muscle. Because I've talked about the husband example. I've gotten better about being like, did she brush your hair? Did she do this? And like, just like, it's so hard sometimes, though, because you want to be like,
Lauryn Brunclik
These things seem really important. Like they seem really important. But I don't remember. I think it was not Brendon Burchard. Michael Hyatt, in free to focus he talks about how basically, the idea is that you get comfortable with the concept that if it can be done 80% is good. Bass. And I think he said 70%. And I was like, I cannot accept 70% 80% as good by somebody else. The most of the time, it should be done by them instead of you. Yeah.
Molly Cahill
And that's the whole that kind of is like a great like so well before we segue to the next like the delegating thing, because I think these two things go hand in hand. But do you think so the very first client I ever have I love her dearly. Her name's Kate korsmeyer. And she always had in her bio, I'm a recovering perfectionist. Do you think it's something that can be taught or do you think it's one of those? Okay.
Lauryn Brunclik
Yeah, but I think I think you have to definitely like because I, I have I don't know that I'm a perfectionist. I'm not an Enneagram one. But I'm an egoist. Meaning that like, I can do it better. Like, even if I can't like I bet you I can do it. Like
Molly Cahill
in the Gallup. StrengthsFinder. Yeah. Do you have competition high in your top five?
Lauryn Brunclik
I do. I do. But it's, um, I don't know. It's a healthy place. Now. It's a healthy place where it doesn't like I'm not somebody. I'm not like difficult to play board games with. Like, I'm not a sore loser. I don't want other people to like, I don't look at my peers and like want them to fail, or anything like that. Like, yes. But it used to be.
Molly Cahill
I know, I know the board game people here like Jesus just you know, would you like settle down sherif?
Lauryn Brunclik
Yeah, but I will. If we're playing Pictionary. I'll be like heart and Molly focus, okay, you're gonna be like coming in, hence, we could lose. But like in that moment, we're going to try to win. So I'm not a perfectionist, but I am somebody that has to grapple with. But I could have done a better job. Now, once you whatever your thing is, that is like kind of keeping you from or like wanting that control. Once you get on the other side of realizing so like, for instance, let's say that your husband is getting the kids ready for school. So asking, did they did you brush your hair? Did she brush your teeth? Did she? Did you sign that slip? Did she have a snack? Well, one, so we're teaching our husband or our front desk, that they don't need to use their full brain because you're going to be their ultimate checklist, their safety net. So like, if they were a single parent, you wouldn't be there to be their safety net. And so then we also have to go like her what's going to happen? She's going to go to school, looking like a train wreck. She's not going to have a snack, she's gonna be hungry. The school is going to call us and say you didn't sign us that slip. And then at that point, we'll figure that out. But on the other end, did you have a really nice morning drinking your coffee? Yeah. So you know, it's one of those things where it's not the perfect analogy, but it's realizing once you're on the other side, you're like, oh, but worst case scenario. Well, the worst case scenario rarely happens.
Molly Cahill
Yeah, the world like implode? Yep.
Lauryn Brunclik
So you're like, oh, but what if? And you're like, Oh, well, no, we didn't get any messages from the teacher. And, you know, you might ask her Did dad pack a snack? No. Well, what did you do? The teacher had extras. Oh,
Molly Cahill
the same thing actually happened? Well, and what's funny is like, the hill that he would get from from MJ is way worse than he'd get from me. He she dead. Did you know? There's lesson Yeah, and my husband's really good about literally when Tommy looked at me. He goes, let me fail. Can you let me fit? I was like, oh, oh, okay. You're right. You're so right. And this is just oh my gosh, it's just like a whole Love it. Like I said, we could talk for hours, but I just thought that was so good. And then I think another thing going back to algorithms See, I'm gonna find a common thread to everything we've talked about. Good luck. Who are you following? That makes that perpetuates that fear of failure? Like, are you following influencers whose homes look perfectly clean? Who the mom accounts whose kids are never on their iPads? The clinic owners who are posting reels every day, and their hair is like, if those are the only people you're following? Well, of course, you're gonna feel you just follow people like me alone and you're
Lauryn Brunclik
sure shit show over here. We are an absolute shitshow.
Molly Cahill
No, I just mean, you know, I love there's a couple online business centers who have bought things from recently. It was so life and permission giving, like one person only had like, a Google doc sales page. It wasn't even a pretty sales page. One person was like, Oops, totally forgot to hit record on this $90 workshop. You bought the replays? Not gonna come till tomorrow, I have to re record just little things like that. I'm like, Huh, you know, like, they screw up too. You know, it's not just me, in fact that, like I said, most people are too busy with their own lives to really pay attention anyway. Yeah,
Lauryn Brunclik
I mean, now, I think it's even more in our face, too. Because like, I would say, once a week, I get an email. That's like, Oops, forgot to attach the link. Like, where it's just like, Ah, we're just, we're just all doing our shit is totally fine. Yeah.
Molly Cahill
And coming from someone who literally like I said, I always say I'm like, Ah, like, I've been behind the curtain and seen oz I've worked with a pretty big influencer before. And yeah, let me just tell you that shit. Ain't what you think it is.
Lauryn Brunclik
Yeah, we're with so many people are out there chasing it. Y'all have
Molly Cahill
seen behind the curtain, um, in everybody behind their perfectly, you know, Zoom screen, there's usually like a pile of masks or something. And the people who don't have the masks are usually really miserable and unhappy. Do or dislike, or
Lauryn Brunclik
they just prioritize that. You know? Like, yeah, that was a really Yeah, you get to a Jenna Kutcher. You get to a Jenna Kutcher status. And like, yeah, girlfriend prioritizes like aesthetics. And she's got somebody probably cleaning her house daily.
Molly Cahill
I like part of her brand, too. Yeah.
Lauryn Brunclik
So it's like, I don't know. I couldn't take on a brand. Like I like intentionally went for the hot mess brand. Well, on point, I
Molly Cahill
wanted to be like, I the best compliment I've ever gotten, like, Oh, I could do that. I see your stuff. And I think I can do that. And I'm like, That's what I want. You can do that. It's not that hard. Like, go sit in your car.
Lauryn Brunclik
I don't know that. I liked that compliment. I'm glad you did. I was just trying to think of like, oh,
Molly Cahill
I don't think Oh, I do. I like it. Because I'm like I want to be. But I did take one of those brand quizzes once and it's like, You're the girl next door. And I'm like, okay, cool. So, like I said, another segue here. We're gonna we're going to zig and zag and segue on this is. So we talked about the perfectionism and some things you could do on decision fatigue, and like, kind of getting past that, like, I like that 80% I don't know that I could do 70 either. But I like to add, and then like systematizing things. And that leads to the the last thing we wanted to talk about this is gonna be a long episode. Sorry, but about delegating. And gating. Even if you don't own a clinic, like you do like, like, you know, if you didn't have Kirby help, you know, you would have I'm guessing someone else who helped you with your podcast? Yeah, things
Lauryn Brunclik
are piecemealed now, so like, Okay, I'm gonna try and like back my way into this question. So are this answer. So, most people, I don't know, no matter what your algorithm is. Starting your own business is like in your face right now. Like basically the idea of like, screw a nine to five building someone else, you can go do your own thing. So this is for sure what Gen Z is being told is that they should work for themselves. It's so much easier that way. So we also with like, chat with like AI and the amount of tools and technology that is available. There are so many things in a brick and mortar. That literally three years ago, we couldn't have conceptualized not just having our own employee in house doing it that now it's like, oh, I can instead of paying. So let's just take some. Let's say I want to hire a friend ask for $40,000 a year salary. And then I'm going to fill their time with this, this, this, this this and they're going to answer phones and this and that. Well, that person tends nowadays to feel a lot less fulfilled. They may love their job, but there are higher paying jobs with have at home, like at home work is like kind of in their face. It really, really is like. And so having a brick and mortar where you've got someone that like, Well, no, you have to be here, you have to be here to do this. And so I've seen just the turnover happen a lot more, a lot more with employees over the last few years because they're chasing that. I want to work from home, I'm going to start my own thing, I want to do this. And so now when it comes to delegating, I've really started going like, okay, yeah, I need someone in clinic to hold babies. Yeah, what? And like schedule kind of, but like, we have delegated our tech services out to SCAD. We have delegated our marketing out to you. We have delegated like, I'm looking at a virtual CA, we have delegated our billing or accounts out to an Accounts person. And it's like these little piecemeal things where you're like, at a certain point, could that all add up to one? Ca? Absolutely. But like, I don't have to train you, or I have to train you and you're also not going to quit me because this is your bit like this is your business that you're building. So like what you do Oh, quit me. So like you're you know, you're when you're hiring and you're delegating out, you know, delegating out lawn services, delegating out cleaning, delegating out accounts receivables, delegating out all these different things, then you just have less on your CA's. And therefore you don't need as many CPAs. And it just kind of creates this
Molly Cahill
Yeah, and I would argue I saw something once that I loved was like stop hiring, trying to hire for a unicorn. Like we tried. All we want to find this Jill, of all trades person who can do everything and, and there really are people like that. I'm not saying that person doesn't exist. But if you've ever even read the you don't have spoiler alert, you don't have to read the entire The Big Leap book from Gay Hendricks. I'll summarize the entire book in two sentences. It's like everyone needs to be in their zone of genius or zone of excellence, essentially. And yeah, there's gonna be like, you know, what would you say 10 to 20% of your job that you don't like, that's just really reality of life. Like, I still pay all my contractors myself, because I want to physically see where the money's going, even though I hate sitting down and being in front of my spreadsheet and doing it. But like, I'm not going to delegate that even though it's not my zone of genius, because I need to know where my money's going. But it's like, we've just recently done that with the Instagram Management Agency. And I was talking to my online business manager, Carolyn, and I was like, gosh, I just feel like I've got so many different people. And it's so piecemeal, she's like, yes, but then everyone's doing the piece that they love. And when they're doing the piece that they love, then it's like the work is better. So it's like, I would argue the person who holds babies might not be the best person who's great at doing your billing, and maybe they are right, but like, when everyone gets to kind of be operating in that zone, like, it just
Lauryn Brunclik
works well. And you said that like, yeah, there's probably 10% of your job that you is just it, you have to do it, even though you don't like it. Very few people only have 10% of their job, because they're holding on to so many things that they don't like, a lot of people are doing so much more in their practice that they don't have to be doing. They really don't have to be doing it, like delegate that to someone else. Like yeah, I just I'm trying to think, like, I, I run I don't even run team meetings, like I do very little in my clinic very little.
Molly Cahill
And I'm the same way in my business. I mean, we just had a client hire us if she was an existing client normally I wouldn't have paid you know, she's like, Hey, we want to send postcards to we bought. We bought a listserv of all the new people moving into town. We want to send them a postcard about our clinic and tell them to come follow us on Instagram. Can you design this for us and in my brain? I'm like, why would you not just do that there's like a million Canva templates. And she's like, we hate like, we're not creative. We don't enjoy this stuff. And I'm like for me I love doing that kind of thing. Right? And so I was able to literally finish it in like 30 minutes and then you like feel guilty for charging someone for this thing. But it's like for them that would have felt like an uphill look
Lauryn Brunclik
about delegating they were like, I don't want to do this. Can I pay you to do this? Yeah, I'm like,
Molly Cahill
Sure. And that will that tie him I delegate everything but
Lauryn Brunclik
yeah, I I almost delegate sometimes I think too much. Like I'm just like, Hmm, I don't know about
Molly Cahill
myself this morning going fucking get Carolyn to pay all my contractors every month and I was like, No, you need to know you can do it. No, but I need to like see like the you know, money in money out it just helps me keep a pulse on things and I think sometimes there is like, there are things you might not know are working well. Until you're what does that job the undercover? Not undercover job? Well, Undercover Boss. Yes. Sometimes you might not realize like, oh, wow, I just have amazing people that don't complain when really, this is like really sucky. And I wish they would have told me. Yeah, that just happened to me. I was buying everyone on the team refurbished iPhone eights to do the clients posting. And then when I took over some of the posting, I was like, this phone sucks. So how come nobody told me? They work? And I'm like, well, thank you. But like, now I've upgraded and I got them all refurbished elevens. Because yeah, they're more expensive, but they are faster. Right. Right. So there is a balance. We're not saying like, abdicate the throne to No,
Lauryn Brunclik
no, but definitely like you if you can pay someone else to do it. So you can stay in your zone of genius. That's what you
Molly Cahill
should. Yeah, who not? How? Yeah, you heard that one? Yeah. So. Um, okay, so wrapping up, I think I might make this two episodes, and this will be easier on me too. And then I can just, you know, not have to record too. But wrapping up, tell everyone what you are working on right now and how they can work with you. Um,
Lauryn Brunclik
so we are in the middle of onboarding, our multi passionate entrepreneur 2024. Program. So we've got 32 spots, that by the time this is gone out there, we'll see, maybe we'll have I don't know, I don't know when, how many will have left. And that's a 10 week program that we start the end of January, go through the beginning of April. And we walk through all of the different financial layers of your life, there are spreadsheets, it's kind of I tell people like it's not a vision board, it's definitely not that there's a very in depth spreadsheet that you're gonna want to like, yeah, I was so mad at Kirby, when he made that spreadsheet, I was like, This is why what to pull my head and he's like, this is wealth planning. This is like figuring out the alternative option into instead of working until you're 60, this is bringing joy back into your life, like these are some of those exercises that you just have to do. And so it's 10 weeks, and we work hand in hand with the chiropractors in small groups. And there's trainings to like just get them figuring out the plan that works for them. And we talk about passive income, other wealth development tools and training that is kept from a lot of honestly, the general public. So like, it's really crazy when you start to crack open this world of like, so do you know that like investing is kind of been intentionally made difficult and like with all of the terms, to kind of just keep the lay person out of it and us thinking that like, we need to give our money to somebody else to invest for us. Like, it
Molly Cahill
doesn't surprise me because I listened to your one youth though episode on the syndicate stuff. And I was like,
Lauryn Brunclik
I know, like, Wait, that exists. That's a thing. And so So yeah, so we just talked through and train. And really, we're reshaping a chiropractor's brain to start thinking about their business, in a business, how it can be profitable and bring joy and not drain them all the time. And then like what else to do now that they have all this time and
Molly Cahill
freedom. And who wouldn't you say it was for like your I would say,
Lauryn Brunclik
I would say a chiropractor that is out of the startup phase. Okay, out of the startup phase, like if you are definitely in your first year to where you're just like, head down, like all I care about is new patients than like, just wait. You know, we all want growth, like I've been in the 13 years, and I want growth, but like when you're starting to go like okay, how long does it what's next and type of thing? Yeah.
Molly Cahill
And then you're the startup you're like, still kind of figuring out who maybe I thought I loved adjusting babies. But I actually don't or
Lauryn Brunclik
yeah, that Yeah, so you're still figuring yourself out as a chiropractor, then I would say this is kind of that next level of not getting your confidence as a chiropractor, but getting like, what am I here to do an experience and like, bring back the joy?
Molly Cahill
The questions MJ asks me when she's trying to fall asleep mommy Who made God? Oh, my gosh, I'm like a steeple Buddha. Go to sleep, but talk about it tomorrow. Right? Um, yeah. So that's yeah. Okay, awesome. And then we'll make sure that we link to that in the show notes it will it be like, is it just like an application? Yeah, I'll
Lauryn Brunclik
send you I'll send you the landing page.
Molly Cahill
Yeah, amazing. Well, as always, love our chats. I think we could talk for hours and hours. Instead, we'll have everything linked below that we chatted about. And we might even link our fairy books down there. Yeah,
Lauryn Brunclik
right. I have a whole section now I have a because I kept getting so many People asking which book did you recommend? So now it's a highlight on my Instagram page. Just go there. Just go there.
Molly Cahill
It's part of the brand. Um, yeah, I love it. All right, Dr. Lauren, thank you so much. Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified. This podcast is brought to you by my marketing roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that's kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public when you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram, or my blogs, or whatever, is that yes, you will learn a lot, but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for. This five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order. That's why it's called a roadmap. So you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey. Or if you already are started, and you're just feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information. This is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point A to point B for just $27. So all you have to do is head to Molly cahill.com/private. Training. And based on the reviews I've had so far, I know you won't be disappointed. I'm really proud of this training. And I know personally, I've bought 2737 $17 products before and felt like I really didn't get that much out of it. I guarantee you, you will learn something from this five episode, private audio feeds. So again, it's just Molly cahill.com/private training. And it'll also be linked below in the show notes. I cannot wait to hear what you think. And hey, you know, every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast. Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly a K Hill. That's c h i ll I would greatly greatly appreciate your support. I truly appreciate you so much. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.
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