Episode 26: How to Create a Monthly Marketing Strategy for Multi-Doctor Practices

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Creating a monthly marketing strategy for your multi-doctor practice comes with a neverending to-do list, right? It can be overwhelming at best and feel utterly impossible at worst.
But Dr. Elise Rigney has cracked the code and joined me on the podcast to share how she uses her monthly marketing meetings to divide tasks among her team to create a robust (and successful!) marketing strategy.
Keep reading to learn how she crafts the perfect meeting agenda for her meetings as well as how she’s nailed her content marketing efforts.
Who is Dr. Elise Rigney?
Elise Rigney, D.C, is a chiropractor who specialized in pediatric and prenatal care. She is the founder and owner of Impact Chiropractic, with two locations in Fort Collins and Loveland, CO. At this all-female clinic, she prides herself on bringing innovative ideas to the chiropractic profession.
While she no longer sees patients, she mentors and consults with other chiropractors.
She understands the significance of marketing in chiropractic practices and its tendency to be neglected or delegated to the front desk staff. To combat this, she insists on monthly meetings to ensure each team member participates in the marketing efforts.
The Marketing Agenda, Perfected
Dr. Rigney emphasized the importance of social media because it keeps her practice top of mind and is a good source of referrals.
Here’s what Dr. Rigney is sure to include in each marketing meeting, typically held on the last Wednesday of each month:
- A recap of the previous month’s performance and statistics
- A discussion and analysis of follower counts and viral videos
- The new month’s content theme
- A review of upcoming external events, outreach efforts, podcasts, and blog posts
- Collaborations with other professionals and local businesses, such as pelvic floor physical therapists, gyms, and boutique owners
- A plan for upcoming Instagram Lives
- Upcoming giveaways
- Team assignments for the next month’s content
How to Create a Monthly Marketing Strategy for Multi-Doctor Practices
Impact Chiropractic’s content strategy has evolved and now focuses primarily on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest.
Dr. Rigney and her team consider several factors when creating monthly content for these channels, and each team member is involved in the process.
A “Content Bible” spreadsheet organizes and plans the content. Each month has a theme, and every blog post, e-newsletter, and social media post aligns with that topic.
After a theme is determined, feed posts are categorized based on the type of leads they target (cold, warm, or hot.). Then, core values, the ideal patient avatar, and content pillars are considered.
Dr. Rigney loves to use Instagram Stories for behind-the-scenes content and client stories, and collaborations with other businesses (such as local gyms and boutiques) are also vital to the practice’s content strategy.
For example, joint Instagram Lives, giveaways, and tag-based collaborations are priorities. These collaborations increase the practice’s visibility, which helps them reach a wider audience.
To Sum It Up
Dr. Rigney and her team value a collaborative effort in content creation. While marketing a chiropractic practice of their size is challenging, it’s much easier when each team member chips in.
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Connect with Dr. Rigney
Learn more about Dr. Rigney and Impact Chiropractic here, and follow the practice on Instagram to see their content plan in action.
The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hooks! Head to holisticmarketinghub.com to learn more and use code PODCAST for $100 off!
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Molly Cahill
Hello, hello. Today's episode with Dr. Elise Rigney is a long one, but a really good one, she and I have so much in common. So we chatted for a long time. And we chatted about a bunch of different stuff, which I will tell you about here in just a second. But before I tell you about this, I wanted to make sure that you saw that I'm actually doing a live cohort of the holistic marketing club for the first time since 2020. The reason I'm doing it live is because the curriculum needs to be updated, meaning like the virtual classrooms that are inside holistic marketing hub, need to be updated to reflect just some changes in Instagram in 2023. And things we've learned with you know, we actively run 28 accounts. And so I always say that's what gives us an edge over other social media marketers, because we were not just like some one big influencer account who, you know, quote, made it years ago. And now we're like, oh, this is this is what works. Because honestly, that's, that's not what works for the majority of people. So yeah, we've learned a lot through running a bunch of different accounts consistently. And I want to apply that everything I've learned into the holistic marketing hub curriculums, I'm actually going to be recording it live starting July 21. So the day this airs, it's Tuesday. So you'll have two days from the time you're listening to this, to hop in to holistic marketing hub before I close enrollment until the fall. You can use the promo code live and you'll get $200 off. I normally run a promo code for $100 off just by listening to the podcast, it's it's actually me $200 off, use the code live. And just as a reminder, even if you can't be on live to see me like record these new virtual classrooms, that's fine. They'll live inside the the hub. And a lot of people I was just actually talking to somebody in my email inbox today who's like, I don't have time to implement a program. That's fine. A lot of people purchase holistic marketing hub, just to use all of the crazy amounts of ready to post copy paste, Instagram and Facebook caption so okay. Anyway, back to the episode, Dr. Elise and I talk about so many things. But one of the main things we talk about is how she runs a clinic. I think it's four or five Doc's and the she talks about how they run their marketing meaning and how they divvy out all of their different marketing tasks to each of the doctors. She talks about the agenda of her meeting. And she also talks about how they break out their Instagram content, which is really cool. It's like a different way than I've ever thought to do it. And she just has a she's just like a wealth of knowledge. So I think you're really going to enjoy this episode. As per usual, please screenshot tag me put on your stories. Love ya. Hope you enjoy it. Welcome to holistic marketing simplified a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill and this podcast is brought to you by holistic marketing hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, captioned templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish but we also bake their hook, head to holistic marketing hub.com to learn more and use code podcasts for $100 off. You can find full show notes, resources and more. At Molly cahill.com/podcast. Dr. Lisa, I'm so honored to have you on the show today. I can't we were just talking off camera for like 20 minutes. I cannot believe this is the first time we've
Dr. Elise Rigney
met. I know. I know. Yeah. crossed paths on Instagram multiple times. Yeah. mutual friends. Yeah,
Molly Cahill
a lot of mutual connection. So I'm so honored to be talking to you today. And the reigning Mrs. Fort Collins like I mean, that's pretty cool. So yeah,
Dr. Elise Rigney
thank you. Thank you. Yeah, they just asked if I wanted to come back for Mrs. Colorado competition next year. And I'm like, It's pageantry is no joke. It's Oh, it's a lot. It's another like I did it time job. Did you Oh, I didn't. I was like, Whoa, this is more than I was anticipating.
Molly Cahill
Yeah, I don't want to like get too far off topic. But that's actually on my in my slack channel. I have like a Mali content ideas. And one of my content. One of my posts and emails I want to write is about when I was in the Miss Shelby County pageant, which is like a preliminary to miss Alabama, which is preliminary to Miss America. And I was like, in there with the pros, you know, and it was I was a joke, like, it was hilarious. They asked me on stage. If I could have any superpower, what would it be and why? And I said, I used to sound a lot more southern. I'm from Alabama, but we lived in San Diego for six years and we've lived so anyway. I was like well, I guess I always thought birds were neat. So I'd want to fly. That's so sweet and innocent. It is. I literally had like imagine a high school auditorium. Like two rows full of friends and family, and they were all just like jaw dropped like you.
Dr. Elise Rigney
I think that's sweet. I know, I think it's the interview for us is 50% of your score. Yeah. And so afterwards like they go through the director goes through all of your judges notes. And she said to me, she's like, you wouldn't be top five if you would have worn different earrings to your interview. And that was, yeah, that for me was like, okay, so it's not off of my character values, like community building I've done it is that I wore the wrong earrings to interview which were chosen by my coach, too. So I'm like, Decapolis. Okay, yeah, that was kind of what made me not want to go back yet, because I'm like, I gotta shake that one off. Because yeah, that's not, you know, not what I anticipated.
Molly Cahill
No, that's dumb. So for those of you who if you're in the chiropractic world, you probably know Dr. Elise regni. But if you're, if you happen to not or if you're on the health, I have a lot of health and life coaches, functional medicine, acupuncture, who lives tell us a little bit about you and your story.
Dr. Elise Rigney
Yeah, thank you. So I'm a chiropractor. I actually do not see patients anymore. I haven't for the last couple of years. For multiple reasons. I love business and entrepreneurism. And I'm into a lot of other business endeavors outside of chiropractic too, and then do consulting. But the big reason is, I have three little kids right now, too. So I have a three year old, a five year old and an eight year old.
Molly Cahill
That's what I was gonna ask how old they are, I only guess you're old. And it's so funny. I always thought I wanted to and after having one, I was like, okay, okay, I'm done.
Dr. Elise Rigney
I would love I mean, when my my oldest has always been like my little bestie. And so I'm like, I'm, I love kids, I'm happy, I would adopt more to, if you know if it makes sense in the future. But so that was kind of what part of the reason I have like changed up the way that I practice and really have gone outside the chiropractic profession and multiple ways to bring back innovative ideas to the chiropractic profession. So I think that is what has kind of made me stand out a little bit more because I grew up as far as like, not in chiropractic, but I started as a CA, and then went to chiropractic school, and I was a CA at vitalistic practice, there were three owners. So basically three bosses, three doctors there. And they were who inspired me to become a chiropractor and helped me see more of that audio principle about down inside out and how the body heals itself. And so when I got to chiropractic school, I started the Green Books club, I was in practice management group straightaway, I just knew I was going to be owning my own practice in the future. So that I think is where more of like that love for business. And my dad was like, serial entrepreneur never had like a big success moment, but own multiple businesses. And so I just always knew there was a lot of like, potential there. And so now, I've got two practices. And I'm going to be doing a cohort, actually, in January to open up another five to 10. Other practices, I partner in on them, and then Doctor, the doctors buy me out, but we've got a whole vitalistic group and our practices are we are all truly pediatric practice their doctors, I would say, I know we talked about this a little bit, but then we've gotten our CAC, CP. And if you've gone through the icpa, the CAC, CP is like the highest level of pediatric training you can possibly do. And it's really freakin hard to get, I would say, I took the I wrote my exam during my maternity leave with my second. And then I'm perinatal certified, which is a brand new certification through the ICA, I was one of the first to complete that. And then Webster certified as well. So mommies and babies and then corrective Care Chiropractic as well for those who aren't pregnant, but adult and more vitalistic, chiropractic care. And so at our Fort Collins location, which is like my foundation practice, there's five chiropractors there, I'm included in that. So I'm not seeing patients, it's more like four that see patients. And then in my lovely location, we've got one and a half doctors there. So my partner, Dr. Laura is the main doctor there, and then she's brought in one of so one of our Fort Collins doctors is actually part time between the two. So and we're all women, and we're all we've all gone through four of us have completed CAC CP. And the other two, that's part of like when I bring on doctors part of the expectation that they sign off on that they will be completing that as well, just because we want to care for babies to the highest level possible. Yeah.
Molly Cahill
So I have to ask, you aren't seeing patients anymore, yet. You still completed all of these hours and hours of certifications and trainings. Yeah, yeah. It's
Dr. Elise Rigney
important to me because I really I mentor a lot of chiropractors. And then it's just important to me to always stay on top of my game like in chiropractic, you know, and so, I started my CCCP the trainings in 2010. And then I ended up like not completing the full thing started having babies. They got new instructors. I travel it's funny because I got on the phone with Genium and like 2017 I think it was and she goes I think you've done more hours with the icpa than any other doctor because I had like I had The Monica burger, which is more like her teaching was more like neurosensory kiddos with like ADHD and autism. And it was an amazing training. And then drew Rubin took over. So if you're chiropractor, you know these names, but drew Rubin took over that course. So then I couldn't complete my CAC, CP without having the update because it was new exam questions. So then I went and took Durbin's course, which was phenomenal. And it's called like the ABCs of chiropractors, something like the alphabet soup of chiropractic. So it's similar topic, but totally different, what he discussed in it. And so it was just like, took me a while to get through all the trainings to go take the exam. And then you had to do at the time research with the National Institute of Health. So two research studies, which that's changed a little bit. So I feel like I've gone through like all the iterations of icpa, and finally passed that exam in 2018. And I was still part time in practice, then. So I was getting patients when I did that. But then when they came up with a perinatal certification, I was like, Oh, I'm doing this, like, yeah, because then I can go again, I can mentor and I can train and help support. And I always want to have my hand on the pulse, even if I'm not in that, like day to day with patient.
Molly Cahill
Yeah. So to keep this episode from being two hours long, because I could already tell you and I could talk forever, we are going to focus in on your monthly marketing meeting, which I think is so cool, because just so we kind of talked about this before I hit record, but a lot of my audience, My people are like, they're either just starting out, or they maybe have a big practice, or they they can't keep a solid, front desk person, or it's always like, I'm overwhelmed. It's too much. I don't have time to do this at all, you know. And so I feel like marketing, a lot of times just gets put on the backburner, or it's an offhanded, like, Oh, my front desk is gonna do my social media and like, full stop. That's yeah, that's where it's like, it's so much more than that. But you as the CEO as the, quote, talent, so to speak, like, you don't have to be the one doing all this. So right. Let's talk about your monthly marketing meeting. And then maybe if you would be open to talking about some ways of like getting that support.
Dr. Elise Rigney
Sure. Absolutely. Absolutely. Um, so yeah, it's funny because you can see this happen on social media to have like clinics, who will be like on for like, a month or three months, and then all of a sudden ghost and you're like, what happened to them? And it's totally like, yeah, it is like the last I've been guilty of that for years. It's like the last thing. It's the thing that can like go to the backburner when you get really busy in other areas of your life, right? So we've found to have the consistency in our marketing meeting keeps us accountable to this. So I am big on meetings in general, I got that from in systems from traction. So anyone who has hasn't looked into like traction or EOS systems, if you're planning to grow and scale your team, for me, building my practices, was it not being about me? I and I've been really intentional with that on social media for 10 years.
Molly Cahill
Sorry. So stay let me pause you. You want to tell I love EOS to you want to tell people what that is really quickly?
Dr. Elise Rigney
Oh, sure. Traction POS systems are, there's a lot of components to it. But it's a way to like systematize and structure your business. So it integrates into all different businesses, but they have great meeting agendas. So I like their level 10 leadership agenda. And you can just Google that you don't need to hire a coach or anything like that, I would recommend reading traction, they've got great online resources too. But it will help you get organized as far as like roles in your practice KPIs, which are key performance indicators, like just as you grow and scale to have all of that it's really if you hired an integrator into your practice, it's like having an integrator who came in to bring your vision to life. For those who like aren't visionaries. It's very helpful, I would say because I'm you can tell just from you and I on this podcast, like I could just talk and have ideas and lots of IDEA generating, but it's like, if I don't have systems of like traction systems in place, or EOS systems, it is not going to get executed. It won't. It'll be like a lot of fun discussion, but it's not going to happen. So getting a meeting agenda, even for us, like our our Monday meetings, our team meetings, our doctor's meetings, all of that is really systematized so our marketing meeting we do consistently, so it's pre booked out on our Google calendar that everyone can see in the office. It's the third, it's a second to last. It's okay. It depends. It's Wednesday, the last Wednesday of the month, but if that's going to fall in like the 30th or 31st, we move it up a week because we don't want to be like planning our marketing calendar the day before that month was set in place. So it's usually the last Wednesday of the month. And it's for now 60 minutes. It used to be 90 minutes. So we've evolved. And when I started when I brought this agenda in I had actually brought in a paid intern from our university, who was an influencer on YouTube and Tiktok herself and she's 19 years old and totally different niche of what she was an influencer in but she knew how to do stuff, right. Like she knew like the importance of she just instead of just hiring someone young it was like okay, um, how Hiring someone who's doing this for themselves. She was making money on Tik Tok and YouTube. And it was great. So we brought her in. But she definitely needed expectations. So I laid out expectations for her. And the evolution of the platforms has been what's shifted us a lot. We used to have a lot of content going out on Instagram specifically. So we had to and I know you already talked about this in your podcast and with your clients, but like, obviously narrowing in on who your ideal patient avatar is, knowing that, and then knowing what platforms they're on, and then figuring out for us, we still want to repurpose content multiple ways. So I was on Tik Tok in 2019. And so I got our clinic on and turn to 20 or 2021. And right away, we got over 10,000 followers from like one of our videos. And that's not always helpful for a brick and mortar, right. And, you know, this is a discussion I know Lauren Bruns, like we'll have to like on how it's not always great to go viral, depending on you know, your purpose for all of this. But it was nice to get on Tik Tok. And even now, there's lemon eight, which is tic tac Sr. And it's nice to get on those, grab your handles, and then start getting followers when it's easier to get followers, I would say versus when it's more pay to play, which is, you know, when you see Instagram algorithms changing and stuff, we've just had to shift a lot of it. So my, my point with this is like, what I would have told you probably a year ago would be very different than how our marketing meeting is now it used to require 90 minutes. And now because we had a real go out every single day, and now we do reels twice a week, and we've done we've had all the hashtags have changed and how we do all of that. And so I definitely think like hiring someone like you or just someone who can stay in the know of what's changing. And even paying attention to updates that come out that Atmos theory puts out and knowing exactly like those shifts is important because you can be rocking it and then all of a sudden, you're like, oh, we need to pivot. We don't need to do these wheels like this anymore. Or we used to go live. We used to be big on like having our lives and then we would do lives with other partnerships and collaborators like pelvic floor PT in town. Yeah. And we'd get on at the same time. So then each followers can see who was falling. So I can talk about collaborations too. And because we go through that in a marketing me but I'll start out with marketing meeting agenda. So our marketing team has ranged from anyone who's helping on marketing because we want to divvy out I'm talking to social media marketing, specifically, I guess I should say, we want to divvy out. So even like our stories, what we typically do is have our stories, where Dr. Courtney has Mondays, Dr. Amy has Tuesdays Dr. Heather has Wednesday. So like we can divvy that out. So it's Changing Faces of who's on their changing voice. And then also it's not one person who has to constantly create content for a certain area. And then we have our feed posts, which we will write leads. So we will have Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Right now, I believe it used to be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, where we would have Monday's be cold leads that we copyright to Wednesdays would be warm lead copywriting and then Thursday's would be hot lead copywriting. And so we would have content divvied out like that as well.
Molly Cahill
I actually thought to separate it out that way. That's really I haven't owned, like my own way of teaching content rotation. But I love that
Dr. Elise Rigney
we have we have like this content Bible Excel spreadsheet that we would like we go through. And so it's like, we can change them to to be like a pain point or a testimony or technology that we have in the office. Like it's got us to think outside. Like, when we started doing this, it was a few years ago. And I remember like one of the ones we did was like my favorite podcasts on health that I was listening to. And so we had me with like, like wired headphones or whatever, listening to a podcast. And that was the photo and it was like, Oh, we used to only take like photos in the clinic. And now it's been like, and community is one of our core values. So like making sure we're getting community photos to like, there's just a lot of looking at your core values, and then your ideal patient avatar and then for us the content pillars, and are we writing to cold leads, hot leads, warm leads. And then that's how we start to get our content together. But okay, I've got to go to the agenda because I haven't done this yet. So in the agenda, we start right away the first five to six minutes are a recap of last month. So our main leader in the marketing meeting, she will recap what performed well last month update us on stats, new patients that were scheduled from different marketing initiatives we did posts that brought in new patients statistics from anything we've done in the community as well. And then we report where our follower count is on Instagram on Tiktok subscribers on YouTube. And then if there's a viral video talking about that highest view counts what performed well and then why. So we want to figure out like if we did a giveaway with other businesses in town, and it was like, like these pages and share and then comment and tag your friend, that sort of stuff. Those posts usually do really well. So we can be like, Oh, it's because of this but you have to be intentional who you do that with to. For us. We have we're one of the top follower accounts and all of our organic followers. And and even when you look at your statistics, you can see like they line up with our ideal client avatar, as far as like age and location and all of that when you look at your Instagram statistics, but So for us we're really attractive for other businesses to partner with. So I think right positioning your business on Instagram or whatever platform you're on as you have Orangetheory coming after you you have like big name visit Lululemon. Lululemon actually doesn't have they have like a secret local page here, but they can't have their own page. Same with Athleta. Who's here Athleta has like a secret like photo, women's community page, but it can't say Athleta but it is Athleta. So there's like different partnerships like big companies, though, that will seek us out to do giveaways and labs. Yeah, so I'd say like, everything I'm going through like there is like it's a long game. Social media to me is a long game, too. It's not. Yes, you can come up with some that could like get quick, like new patients, we always have links. Oh, that's the other thing. Our links on YouTube are links on Tik Tok are links on Pinterest or links on Instagram are their own acuity scheduling link that gives them to our schedule to book a new patient appointment, but we can track where they came from that way. And that way if I set up KPIs so if I have a team member who's just I have one team member on tick tock. And so if someone comes in from a tick tock special, she gets bonus, then we can easily track her KPI from tick tock specifically because she's doing our tic TOCs. And she's not necessarily doing our real on Instagram. And so we keep our we keep our tick tock, yes, you can repurpose all your content. Like you could do a long form on YouTube and just have someone splice that all up and purpose that repurpose that across all different channels. For us, we actually create fresh content for almost everything, we will repurpose Instagram to Pinterest. But a lot of it is because Instagram is so far behind tick tock on Trending audio, it's like they just have to go like redo sometimes it'll be the same idea. Set a different way with different audio. But okay, so we go through that recap five to six minutes, viral videos, all that then we for the next 20 to 30 minutes, we go into our marketing calendar. And so sometimes in the past, we aren't doing this currently, but we have had like a theme of the month that we pre planned in our annual meeting. So if there is a theme that month, then we will try to have our content wrapped around that like even if it's women's health. In general, we want to be like, Okay, let's talk hormone health. And let's do a real on seed cycling. And it's basically what would Becca, our ideal patient? Like what content does she want to absorb right now that would for us get her into more of like that chiropractic vitalistic lifestyle. And so then we'll go through and we will we have a whiteboard calendar. And we've had it before where we've done like post it notes to and each color post it note is like, these are the real, these are the TIC TOCs. These are the posts, these are stories. And then this is the live, these are actual events we have in person, because we want to make sure if we're out like we weren't paid support columns this last weekend, we want to make sure that we get stories out there at least, and tagged different businesses that were next to or people who are coming to our booth and get a picture with them, tag them like a lot of it is like making sure you already do a lot in your community. But people don't know if you don't put it out there often so and you don't tag those people and get those reshares. So it's just being really intentional with that. And so Okay, we'll go through theme we'll go through first the person, the person who's in charge of posts, they are more that person who is great at copywriting for us. And so they will do the Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Monday, Wednesday, Friday, cold lead, warm lead, hot lead post, and they already have it planned out. So they'll go through and it'll be in a certain color. And we'll know those are our post colors. And they'll say Okay, on this date, I'm going to do this, I was thinking because it's Father's Day coming up, I want to do this, you know, like they'll have more reasoning behind it. And then sometimes the marketing team can give a couple more ideas. Or maybe we should feature this patient in that because they had XYZ. So it's nice to have all of our brains on it. But one person came up with like the plan of that. And then they copyright all of that. And then we have that can also lead our blogs, though we have blogs on our website. So we want to make sure that what we're putting out on there is aligned with our theme or some of the content that we're putting out on social media. And then we can add that to usually our blogs are going in stories. We're not as big on them going into our posts. And then let be an internal marketing campaigns that we have going on, we just want to make sure we're getting that on our social media to like we're bringing in next Monday a tap truck that's going to have like its parking outside our office. And it's super cute. It's going to have we're a big beer community like we're the original craft beer community, I'd say New Belgium was started here. And so it's gonna have a local craft beer, a local root beer and a local kombucha. And so our patients can come and just like have a beverage with us during our afternoon shift. And so yeah, we want to make sure like we're getting that out in our newsletter and then also having like those links on social media, and then having that marketing around the office too. So it's just making sure like we've spread out and proliferated our marketing throughout internal, external, social, all of that and So this is a time when we're going through that with the marketing calendar too. And making sure our blog topics are all pre planned out there. And then announcing any external events to we will go through Pinterest on here newsletter ideas. So for newsletter we only send out once a month, but we actually write our newsletters. So we're like, Okay, what's happening next month, it's this person's birthday. It's this doctor's doing this training, like, yeah, just for them to get to know us more to we'll put that in there. But then also, you know, like, we've got the top of truck coming, like make sure to save the date and come into the state for this. And then announce we have perks partners in the community. So we have perks partners, like if you go to, we have this local ice cream place, that's incredible. It's called the churn, little man ice cream is down in Denver, where they're chiropractors. And so if you show your swipe card from impact chiropractic, you get 10% off your ice cream there. So in the summer, you know, like the month of June, we might be like don't forget perks partner of the month is the churn, which you can do it all year long. But it's just kind of reminding them like, look at all these perks you get by being an impact practice member. So we'll do a perks feature to make sure that we're getting that on social and then whatever our product of the month is to having that so everyone knows when does getting a display up and then also figuring out like, like the theragun. Okay, let's do some like demo videos and a reel of how to use the Thera gun. Like if you have whatever if you're struggling with your runner and knee pain, or whatever our community is super active where we live in Yeah, and so is our ideal client. Okay, and then we have another team member who will then present all the real ideas for the month and assign people to them. We used to have a pre planned up for the month. But now with like trending audio, we'll have our ideas ready, have like the education and the content we want to put out there. But sometimes it won't be like two or three, two years ago, whenever reels first came out on Instagram, we would be like, Oh, this is a trending audio, I've got to do this voiceover to it where now we can put more like education in there and then just like decrease the sound and have a trending audio in the background. So yeah, yeah, there's, there's more flexibility in that, which is kind of nice, too. So that's what we're doing now, where we used to have reels every single day going up to where reels are only two times a week right now, maybe three times a week is what we have. But then we want to assign and get team members in because it's like sometimes you need multiple team members in a video if we're trying to make a point, or there's something we're looking to do. So you need a model, or yes, yeah, yeah. And so that's nice, because this is our time to be like, Hey, someone, so can I grab you on Wednesday during lunch, and we can film this. And you can just like bulk, get video content filmed, or photos or whatever it might be. And then we have another team member who will then present their tic tock ideas and help assign people to that as well. And then with Pinterest, really, we just make sure that we are pinning our Instagram posts over to Pinterest. So we're not creating new content for that at all. And then YouTube, we used to have a lot of YouTube content going out i For me, I thought a lot for a chiropractic office, maybe it's not a lot for you know, actual YouTubers. But that was great, because we would have like, especially with kiddos like primitive reflex work. So we can now send patients let's say we've done like, like the little paintbrush, primitive reflex exercise that they can just do at home, we can now customize their care for home care and be like here, this QR code goes to this, this exercise we're recommending. And so it's kind of nice to just have that all done now and on YouTube, where we're not creating a lot of new content, because that doesn't need to be recreated. And then the next 10 minutes, we go into more of like the doctors who are announcing like their outreach event for the month. Any groups that they're involved in, like we've got a bunch of different like NoCo women in business, the socialites club, there might be a nonprofit event that we're going to we want to make sure we're like, oh, I'm going to this gala, we're going to donate a silent auction to those. So we have a table for this. And we just make sure like this is happening this night. Let's get some photos and video and some stories that for that too. And it just holds the doctors accountable to to continue to get involved in the community. And then we also have had a podcast. So we just we haven't started our new season in 2023. But we did in 2022. And it was called Impact after hours. And so it was our doctors. And so we had all different topics on there. And so in our marketing meeting, we have a spreadsheet that goes through what the topics are pre planned, but we didn't always want like six of us on a podcast, right? So we'd be like, these two or three doctors are going to do the podcast we're recording on this day. Here's the topic and it goes out this day. So we just made sure we stayed organized and that by incorporating that into the marketing meeting too. And then each doctor will go over whatever story topics they're going to share for the month, in two minutes or less. So they'll go through and usually have that more connected to the theme to or things that are like upcoming events, that sort of stuff. And then the remaining time we just kind of gameplan so everyone solidifies their to do list and then doctors plan like their days in time for recording. Or like see whoever's involved in the meeting to we'll plan all of that out. But we just want to coordinate if multiple people need to be to go Whether and then the docs will document any to do list items that they might need to get to the person in charge of newsletter. Because sometimes it's likely we might want specific things that should come from a doctor going to the person who's writing the newsletter, or blog posts or anything like that. So we just make sure we've got like, we're not just saying all this stuff and not executing. It's like, here's our game plan for execution at the end of it. Yep.
Molly Cahill
Okay, I have so many questions.
Dr. Elise Rigney
That's like the gist of what a typical marketing meeting looks like. But what's cool is it used to be 90 minutes, once a month, and we're down to 60 minutes, because everyone comes prepared. Everyone's like, here's what I'm doing.
Molly Cahill
Yeah, here's like all my follow up, because like I said, Knowing my audience as well, as I do, I know most people don't have the size of practice you have or business. Like if they're just like a virtual, you know, one woman show health coach or whatever. But I will say, I think the root of all of this is the common thread that I've seen. And I know I'm privileged. I know that this is like, not everyone has this ability. But the common thread I've seen is the people who typically drag their feet on hiring help, or the people who struggle. Yeah. Yeah. So you told me in the very beginning, we talked about integrators, minds, and OBM, online business managers, same thing. If it were not for Carolyn, I would not have any of the things that I have, because I would just have a lot of fancy ideas to talk about. Yes. And when I first hired her, I did not have the money to hire her. Again, I realized, like, I wasn't worried about putting food on the table, right? My husband was in the military, and he had insurance and I was in medical sales before I came into this. So I had tucked away a pretty sizable nest egg from being in medical sales and knowing that I couldn't do that long term. I went into my business day one, like this is a long term game. This is a long play. So I wasn't to me, that was an investment in my business hiring Carolyn, when I could really didn't have had the revenue to justify hiring her maybe most business coaches probably would have been like, but I just knew I had these big grand visions, and I wasn't going to be accomplished without her. Yeah, let's kind of put your take off the marketing hat for a minute. And let's talk about like the CEO hat. How do you advise women cuz I know you have a mastermind as well, like, how do you typically advise those people who are in that point, who on paper are like, Oh, I don't have the money to hire, but like, chicken or egg,
Dr. Elise Rigney
right? Oh, yeah. Yep. Yep. I think it's first going back to like looking inward at yourself and figuring out like, what do you like doing, because if you like some of this creative stuff, I do actually like content creation. But now I'm doing it on my own for like, personal brand. And I told you before, I'm big on Tik Tok, that's what I'm into. And not as much Instagram and definitely not Facebook and stuff. So for me, it's like, Well, I actually really like XYZ. So I think I'm going to keep that on my plate. But what do I not like? And then hiring, I would say, if it's not a human being, because to me, bringing someone on your team is incredibly important to make sure you have the capacity to mentor them. And set expectations because you could just bring someone in and just assume like, oh, they know how to do all these things. And definitely in social media with how quick it changes, if they're not in it, don't assume. And so that's why I think getting either hiring someone you could start lower like, like I said, I had a CSU just a university intern that was paid, but lower dollar pay, compared to if I brought in like someone who was like a marketing contractor, right, their hourly rate, but you could bring in someone who's in house, and then have them join your program and get the proper training in your program. And that's going to save you a lot of money compared to maybe someone who's going to be a high level marketing agency, right, where you bring in a contractor, artist, yeah,
Molly Cahill
we try to steer people always like, oh, eventually I'll have I'll hire you. I'm like, No, that's not my goal. I don't want like, we're happy to read your Instagram, we're happy to we filled in gaps for people to when they're like in the middle of like, Hey, I just hired a CA she's not going to be trained for three months, will you run my account until I get her trained? And then they'll join holistic marketing hub. And I literally had one of my clients. She's like, wait, but then I have to pay her to take your course. I'm like, yeah,
Dr. Elise Rigney
yeah, absolutely. But also like ours. I don't know if all Cairo's are like this, but a lot of Cairo's that I work with have payroll hours, which are our part time hours for normal human beings. Like if your CA is working less than 30 hours a week, give them these extra hours outside like assign them when these hours are don't just be like oh go do this at home like come up with a structure and a plan. You are the boss you are the owner. You are the CEO, say okay, we have Tuesday mornings off Tuesdays from nine to noon is going to be your content creation time. This is when you're going to be in the hub. First you're gonna absorb all the content and then here's the expectations of this many posts a week on this platform and and then I want you to first show them to me, and then let's make sure that hashtags are appropriate, and then I will approve them. And then eventually you're on your own. Because I know you already know what you're doing. But it's like setting up like a 90 day program with them and getting them there. But also, like, don't just go hire someone cold off the street that you don't know, you can sustain that income either. Because these are human beings we're talking about, like, they depend on income from your practice. So I agree, like you need to spend money to make money but like, you have to be committed to you can't just think like, if I, you know, it's just like weight loss, like, oh, I go and hire a personal trainer, like they're not going to lose the weight for me, you know? And so just like you hire someone who says they can do social media, I doubt it. Depth. I mean, like a person. I mean, like someone from indeed, I'm not saying like, you know, an agency or like your company, someone from social media that you're going to, or someone from Indy there, you're gonna bring in house to your social media, they're gonna be like, oh, yeah, like I, you know, spent a lot of time on there. And it's like, but you don't know strategy you don't know actual, like marketing on social media, you know how to absorb content. But then also like, keeping in mind, I hired a 19 year old, she put out 19 year old content, like I had to Gen Z content. And I the way that she wrote, you know, the way she wrote, so that's why we've divided things out where it's like, sometimes, yeah, you might want a doctor, especially if you have a specific niche, and you want certain certain messaging on there, you might want a doctor to have partake in that. But also, like you and I have talked about, you want the general public to it needs to be readable. It can't just be Cairo words, you know, that are like, I have no clue what this means. Being a layperson who's never been to a chiropractor. So it's nice having that balance, but also remembering who you who you do bring in or even your ca if they're 22 years old, they're likely to write content that they're interested in for the 22 year old population. That's your ideal patient, great, but if it's not there, it's going to need to be some altering. And that's where you have to commit to that mentorship time to but yeah, I think there's a good combination, especially with like the hub. You don't have to train them and all that stuff. Thank God you've got, they've got you to be able to update them on because it is never ending and change. Like it changes constantly,
Molly Cahill
literally. 9pm Last night, my daughter and her husband like they have this video game they play together, which I think is hilarious, because she says, like, anyway, so I was literally like I had my hubs slides printed out. I was rewatching my video and I was like making notes because I have to update it constantly. Because it's constantly changing. Yeah, but going back to like, like I said, like the chicken and egg scenario. Is there like any type of I want to say litmus test, but like when you're mentoring other people who are like, Oh, I don't know if I can afford to hire or like, I don't know, like I don't, or the other ones, like I don't have time to hire, right? Like, if you're already really busy. The last thing you're like, you know that it'll help you to hire someone, but like the thought of adding that one extra layer, you're like, Oh, is there? I didn't prep you on this? I'm sorry.
Dr. Elise Rigney
No, that's okay. I've never I always appreciate not being prepped at all, like, I would much rather be on panels than like, give a talk I have slides for so. Yes. So I think there's other like multiple components to that, too. It's like the CEO aspect of if you don't have time for that, like, what else do you not have time for? Like, where are you sacrificing yourself, because bringing on people and having a support system, if that's in your vision, because some people like, you know, I could understand if I was introverted, I might not want that. I might not want to practice my size, right. But so knowing yourself and knowing what makes sense, but also if like, this isn't in your wheelhouse, but you know, you're going to help more people. To me, it's your it's your vision, you know, and social media is like, the quickest way to educate the population in the community about chiropractic and your nervous system. And like how life changing this is, and, and it's also where younger people are, so you're getting to them before they have, you know, problems that might be irreversible at certain points of their life. And so I don't know, I think it's, first of all, why do you not have the time. So asking yourself that because you might need support in multiple ways. Because if you're not gonna have time to hire someone to do social media, I am thinking you're probably sacrificing your sleep, you're sacrificing like meal planning, you're sacrificing time with your kids, you're sacrificing time for yourself to if you can't find time to hire someone and to mentor them. And then also, I don't know, it's interesting, because the level of chiropractors I work with are scaling. So right Doc's who come into Cairo intensive, either already have associates or are going to be bringing new associate in the next year. And so it's not usually solo practitioner doctors that they're already investing into higher dollar positions, I would say. So bringing in someone sent Yeah, could, you know, do social media, usually, it's something you can attach to someone else's role in your practice, though, too. It's just making sure it doesn't get washed into like, patient hours for us, like you might need to go grab some content during patient hours, but I don't want a team member writing copy when there's patients in there. So it's just really systematizing time blocking their schedule, but you have to teach them that or you need or you build a leadership teams. So for me, I've got like leaders, I've got a senior associate doctor, and I have an office manager. And then we have leadership meetings. And I will go out and learn stuff. Like I tell jokes just hit the Kajabi conference, I'll go and learn stuff. And then I'll share it with them and train them. And then they train everyone else. This is I understand for chiropractors like high level, because again, people be like, Well, I don't have a team like that. But I just put it out there, because maybe you haven't thought about that being a possibility in the future. And if that sounds like it resonates with you, that is definitely a possibility in the future, is to grow your team so that it is isn't all you and it's not always do mentoring too, because, yeah, but again, the hub I mean, yeah, to me, I'm like, that seems like a no brainer for people to just have a car, have someone in their office, even if they have one team member, or even if they have like a sister, or someone it's like, get them trained. You don't need to learn everything, unless you want to. And I can look
Molly Cahill
yeah, and always I have some chiropractors who email me say, Hey, can you tell me how much has been completed? Because I can look like I can? Oh, yeah. I can see what's been watched. But no, and just to go back, like you said, What's your vision? I always say like, What's your why? And when you connect it to that it always makes it less of a I have to like then it's more about I want to because my sister in law, I have a she'll be one in September. Nice. And she was like, I learned to breastfeed by watching reels. And that has so stuck with me to be like, holy shit, like what we're doing matters like you think you're putting on a roll because you have to because you got to do this thing. And it's on the list and you got to check off but it's like, no, she literally, she didn't nurse my first niece because she was like way younger. And she's like, my first niece is 10 now, and she's like, determined she wanted to nurse this baby. And she literally learned to breastfeed by watching rails. That's amazing. That is so powerful.
Dr. Elise Rigney
And we forget that we forget that as chiropractors or as healthcare practitioners because what I forget this all the freaking time I forget what we do is abnormal. Like I forget the choices we make because it's funny like my one of my friends just started to like not even a carpet. Yeah, yeah, but like we just make holistic choices and we make more natural preventative health care choices. When my friends just started doing coffee enemas. I used to do coffee enemas very regularly. This probably sounds way out there to some people listening but but so she was like, we came back from Bali her and I went on a trip together and she got to Bali, Bali. It's called and like maybe a parasite or something we're not really sure. And so she started incorporating that with some other functional medicine work that she was doing with a practitioner and but she was like telling our whole group of friends about these coffee enemas. And in my head. I'm like, Dude, I'm doing coffee enemas since like, 2009. Maybe Yeah, and I was like, but I don't talk about this stuff. And I'm like, other people don't know about it. Like to her. This is like mind blowing, or like bulletproof coffee and putting like, putting MCT oil and just college in your coffee, things that I've just been doing for years that I'm like, wow, put that on a real things that aren't a big deal to you. Because it's so natural in your day to day. It is not natural to other people, even like just content of like I will because now Mine's more personal brand. Not as just like chiropractic. It's not my chiropractic office anymore that I'm making content for. I'll just like record, do one of those time lapses. When I get to my office Monday and I'm time blocking like my day. Like I go through my I have a CEO planner. And I go through it and I just get like, here's everything for today. And here's what the time blocking is going to look like. And I have it sped up time and then the amount of DMS I get I'm like I need to sell a planner. Like because everyone's like which planner do you use? Do you have the link blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, all I did was record myself doing something I was gonna do anyways. So
Molly Cahill
I always tell people, I'm like, what supplements are you packing when you travel? What's in your diaper bag? Yes, people love that stuff. Love it, like it always performs well. Always. It's
Dr. Elise Rigney
like it's just what you already do. You don't need to recreate. But we don't realize that. I mean, I'm very guilty of having no clue that's special to other people.
Molly Cahill
Yeah. It's like I said the last thing because like I said, I know my audience really well. And I know the word that gets used a lot is overwhelmed or like I get a lot of I've been bad. I'm so behind. I'm like, stop like No, I'm not tech savvy. I'm like, we get to believe the stories we tell about we tell about ourselves, right? Like, if I went to go try to address somebody, I'd probably paralyze them. Like it's okay that you don't know about marketing, right? Like you can learn or you can get support and it just what you do is so important. And when you take all of these quote to dues like if you're like listening to Dr. Elise's meeting agenda and you're like holy cow oh my gosh, so much like, but think about it from like my best friend my college best friend. She's been listening to me rave about chiropractors for you know how long and about two years ago I finally was like I'm over you complaining about your migraines. I'm sick of it. I'm not going to listen to you complain anymore. I love you. I googled my chiropractors Birmingham like anyway, I don't You remember? And like she went, and guess what? She has not had a single migraine. Yeah. And so I'm like, What you do matters you are, yes, really changing people's lives. And you're doing them a disservice if you aren't spending the time carving out the time to market your services,
Dr. Elise Rigney
or honestly, just to pull your phone out and record what you're already doing. Oh, you know, it does not need to be mind blowing right away. And it's just doing something like I think that is what it comes down to. And just a backtrack on like the marketing meeting agenda. My goal is to fire hose people. Like that's how Cairo intensive that's the reason I put intensive in the name, like, I want to fire hose so much at people for tangible because the last thing I like is absorbing content where I'm like, You didn't tell me anything, I just have to go buy your product, right to do anything like, Oh, that was a bunch of great stories. But I didn't actually get anything tangible. I can take away from me, I want to be like, here's a ton of stuff, don't like, if you're overwhelmed, that's okay. Like I kind of expect that I want to overwhelm you, but I want you to be able to not be too overwhelmed, where you paralyze yourself, and you don't do anything, I want you to be like, You know what, I could do that one thing. And that one thing could be your gold nugget. And that's all you needed to like, just get your feet moving and get comfortable. You know, it's like you just have to warm up to some of the stuff. You don't need to do real stories post, especially when I bring up cold lead warmly, hotly. Whoa. Like the amount of people not doing no one does that really like 1% of people do that, right? But it's I'm at the level where I have enough team members, I can do that. You don't ever need to get to that level, does that make a big difference? Probably not a huge difference, right? The consumer doesn't know like, Oh, I'm reading this for someone who knows nothing about chiropractic. Oh, I'm reading this because I'm a hot lead. And I met them at this event, or I follow these things. And I'm a hot lead. And this is going to make me click and take action. But I was so I was listening to the marketing wizard is that his name wizard Academy. Roy Williams, I think is his name. He was at a conference I was at a couple weeks ago. And he's old school marketer, like kind of a Jay Abraham. And he was talking about he's like, Okay, if someone asks you like, who's the best hairstylist in the area? Someone just moved to the area. They're like, where's the best place to get sushi or whatever? Where would you? How, where would you go to find your recommendation, and everyone's like, Google, right. And then I'm thinking like, I do a lot on tick tock, like, tick tock is my search engine, because I'm like, if I'm going to Denver for brunch, like I love, like, I love a good brunch. I'm on there. And I'm like best friend places in Denver. It's way better than Google. It's like, you're seeing the video, you're seeing the food, all of that. And he's like, false. You go to your brain. Like, think about if someone asked me like, who's a good hairstylist, I'm gonna go straight to my hairstylist or someone I know, you know, like, if it's something I don't do, like, if I don't know, if I didn't have a chiropractor. But if it's someone who doesn't know who doesn't see a chiropractor, they would go straight to who comes top of mind and not gonna go Google that person, they're gonna be like, I see impact everywhere. I see impact on my social media, I follow them. I've never been there. So we get referrals from people who aren't even patients, because they see how much content we put out. They see us in the community, even if they're not out in the community. They see us on social media that we're out in the community. And we know certain people there's like that trust built because they know someone who comes to us. And so it's like, automatically, yes, you can be the top of Google. Yes, you can have a ton of followers, but I don't know. It's just kind of like being top of mind in someone's brain is the most important search engine.
Molly Cahill
And I That's why I always say like, you can't we had a client one time who was like, my team says that it's the same content over and over. I'm like, right, that's on purpose. Like it's like the same stuff, because you have to beat people over the head. New research and Forbes is 21 times they have to see something. So I'd love to hear your thoughts on this on you talked about KPIs. And the thing about marketing in general is it is kind of hard. Like, there are hard KPIs, you can track obviously, you send us a special link. But it's not always like it's not hard and fast. Right. There might be like, I scrolled past a post, I didn't like it, comment, follow anything. I just saw it, whatever. And then I saw it again, whatever. Then I saw it again. Whatever. Then like my best friend's like puking because she has a migraine. And I'm like, oh, you know what, I think there's this place. It's like, I don't remember. I think it was like impact maybe and then like, maybe they Google it. And then they call you from there. But but yet like the original was that their friend seeing you on it too? Yeah. Tell people it's not always as straightforward as like, like, when's the last time you drove past a billboard? And you're like, Oh, I'm picking up the phone and calling that person and you're like, hi, I saw your billboard. Like, I wish I could always be that straightforward, but it's not. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I have some people are like, I don't know if my social media is working. And then I'm kind of able to like look at stats on the back end and I'm like, Ah, Uh, you're getting a lot of like brand awareness is kind of this weird a serial stat that you can't judge, but it's definitely what keeps you top of mind.
Dr. Elise Rigney
I agree. I agree. And I will even being a chiropractic clinic that has a lot of organic followers, a lot of followers, I would say for our area. And yes, we try to track those links. And it is more helpful on other platforms and Instagram, I would say, like, tick tock, it is easier YouTube, it's like, they watch a video they play. They were not I don't know that those seem easier. But Instagram, it's like, that's where we have community, I would say a lot of people who just follow us for years and watch our stories. So when we do meet them in person, they're like, Oh, I've been following you guys forever, or I came to your wine women and wellness event or like they we've been planting seeds for ever. That's why I say it's like a long game. Like this is the longest way to court someone ever. And so like expecting immediate results. Yeah, if you want to go and run Facebook ads for $19, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I don't do that. I'm not saying like, you can't do that. But you're going to have those $19 patients coming in versus them when you have primed for how many years possibly on social media, but they know like and trust you and they're they're ready. Once they get in, they're ready. They're ready. You know, I think that's just you have to be patient, you definitely have to be patient.
Molly Cahill
Um, the last few things I want to touch on before we hop off are your Instagram Stories own and I want to talk about collabs. So Instagram Stories, for whatever reason, to me are so easy. Like they require no thought they require like zero prep. But I still have a lot of clients who struggle. I don't know what to put on my stories. And I'm like it to me, it's like the lowest lift. Literally, it doesn't matter what's on your stories. Yeah, behind the scenes look, how do you handle like what's planned versus what's kind of more that like, authentic? This is? Yep. Okay, in the scenes,
Dr. Elise Rigney
every, because our doctors are mainly the ones who have a day of the week. And then on Friday, one of our CPAs will do kind of like Fun Friday where she'll have like the little microphone, and she'll be like, she say, I've never there on Fridays, she said, but I always watch them. They're cute. They're fun. Like, I want to watch them. It'll be like, what was something you showed, like, have a topic of the day and show like, just catch them off guard like what your favorite song you're listening to right now, or what's something that you thought as a child was true, but turned out not to be true. And she'll do it with each team member. And so each story is just like her being like today's Friday bla bla like this, and then click on the spot with each team member, which is really fun to watch that. But then it depends on the personality of who's running the story. So like, I will have more analytical doctors who are very prepared. And like they don't sound scripted, but they're they're ready like what they're putting on their stories. And sometimes I have some of them who like to have Canva posts, and it's like in their stories they'll do Canva like here's what did they do yesterday we had a we've had rain, rain for like 10 days. Yeah. Day joints. Yeah, rainy day, joint stuff, whatever. And so it's like, they just got that all in Canva. And then you had stories out for that. But then people screenshot that. And for me stories I agree. I like the behind the scenes aspect of it, but who's watching our stories are more are hot leads. Those are hot leads watching our stories. So it is kind of like making sure we're like, we are talking to them as well. But we don't sound like we're trying to sell them. It's more like get to know us. But here's them like three tips you can bring into your life. So if you never come in, you learn from us, you know,
Molly Cahill
say I've made more money from my stories than I have anywhere else on Instagram.
Dr. Elise Rigney
I agree. I stayed with me for consulting and stuff. I would definitely say it's like, it's it's funny, because you I've seen like memes or whatever people post, like, I get 62 likes on a post. But 500 of you are watching my stories, though. Like people will watch what you do, but not support what you do or like some sort of like take away like that. Yeah, yeah, yep.
Molly Cahill
Yeah. Um, so the last thing I wanted to talk about was collabs. So this is a big one for us. So how we teach, we don't teach the cold, warm and hot lead posts, but I love that I just listened to do you follow Jordan Gill system saved me, you know, you'd love her. She just did a podcast episode on like, problem aware product aware, and I don't remember what the other one was. But um, it's really similar to kind of like the like, the different like awareness level. So like, one might be like, I'm aware that I have back pain. But I don't know that chiropractic is the is the source and like or not, the source is like the fix. And then the next one is like, I know, a chiropractor can help me with back pain, but I don't know which one to go to. It's at the different levels. And sorry for the vitalistic people. I know you hate it when we talk about pain, but that's an easy example to use. Right, right. Yeah. But how we teach things is a content ecosystem. And our content ecosystem isn't like content pillars that you would be like, Oh, okay, I'm pregnant moms and breastfeeding in college and like that all falls under our educational team or like your core evergreen. Then we have a whole we have five other themes and I will make sure it's linked in the show notes there. kind of touched on it. It's not meant to be like a Monday is the one Tuesday same to it's not like that. It's like if you were to, to zoom out and look at your body of work as a whole, are you meeting all of these different like eco points, one of those is community referral, like that type of content. And that is so often missing, because we'd like to hide behind our educational posts for like, Oh, man. Yeah, tip. Yeah, yeah, like, but one post we have that does really well, if you need an example of one. And it's harder to do if you're in a small town, but we have a carousel that's like people who could be on your birth team. And it's like, one carousel is the doulas and the next slide is the lactation consultants. And the next slide is the pelvic floor PT or whatever. And then you're tagging all those businesses. Yeah, caption and then there were resharing. Or we've had like, we had a client and do like, here's why we always record here's why we recommend having a doula during labor. And then like they the video went to the doulas that they recommend and so it's like a collaboration that lives on both people's feet. Yeah, yeah. So I don't know if you kind of want to speak to how you use that collaboration stuff in your marketing.
Dr. Elise Rigney
Yeah, yeah. That's cool. I really liked that idea on the carousel, too. Yeah, that's a great idea. So we do different so collab tests can mean different things. So we've got like the collab, the actual Instagram collab will where it will go to both pages, you can only do with one other business right now, right, you can only do with one other page. So we will do that between our two locations sometimes too. So like, that's kind of great because we've got impact Loveland and impact Fort Collins. And so we might have posts that just makes sense for both so we can collab on that are like a real, you know, you could do the real where you toss something, and then the next person does this, and then you toss and it's like, you can kind of see everyone's face that way. Um, so it could be for fun, or it could be purposeful too. But then we have I'm trying to think because I've done this more personally, like, I just did this with Lauren, she slays. And not even like, for any reason, honestly, except we were both together at the Kajabi conference. And we just thought it was cute. So we both posted on there, there wasn't a lot of intention to get it. But how we've used collaborations before that was a tool on Instagram is what we called collaborations where other partners or other businesses in the community that our ideal patient would frequent. So like Becca, are about it's funny because we're prenatal and pediatric, very highly qualified doctors, right? But our ideal our ideal patient is not a mom, she we want to get to them before she gets pregnant. We want to help her with healthy pregnancy fertility, all of that so we want to get her body prepared for pregnancy. So ours is back as she's 30 years old. And then we've got like the gym she goes to she goes to kava and mod market and we've got like where she's going for lunch and like whatever what lifestyle like so where she shops boutiques in town that she shops with so then we can go and be like, Okay, here's the top three boutiques that Becca shops that and we go and we're like, oh, well, actually, the three boutiques we primarily have on there really do have a lot of followers. But we might look at like different gyms boutique gyms, she would go to or Pilates. And we're like, Oh, this isn't to sound rude. But it's like, oh, they only have like 500 followers, it might make sense for us to go to this other yoga studio that has 2500 followers, and then so that it's more of an even collaboration, but then we'll do a giveaway. So our collab is with local businesses, and then we'll have that collab post go out. But What's hard is if we do more than one business, because we will have like Mother's Day Giveaway, and a photography session and a massage. And you know, like maybe four of us who go in on like more of a package for mom. And we can't have use that feature fully. So that's where I'd say like, sometimes that holds us back. But if you're just doing it with one other business or partnership, it's great to use that feature. But otherwise, we'll act do collabs where it's like, okay, like all of these businesses, tag your friend. And then we will put everyone's name in for a drawing of like you, if you tag four friends, you get four entries in there. And then each of your friends gets an entry in there, and then you drop. And so like that's like more giveaway collaboration. And then we used to do more collabs with live. So we haven't done that as much our lives just never kind of start to feel like what can go. And that was one of the things we felt like we could like go up. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that was kind of cool. Because I will do that for Cairo intensive, like when we open enrollment for Cairo intensive. I'll have our coaches on a live. And so like all of their followers, all of us are on there. And then people can ask us questions, and you can bring them in on a live too. And so that way, it's like broadcasting across. Yeah, yeah. And so that's kind of cool to be like, here's a q&a, here's like office hours. So you could still do something like that in your practice, too. But so collab does is just like really what collaboration means working with other businesses, but the collab part of Instagram is super cool, but it can only be with one other one other Instagram account. One thing we've
Molly Cahill
done, and we've only had one person take us up on this. So I don't mean to be like we're like these geniuses who have solved like this, but it was with the doula example. They were actually really particular about how their feet looked. So what we did with them, and just in case you're wondering if that really matters. It does to a certain extent, but not to the extent that this person was concerned with.
Dr. Elise Rigney
And it doesn't on tick tock. That's why like, it's not curated do not
Molly Cahill
even on Instagram and 2023, like nobody's really like, anyway. So what we did was we gave them the Canva template link for the carousel. And then they put their own branding on it. And then they posted it themselves on their feed. So it's not like unnecessarily collab in this, like, you know what I mean, like the traditional sense of Instagram, adding a collaborator, but then they were still able to use the content and it was lived on both people's pages. It was like a little more work around. Yeah,
Dr. Elise Rigney
you know, something else. I will quickly say what I did with collab was, we have shields, which is like, I don't know if that's just Midwestern out here. But shields is like this huge store that has like a Ferris wheel in it. And like, just, you can buy so much stuff. Or you could go there, they have a fudge shop, they have, yeah, little bowling alley, like a lot of stuff in there. And then you can just buy stuff. And I made I had my kids in there, and I just literally made a reel and it was super cute. And I just put them as a collaborator. I was like, oh, at least they'll see it. They approved it. Yeah. And yeah, I was like, you could start doing like, some realtors in town will do that, too, is like they'll they have come into our business. We've had a couple of realtors who are like, can we feature impact on our page for like around town, or we have like, a visit Fort Collins page that wanted to feature us or like No, co it's called featured us. And so we'll do collabs with them, but they're the ones I guess who have sought us out. But they just act like we're featuring a business. But really, they're trying to get our followers but we're gonna get theirs too, you know? Yeah, I definitely say that look, yeah. I've been totally
Molly Cahill
with perfect patients like they and they asked me they're like, you can add us as a collaborator. And then it goes on their page, like it's great, cool.
Dr. Elise Rigney
And yeah, there's no harm in doing it, they can just decline it if they don't want it on their page. So it could be doing that if you're going to your favorite coffee shop in town. And you make a little reel out of it. And it's something that is like content, they could use that it's not just like chiropractic. Yeah. Like, oh, taking time out for yourself Self Care, oat milk is a great alternative, whatever you know, is aligned with your put it on there and then just tag them as a collaborator. And that's it might just say, Cool.
Molly Cahill
I'm going to add that. I'm Dr. Elise, thank you so much for your time today and tell people how so at the time this is airing your do you call it a mastermind?
Dr. Elise Rigney
It is it's not fully it's kind of a mastermind. So I have Cairo intensive, which is a 90 day Yeah, business mentorship, mastermind. We get into cohorts. It's more like a high level. Business Entrepreneurship Program. If you're looking to scale and grow your practice, it's for you. And if you're at a level where you already have doctors in your practice, it's definitely for you. But we go through a lot with like wealth building and entrepreneurship in there. And so it's just for 90 days, fourth quarter every year. And then our live events is more of the live mastermind. And that is the first weekend in December. So that's coming. Yup, we start launching August 1 And then we will start the program September I think 14 Whatever that Monday is
Molly Cahill
right after Labor Day. So we didn't talk about this, but I get to meet you in October. Yeah, yeah. WPC. Yeah. So I run the web, the women chiropractors page. So I'll be at that conference. I won't be at my high. I don't think I mean, I need to look. I don't know if I can. But you'll be doing both right now. Hi. Yeah.
Dr. Elise Rigney
See? Yep, yep. Yeah, that'll be fun. I'll be fun to meet you in person.
Molly Cahill
Okay, happening out. Where's the best place to find you and follow you
Dr. Elise Rigney
on Instagram? Dr. Li sprig me or Cairo? intensive.com If you're interested in Cairo intensive. Okay, awesome. Thank
Molly Cahill
you so much, Dr. Elise. Yeah, thank you. Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified, brought to you by holistic marketing hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, captioned templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish but we also bait their hook, head to holistic marketing hub.com To learn more, and use code podcast for $100 off, and hey, you know, every podcaster at the very end of their episode asks you to rate and review their podcast. Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that, we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly a K Hill. That's c h i ll I would greatly greatly appreciate your support. I truly appreciate you so much. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.
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