Episode 67: How to Know When to Outsource and Delegate with Dr. Victoria Pait

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It’s not ever easy to be consistent with your marketing on Instagram, but like all the members inside the Holistic Marketing Hub know – it works.
One of our members, Dr. Victoria Pait, has been in the Hub from nearly the beginning, and when I saw how successfully she had grown the IG account for her chiropractic practice, I knew we needed to talk to her about how she has grown her account, identified when to outsource, and successfully delegated her marketing.
If you’ve been thinking about outsourcing your social media marketing (or dreaming of taking the responsibility off your plate), this post is for you! Let’s get into all things delegating.
When it’s time to outsource, but you’re not ready
Dr. Victoria started out running her own Instagram account for her practice, and at one point, it felt like she would always be in charge of it.
Maybe you can relate?
You put SO much time into building your community, connecting with potential patients or clients, and creating a solid sense of “know, like, and trust” with your audience. It’s your face on Instagram stories and your brilliance, perspective, and experience in your captions and reels.
Most chiropractors and wellness practitioners find themselves tethered to their social media accounts… even if they don’t want to be in charge of them. We have a number of students who tell us that even after they have hired someone to help in their practice, they can’t let go of the Instagram control.
But if you want to truly grow and scale your practice, at some point – you’re going to need to outsource or delegate your Instagram marketing in one way or another.
If you don’t have someone to run your account for you, there are other ways to delegate.
For example, inside the Holistic Marketing Hub, we do a LOT of the work for you.
We have a social media caption bank that’s FULL of over 500 totally customizable captions created specifically to help you educate, inspire, and motivate your ideal patients or clients.
Joining the Holistic Marketing Hub is a great way to outsource your social media marketing without relinquishing full control.
Evaluate your ROI
How much is your time worth?
That’s not a rhetorical question. When you calculate your “hourly rate” it can help you figure out where to spend your valuable time.
Every hour you spend not with your patients or clients is an hour you’re not generating revenue. (If you have a brick-and-mortar practice of course.)
If you’re spending 5 hours a week coming up with content ideas, filming reels, and writing captions – that’s hundreds to thousands of dollars you’re giving up.
The answer isn’t “quit marketing on Instagram” but it’s not “just work harder” either.
This is where delegating comes in!
If you want to truly 10x your practice, you’ve got to start outsourcing as much as possible so you can focus on the key things that increase your bottom line and impact your patients.
When you’re ready to truly take things to the next level, you have to accept that you’re not going to get there on your own. You have to fight against the protection mechanism of “independence” and start trusting others to help you.
Once you accept that – there’s no limit to what you can accomplish and how much you can grow!
When it’s time to outsource, and you’re ready
One of the best ways to equip yourself for successful delegating is to work with a coach. A coach is a neutral, outside source who can hold you accountable and help you outsource thoughtfully and strategically.
To choose the best tasks to delegate first, pay attention to what is ALWAYS left on your to-do list. What are those tasks you either never get to or intentionally avoid?
Those are the best tasks to delegate first!
The things you choose to delegate may be business tasks – like creating and posting reels, consistently posting on Instagram, or bookkeeping.
You may also choose non business tasks if those are the things holding you back. Outsourcing laundry, house cleaning, or grocery shopping can be just as effective at giving you back time as business tasks.
Focus on the positive impact you’re freed up to make when you let someone else take over the tasks you were ignoring or putting off anyway.
The more you outsource, and the more you see how it positively affects everything from your business to your patients, your energy, and your revenue – the more you’re going to want to outsource!
Seeing just how much you can delegate becomes a fun, empowering cycle to get caught in.
Connect with Dr. Victoria
Want to learn more delegating strategies from Dr. Victoria? You can follow her chiropractic Instagram account or check out her website!
And if you’re interested in delegating some of the heavy lifting of your social media marketing – you can enroll in the Holistic Marketing Hub here! It will absolutely level up your Instagram presence and help you attract more ideal patients without taking up more of your valuable time or energy.
Connect with Molly
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The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hook!
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Molly: Hello. Welcome back. I thought about calling this one, come for the marketing advice and stay for the life coaching. That might be like my new tagline. I feel like I'm just like constantly bridging, it's like, yes, I like to give tactical marketing tips and tricks. But then there's also like, I've been in therapy for four years and I think so much mindset work, although that might not be a sexy thing that a lot of people want to hear.
It's just so important. And. So yeah, there's definitely a lot of life lessons in this episode. My guest today, Dr. Victoria Pate is actually a, one of my Holistic Marketing Hub students. And I've just watched her on Instagram. She's just so, you just have to go watch. I don't even have the words. She's just so like natural and calming and grounded.
And she just has this like beautiful, amazing presence and she's really relaxing to watch. And I just wanted to have her on the show and I love the, I always ask all my guests to send in a bio. I like really actually read it because I hate, I just have an aversion to like reading something off of a card, but she wrote Dr.
Victoria loves any opportunity. to lead leaders and heal healers. And I just freaking love that. So she's a Gonstead trained chiropractor. She practices in South Carolina. Her practice is victory Mount chiropractic, and she loves spending time teaching chiropractic students and clients how to connect with their patients.
their life's purpose and live inspired. And I just absolutely love that. So today's episode is a little long, so I'm going to cut this intro short and I hope you enjoy some of the wisdom that you get from me talking with Dr. Victoria about how she outsources and delegates because Yeah. You'll just have to listen.
Welcome to Holistic Marketing Simplified, a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill, and this podcast is brought to you by My Marketing Roadmap, which is a five episode private audio training that's kind of like this podcast, but not exactly because it's not available to the general public.
When you search on your podcast feed. So the great thing about consuming free content like this for me or on my Instagram or my blogs or whatever, is that yes, you will learn a lot, but you kind of have to go searching for what it is exactly you're looking for. This five episode private podcast is broken down in a logical step by step order.
It's why it's called a roadmap. If you're ready to get started on your Instagram marketing journey, or if you already are started and you're feel like you're kind of like overwhelmed with all of the different free information. This is a super clear roadmap with lots of tangible step by step action items that will get you from point a to point B for just 27.
So all you have to do is head to mollykahill. com slash Private training. And based on the reviews I've had so far, I know you won't be disappointed.
Morgan Adams: My name is Morgan Adams, and I am a holistic sleep coach in Richmond, Virginia. And I listen to the holistic marketing simplified podcast.
Molly: Well, Dr. Victoria, thank you so much officially for being on the show.
Dr. Victoria Pait: I know I'm so excited. It's, it's been a minute. This is bad. I'm coming.
Molly: You were like one of my early adopters, holistic marketing hub students.
A few. That was a long time ago.
Dr. Victoria Pait: It was. It was a while ago. It was a couple years ago. Yeah. Yeah,
Molly: yeah, yeah. And so this, this, I promise you, this episode is not like a whole hub pitch, but. I did, like I said, ask permission for her to talk about her experience and things like that, that really, I promise I always tell people, I have a couple of people in the DMs.
They're like, Oh, we're looking at some other things and we're doing some things. I'm like, I'm looking at your clinic page and I'm trying not to be pushy, but I'm also like, I don't think you understand that. Like this was designed literally for you. And I'm like, Just telling you, it's like when you have like friends and family, I'm sure as a chiropractor who were like, won't go get adjusted and you're like, shake them.
Like I'm telling you, this is what you need. So I try to strike that balance with my marketing when I have all these right fit clients who are like on the cusp. And I'm like, I am telling, like, I'm telling you, I am 90 something percent referral based for a reason. Like, this is what you need. Yes. Yes. You don't want to be pushy.
Right. Everybody's going to be in their own right.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yes. Yes. I love people where they're at. Inspire them to more. See if you come with us.
Molly: But yeah. So tell us a little bit about you, Dr. Victoria. You're a Cairo and you're in South Carolina and I asked you to be on the show just because you also on your personal account, you share a lot of like really great, nuggets of wisdom for chiropractic students.
Um, and not, not just students. Would you say people early on in their career? I mean, kind of, how would you define that?
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yeah. Yeah. I, what I love about like chiropractic philosophy is I feel like it's just life philosophy because chiropractic. isn't even built on health. This is the funny like thing to me.
There are 33 chiropractic principles and none of them really apply to health at all. They apply to life. And that's why I love that chiropractic is, it's just so grounded in just like natural law and just like natural truth of like things that make the world go round. Like principle number six, this is the one that all chiropractic.
Like students and chiropractors memorize, but it's, um, every process takes time. Like that's the easiest one for us to remember. Um, but simple things like that. 17 is cause and effect. Like every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause. So that's something that is grounded in our profession of understanding, hey, Um, we're, we're seeing some symptoms that are going on.
It has to be caused by something. And let's figure out what the root cause of that actually is. And our philosophy is that the body can heal itself from the inside out. And it doesn't need any extra help. It just doesn't need any internal interference. So let's make sure that the nervous system is regulated.
And allow you to live life better. Not just live healthy. And what we would define as You know, what is, what is health? Everybody has a little bit of a different definition of that, but that's what I love about chiropractic and talking about philosophy. It's, it's just, it's rooted in like thermodynamics and physics and just things that make the world go round.
It just feels so solid to me. I love talking about it.
Molly: So two things, of course, um, one, do you know Lona Cook? I
Dr. Victoria Pait: don't know that I do.
Molly: You don't? Okay. Yeah. I'm totally following her right now. Oh, no. Yeah. I'll DM intro to Dr. Lona. She was on the show back in December, I want to say. She's a Cairo up in Wisconsin, Minnesota, sorry, Dr.
Lona. And I'm also sorry to both those states because I always get the two of you mixed up. Probably like you in South Carolina and North Carolina, like one of the Carolinas. I don't know if I'm one of them, Dr. Lona and I met at the women chiropractors event back in the fall, and I had her on the podcast and it was all about natural law.
So she goes around, um, she does talks on natural law everywhere, and she's just really interesting and really captivating. And yeah, I think you would love her. And then anybody who is interested in that topic should go back and listen to that podcast episode. But, um, and then the other thing that stood out to me about what you said was everyone has a different version of what health looks like, which is why I think a lot of my students, I'll, I'll lump you into like the more obviously like philosophical vitalistic Kairos.
Yeah. I have a really hard time. Well, I wouldn't want to say hard time. It's just like, I feel like as a marketer, when they come to me, it's like, no, let go, let go. I know the philosophy is there. The vitality or the vitalistic sounds there. We're going to leave that for when you talk to patients at the clinic and we're going to let go of that in your marketing, because that's typically not something that, like you said, you can feel and like touch, like even stress to me is stress is even a bit too.
To bank. Excuse? Like, what is stress for you? You might define it differently than me. So I'm always like, okay, Yes, I get that you don't want to see whiplash, chronic neck pain patients, but like also could you, and could you look at it from a different lens and then make them fall in love with the philosophy once they come into your practice?
Yes. Could you do that?
Dr. Victoria Pait: Oh, I've got a great quote for you that Dr. Gonstead, um, which he's the developer of the, of the technique that I practice, but Dr. Gonstead would say, You don't have the right to talk about chiropractic to anyone until you prove that it works for them. And, like, we, the philosophy is what we just get spizzed out on.
Like, we just love that stuff. And, I think, to your point, it's something that, you know, And what we talked about earlier, meet people where they're at, inspire them to something that's like attainable for them to come up with you in, um, and then like walk them along the way. But we spend three and a half years in chiropractic school just getting philosophy, um, well, some chiropractic schools anyway, like the, there are basically kind of two that are really hanging on to actually teaching chiropractic anymore, but I won't get on that box.
Molly: But I've been, I've been schooled in the inner drama. That is, it's so dramatic. I know because I have a lot of students on like quote both sides. And it's just hilarious. Cause I'm like, We're fighting the wrong fight here.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yes, correct. Because we end up finding ourselves and we're like, what are we actually trying to promote and, and be able to help the community in?
But, but yes.
Molly: Oh, you were just saying that we, we get so, you said we get so like bogged down in the philosophy that we forget.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yes. Yeah. I'm like being able to storytell and being able to reach people where they're at, because maybe people need their headaches to go away before they're open to the conversation of chiropractic.
And I mean, some chiropractors are really strict in it. Um, Dr. Reggie golds, um, was just like a fountain head for chiropractic philosophy. And his initial visits would be like two hours long. And he would just preach chiropractic and basically like, do you want lifetime care or not at the end of it? Like, that's what it was.
And for him that was congruent. And it was like, it was that or nothing. I think. At least what I'm I'm learning is I have a lot of that zealous love for chiropractic philosophy and recognizing. Well, Victoria, you've also had 3. 5 years of being trained in this and not everybody is quite ready for that because.
They have PCOS or they have fibromyalgia or they have headaches or like they're a rushing woman and their cortisol levels are so high. What would happen if you just help solve their problem first and then that builds some rapport of like, hey, did you also know that chiropractic is just great for managing anxiety or like proactive care is fantastic.
Just Like you would brush your teeth. It's the same thing. Um, so we haven't quite built the cultural authority for people really understanding the philosophy of chiropractic. So it's still loving people where they're at, speaking to their level, uh, of where they're at in their story, because someone who's got a herniated disc probably is not.
Wanting to hear that they have to come in for the rest of their life, like that kind of thing. Like there are some people that are like, that's what I want. And there are some people that don't. So I think we have to be respectful of that as chiropractors of learning where people are at and meeting them in that place.
Molly: Yeah. I mean, it took me 15 years almost to go to start having wellness care. I mean, that was, that was for a myriad of different reasons. Cause I don't think I was like with like my best match provider for a while. Um, I think, uh, and we moved a lot, right? So that was another factor, but what took me in was back pain and it's like, well, what if I had never, like, I just don't think you can just immediately poo poo things like that, which I do tend to see more in the, like, very strongly rooted, like, well, no, we don't treat back pain.
Yes. Yes. And I'm like. That's great. But 99 percent of the population doesn't understand what you're saying. So you've got to go back.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yes. Yes. There's a language gap there. So there's your language, there's my language, and then there's our language.
Molly: And that's what I tell people. I'm like, I only say this out of love because I not being a provider, I'm someone who wants to like, literally this weekend, I was at my best friend's wedding.
And that's another funny little, my, my chiro's out of town for two weeks and I'm like, super upset about it. Cause I'm like, I like danced my face off this weekend. I'm like, I need an adjustment. Yeah. As I was talking to the makeup artist and she had just had her fourth kid, she kept doing this and for people who are listening and not watching, she kept rolling her shoulders back.
I was like, girl, cause you know, she's like leaned over to a makeup on hair all day. I'm like, you have a good chiropractor. She's like, no, they like, That's so scary. You've seen those videos. And I'm like, see, that's what you have to overcome. Like we got it. We're worrying about the wrong things. Yeah. So like I said, we got to overcome the bad, the bad PR from some of the terrible people first.
And then, then once they come in and trust you, then we can get, we can talk about it. And I'm not, I have, I have no qualifications to talk. about how you run things inside your clinic. I am merely speaking from a marketing standpoint of someone who is very of outside. I always say I'm the person on the outside looking in.
Right. Right. Which I think gives me a unique perspective on marketing your, and not even just chiropractors like the health. I work with, you know, health coaches, functional medicine. A lot of the health coaches, they want to do like, let me help you achieve true health. And I'm like, Well, what does that mean?
Right, right. Yeah. Is
Dr. Victoria Pait: that, is that a problem that people are waking up and saying, I wish I had more true health? Yeah.
Molly: Yeah. So, okay. I'm going to go, we'll, we'll talk more like fun mindset stuff in a minute, but I first want to talk about the more like Instagram stuff. I saw how consistent you were being with your clinic page and I was like, gosh, she's really crushing it.
Yeah. And. I just want to say, A, do you feel like you are, or, or do you even feel like you're still like, I'm
Dr. Victoria Pait: just fine. I, let's see, I kind of, I delegated it and that has helped so much with that. Delegating it to someone that, you know, I love and trust has been super helpful. Then there's like my personal page, which I'd like to build up more.
And I'm like, I don't think I can do that by myself either. Like, I think I'm going to have to delegate that one too. But yeah, I feel so much better about being able to kind of hand that off because it has been able to be more consistent. I still create the content for it as far as the prompts and things, but um, my CA Morgan like posts all of it and gets it scheduled and that has just been a huge help for me.
Molly: Yeah. And I just, again, I don't, I'm like, I don't mean for this to be a big giant plug, but I did just make inside the hub. I need to make sure you've seen this, but it's, it's literally like a guide for if someone else is doing it for you. I could tell that whoever was helping you was local, right? Because they could actually come up to you and take video.
Um, and so I'm like, wow, we would love to do it, do it for you. Our agency is usually pretty full, but like, I'm all, I'm always like, man, if you could have somebody there and then. If they don't know what they're like, obviously yours looks great, but if they don't really know what they're doing, they can go through the hub, learn how to do it.
And then we have like a step by step weekly and monthly deliverables checklist. Oh, that's awesome. So I think a lot of the problem that a lot of docs run into is they hire a CA and they're like, Oh yeah. And you're doing my social media. And it's like, what does quote doing social media mean? Like, right, right.
You have to really be clear on your deliverables of what you want. Like I want. One reel a week, three reels a week, two, you know what I mean, this posted on this day, this much, and that's what the checklist I created has that like a sample list of deliverables, like comment on five local businesses, you know, like very step by step by step rather than being like, and do my social media.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yes. Oh, that's, that's so important of like, we have all the ideas in our head, right? And then to actually have something of, we have the aim, but we don't have the path to get there. So a lot of times it just becomes frenetic and like chaotic, where they have no idea how to get to this point. Well, because you have the dream, but you haven't installed the path.
So that's fantastic. And that, that cuts down on so much decision fatigue as well. When people just know what they have to do and they can just follow the track because as you know, Chiropractors and if chiropractors are, you know, small business owners as well, like you went to school to be a chiropractor, all these other pieces, you're like having to learn on the fly.
So if someone already has that path cut out for you, that's just so much, so much simpler and easier for you to just be the doctor that you went
Molly: to school to be. Yeah. You said the magic word, which is delegating. Was that something you had to learn or do you feel like. That kind of came to you naturally.
Dr. Victoria Pait: No, um, cause I started out by myself for a long time and I was doing everything by myself and figuring out how to automate and just, it was easier. Even when I hired someone, I'll just do it myself. It's easier because I've been doing it this whole time and it took a lot of like trust for me as well. And I did a time audit of how much is my time worth seeing patients and how much is my, like, by the hour, what does that look like?
And is my time really returning the ROI for me not seeing patients by running social media or doing laundry, cooking, there's all these different, like, what are the things that I'm doing and how much of it can be, um, delegated? And there's a, Great book. Um, 10 X is easier than two X that I really like. And that kind of helps the breaking out of the hustle mindset of, okay, I made X amount of money year one.
I want to double that. So immediately in our mind we think, Oh, that must mean I need to work twice as hard. And that's actually not accurate at all. Like you need to cut things down. So you need to see, okay, what's my client base? What are the 20 percent of clients that I really like working with? And now I'm only going to work with those people.
I'm only going to market to those people and then kind of not market to the other 80%. Or maybe you have someone else on staff that another doctor that can see that 80%, but it's like continuing to up level. And that's how you actually 10x. It's not by working harder. It's by what can I say no to more of?
That's been an exciting. Experiment for me. I was like, what more can I delegate? What more can I release control of? Cause that's what's. really going to pop me through that next plateau. It doesn't mean that it's easy as far as like the mental, um, because it, it all of a sudden means that I can't do it by myself.
Molly: What a
Dr. Victoria Pait: concept,
Molly: right? Where do you think this all comes from, though, because I see so many women in particular struggle with this, and I actually read this article in a magazine not too long ago about how not just our generation, but I think it was also our parents generation, were the first ones who really didn't have help in the home.
Morgan Adams: Like
Molly: even like, I know the Brady Bunch isn't like the best example, but they had Alice, you know what I mean? It's not like, um, and it was because the article was based on, um, multi generational like homes and how it, it was never, Oh, here's our nuclear family. You have a baby mom and dad, both work. And now you have to have your career, have your home clean, raise your babies.
Yes. Do it all. Good luck. Have a good day. Like yes, I feel like we're kind of finally realizing that that's insane. I don't know. I'd love to hear your take. Like, do you think it's like a pride thing? Do you think it's like a, like, where did this? You can do it and have it all. It's like, well, you, you can, but like, you also have to, yeah, I don't think you, yeah, I would love to say, oh, you get to be a full time business center and, you know, also be, you know, doing Pinterest projects with your kids every day.
Like that's just not realistic.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yeah. I, I really think it's a protection mechanism just by surveying my own life. I bought a lie very early on and I don't know where it came from. I'm very grateful for how I was raised. I was raised to be independent. I was homeschooled like all the way through. I was able to have a lot of opportunities to take more responsibility and have authority in a lot of things.
And I bought this, this lie early on that I needed to be independent. And I didn't need anybody else. Particularly. I didn't need a masculine figure in my life. And like, I have some like just childhood paradigms and like, uh, constructs around, around some things that led me to not trusting men. So I was like, that's fine.
I'll just build my own queendom. I will build an empire that protects me. So I don't have to be vulnerable and I don't have to be taken care of. I'll take care of myself. And through the process of doing that, um, it just became very lonely. And I realized that that is not my actual design and that women were created in communion, like in the, in the, in the biblical, um, corpus in Genesis when Eve is created.
She's not created in isolation. Adam was created in isolation. He was created out of dirt and God breathed life into him. And so the way that men heal often is to go off into isolation, into nature. Then for women, Eve was created out of Adam. She was already in communion. She was already created in companionship.
And so women heal in circles and heal in communities and they create communities and women are phenomenal at, um, being able to storytell and dream and envision and create and create circles because they're maternal and they nurture. And so I think that was something that I recognized too, is I stepped into a lot of masculine energy.
to protect myself of, I can do it all and I can run this business by myself. And so that was challenging for me to hire on staff of, okay, now I actually have to let some walls down because I'm opening myself up to being vulnerable. Cause someone else is going to be taking over part of my. Brand or part of my face.
And the, the thing that made that easier though was learning how to lead myself. And so I, through the past two years, being able to heal some childhood paradigms that I saw. That's how I protected myself now of I have to do it all because people, I needed that validation of people thinking that I can handle it and I'm, I'm good by myself.
Like, what does that mean? Because I'll tell you one story and I had a patient come in a couple weeks ago and he said, you run this all by yourself. You do this all by yourself. And I was like, yeah, I do. And in that moment, he was, he was just like, I'm so impressed. That's incredible that you do that. And I was like, thank you.
And it hit me like a ton of bricks inside of, I have been striving and working so hard for that comment. And it meant absolutely nothing to me. It meant absolutely nothing. I was like, Victoria, you worked this hard for that comment.
Molly: I, I'm chilled and I have tears in my eyes right now because I have a very, um, oh man, I'm like crying.
I have a vivid memory of the night before my dad told us my parents were getting divorced and him saying, And he, again, also, like, very lovely parents, like, even though they were getting divorced, like, they were both were so loving and, and he also said this with love to try to help me, right? But then, you know, it's funny how, like you said, I, I see exactly this story I'm about to say resonated in, like, or resonated with me.
You know, in parallel to what you just said, he was like, always be able to take yourself, take care of yourself. Don't rely on any man to ever be to. And he was saying that again, out of love, because my parents were about to get divorced and he knew he was going to be like financially supporting my mom after the divorce.
And that stuck with me so hard that when I was a stay at home mom for a year, I struggled because I was like, I'm not contributing. I'm not making any money. Like I'm not. And my husband was like, Whoa, like, like he's never, he's like, I hope I'm not feeling, I'm like, no, like he's. Like literally like a saint, like I married like the best man on the planet, but it's just funny how I, to me, it was like, it doesn't matter that I'm raising our child.
Like I also need to be, if I'm not contributing financially, then I'm not taking care of myself. We had separate checking accounts until our daughter was born because I just couldn't stand, um, I worked at a gift shop in high school and a lot of the women would come in and go, I'm going to go have to hide this from my husband.
And I'm just like, I will never be that person. Like, I'm going to do what I want, buy what I want. You know
Dr. Victoria Pait: what I mean? Right, right. Like
Molly: he had me on this, like told me I couldn't spend money or anything. I just was like very, I'm contributing financially or like I'm not worthy. And of course I didn't have the language for that even then, but through lots of work over the past four years, I've, you know, I want to go back to what you said about, um, I want to 2x my revenue.
It means I got to work twice the amount and I'm sitting here nodding my head the whole time going, my logical brain always knows that. And most of us do, but our subconscious patterns take over and they're like more like, you know, yes. If I have a lull in sales, I'm always like, okay, I'm not doing enough.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Right, right, right. Yeah. And that's like the opposite of the, the feminine too, which I think is interesting with women and men in business and women in the energies. We both have, we both have both energies. So men and women both have masculine and feminine energy. Women are typically more dominant in feminine energy.
Men are typically more dominant in masculine energy. Um, and just recognizing that. The feminine is passive and receives. It's not a hustle game. Like, she's there to, uh, to nurture and draw things in, whereas the masculine creates and has structure, and we need both of them. So the, the best way for the, the feminine to be fully expressive is to have some structure.
It's, there's a great analogy. It's, So the masculine is the glass and the water inside the glass is the feminine. So the masculine holds the container for the feminine to fully express herself. I wouldn't be able to drink water if there wasn't a container. And then, like, if I didn't have water, then the glass is just, you know, A glass, um, and not able to get any nourishment out of it.
Like either. I love that. It's like meeting both of those and the beauty of having the dichotomy of those of, um, and like for women in practice of just recognizing if you're having to be in masculine for, I mean, cause you do, you're a business owner. And you're having to see patients and you're writing care plans or instructions and you're, you're handling the finances and you're looking over bookkeeping, all that kind of stuff.
That's very masculine energy. What are you doing to rehab the feminine energy on the other side? And how much priority is that taking? Because if you run yourself, because you'll burn yourself out by like, go, go, go, go, go. And that's why, you know, um, Danielle, Angela. Like that. She's the one who connected me to you and something that she taught me when I was coaching with her and it just changed my entire life.
She said, Victoria, I want you to take a long weekend off every quarter. And Molly, it scared me to death. What? Take time off? What are you talking about? And she said, I, you've got to take a long weekend off every single quarter, um, and take care of yourself because you like, you can't pour from an empty cup essentially is, is the concept.
But when I tell you I worked less, I saw more people and I made more money by taking time off. I was like, what is this magic trick? And how can we do more of it? But it's, it's that stepping into that, what actually nurtures the feminine and allowing you to draw people in. Because if you're scattered and you feel like you're just in this fight or flight, um, place, then.
The universe knows you don't have the capacity to hold anymore versus can you be at rest and have an open cup and have some resiliency that you're actually able to welcome things in versus I'm scared of everything that's happening. Well, if you're scared, then you can't hold anymore. So you're not going to get any.
Molly: Yeah. I felt myself very much in like convince convincing and pushy energy last week, because like I said, I did have so many people just right on the cusp of enrolling in the program. And I knew it was so perfect for them. Mm. And I literally messaged my, I call her my not therapist, April. She, her, uh, her episode would've aired probably a week, maybe or two before yours.
It didn't come out. Um, and I was like, , SOS , and, you know, so she gave me like, we do these like subconscious tracks. Like she gave me the, um, actually let me look 'em up. It might be helpful because like, yes, like mantras and affirmations, you know, are great. But if you're ultimately like, if your subconscious doesn't believe them, then they're kind of like, you know, you're so, um, it was like, I had to work hard to close sales was one she gave me.
And that's like a belief that you kind of shatter using like this subconscious technique or like then the opposite of you do this creator track. It's kind of like a hypnosis thing. It's cool. But yeah, I trust that my ideal clients are coming to me now.
Morgan Adams: I
Molly: allow myself to receive what is right for me.
Anyway, and I, I really needed that because I just felt myself starting to get in the um, Oh, well my, it's my funnel. My funnel needs to be redone. It's the sales page. I bet. Like I started going into like the masculine so hard that I ended up like crying in my car. I was super frustrated. I'm like, God, I'm so sorry.
What is wrong? Like this is so dumb, like step back, you know, and also it had been raining for like five days. So, yeah.
Dr. Victoria Pait: And the eclipse happened and all.
Molly: Yeah, yeah, the rain didn't do it. But yeah, I feel much better now. And, um, that was actually going to be a question I asked you is. You said you had realized all of these things about delegating and it was something you had to learn.
I was going to ask, did you work with someone? I'd forgotten that you worked with Danielle.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yeah, I always recommend having a coach. So I have always had a coach. Um, three months into practice is when I found Danielle and have not been without a coach ever since. Um, cause I think it's so important that we We're always dedicated and committed to growth.
You have to have someone above you. That's pouring into you people at your level to hold you accountable. That are peers that you can, you know, hold the flag with, and then people underneath you that you can be pouring into. So always having that waterfall effect in that loop that continues to grow and sustain you.
And that's why I love, I will always have a coach. And I have beautiful people that I choose to keep around me. Like I keep my circle. I don't want to say I keep my circle small, but like the people who have the most impact on my life, it's, it's a very finite amount of people that I actually will allow to influence me.
And then I love having students around me and being able to pour into them. It gives me life to be able to share. And I'm an academic. I love to learn and I love to like give and share. I was homeschooled. And so I also had to help. I'm the oldest of four kids. So I had to like help my siblings too. So I think that probably brought up that teacher part of me.
And my, my dad is a pastor. So he's, you know, he's a teacher and my mom is a teacher. So I think all of that just culminates into, I love being able to being able to do that. So yeah, coaching super helped with being able to release the control of, of, you know, and being able to delegate. I like it. I feel like everything inside me is telling me no, but I want the life that my coach has.
And so I have to trust that. They, they know how to get that. Like if that's what they're saying, allow them to be in the position that they're at, then I'm going to like reach out in faith and I'm going to do it. So
Molly: I also have always had a coach. There's been a few like months where I've been like in between programs or whatever.
And I'm always like, ah, it's like, I just, sometimes the best coach isn't even someone who gives you ideas. It's the someone who listens and then says, Yeah, do that. You're like, oh, so I knew all along.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yes. . Yes. But isn't it so funny that we have to pay them to do that though? Yeah. You do be like, that is such a core part of that.
Molly: Yeah. It's like I just needed to talk it out with someone and and know like, I'm not crazy. Right? Yes. Right. Yeah. So let's talk about, I feel like so many women are. And, and, and this podcast isn't just for women, so I'm sorry for the men out there. Maybe, maybe it's just men too. Tell me if it's you too. But it's almost like we're scared to invest because on paper, it's like, oh no, you don't, you're not making enough to invest in that.
And I'm not a business coach and I am not an analytical data driven person. So I always feel like I am the worst person to teach these things because I'm one of those people who's just black. I don't know. I'll figure it out. Like, it'll work out. Like, I'm very, like, gut emotional. Oh, I want to hire this coach and it costs this much.
I would never be like, let me look at my budget. I'm like, it either feels right or it doesn't. Yes. Yes. Yeah. I am not good at, like, teaching that. And I also always want to recognize our privilege that we have, like being born white women in America. Like I, I. You know, that's a level that not everybody, like I said, I want to recognize that as well.
But I think so many people are, they wait to outsource or delegate too long.
Dr. Victoria Pait: I would agree with that. I think more than anything, it's just, it's an internal mindset of, we don't get what we want. We get what we expect. If you pay for coaching or you pay for, um, SEO optimization, you know, whatever it is, you don't get what you want.
Like if you pay for it and you're like, Oh, but I don't think this is going to work. I'm just doing this as a Hail Mary, you know, don't be surprised if you get exactly what you expect out of that. And that's hard because I think that's a harder thing to do. to teach is because why do you have that? Do you think you're not good enough?
Do you think you're not worthy of clients? Do you think that what you give and serve with in your, in your gifting is invaluable? Like what are those internal dialogues that you're, you're constantly feeding yourself? Because do you like, do you trust yourself? Do you trust yourself to make good decisions?
And that's all internal. And that can be from Paradigms, it can be from subluxation where like, um, what I love about chiropractic and understanding it is what causes subluxation is when your body is unable to process out thoughts, toxins and traumas. So the subluxation could be like a thought that gets caught in your throat that impacts like the throat chakra.
Now you're not able to speak and it can be something as simple yes as a subluxation but like what brought it there? Why do you think that your voice is invaluable or like in your gut your intuition like you can't trust yourself where did that come from? Because And I think what you said too, and this is a big thing with, with femininity is intuition.
Women's intuition, they even have science on this. I'm reading a book. Oh, I'm not going to know what the name of it is, but it's by Daniel Amen. I think that when I was reading a lot of brain books about the female brain particularly, and just how spot on a female's intuition is like, she knows things before she can actually Pinpoint them logically.
And most of the time she's correct. So it's not like, like, how are you going to tell people just follow your gut and it's going to work out? It's not, you can't put that on paper. Like it's not logical.
Molly: That's what I always say. I'd be a terrible business coach. Cause I'm like, I don't want to look at your profit loss.
I want to know, like, does it feel right?
Dr. Victoria Pait: There's so much truth to that because if you don't feel good, you're not going to magnetize what you need.
Molly: You could get, you get caught in a cycle. A lot, a lot of women get caught in the solopreneur cycle of. Well, I'm barely making, I'm barely paying myself enough to X, Y, Z.
Like how could I even think about bringing on help? And I always say, start with the lowest hanging fruit of like my litmus test for outsourcing. And then I would love to hear your tips for this. Like how you decided what to outsource when, because I love that you're newer in practice. So you're not someone who's like been doing this for 20 years.
Like I, I was drawn to you cause you were newer and I'm like, okay, like I want to hear her tips too. Um, My litmus test is what never gets crossed off my to do list. For me, it was, uh, one random thing was promoting this podcast on my feed. Which is so silly. It's so simple, right? I would teach any of my clients to do that.
But, I would be like, oh, I'd see like the video clips, um, and my, my producer's fantastic. But I'd be like, mm, of the whole hour long conversation, I would have chosen this 30 seconds. Like how would anybody else know that, right? Right, right. And I just kept not promoting it. And so finally I told my VA, I was like, look, you're just gonna have to pull a clip.
Don't let me approve it. Put it in plainly and schedule it. Like it's just got to be like auto posted. I don't want to look at it like, and that seems so silly. Like my copywriting, I outsource a lot for the podcast because I am a good copywriter. So it was hard for me to say, I mean, a lot of this stuff is self explanatory, right?
Like my bookkeeping and you know, that's not something I'm good at, nor do I want to do. Yeah. Like what's the low hanging fruit? And for you, it might not be anything in your business. It might be like your laundry.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yeah, well, that's something that one of my coaches like super helped me with and he was like, how much is your time worth and then if you're worth that much an hour, how much time are you spending on housework and some of us.
I might feel, I feel like Victoria, you can clean your house. Like you don't need to pay anybody to clean your house. Like, come on. Or, or there might be some shame with that of Victoria, who do you think you are that you can hire a house cleaner? It was breaking it down into what are the three really good things that, or the three things that I'm really good at.
And I really like doing and they fill me up doing that. And they make me money. And that's seeing patients. Teaching and connecting with other people. Basically, anything else that runs my life needs to be delegated to someone else. And that was something that was challenging for me to let go. I still clean my own house right now.
But it's like, it's in the works. I'm thinking, what can I do to optimize the things that I'm really great at? And for the assistant that I have, how much can I, Like offload in a way. And what's really funny too, Molly is a lot of the things that I w I don't think are fun, she loves, and it was that that's possible.
And I think we have to open that up to like, just because you're offloading it, because you don't like it. Doesn't mean that you're hurting somebody by giving them something that you don't like, they probably actually like it and that's okay. And it's okay for you to not understand.
Molly: I'm so glad you said that because my, um, my bookkeeper also does like money mindset work with me.
And I feel like you just taught me, like you, I knew that, but I needed to hear that again, because I, um, I've been perusing care. com for like a, they call them like house manager is somebody to like help you with your laundry and go do your returns. And I'm like, Molly, you're not so important. You can't go to the Amazon purchases, but I'm like, how much lighter would that feel for me to not have it?
It's so much deeper than returning your Amazon purchase. It's about Oh, I didn't go today. And I said I would. Yeah. Oh, I didn't go today. And I said I would. Oh, I didn't go today. And I said I would. And then you get this like loop, this feedback loop of your subconscious going. Yep. See, I told you, I told you you wouldn't do it.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yep. I mean, it's so silly, but it's like, It's true though. And then that's, it becomes harder and harder to like overcome and you're building these, like our brain knows every lie that we've ever told. So it's like, can you really be trusted? Can you really be trusted? And that's, that's the, the challenging thing of that and actually realizing, you know what, I don't have to do that.
And there are people that would love to do that for me. And that's okay, because I don't have to hold. everything myself. I'm allowed to let other people into my world. I'm allowed to let other people into my circle and be in community with me.
Molly: I think it's the ultimate form. I did ask me anything a couple of weeks back on Instagram and someone asked me on the ask me anything other than getting addressed at what's your self care.
And I was like, Myself cares, I delegate everything. Yeah, I don't feel the need anymore. And I do still, with each task, I have to go, come on, because what happens, I feel like is, I don't know if you follow, um, Oh, what's her name? Is it Casey Davis who has like struggle care? Um, she did a great reel about how it's always like, well, if you just did one load of laundry a day, you wouldn't have to worry about it piling up.
And then it's like, well, if you just, and then everything becomes that, well, if you just did X for 15 minutes a day, and it's like, well, There's only so many 15 minutes a day until your day is full. Yes, exactly.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yes. Oh yeah, I resonate with that.
Molly: Yeah, like get your sunlight every morning and then don't have coffee until you've eaten and then do this and then do this.
It's like, okay, I know all of these things are like five minutes and 15 minutes, but it's like, but I just want to sit still. sit on the couch and watch
Dr. Victoria Pait: TV sometimes. Yes. Oh, that's so good. Cause that reminds me of, um, one of, so in chiropractic school, when you get into clinic, you're assigned to another classmate to take care of you.
And my classmate, um, Dr. Aubrey, um, she spoke at our chiropractic school last week and she was talking about self care and she was like, what if self care didn't have to be. Time that you carved out of your day. What if you just embodied it? What if you could just be present to where self care just became a part of your flow?
And I was like, Oh my gosh, even in the self care stuff, I'm like, so I've got to do this time. I have to have two hours in the morning of where I'm doing this so I can have slow time. And then if I don't do it, then, you know, I've wrecked my, my self care for the whole day. Um, and she was like, it's still the masculine push, push, push, push, push, versus.
What would happen if you were just perfect right now? What would happen if you're just like, you're okay. Everything that you need is within you right now and you can embody it.
Molly: That is beautiful. Please connect me with her because I love that because I feel like when you carve out time for self care, what then happens by default is you feel like you have to earn it.
You're like, Oh, I had carved out this time. But I didn't get everything else done, so like now I don't get to have this time because I didn't earn it. And you might not say that, like, or I mean think that out loud, but like, yeah. Yeah,
Dr. Victoria Pait: yeah. And it's, it's all about what our external environment should not dictate our internal environment.
And it's a part of that letting go of, you know what, I'm more important than this, you know, project, whatever, whatever it is. I have to, and that's been challenging for me of, Victoria, okay, you didn't wake up at the time that you needed to. Can you maybe just take five minutes to be present and just breathe and drink your coffee or your tea, whatever that looks like, because you're going to be a lot better if you can take three Deep breaths, then walk into this thing, then shoot right into it.
It's like, okay, what do we need to recenter, like, simply and easily? You didn't lose anything. And, yeah, I think that would just change things so much of being gracious with ourselves of, yeah, you know the things to do. Yeah, the, there were too many balls, like, in the air. This time, it's okay. Just collect yourself, move forward.
Molly: I always joke that my tagline should be like, come for the marketing, stay for the life coaching because I literally meant when I booked you, like, I did love that you're more life. You could tell you're very like life focused, um, in your feminine, but I was like, I'm going to book Dr. Victoria because She does such a great job like posting on her clinic page and then like her personal page and she just makes it look so effortless and I'm going to have her come on and give her tips and I just love how it's turned into this and now I'm like, when am I going to name this episode of the podcast?
And I'm like, you know what? And those are the people I'm attracting with my marketing too, right? Is the people who realize that. This is, I love tips and tricks, right? Cause I think they do give us a little bit of that dopamine hit of like, okay, I can do this. Yeah. Yes. And we need it. Yeah. Yeah. But you can't tip and trick your way through life.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yeah, I agree. And that's something too, that I have finally, not finally, I am walking into walking away from the all or nothing concept of, can I show up? To move my body for 30 minutes for 30 days. And I like challenges. I am, you know, I subscribe to the high achiever. I like homework. I like learn. I like checking things, you know, off.
I like going and getting the prizes. Um, and so. That is almost kind of collapsing too of, well, what if I can't be the biggest and the greatest in this certain thing? And a lot of times as adults, we won't, we won't go after something. If we think we're going to be bad at it. Well, welcome to how you got to be an adult.
You had to do things since you were bad at, like you get the opportunity to relive your childhood right now. Like that's, that's an awesome thing. Um, and not subscribing to, okay, if I can't, squat 200 pounds or whatever the first time that I do it, then I just, I must not be good at, you know, whatever it is, or I am supposed to be a model of health and can't do X, Y, Z.
Well, what if you can just show up and build some trust in yourself that you can just Move your body for 30 minutes for 30 days, like literally get a fun little sticker calendar and like put a star on it, whatever it is, but make it simple. Even if it's just stretching, like just those simple little things of, Oh, now I'm building trust with myself.
I did this for 30 days and it doesn't have to be immediate because we live in a microwave society. Healing isn't immediate. The only thing that's immediate is Amazon prime. Like you can go and get it like instantly. But, and you see this, you know, with your clients too, uh, I mean, we want to have like results quickly, but there's some, some work that we've got to put in first and it can be little bits at a time.
That's what's actually going to be sustainable. Things that are attainable and sustainable is really what creates longevity. I'm like, I'm in here for the long game, not the zero sum game. So just breaking the shame of. If you can't be the perfect model of what you want in five days, then you don't do it at all.
Versus how can we celebrate little wins? And I like, I hate that. That makes me want to vomit. But if you were like celebrate the little things I'm like, no, I will celebrate when I have the prize. Like that's what we're celebrating. But then we end up, we end up not. And it's just this shaming that we have of, okay, what's the next thing, next thing, next thing, next thing versus just embodying self care embodying, loving the journey, embodying like, wow, I became a, uh, a higher, more conscious version of myself today because of this really painful thing that I went through.
That's actually pretty cool. I actually like that.
Molly: Yeah. And then look what happened when you did get the quote prize, when that patient said you did this all by yourself. Didn't mean anything. Didn't mean anything. That was disappointing. Yeah. Um, can we do that? Yeah. And then when it comes like taking it back to a more like superficial level, when it comes to marketing, I did just have a student say, Hey, like, like they literally had joined in like three days later, or like, I want to run a challenge and How do I get people engaged on that on my Instagram?
I'm like, we're not going to like my answer, but I'm going to need you to go through all the classrooms first. And then the reason the like how to run a promotion is the last one is because we've built this strong foundation and then you get to run a promotion or then you get to, um, and you know, I'm sure there's, there's always, I don't speak in absolutes.
There's always examples of, uh, my old coach used to say, look for examples of the things you want and you want to do it that way. Go for it. I just. Usually. Yeah. So let's end, like I said, we'll end with the more on the more like superficial stuff because I feel like we went really deep, which I just love it.
Right? Like it's all good. I know I'm even more sad that you're not going to get to, I know you've already had something going on, but the Charleston retreat next weekend, but you could come to the next one. We're already planning the next one. So I know you have your CA delegate, but like, what are you seeing?
Like what types of content it's actually like bringing in new patients for you right now? Yeah. I didn't ask you to prepare for this. So if you don't know, that's okay.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yeah. Um, I actually have not super like been super tracking it cause I wanted to connect with you more about this now that I actually have the bandwidth and time to actually push this out of making that super intentional.
Um, because most of my practice is referral based.
Morgan Adams: And
Dr. Victoria Pait: I'm getting a two new docs in the office and really wanting to turn up the heat on, on that, um, zeroing in on what's the language for my client. Um, really the things that I've noticed get the most engagement though, are not when I think that I've got the most great chiropractic idea or even the tips and tricks, it's people seeing community and people seeing people in the office.
It's face videos. It's, it's interacting when I'm doing reels of myself and they can see me in the practice. That's actually what has been the most, because I know some people might feel uncomfortable of like being on camera. And, but that is really where people are building familiarity with you ahead of time.
And they get to know you because chiropractic is. It's still kind of a scary thing almost for people. And it, the more that you can show them like, this is my home and here's who I am. And the authenticity of who you are is going to actually connect with those people more. It's going to be more of a magnet.
So that's what I have seen has at least. Um, promoted the most engagement, um, is, is that type of thing?
Molly: Yeah. And you wouldn't know this. This is what I tell a lot of people. You'd be surprised even when you are super heavily referral based, how many of those. patients who've referred another patient had said like, well, just go check out our Instagram.
And then they end up eventually they, like you said, it can be scary. So then they see you and they're like, Oh, that's not, that's not, no one's wrapping a towel around her neck and pulling her like, Oh, I can go. Yeah.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yeah. Cause that's the first thing that I do. I'm like, let me find them on the, they better have a website and an Instagram page because that's building rapport and credibility in my mind of, of that.
Molly: Yeah, and that's what a lot of people don't understand, is they expect to see that direct ROI of like, Instagram sent me. And that does happen, don't get me wrong, but a lot of times it's a more roundabout of like, someone referred you, you're like, I love you, friend, but I'm still not 100 percent convinced, let me go check it out.
Then they go check you out, and then they book, and then they're like, They don't tell you they even looked at your Instagram. Um, so yeah, that's, that's just one thing. And then the other question I have is, um, one of the biggest pain points I hear from a lot of my, um, students or clients is like, I just get so in the zone seeing patients all day.
I don't think to stop and record something.
Dr. Victoria Pait: I
Molly: don't know if you have any tips for that.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yeah. Um, yeah, I did some time auditing this week too, that has helped me with that. My own personal, like organization around that. So I'm in the office or I'm not in the office, like two half shifts and then a full day, and so that's something that I try to batch content during the times that I'm not in the office.
So I can be intentional with like my time and my focus because it is challenging when you're like going back and forth or at least having a goal of we're actually doing a staff meeting tomorrow of like what are some quarter things that we want to hit and break it all down. Maybe have even what's helped my brain is have a general theme for each month.
And then I'm just going to content. on that theme that month. Um, and then breaking it down. If I want to, if I want to post something, and you have a lot, uh, better breakdowns of like actually how to do this, because that's your whole thing. Um, but I'm like, if I want to write 30 posts, Maybe I have 10 posts that are reels, I have 10 posts that are information, I have 10 posts that are some kind of call to action, and then that's breaking it down in simple ways for me of like, great, all I have to do is go in here and create 10 of these, 10 of these, 10 of these, and I have it on a Word document.
And then my CA takes that content and then makes beautiful Canva, like pretty things out of it. So that has worked for me.
Molly: Yeah, I was about to say, I teach things a little differently and it's not because that that's the better or some, I'll have people ask me all the time, well, what do you think about X?
What do you think about, I'm like, well, is that what works for you? Then that's great. Like there's no, There's no set, you want to have Monday you do this and Tuesday you do this and Wednesday, like, and that's what helps you, do it that way. It doesn't really matter. And I think, um, I always joke that I, I could have a lot more followers if I, if I taught that way.
If I spoke in these grandiose, like, Absolutes, but that's just not what I believe because I believe everyone's brains work differently and you have to find your own flow. Yes.
Dr. Victoria Pait: And two, like it could be so a real doesn't have to be that big of a deal. It literally could be in between patients and it could be 30 seconds of, again, telling your story.
The best way to become a storyteller and people love to hear stories, just learn how to tell your story of if something happened in that patient visit that inspired something, like just say something about it really quick, 30 seconds. And like, that's it, that's done. Hand it off to your team or just go ahead and post it.
And I think that's a simple way of, again, it doesn't have to be the all or nothing. You don't have to have, you know, all the lights out. Like get in front of a window. Like, I know this is what, like you teach, like literally all you have to have is a window or when you're driving home from work, if something comes to your brain and like you get home, put it in park and be like, Hey, 30, 60 seconds.
This is the thing that came to my mind today. And that's something that I've been practicing more recently of. It doesn't have to be at the office. We can do this at like my apartment. I can be in a hoodie. It's fine. That is okay. And that's the vibe that I want to. To be able to portray. I'm like, here's real me.
And, and that's okay. Um, there's time for the professional stuff. Absolutely. I'm not knocking that in any form or fashion. I just recognize that a lot of times when we want it to be this big thing, we end up not attacking it because just, well, when I get the camera, then I'll do it. When I get the thumbs, then I'll do it.
And it just doesn't work that way. So
Molly: when things slow down, I'll start one thing. I mean, you have to be intentional about that, but also to, I mean, it's been so long since you were in the hub. I need to go check your, because you don't have to be writing all those. You can just grab the captions. I know. I know.
That's so like doubled since you were, when you bought it years ago. It's like, there's way more captions in there now, but yeah, that's what I always tell people. I'm like, I have like a new content planner inside the hub and there's a dropdown menu. It's like source of caption. It's like pulling from hub, writing from scratch or reusing old post.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Oh, that's so good.
Molly: Yeah. So like your source doesn't have to be. Because people always ask, well, how long before I reuse something? I'm like, it literally doesn't matter. Like, it really doesn't. Because even if someone's already seen it, they need to see it again.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Yeah.
Molly: And that's assuming they've already seen it, which they probably haven't.
Dr. Victoria Pait: Right. We're so inundated with information. Like, It's quantity over quality right now. If we can make, I mean, highest quality as possible. That's what we're going for. But I was like, just get it out there. Get as much as possible out there, um, to build that familiarity, keep people top of mind. So when they're scrolling past your stuff and like what I got from you was.
like get, get your color palette, get your fonts. So people see your post and they know it's you without even having to look at your profile. Um, and that builds that credibility, that familiarity and that brand awareness that people are trusting you. So that's, I mean, it's invaluable.
Molly: Yeah. Well, I'm so glad.
Well, I'm so glad, um, I got to have you on today. And like I said, this conversation went longer and deeper than I anticipated, which is always like the best surprise, probably not for my editor, but for me it is,
but it was so nice to get to spend this time with you and shed a tear with you. Yes. No, I really appreciate it. Thank you. And yeah, I wish you all the best and thank you so much for your time. I appreciate it. Thank you for listening to Holistic Marketing Simplified. And hey, you know how every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast?
Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce, to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that, we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could, please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly A.
Cahill. That's C A H I L L. I would greatly, greatly appreciate your support. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.