Episode 31: How to Use Astrology to Make Business Easier

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Ever wonder how to use astrology for business and life?
Don’t get me wrong – I’m as woo-woo as they come! But for some reason, I’ve never really hung my hat on astrology.
So, in the spirit of having an open mind and learning more about this centuries-old practice, I spoke with life coach and astrologer Indira Shakti.
By the end of our talk, I was hooked!
Keep reading to learn about astrology and how you can use it to make business easier in a way that works for you.
Meet Indira Shakti
Indira Shakti and I met through my friend and mentor, Kate Kordsmeier.
Indira is an astrologer and certified life and success coach. Her interest in the practice began at age 10, and she uses her practical approach to help her clients discover how their birth charts show up in life and business.
Indira lives in South Florida with her wife, their two kids, and a newly adopted kitten, Phoebe.
(Be sure to read until the end for a discount on a chart reading with Indira in Kate’s shop!)
What is Astrology?
News flash! It’s more than just the zodiac.
Astrology is a 5,000-year-old practice that involves understanding the positions of the planets at the time of a person’s birth.
An illustration of this is a birth chart, which consists of the Sun, Moon, and rising signs, among other planetary placements.
Each sign is associated with an element (fire, air, water, and earth), and each element has its own characteristics. Understanding your elements can help in self-awareness and how you interact with others.
For example, Indira explained that my Sun is in Gemini, my Moon is in Taurus, and my Rising is in Scorpio.
“That’s a mixed bag,” she said, “because Gemini is an air element. Taurus is an earth element, and Scorpio is a water element … you have all these energetic connections.”
Understanding your birth chart and elements can lead to self-acceptance, empathy towards others, better parenting, better relationships, and more.
But can it improve your business?
Astrology for Business
Astrology can offer insights that can be applied to career choices and business decisions by understanding your natural inclinations and challenges.
And if you understand your employees’ birth charts, astrology can help with team dynamics, communication styles, and how individual strengths can benefit the business.
Here’s a quick example:
“If you have a Virgo sun and Virgo Sagittarius, or a Virgo moon, you know that this person is probably going to be really best suited to be in a position where they’re doing your systems and processes,” Indira said.

Wrapping Up!
Indira shared that you can get a free, reputable birth chart when you visit astro.com.
For a more in-depth chart reading and coaching call, visit Kate’s Success with Soul Shop to book with Indira. Enter code “Molly” at checkout for 11% off your purchase!
The Holistic Marketing Simplified Podcast is brought to you by Holistic Marketing Hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, caption templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish, but also bait their hooks! Head to holisticmarketinghub.com/enroll to learn more and use code PODCAST for $100 off!
Review full show notes and resources at http://mollycahill.com/podcast
Mentioned in this episode:
shop.successwithsoul.co – Use Code MOLLY11
Molly Cahill
I got a major lesson in all things astrology today. I have to be completely, like transparent. I am super woowoo when it comes to a lot of stuff, for whatever reason, astrology is always one of those things that I've never been able to just not believe in is not the right word but like I've never been able to like really hang my hat on it. And so today's interview with my friend Indira actually really shed a lot of light and like gave me a lot of great insight. And Indira is a certified life and success coach and astrologer and she's actually I know her because she does the astrology readings for my dear friend and business mentor Kate korsmeyer, inside of Kate's success with soul shop, which she just launched. So if you go to Kate korsmeyer.com/shop and use the code Molly 11, you get 11% off and astrology reading with Indira and I'm talking like this is like super in depth. I had no idea about half the stuff. She talks about it from just a really practical standpoint. Like how this your chart your birth chart shows up in your marketing and in your life and in your business. And she gives a lot of really practical tips which I love. So Indira currently lives in South Florida with her wife, two kids and their newly adopted kitty, Phoebe. So I hope that this episode makes you a believer if you were a skeptic, like I was. Welcome to holistic marketing simplified a podcast for health and wellness professionals looking to simplify their marketing. I'm your host, Molly Cahill and this podcast is brought to you by holistic marketing hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, captioned templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish but we also bait their hook, head to holistic marketing hub.com to learn more and use code podcast for $100 off, you can find full show notes, resources and more at Molly cahill.com/podcast. All right, Indira, thank you so much for coming on the show. I've been really looking forward to this interview Like honestly, because as woowoo as I am, astrology has always been one of those places. I'm like, I don't come on. Tell me more. I don't get it. So thank you for coming on.
Indira Shakti
Ah, thank you so much for having me. And I'm so happy that you're curious about astrology. It's something that I have been in love with since I was 10.
Molly Cahill
So I was telling India before I hit record, I'm actually recording for my back porch because I have family in town in my daughter's home. So it's like my office, our house was built in 1987. And so it has one of those formal living rooms, you know, that nobody uses, which is where my office is, but there's we got to put some doors on it because I can't like go close. You know, it's like right there and like, in the heart, like by the kitchen and by the living room. So if you hear any noises, it's because I'm recording on my back porch, but Okay, good. Good. Yeah, this mic is pretty good. Okay, so Indira, tell us a little bit about how you got into astrology and how the reason I wanted to have you on the show is because the holistic marketing simplified. When I think of holistic, I think about how everybody can have their own path to get from A to Z, right? Like not everybody's path is going to or should look identical. And I think that's a big hiccup that a lot of people have is they try to fit themselves into someone else's mold. And so just kind of through that lens, like tell us a little bit about you and how you got into. Yeah, you said you've been you've been interested in it since when?
Indira Shakti
Since I was 10. So incredible. So I'm not the NA. And in our world Walter Mercado was like the astrologer to follow growing up. This meant that as a little kid at five o'clock, everybody was in front of the TV. I'm an 80s. Kid. So you literally were in front of the TV, waiting for your horoscope to come on, right. But most people I would say they probably just know their sun sign. Right? You just know that. For example. Molly, you are a Gemini. Yes. But there is so much more
Molly Cahill
there. Yeah, that's all I know. So I cannot wait.
Indira Shakti
Yeah, there's so much more. Right. There's all to all planets. And if you go deep, deep, deep, you know, there's Chiron and there's goddesses. But I like to stick to I follow Silverman astrology. So I like to stick to the framework of just the 12 planets. Okay.
Molly Cahill
And what did you call it again? What does it call?
Indira Shakti
Debra Silverman. Okay, okay. allergy. Yeah, like that. Okay. Yes, yes. So, um, I will say that as a kid So I've always been interested, right? I'm this person that takes every personality test, I want to learn more about myself. I'm a personal development junkie. So last year, I decided that I really wanted to go deep into astrology. And so I was, I want to get certified. I want to know this, like, really, like, if I want to give a reading, I want to learn this on a professional level. And so I went on this journey to become certified to become an astrologer, even though at the time, you know, my role was a chief operating officer at success with Saul with K CT. So, you know, how do we integrate it? But one of the things that I learned Bali was in understanding my chart, oh, my gosh, it was like, all these things that I had spent my life being so hard on myself about finally made sense. Yeah. And I was like, Oh, I have a rising and a Virgo, and my Saturn's and a Virgo, and my North Node center, Virgo, of course, I'm going to be so judgmental of myself. And so in really understanding my chart, I was able to give myself grace. And I really developed kindness, because I is that this is my chart. And it's not an excuse, like, oh, well, it's in my chart. So I'm not going to work on X, Y, and Z. But it gave me a really nice platform to jump off of where there was no judgment, just kindness. That's something that Deborah really says like, she's actually a therapist, and she became a certified astrologer because she realized that, oh, my goodness, if she could only bring this into her sessions, it would help her clients so much. And you know, slowly, she got out of therapy, and when it became a full time, astrologer, but yeah, that's been my biggest lesson so far. And now I see it as like, this can help with everything, including your marketing, right?
Molly Cahill
Yes. I love that. You said that part? Because that's actually what I was going to add. And like, No, you took the words right out of my mouth is that I think when people see any type of not that astrology is a personality test, right? Because you can't change when you were born. But I just mean, when I think when people see anything like this, they're like, a couple tendencies happen. One, they're like, Don't put me in a box. I don't fit in this one mold. Or we get the excuse part, like, Well, I'm a Leo. So you know, that's why I was such an asshole to you the other day or something like that. And it's like, oh, so I don't know if you want to say more about either of those misconceptions.
Indira Shakti
Yes, I laugh because I am a Leo. Oh, didn't see. I
Molly Cahill
didn't even know that I just that's like the first time that
Indira Shakti
I've literally like Hershel Ollie, there's literally a commercial about Leo's getting slack. And I'm just like, what is up with the limos? So I will say this. There is something to the the stereotypes, right? They're stereotypes for a reason. Yeah. Yeah, they are. But you can't because once you look at a chart as a whole, not just as you're just literally looking like, I'll give you an example. Everybody in my house is a Leo my wife is a Leo, my son's a Leo, my bonus daughter is a Leo, I'm a Leo, we could not be more different. Like my wife, you would never know. She's a Leo. She's very quiet. She's very reserved, very analytical. I'm very like, ooh, but there's so much more, right? Because now we're bringing the moon sign into it. We're bringing the rising into it. And so we'll dive a little bit more in now. So I will say, most people are judging based on one thing, one small, tiny little thing, which is the sun sign, when in reality, it's an entire blueprint. So for example, with Umali, like your sun sign is a Gemini. So a Gemini is an Air sign. Traditionally, this is someone who loves communication. I mentioned this during the success with soul podcast interview, because I said, Oh, of course, it makes sense that you're a social media agency, right? Like Gemini is all about communication, literally written oral. So someone with sun and Gemini would say like you should start a podcast or you should start a blog, or you should consider anything to do where you're putting thoughts down and sharing with a wider audience. So that makes sense to me. But then I would go a little bit more right your midheaven which is your career path. In your chart. Yours is in Leo, which is a fire sign which You like Mali, when you were in the incubator? You were always the one, like offering ideas. The first one to raise your hand really chatty, really welcoming. That is such fire Leo energy and also being in the spotlight. So for you, you're in the perfect career. I like to say, you know, I
Molly Cahill
love it so much, and I'm so happy doing it.
Indira Shakti
Yes, you guys. Now let's go into your moon. So your moon is in Taurus. Okay, so Taurus is an earth sign, right? So Taurus is here to like, show us how to enjoy life with all our five senses, really into like luxury, and the finer things in life with all five senses. Money. Taurus is one of those signs that is either really good with money, or money is a challenge. I like to say most of the Tauruses I know are just like amazing at managing money, being good with money setting goals, budgeting, so it's it's with Tories, it's like, it's hard to find the balance. You're either here or here.
Molly Cahill
So I wouldn't say I've always since I graduated college, I've always had a sales job of some sort to where I know, I've never had a capped income like I've never had, like, I mean, you know, normal jobs in college and stuff. But since college, I've never had a like, this is my salary. And this is how much my paycheck is I've always had a job where I could earn commission or something. And you know, obviously now with an online, right, like I make more sale. So I think of everything in terms of, oh, we want to remodel our kitchen, well, I need to sell 50 courses to make that happen. I can do that. And my bookkeeper who, you know, Kelly Marshall, if anybody is still listening to this podcast that has not hired Kelly, like, what are you doing with your life like she, I get nothing, I get no affiliate income. I get nothing just for the sheer fact that I want you to work with her because she's so amazing. But she was like, well, you're you're good at making money. This was like three years ago, I was like I am she's like, Yeah, like, oh, that she really helped me kind of embody that. I believe that now the budgeting piece. That's my husband.
Indira Shakti
Okay. So I will say just now that you said something that really you're good at making money, so I'm gonna jump a little bit to your Mars. So Mars is your male energy, right? This is the action taker and yours is in Capricorn. Again, sorry, my kitty is going to be Phoebe is going to be in the podcast.
Molly Cahill
That's fine. I miss my cat so much. But
Indira Shakti
so again, Capricorn, another earth sign, right? Very stable, but Capricorn it's also in your midheaven it's that career has that flavor of the 10th house. So that means you are a really good leader. And you're really good at making money. Like that is your male energy. That's your Mars energy. And want to go back a little bit to you know, it's your sun, which is this is your lifeforce, your vitality, which is in Gemini, then you have your moon, your moon is your emotions. So you when I say a Taurus, it's funny that you you said that exactly. If I want to make a remodel, I think of it in terms of, I need to make XYZ sales. So this is from an emotional perspective, right? You're seeing things from I want, and in order to get what I want, I need to do X, Y, and Z, which is amazing. Then you have mercury, Mercury is your mindset. This is how you think about things. And you're at zero degree cancer. So that tells me that you still feel that Gemini dot air where it could it could, you know, maybe you could get a little scattered some time Gemini is a mutable sign. mutable, you are definitely here to be of service like a mutable sign is adaptable, versatile, very personable, which I can attest, Molly is and also can get a little scattered, okay. About things because you're at zero degrees. That means that you still feel that Gemini because you're just going into cancer, okay? And cancer is a water sign. It's also has the flavor of the fourth house, which means like, you might be someone who really enjoys your home, being at home, being in your favorite chair, you know, having that cozy place like this is Venus is what you love, like you desire. And so, from a marketing standpoint, I'm trying to think like how can we translate this like, well, there you go. You're your own boss. You work from home, right? You've made it so that your home has become the place stead allows you to, you know, have the freedoms that you want. So I can I can translate it in that way.
Molly Cahill
Yeah. Yeah. So interesting. So this is all based on the is it the time you're born as well, Dan Kelly? No, this is
Indira Shakti
all based on Jupiter. I'm sorry, I'm not gonna say your date, but on your birthday. Oh, god, okay. Yeah, um, the time is only for your rising sign. Okay, so there's many people that for various reasons whether they were adopted, or they can't, you know, I had a client who was adopted and born in Vietnam, and so she has no idea when of her birth, but that only tells the rising sign, which is a very small piece, everything else stays the same. Then you have Jupiter. So Jupiter is the planet of expansion, abundance, Joy. You know, Deborah Silberman likes to say that Jupiter is Santa Claus. Okay, your Jupiter is in 20 degrees in Pisces, which is another water sign. And Pisces is the poet, the artist, very spiritual, very intuitive. And so I'm wondering, I mean, the fact that you name your podcast ballistic. I mean, there's your peices right there, right that you could have named it 10x marketing, but you didn't. The fact that you brought in the holistic is bringing in that peices element where you do connect to what I like to call the other the spiritual realm, right? And you have that connection, and you feel that connection and being in Pisces, and it's like, there is an abundance for you there. And also, like, you probably get lucky with things like to do with like, Taro, or, you know, when someone is like, playing a lotto or something.
Molly Cahill
Hey, maybe I should play the lottery more.
Indira Shakti
I know, Saturn, Molly. So Saturn in the Debra Silverman. Astrology is literally one of the most important planets, because for us, this is your life lesson. Okay? And I say your life lesson like whether you want it or not. Like this is kind of like you go to the principal's office. And it's like, this is what you're here to learn. So get with the program, and your Saturn is in Sagittarius. So Sagittarius is the truth teller. So, a lot of people like to say that, you know, Sagittarius can be a little blunt. And it's that fire energy. So not everyone can not everyone receives that energy, you know, with open arms because not everybody wants to know the truth, right? But Sagittarius is a truth teller, and more than a truth teller. They not more and beyond being a truth teller, they're also the sign that loves to travel, and explore and really enrich your mind from my you know, this is someone that definitely would, I don't know how you are in terms of like philosophy and religion. And I don't even know how how this Saturn would play into the business that you've created. When I say to you that Sagittarius is all about traveling and telling the truth and being direct, right? Sagittarius is not someone who's going to be PC, they're just going to tell it as it is.
Molly Cahill
And this is for like you said, the life lesson piece is your
Indira Shakti
life lesson peace. This is what you are here to learn that it's okay for you to tell the truth, and be unapologetic about it. And so tell me a little bit like how does this how does this play into your business? Do
Molly Cahill
you think oh, mad? A lot, I feel like in some ways, because it's like, I have these posts, you know, like, even on the Notes app on my phone that like, I never ended up posting because I'm like, I don't want to feel misunderstood. Like I don't want people to think it's like a nuanced thing. Like there's, there's, you can't express nuance on social media. And so for me, the way I've grown my business is by investing in health, but then it's like, okay, I know, I have white privilege. And I know that I was grown up even, you know, with in a middle class family, and I got to go to college like, so I don't want people to think that all of that's lost on me, you know, that I've had, I've had the, like, I've been able to invest in things in my business. But then also, like, a lot of that was risks I took and decided to make, so I'm like, I don't want to give myself zero credit. But then like, so I overthink all of that. And I think I'm like I don't want to post it so don't people think I'm like, not recognizing the privilege I have but also I think it's really good advice because I think a lot of women feel like if they're not suffering they're not worthy. and they just have to take it all on themselves. I don't know if that resonates at all with
Indira Shakti
Oh, heck yeah. And what I would say is, start with that start with, I understand the privileges that I have as a white, female. And
Molly Cahill
yeah, right, and is my favorite word.
Indira Shakti
Absolutely. And all of the things that you have been able to accomplish, there's plenty of white females with privilege that are not doing what you're doing. So I think that it's important for you to say those things, right, to tell the truth, unapologetically. You know, it's funny,
Molly Cahill
Indira, I literally hopped out of the shower, and like, wrote it all down on my notes app, like, this is like two weeks ago, and I have not posted it because I'm like, I don't want people to think that like, I don't get it. Like, I'm not saying if you're trying to feed your family go invest $10,000 In a coach like that. I mean, it's like, but nuance is so lost on social media. So I don't know.
Indira Shakti
Yeah, I hear you. And I think that there's someone out there waiting to read exactly what you're about to write. Yeah.
Molly Cahill
Yeah. Because I do know a lot of women who are in my exact situation who think well, my mom did it all herself or my friend, my friend, you know, she took all three of her babies to work with her all day, every day and sell 40 patients a day. And she's you know, she made it I'm like, Yeah, but is she like, in his position now? Yeah. Yeah. And like I see. I was outspoken about this, thinking about it now. And in hindsight, when I was in the incubator, some of the women who didn't get childcare I was really outspoken about I was like, I don't believe in the naptime. Hustle. I think the naptime hustle is bullshit. Yeah, I think it sets women up for failure.
Indira Shakti
And it's not sustainable. No.
Molly Cahill
When my daughter napped, I didn't want to work. I wanted to nap because I was exhausted.
Indira Shakti
Here's the thing that as you're seeing all of this, it's like, are we having this conversation with men? No. Men are expected to have childcare like that. You know, for women. I feel like there's a little bit of judgment of like, oh, really, you can't do it all type of thing. But I love that we are moving away from that models. But I agree that so many women are becoming entrepreneurs and entering this field and knowing that, like, hustle is not sustainable. And it's not fun.
Molly Cahill
Yeah, no. Okay, so I know you got a couple more to go through. But then I have some more questions. So let's start. Let's
Indira Shakti
let's go with Uranus. I always laugh at that.
Molly Cahill
I'm glad you you too. I'm like seven.
Indira Shakti
So your reign is so this is the planet that's really about like freedom changes, you know, the unexpected, and you have it in Sagittarius, too. Which again, you know, this is the philosopher the truth teller, very blunt, traveling, do you travel quite a bit?
Molly Cahill
Ah, you know, it's like, I want to say yes and no, I mean, domestically, yes. But not like, you know, we're not getting on a plane and going to Europe. Yeah, but domestically I mean, there's we almost always have something planned to go somewhere whether it's visit family, whatever. I do get stir crazy being at home.
Indira Shakti
Oh, okay. Okay, that's good. Yeah, so we have Neptune. So Neptune is that dream the illusions which is funny because yours is not in the, like, the planet, the planet. It's on the sign. It's under. It's like Neptune and Capricorn. Capricorn is serious. It is the complete opposite of dreams illusion. idealism. Capricorn is the CEO, the boss, the leader. This is like, let's get things done, right? Because it's in the 10th house flavor of the midheaven. I would say like, No, you know, when I think of like, Neptune has dreams and illusions how that Capricorn is fitting into all that and how that fits into your business model. But seeing that you have so much Capricorn in your chart, I would say that you're just a natural leader. I don't know that. Not that. I think you will. But I don't know that you should go back to being ever under working for someone. I think that you're best suited. I
Molly Cahill
could be your own boss. I don't think I could. I don't think I could at this point. Yeah, I think I'd be a terrible employee.
Indira Shakti
Yes. Ah, I I can I can I can hear that. And then you have Pluto. Okay, so Pluto
Molly Cahill
is we still count Pluto? Yeah, planets isn't a planet is not a planet. We love you Pluto, he
Indira Shakti
count Pluto and Pluto is the planet of transformation. This is very serious, right? It's transformation. It's the unconscious. It's very powerful. And it has the flavor of Scorpio that's where Pluto lives. And yours is in Scorpio. Okay, so, like, it's perfect, right? It's kind of like cancer being in Taurus or cancer. It's like the moon being in cancer or Taurus like the moon loves being in cancer or Taurus and Pluto loves being in Scorpio because that's literally the flavor it is. Scorpio is very deep, all about transformation. So it's about going deep deep doing the deep inner work and I and now I'm going to move a little bit away from just like your marketing and and the business but bringing yourself right because you are your business in you allowing yourself to go deep into any you know, unresolved childhood traumas, current traumas. And coming out on the other side will essentially make you a better leader, a better agency owner, a better content creator, because when you're doing that deep work, you can show up as your authentic self on apologetically,
Molly Cahill
yes, okay. Oh, that's good. And I had like, for the past three years, I've been working with a health and life coach and doing some like doing the deep work and it's, it's, it's incredible the things like I get so I roll my eyes. Sometimes when Chelsea shout out, she knows. She'll ask me questions. Mike. Chelsea, this doesn't have anything to do with my childhood. Okay. And then like, we start digging, and I'm like, Oh, shit, it does. I'm like, There's no deeper layer here. It just is this just this thing. Okay. And she's like, it's like, yes, not that deep. But well, I had it always is. I want to say
Indira Shakti
yeah, it is because your rising is in Scorpio. So you have your Pluto in Scorpio, the planet of transformation, you have your rising. So what is your rising this is your higher self. This is like Debra likes to say that this is your soul's promise. So depending on your beliefs, right, if you decided to come into this life in this body, as Molly as this white female, this is the prompt, you're the promise your soul made that you've made, and that is to do the deep work. The work of Scorpio Scorpio is all about therapy, right? Ah, yeah, going deep, deep, deep. And then there's also like, finances like Scorpio is great with financing and managing other people's money actually managing other people's money. Scorpio is grayed out. So I don't
Molly Cahill
think that'd be me necessarily. But I do. Like, it's so funny because I am like the self proclaimed self development junkie, like a lot of people in our space, I feel like are. And one thing I'm really working on is my empathy for people who I'm very empathetic. Except for people who have like a problem that I'm like, why aren't you getting out?
Indira Shakti
Yeah, be proactive. Take responsibility. Yeah, I
Molly Cahill
have a hard time.
Indira Shakti
Yeah. With that. I hear you, I hear you. And so just know that, you know, you have that deep Scorpio energy, both in Pluto and in the rising, where it's like you want everyone to do the deep work. You want everyone to go deep, deep and come out, you know, like Yeah, and unfortunately, that you have that Sagittarius element of truth and the Scorpio of deep work. Not everybody a wants to do it. Like, you'd be surprised how many people are like, they don't want to ask those questions. Yeah, they're fine. Just being I say, you know, ignorance is bliss. Yeah, it is. And they're fine with that. Yeah.
Molly Cahill
So those people sometimes,
Indira Shakti
let's translate. So this was your chart, right? But how can I help? You know, your your listeners, for example? Well, actually, I
Molly Cahill
have a question before you even going Yes. Tell me a little bit more about like, for the like, the more science minded the people that need to hear like, is this something that someone just like made up one day? Or, like how is this rooted in like, what we feel like we know to be true?
Indira Shakti
Astrology in general? Yes. Well, I mean, astrology has been around for 5000 years, right? Yeah. And, and so. So basically, Mali astrology, what I'm looking at right now your birth chart is if at the moment that you were born, somebody went outside, look, it looked up at the sky and took a picture. That is your birth chart. That is where the planets were located. And we have through the years been able to identify that planets have energy right Like everything is energy, and each planet has a flavor, an energetic flavor. And from that we have been able to, you know, three years gone more granule and deeper. But what I will say is like, this has been around longer than any personality test I've taken. Yes,
Molly Cahill
yeah. Yeah. And then how is it different than human design?
Indira Shakti
So I don't know enough about human design to know how it's different. I know. Like, for example, I know I'm a manifesting generator. We know what that means. And I don't know enough about human design to know like, how it's different than astrology.
Molly Cahill
Okay. Yeah, I know that human design has a lot of astrology aspects. If you're listening and you happen to be I had a human design expert on her episode will be coming out before yours. So I should have asked her but she did say that it had some like astrology flavor, because it is it is very much based on what what the planets insert, and they talk a lot about like neutrinos and like the energy of right at that moment you were born. I think they just may be translated a little differently. I'm not sure.
Indira Shakti
Oh, okay. I thought that when I did human design actually took a quiz. I didn't realize that I had to put like my birth time or no,
Molly Cahill
it's no, there's no quiz you just do. Same thing, time, birth time, the time place date. And then again, with the time piece the time piece is critical in human design. Okay, so what she recommended doing is like if you don't know what time just look up the different charts around your time and see, you know what fill it feels like it suits you best.
Indira Shakti
Yeah, yeah, same thing with astrology. There are astrologers that literally their entire business is just helping people figure out what time they were born based on, like their personality. And from there, they're able to calculate more or less time and give someone a time.
Molly Cahill
So So when someone says I'm a Gemini with a whatever, something rising, say it again, I never never knew no, no, not saying
Indira Shakti
that. For your listeners. The most important thing for you to really know is your Sun Moon rising as long as you really have that. So for you, Molly, your son is in Gemini, your moon is in Taurus, and your rising is in Scorpio. So that's a mixed bag, because Gemini is an air element. Taurus is an earth element, and Scorpio is a water element. So that's what we like to refer as a mixed bag, you have all these energetic connections. And I'll talk a little bit about that because that brings us to something that we use a lot in astrology, especially in the Debra Silverman astrology and that's the four elements, okay, so each sign right is divided into an element. So you have the fire sign, which is Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Then you have air sign, which is Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Then you have water signs, which is Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. And then you have your earth signs, which is Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. Okay, so naturally water and earth, right, they complement each other water, you're literally watering Earth, and then fire and air. It's like, you know, air fuels fire. So if the way I like to say is like if you're in a playground, and you're with like, if you're a Gemini and you're with someone who is a Libra, and then you're with someone who is a Taurus, the two kids, the Gemini and Libras are probably going to go off and play together because they're air signs And they understand that they communicate in their lives. Where the Taurus being an earth tends to be you know, more grounded and calm slower, really takes their time and thinking so it's really important as you look at your chart, and I would highly encourage your listeners to go to astro.com and pull up their own chart and just you know, you have like a little it gives you a little box where it tells you exactly what you're sun and moon and just kind of start understanding you know, what your element is and how you can relate to that and just remember that it's not just your sun, if anything your Sun Moon and rising moon to moon right so moon to moon sun to sun rising to rising so just because you know your sons are compatible but your moons are that means from an emotional perspective. You may not be speaking the same language as you could be like, you know, like I'm an Aries moon which is fire. Someone with a Scorpio moon make it difficult for me to get along because it's fire and water. Okay. Yeah. So same thing you know with when you're Thinking about like, I don't want to say like in, although I will say I did have a client asked me for my birth time and everything because she wanted to pull up the chart to make sure that we were going to be compatible and working.
Molly Cahill
Oh, wow. And I was like,
Indira Shakti
that's fine. I would not use it in that way. But I would definitely I think this would be a great resource to know what, where a team member would be successful. And I'll give you an example. Like, if you have a Virgo sun and Virgo Sagittarius and, or like a Virgo moon, well, you know that this person is probably going to be really best suited to be in a position where they're doing like your systems and processes. Maybe you want this person to be your EA because they are detail oriented. They're all about the list. They're all about, you know, from beginning to end completing that, versus somebody who's like, Brad, and I, you know, whether like, these are probably going to be great marketers or copywriters. You know, just, it could be helpful in knowing what's the best role for certain team members? I would I that for sure. I would say,
Molly Cahill
then how can people the whole reason we wanted to even talk about this is like, how can we use this information to ease the path in our marketing and our business?
Indira Shakti
Yeah, so the question No, no, no, no, like I said earlier, when you know, what my astrology chart taught me was to give myself grace, and to be really kind to myself, and not so judgmental. And so when you start to really learn your chart, you know, what you are naturally inclined to do. Versus, oh, this is really uncomfortable, but I'm okay with that, because I'm willing to grow. So you'll know that like, some processes suck for me. And this is my opportunity to grow. So for me, the path that I am on, I have a lot of Virgo i My charge has been to not be so judgmental, to not be so hard on myself to not be like nobody has ever treated me as bad as I treat myself and taught myself and stuff. Right. So I've really learned that by, okay, I know I have that Virgo in me, and I know that I can choose this instead. And so the same thing with marketing, right? If you know that you're not like like that you're more of like a cancer and you kind of like introverted and you know, want to keep things inside, then that my you know, tell, tell something about your marketing, do you want to go outside of your shell and be on camera, or you're going to be a marketer that does just, you know, audio only, and podcasts but with no videos, but you still want to share your message. So I think that once you know your chart, and you know how comfortable and uncomfortable you want to be, then you can look into this and really lean into it.
Molly Cahill
So you mentioned a website, say that website one more time you feel like it's the most reputable place to just Yeah, I think
Indira Shakti
you're sure. And it's free, and anyone can go so astro.com.
Molly Cahill
Okay, and then how can we get this reading? Well, I know we can do readings with you. But tell tell me a little bit more about like, what are some reasons people might want to have a reading? Like, do people come with like a goal in mind? Like, hey, I don't know, or do you just do more like generic for a little bit about. So I
Indira Shakti
can tell you that the first reading than anyone ever does with me is typically your birth natal chart reading, right? Because I always like to say you want to start at the beginning, you want to get to know yourself first. So let's start with a birth chart. Because I do several readings, I do relationship readings where it doesn't have to necessarily be like a love relationship. It could be mother daughter, or it could be you know, co workers that are trying to figure out and you know, putting those charts together. And from those charts, I get one chart. And so that helps me to understand that I would say most people come to do that initial, I want to know my chart. And it's so helpful because you begin to recognize your emotions, your strengths, your weaknesses, and in you knowing yourself, it really gives you empathy towards other people,
Molly Cahill
also an empathy towards yourself because think about how much energy we use up just beating ourselves up all the time.
Indira Shakti
Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, the more you like yourself, I promise you, the more you're going to like other people, the The more you give yourself grace, the more you can extend that to other people. And, and to kind of like really to really know like, I my, my bonus daughter is like she has a Taurus Moon, she is just the most loving and pathetic. You know, she's that kid that you know, will tell me, you know, you've been working too hard, you need a break, you need a vacation. How old is she? She's Aladdin.
Molly Cahill
Oh my gosh, that is not my daughter. But okay, I need to look up her chart because Hold on,
Indira Shakti
hold on, because I my son is a Capricorn moon. And I'd like to say he's a little prickly. And that's because, you know, hit the Capricorn and the moon are literally in opposition. The Capricorn does not like to be in that placement. So it's very tough for him to express feelings and be gentle. But it helps me understand that and I say to myself, Oh, that's just my little Capricorn Moon boy. And I
Molly Cahill
immediately going to look up in Jays chart after this.
Indira Shakti
So that's actually what I'm doing right now, this is like what I love most. And maybe it's because I'm a mama, I'm in the middle of getting my certification to do illuminating charts, which is just for children. When you read a children's chart is very different. whereas adults, our son is the primary force, okay. With a child, it becomes the moon, because the moon represents the mother, and the son represents the Father. So there's some nuances to reading your child's heart
Molly Cahill
thing, but I
Indira Shakti
did Mali, because I wanted to be a better mom. Yeah, I wanted to see like, I want to be able to support him. And how can I do that? How can I do that? And so definitely, when you learn your chart to understand yourself, you'll learn how to understand others. And definitely, it's going to help in your business, because you'll understand like, what you know, what your strengths are, is, what they're not and what you're willing to go outside of your comfort zone for.
Molly Cahill
So I know, you do the readings through the success with soul shop. Yeah, my friend Kate korsmeyer, who I've known for years, she was my original actually, she was one of my she was you know, this, she was my very first client ever. Yeah. And then she's just been my mentor ever since. And now we're friends. And yeah, so you do the readings through her shop, and I know our listeners get a discount. So tell us about that.
Indira Shakti
Yes, absolutely. So you can go to Kate korsmeyer.com forward slash shop. And anyone listening, we are giving your listeners a discount. So just go ahead and check out with Molly 11. And you will get a 11% discount on a reading with me.
Molly Cahill
Yes, and this is amazing. I feel like I just got like, I got a full read and like this is amazing. I'm gonna have to go back and listen to it. But no,
Indira Shakti
this was just a synopsis.
Molly Cahill
Okay, I got I got a little mini reading. Okay. I appreciate you. I appreciate your time. And I just think this is like definitely what you're suited for. Because you can totally see hope the passion comes through on the audio recording, but I can see the Passion here on the video. And Dara is like, legit.
Indira Shakti
I love this. That sounds like fire. I'm gonna double fire Molly.
Molly Cahill
Oh, yeah, look into all this more. But thank you so much
Indira Shakti
for having me on here. Molly, have an amazing day.
Molly Cahill
Thank you for listening to holistic marketing simplified, brought to you by holistic marketing hub, our hybrid program that supports you with personalized coaching, captioned templates, and virtual classrooms. In this program, we teach health and wellness professionals how to fish but we also bake their hook, head to holistic marketing hub.com to learn more and use code podcast for $100 off. And hey, you know, every podcaster at the very end of the episode asks you to rate and review their podcast. Well, that's because it's super important. These podcasts take a lot of time and heart and effort to produce to bring you free information. So in order for me to be able to continue doing that we need more people to find out about the show. So if you could please just take like two minutes out of your very busy day to leave me a rating and share this on your Instagram stories and tag at Molly a Cahill. That's c h i ll I would greatly greatly appreciate your support. I truly appreciate you so much. I know your time is valuable and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.
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