How to Create Unique Content That Stands Out in a Saturated Market [Episode 107]

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Feeling like every chiropractor, acupuncturist, and wellness provider is posting the same thing? You’re not alone. One of the biggest struggles I hear from my audience is:

👉 “How do I post content that stands out?”

The good news? Your ideal patients aren’t following multiple chiropractors, acupuncturists, or functional medicine providers. They’re following you.

So, instead of worrying about what other providers are posting, let’s talk about how to create content that is engaging, unique, and attracts your dream patients.

Why You Should Stop Following Other Providers on Social Media

This might sound counterintuitive, but one of the first things I recommend is muting or unfollowing most of your industry colleagues on social media.

Why? Because when you log in and all you see is other providers posting similar content, it’s easy to feel like:

“Ugh, I’m not posting enough.”
“This was my idea—now I feel like I’m copying!”
“I have no clue how to make my content different.”
Here’s the truth: Your ideal patients aren’t following all these other providers. Instead, they’re following general health and wellness content. That means the only person you need to stand out from is YOU.

How to Make Your Social Media Content Stand Out

1. Be Super Specific in Your Messaging

Instead of posting generic health tips, make it personal by adding authority, real-life patient experiences, and specific details.

Generic: 3 Ways Chiropractic Helps Your Baby
✔️ Better: How We’ve Helped 100+ Children with Chronic Ear Infections Get Off the Antibiotic Rollercoaster at Our Pediatric Chiropractic Clinic in [Your City]

See the difference? Instead of a bland, copy-paste tip, this gives:
✅ Authority (we’ve helped 100+ children)
✅ Social proof (real results)
✅ Local search power (your city name)

2. Use Your Own Patients for Content Ideas

The goldmine for unique content is sitting in your EHR (electronic health records).

👉 Look at your last 10 new patients: What was the main issue they came in for?
👉 What exact words did they use on their intake forms?
👉 What concerns did they mention during their first visit?

If five of your last 10 patients mentioned pregnancy hip pain, that’s your next post:

💡 Example: “Meet Sarah—she came in at 32 weeks with severe hip pain. Here’s how we helped her sleep through the night (without needing to prop herself up with 15 pillows).”

BONUS: Scroll through your Google Reviews and look for patterns in what patients say about your clinic. Their exact words = content gold.

3. Leverage Local Collaboration for Engagement

If multiple new patients listed the same referral source (a pelvic floor PT, a midwife, etc.), highlight them in a post:

💡 Example: “One of our trusted midwives, [Tag Midwife Name], shares her top tips for prenatal comfort. We love collaborating with amazing local providers to support mamas in [Your City]!”

👉 Use collaboration posts to tag local partners so the post appears on both of your pages (expanding your reach).

Instagram in 2025 = Real people over graphics.

✅ Ensure at least 1 of your last 6 posts has your face (video or photo).
✅ Film simple B-roll videos (panning the clinic, adjusting a patient, doing acupuncture, etc.).
✅ Avoid generic stock photos—real content always wins.

Ready to Make Your Social Media Stand Out?

The easiest way to stay consistent and unique? Use your actual patient stories, questions, and feedback to create content. It’s literally already in your practice—you just need to repurpose it!

🎧 Want the full breakdown? Listen to the latest episode of Holistic Marketing Simplified!

And if you want a clear, step-by-step system to create engaging, patient-attracting content (without feeling like a full-time content creator), make sure to check out Holistic Marketing Hub. You’ll get everything you need to show up confidently online—without wasting hours figuring it out on your own.

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The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hook!

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Episode Transcript

Hello, my love. Welcome back to the Holistic Marketing Simplified podcast. Can I ask you a quick favor before we dive in? If you have not let yet left me a rating or review? Or review, oh my gosh, I can't talk already. Can you please do so? So on Apple, I think is the only place you can like leave a written review.

But if you're doing like Spotify or Google Podcast, if you could leave me a rating that would be so helpful. I'm trying to get to a hundred Apple reviews. And so, yeah, I just truly, truly appreciate it. So today's episode, I'm actually going to keep it super duper short and it's based on, um, some questions that I pulled my audience with lately, like things they were having trouble with.

And so the main thing I'm going to be answering today in today's episode, like I said, it's, it's probably going to be super short is basically how to post content that stands out. And the exact question was knowing how to post content. That is catchy and unique. And then it said in parentheses, most chiros are all posting the same thing.

So I'm going to be answering this question in today's episode, so here we go.

Hey, welcome to Holistic Marketing Simplified. This podcast boils down to the fact that we wholeheartedly believe that more humans need to know about holistic health solutions, and you didn't go to school to learn how to be a full-time content creator and show up on Instagram and do all of this marketing stuff all day, every day.

So let's come hanging out while we chat all things easy in your marketing. And my goal is that you shift your mindset around your marketing from a quote should to a I get to more dream patients and clients. Yes, please. Hey, I'm Dr. Abbey, chiropractor in Apple Valley, California, and I listen to the Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast.

Trust me, you'll love it too. So I absolutely, when I saw this question, I was like, Oh sweet, this is great because I think this is such a great question because it, I have so many, so many ways to answer it. And the first thing I'm just going to say is it doesn't matter what other chiropractors are posting because there are no patients.

There are no prospective patients who are following multiple chiropractors. Maybe there's like a few. So for example, I mean, I obviously I am right because of what I do, but like none of my friends who even go, like they're following their chiropractor, but they're not following other chiropractors. So first of all, it just doesn't even matter if all chiropractors posted the same content because.

The same people aren't like one person isn't following multiple chiropractors. So I will still get into how to be unique and stand out. I just kind of want to point that out first. Um, and I also wanted to point out that way back in the very beginning of the podcast, I want to say it's like episode, like, I don't know, two, three, four, somewhere in the very beginning.

I talked about how to Um, have a better relationship with Instagram. And one of those tips is to, I mean, I know this kind of sounds, I think it sounds harsh when I say it, but I don't mean it in this way, but it's just to stop following all your colleagues. Like it's, it's not even strategic. Like it's not even doing you any favors because what happens.

When you log into Instagram and all you're following are people in your niche, so if you're a massage therapist and you're following only other massage therapists, it's going to most likely make you feel like I'm not doing enough or like I'm not posting enough. Oh, this was so creative and now or like what happens to me why I don't follow a whole lot of social media people is I'll see a post and I'll be like, Oh my gosh, I had that written down as one of my content ideas.

It's something I'm going to post. Am I copying this person? But it's like, no, I wasn't copying them. I just, people have similar ideas in the same field. It's not anyway, so I don't follow any other social media accounts unless I'm looking for something specific. So for example, Instagram's recently had a bunch of changes with like the post size and Like they've said, they're going to take away story highlights.

They haven't done it yet that at the time I'm recording this episode. You know, I will go seek out other Instagram accounts only when I'm wanting to learn or upskill, but it's not like being fed to me. So one of the first things I would say is it's really going to squash your creativity and kind of mess with your brain if you're only following your colleagues.

Okay. So like, if you don't want to unfollow, you can just, there's like a way to mute them. You can like tap if you navigate to their profile. There's going to be three little dots underneath their profile, and you can tap mute. And, like I said, trust me, it'll be doing a lot of favors. So, again, just remember that your ideal patient or client's algorithm looks nothing like yours, and they aren't logging onto Instagram and just seeing a whole bunch of chiropractors posts.

If they were to be seeing all that, They very likely are probably seeing a lot of like health related content, right? So how would you stand out and, you know, stand out just like in a sea of, let's just like use health content as a example. That is to be super specific in your messaging and to bring through your specific authority and experience.

So, what I mean by that is, people are not coming anymore for like generic health tips. So, instead of saying something like, three tips for better sleep, you would want to say, three ways I help my patients get more restful sleep as a, let's say you're an acupuncturist, three ways I help my patients get more restful sleep as an acupuncturist, and then parentheses so they stop snapping at their kids and don't need to mainline coffee.

So see how I've already got some authority in there saying my patients, that also gives you some social proof, like, Oh, I'm actually doing the thing that I'm teaching you to do. And then you've got the really specific part of, you know, so they stopped snapping at their kids and having to mainline coffee.

Um, another example, the before like more like generic tip way, three ways chiropractic helps your baby. It's not terrible, it's just not super specific or authoritative, right? So a makeover for that one, how we've helped hundreds of children with chronic ear infections get off the antibiotic rollercoaster at our specialized pediatric chiropractic clinic in, and then put your city and state.

And this is typically, I'm giving you examples of things that you would, we would like typically for our clients put over like a reel, like a B roll reel. Um, so like I said, see the difference there. So that's how you stand out. Anybody can go to chat GPT and say, Hey, give me a post about 10 ways I can help people get better sleep.

Like, That is a dime a dozen. No, that's, that is a way to be the most vanilla bland. No one's you're going to get two likes, one from Aunt Betty and one from, you know, you on your personal account. When you're infusing your own specific experiences in to the content, you can still use that. Like you can still use chat GPT to ideate.

You can still use, like I said, specific, like more generic things like that as like the base. But then you want to build out to that, like I said, your, your own unique takes and experiences. Another way I like to do this and to create content that stands out is like you have so much gold sitting in your EHR.

So open your whatever electronic or whatever system you use for patients or clients and just look back at like your latest, let's say 10 new patients. Okay, and maybe of those 10, 8 of them, after they did their initial visit, ended up being like the right fit for your practice, right? So let's look at those 8 new patients.

Use that as your data. What did they list on the intake form for the reason they saw you? Was it pregnancy hip pain? Great. Make a really specific reel about pregnancy hip pain. That's how you stand out. I 32 weeks. She was having some really bad pregnancy hip pain. And here's how we were able to help her, blah, blah, blah.

Like I said, way more compelling than three ways to help your pain during pregnancy. You see, do you kind of see the difference there? The other way to really mine these, like, late, like, new patient stories and turn them into content is to just really train your brain to pay attention to the conversations you're having at those appointments.

So, okay, yeah, maybe they've listed pregnancy hip pain as the reason they booked the appointment. But once they get to the intake, they're like, yeah, I've also been having this terrible heartburn and I haven't been able to sleep. And oh yeah, my husband's also having this issue. Can you see him do? So just like kind of training your brain to take all of these actual words that your patients or clients are saying.

And translating those into your posts, it literally takes all the guesswork out of it. Look at the premise of this podcast today. I didn't just come up with this topic out of nowhere. This was an actual question that someone asked me and yes, it was just one person that asked me this question, but I know that this is a question that multiple people have.

And so like I said, you don't have to. Like, try to think of all these things to post about out of thin air. Use your own clinic and your own, or practice, or business, or whatever word you use as your inspiration. Another thing you can do is mine your Google reviews. So if you want to go to your Google reviews and you scroll down, you're like, Oh my gosh, yes, this patient, I totally remember.

This is such a great, you know, story. Her kid went from having like, you know, being on antibiotics six times a year to now he hasn't needed them in two years. Like that. Mining your Google reviews for content inspo. And then the other beautiful thing about using your reviews. Is you've got that patient's specific, exact language that they typed out.

And so that's the language that you want to use in your content to mirror back to other. Because if one person is using the language, you know that it's going to resonate with someone else, right? Who's that ideal fit. So, yeah, you, it really can help take the guesswork out of it. One bonus tip that has nothing to do, I mean, I, I think this helps you stand out, but part of my content ecosystem, I actually just got through auditing two Instagram accounts like right before I started recording this.

So this is fresh on my mind. I started to record a podcast about this, but I'm like, no, I've already recorded podcasts on these topics about my content ecosystem and then about like collaboration posts. Um, so we will link those. In the show notes, or you can always DM me if you need more information on that.

But when you're looking, like I said, let's just say like the past 10 new patients, was there a local provider that referred them to you? Maybe there's like a pelvic floor PT or like a certain, you know, IVF doctor, if you do fertility, acupuncture, whatever, like. Who did they list on their intake form as someone who referred them and then creating collaboration content with that person?

So if it was like a specific midwife Then go to that midwife's page and share some of their posts to your stories and tag them and give them some support that way Or you can create a collaboration post. It's like oh one of our trusted midwives XYZ midwifery and then you can you know add them as a collaborator and then it lives on both pages And so many people aren't doing this.

I mean, if I'm being honest, if I'm looking at, if I'm auditing my own Instagram account, uh, this is something that I have had planned. I just need to get my VA to do it because obviously I'm not been executing. But like, for example, for me, I want to do a post on like my trusted website providers. And then when you add these other people as collaborators, then it lives on their page too.

And it helps you get more exposure. So the last tip for creating content that just like really stands out is to just not be afraid to show your own unique personality quirks. I mean, people, people come because of you, right? So making sure that your face, whether it's in a video or photo is on at least one of your last six posts is just crucial in 2025.

You can not get away with like stock images and Canva graphics and all of that. That is, that is the easiest way to blend in. There are so many pages that I come to and I'm like, Oh, I could change this logo out for someone else's logo and have no idea that like, it could literally be just copy paste cookie cutter.

So infusing your own unique personality in to your page and not just hiding behind your logo and graphics. And like I said, we, we do not even use stock photography in our Instagram management agency at all. The only time we use a stock photo, like very, very rare for like in a pinch and like really need one.

Transcribed So go back to another one of the earlier episodes in the podcast was how to effectively set up a brand photo shoot. And what I didn't probably talk about then, because that was like a year and a half ago. And I did talk about this some on last week's episode, but using that photo shoot time to film a whole bunch of B roll videos.

So anytime we onboard a new client. One of the tasks we give them is 10 second clips of each one of their types of like ideal patients. So if they see pregnancy, pediatric, athletes, whatever, um, or if you're in a, like if you're acupuncturist and you're doing fertility, like 10 second video clips to even get started with your content on all of those different types of patients that you see.

So that's another thing like that's really going to make you stand out and not just look like, Oh, copy paste. This can be anyone else. So I hope this little quick episode was helpful and these tips were helpful. If you want me to expand on any of these and you don't feel clear, have any questions, you know, the drill, my DMS are always open and I love when people actually take me up on it, which is.

You know, I'm not going to lie. Maybe two people per episode, but I would love it if it would be more, but I love talking to those people. So I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day and I'll see you next week. Thank you for listening to Holistic Marketing Simplified, and hey, you know how every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast?

Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce, to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that, we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day.

To leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly A. Cahill, that's C A H I L L. I would greatly, greatly appreciate your support. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.

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